Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 264 Disfigured Him

In the secret room of the Yaoguang Star Hall, a figure came in and looked at the person lying on the bed. Fu Bing's eyes sank and walked over.

"Who is it?" **People** asked.

"It's me, Fu Bing." Fu Bing replied, looking at him with a strap on his whole body, with a little pity, "Qin Shaoling, are you feeling better now?"

"...hmm." Qin Shaoling answered, and his voice seemed very hoarse. Half of his face is covered with a black veil.

"You can remove this strap today." Fu Bing said, approached him, slowly helped him up, and skillfully removed the straps. "Now stand up and try to see if there is any discomfort in your body?"

"Thank you, Fu Bing." Qin Shaoling stood up by herself, but was slightly lame when she walked, and the others were no different. But it's a miracle that it can recover like this.

It turned out that on that day, Qin Shaoling fell into the sky by Yue Shuihan's palm and fell to a reef at the bottom of the sea and fainted. After that, he was lucky to be found and rescued by Fu Bing. Later, the person in the square was just a death row prisoner imprisoned on Xianmiao Island, which replaced Qin Shaoling to die.

"Oh, it seems that your legs haven't been completely repaired." Fu Bing stared at his slightly lame left leg.

"It doesn't matter. It's very satisfying to be like this." Qin Shaoling replied, but he made a fierce determination in his heart. This time, he will definitely recover those debts that should be owed!

"Now let me see your face." Fu Bing approached him, gently lifting his jaw with one hand, and the other hand had lifted the black veil on his left face. Although the magic potion has been used, the long marks scratched by the reef on the face are much lighter than before, but they still can't be completely eliminated.

"Half of your face hit a reef at the bottom of the sea, and now it still leaves a few long scars. It will take a lot of time and more pain to reshape your face." Fu Bing looked at him thoughtfully.

"This..." Qin Shaoling pondered, had already made some preparations at the bottom of his heart, and could calmly accept the matter of being destroyed. Thinking of that, his eyes darkened, "Have you prepared what I need for me?"

"You mean the use of immortal scorpion evil poison to practice? I hope you can think about this matter again. Although the use of fairy scorpions can improve your skills quickly, the damage to your body is also unparalleled. Fu Bingyan said. The red scorpion on Xianming Island is a very ferocious carnivore, so it is generally kept in the island's dungeon.

"Nothing can stop my determination!" Qin Shaoling sneered. The pain and hatred in the eyes are so obvious.

"Have you really thought about it?" Fu Bing conneed him. I still quite understand his revenge mentality in my heart.

"Hmm." Qin Shaoling answered, and his eyes were very heavy.

"Okay, then come with me." Fu Bing said, and soon Qin Shaoling went to another secret room, which was an alchemy room.

When he walked in, a strong smell of medicine came to his nose. In addition to practicing magic, Fu Bing also had a lot of research on poisons, and he found a method to quickly enhance cultivation after eroding the blood of the fairy red scorpion into the human body. He has done simple experiments on animals, but he has never tried it on the human body, and the People don't know it either.

For a while, Qin Shaoling was very close to him, and he told him how to practice. At that time, Qin Shaoling just smiled, but he didn't expect that he would personally use this crooked way to help practice today.

Walking further, you can see a bucket of medicine in the alchemy room. There is a strong red smoke around the bucket. The medicine soup in that bucket is also red, darker than blood, and accompanied by a slight fishy smell.

"This is a medicinal soup made of fairy scorpion poison. After rolling into the medicinal soup, your body will contain this highly toxic, which will be mixed with the star gas on our body, and then change the toxicity to melt into a star gas. That is to say, this highly toxic is the best medicine for us to increase the star gas." Fu Bing said this and stopped, "But no matter how good the method is to increase the stars, if it is not on the right path, you also know what the consequences will be."

"I understand that even if I am poisoned, I will bear the responsibility myself!" Qin Shaoling's eyes sank.

"Okay, are you ready? If everything is fine, please walk in. Fu Bing consecrated him and was also a little excited. After all, the poison he refined can be verified. If this is successful, Qin Shaoling will immediately break through the honorable fighting spirit and reach the holy level fighting spirit, and the star spirit will also be enhanced.

Qin Shaoling quickly took off his clothes and walked in naked...

Sitting in this medicinal bath, he immediately felt uncomfortable, but soon he gritted his teeth and survived.

"Use the star gas in your body to neutralizing the poison gas, and you have to hold on. If you hold on, you will succeed, Qin Shaoling, come on!" Fu Bing looked at Qin Shaoling soaked in the bucket. He closed his eyelids tightly, and his face began to turn red. From his face to his body, a red tide gradually appeared...

I don't know how long it took, only the red ** in this medicinal soup was absorbed by Qin Shaoling. That is to say, after this ** became clear, Qin Shaoling suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils were red, and his hands suddenly pushed out!

The medicine barrel exploded, and countless water rolled into the ground, and the opposite wall has been instantly destroyed, not just the wall, but also pushed forward to knock down at least 20 walls...

"Uh..." Fu Bing was stunned, "What a powerful power!" This is not something that can be achieved by the strength of the noble fighting spirit at all, or the holy level is still a little weak. Fu Bing looked at him and said calmly, "Congratulations, Shaoling, you are already a holy star master!"

Qin Shaoling looked at his whole body. The redness had gradually faded, and the color of his skin became normal. He quickly put on his clothes and covered the red dew. But the red fog covered in his eyes has not dissipated. The magical power also made his slightly lame legs and feet flexible. If you don't pay attention, you can't see that his legs and feet are defective.

"Ha ha, it seems that your legs have also been soaked!" Fu Bing has noticed the change in his body.

"Thank you, Fu Bing." Qin Shaoling said and looked at him.

"You're welcome." Fu Bing smiled and looked into his eyes, "The color of your eyes... is really charming!" Compared with the previous pupil, it is a little more colorful. This is a pair of very different ** beautiful pupils, like the sword carved out of the sheath, gently cutting people's hearts and souls.

But such beautiful eyes are embedded in this face, hey... It's a pity.

"Or, if you stay, I'll find a way to restore your face for you." Fu Bing looked at him, and such a beautiful person should not be flawed.

"Don't be so troublesome, I don't care." Qin Shaoling replied.

Fu Bing listened and quickly took the words, "Don't you care? What about her? Don't you care about her? Don't you want to be with her again?"