Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 314 Marshal

Xue Aofeng leaned softly against him, and a very friendly and comfortable feeling hit her mind. Maybe this kind of love was what she wanted. No one could compare with her Shaoling. For a moment, her ambiguous and ** eyes looked at him.

Qin Shaoling closed the delicate man. At this moment, he was so tired that he didn't want to move, so he looked at the top of the secret room.

" Shao Ling, Ming Yue, tell me, which one do you really want to be?" Slow and tender words came to his ears.

"Which one... is it all me! It's just that I prefer to be the bright moon now. Qin Shaoling answered with a smile. Qin Shaoling was once a perfect beauty, but now he really doesn't deserve this name. Of course, Qin Mingyue is better.

"If you want to be a bright moon, do you want to become the moon in the sky? Do you want me to never pick it?" Xue Aofeng smiled.

"Marshal, are you telling a joke? Haven't you picked it yet? I still haven't picked enough!" Qin Shaoling smiled and answered, with a moist light in his eyes.

"Hey... lovely Mingyue... I'm so handsome that I really want to spoil you again..." Xue Aofeng smiled charmingly. "Actually, many times, I'm about to be driven crazy by you, you know? Mingyue, okay, I'll call you Mingyue. By the way, why do you have to call me Marshal?

" are my marshal!" Qin Shaoling answered. Although in the bottom of his heart, he is closer to calling her name, shouting Aofeng, as in many times, perhaps the word marshal is more suitable for her now. Some sense of distance can also remind yourself from time to time to keep your mind clear.

"Well said, you are also my general, and you will always have to listen to me in the future."

"Okay, it's up to you."

"What a good boy! Reward you again!"



Xue Aofeng held his body tightly and smiled so happily. What else can't be put down at this moment? With this love, she is willing to be a princess, a doorman or a marshal. Because she owns him and has him forever!

Qin Shaoling was held by her, and her heart also revealed infinite pleasure, happy, really happy! I hope I can stay longer at this moment!

The two have very different ideas about the future, but they both feel happy at this moment.

For a while, when both of them had almost rested and recovered most of their physical strength, Xue Aofeng left Qin Shaoling's arms, stood up and looked around at the environment. "Now we have to find a way to go out. My stomach can't stand staying here!"

"I'm a little hungry, but unfortunately, I've seen the ground and wall without any flaws." Qin Shaoling also put on his clothes quickly, but the clothes looked a little strange, and there were some torn marks everywhere.

Xue Aofeng turned his face and couldn't help laughing for a while, "Wow, where did a gang of beggars come from!"

"What is a flower? It's not thanks to you." Qin Shaoling replied angrily. Fortunately, the trousers were just torn a little. It's okay, otherwise he would have been at home.

"Ha ha, my general, you are quite manly like this!" Xue Aofeng smiled and took his arm. "When we go out, you can go back to Fenghua Mountain with me. I will dress you up and promise to be better than all the beautiful men in the world!"

"..." Qin Shaoling smiled awkwardly, Fenghua Mountain? How could he go back? But at this time, I don't want to say that those unhappy things destroy this harmonious atmosphere.

"Let's go out first!" Qin Shaoling said, and his eyes were inadvertently heavy.

"Yes, I have to think about going out first. This damn place... Hey, it would be good if there was explosives..." Xue Aofeng said, and his eyes also quickly swept around in this secret room. Except for the four walls and the ground, there was only one box of gold bars and silver jewelry left. Unfortunately, that thing can't be eaten as a meal.

Xue Aofeng walked towards those boxes. "I really hope that these things will become delicious food, which is enough for us not to rush out."

Looking at these boxes, Qin Shaoling frowned more and more, "Except for these boxes, I have found all places without flaws and channels."

After hearing this, Xue Aofeng's eyes suddenly turned around and broke his words alternatively, "Well, that is to say, the flaw... may be in these boxes?"

"Uh... you are so smart! Marshal!" Qin Shaoling suddenly smiled. How could he not think of it? This is really possible!

"Hey, what the hell is the marshal! Mingyue, you are the right person to follow me!" Xue Aofeng smiled at him.

"Stop talking nonsense, marshal, act quickly!" After saying that, Qin Shaoling immediately cleared out the gold bars and ingots in the box, but those boxes were emptied. Inside was the bottom of the solid wooden box. Where is the channel?

Qin Shaoling's eyes became a little solemn. However, there was still no disappointment, and something immediately came to mind.

At the same time, Xue Aofeng found some flaws. His eyes were hoary and he quickly said, "Move the box away!"

"Move the box!" Qin Shaoling said with one voice.

"Ha ha, it seems that the heroes think the same! My general, your reaction is not slow!" Xue Aofeng laughed.

"Don't hope too much, it may be more disappointing." Qin Shaoling said calmly.

"There will definitely be a path, otherwise how did these things come in? Besides, are the people outside willing to bury these treasures forever? Xue Aofeng's eyes are firm and confident, and maybe the answer is under those boxes.

Qin Shaoling didn't say anything. His arm immediately held the corner of a box and pushed it down. Unexpectedly, the box did not move at all?

"'s so heavy!" Qin Shaoling's eyes were immediately full of doubts.

"Strange, empty boxes can be so heavy? 80% of them have problems. Xue Aofeng flashed his eyes cunningly and looked at the appearance of these boxes carefully.