Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 328 Force Gong Guoshi Jinshang!

"Lingdieyi, stop talking, let's go!!" Xiao Lan can't say anything more. His face is quite ugly. He can't understand Lingdieyi's emotions, but what's the use of saying these now? This kind of venting will not make Xue Aofeng come over!

Ling Dieyi then stared at Qin Shaoling viciously and quickly followed Xiao Lan out of the first princess hall from the back door.

Qin Shaoling looked at their departing backs. He didn't know how his heart was trembling, but when he turned around, everything was well concealed, and only the pupil passed through a sea-like depth.

"Mingyue, are you all right?" Lei Minmin looked at him with some worry, but the seemingly calm face made her more and more distressed. Inadvertently held his elbow with one hand.

"I'm fine, Princess Minmin. I'll accompany you to the hall... to meet the national master Jinshang." Qin Shaoling's voice sank and naturally opened his arm. Through a sharp light in his eyes, the palm of his hand tightened.

"Hmm." Lei Minmin answered, and the inadvertent opening still made her a little uncomfortable, but she didn't think much about it. Well, she has enough patience to wait.


When Qin Shaoling, dressed in a white robe and slightly lame, accompanied Lei Minmin back from the princess hall, he saw the gorgeous blonde figure.

"Lord Guoshi came, and I have a long way to welcome you. I hope you won't be surprised!" Lei Minmin was very polite and cold.

"What did Your Highness say? I'm taking the liberty to visit." Jin Shang said, his eyes slanted. He had already seen the lame musician Qin Mingyue and couldn't help smiling elegantly, "Mingyue musician, are you here too?"

It seems that Qin Mingyue should leave with Xue Aofeng, instead of continuing to stay in the princess hall as the male favorite of Princess Minmin. Of course, when it comes to being a male pet, he doesn't think this person has this condition and posture at all. Therefore, I have to doubt the eyes of Xue Aofeng and Lei Minmin.

"The bright moon has met the national teacher." Qin Shaoling bowed to him.

Seeing the humble appearance of the people around her, Lei Minmin smiled faintly and immediately seemed to clarify the dispute with Xue Aofeng that day, more like declaring sovereignty. "Mingyue is from this palace, of course he will be here? Otherwise, where does the national teacher think he will go?

"Ha ha...yeah!" Jinshang smiled and then went straight to the topic without talking nonsense. "I want to talk to Princess Minmin alone. Can I borrow a step?"

"It's okay to say it here! Mingyue is her own. Lei Minmin smiled and looked at Qin Shaoling ambiguously.

At this time, Qin Shaoling also raised his head and looked at Lei Minmin. He did not deliberately play, but after looking at the bottom of his eyes, he immediately flashed his mind and looked at Jin Shang in a humble tone, "If the national teacher mind Mingyue is here, the bright moon will retreat."

Jin Shang looked at these two people and immediately thought of something. It seemed that they really had an affair! This first princess is really romantic. She has raised so many beautiful men, and she still wants to take her musician as a male favorite? It's really speechless.

"Ha ha, that's not necessary. Seeing that you are so favored by the princess, I will be happy for you!" Jinshang smiled very evilly and deliberately said the word "favorite" very slowly and heavily.

"Thank you very much." Qin Shaoling raised his eyes and looked at the other party. The line of sight also suddenly became twelve spirits. Anyway, when he came today, he couldn't go out!

Jin Shang smiled and then looked at Lei Minmin, "Your Highness, it's really blessed. This man looks really good, and even I like it!" This is obviously a problem of secretly mocking her.

"Is that right? Mingyue, how much the national teacher likes you! Hurry up and play a song to make our national teacher happy. Lei Minmin smiled, and then quickly took out the soul organ from his thumb ring and handed it to the other party.

Qin Shaoling took over Xuanqin and obviously saw that Jin Shang's face had changed a little.

"The dementor... Are you sure you want to play this piano for me?" Jin Shang looked at the other party and suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere here.

"Of course, otherwise the bright moon will live up to the love of the national teacher. Please appreciate it!" After saying that, Qin Shaoling moved his slender jade finger and quickly moved the dementor, and immediately a strong idea also came out.

Jin Shang felt the strong air vortex pressing towards him. The next second, he jumped up without thinking and hit the iron cage at the top.

Booming! The iron cage fell down...

"Oh no!" Jin Shang was annoyed and immediately wanted to escape, but found that the air produced with the sound of the piano had seriously deteriorated. In that way, the golden-like iron cage fell down and directly pressed Jin Shang straight down from the top of the palace.

But it was said that it would be sooner or later. Jin Shang suddenly raised a hand and firmly caught the edge of the iron cage.

At this time, it was like pushing power. There was a strong thrust generated by the sound of the piano outside, trying to push the other party directly into the cage, and the strong resistance generated by Jin Shang himself was also resisting the breakthrough.

"Jinshang! Answer!!" Qin Shaoling suddenly drank a sentence and jumped up. As soon as his palms were tight, a bright starlight gathered into a sharp star sword between his hands, flying straight and rushed towards Jinshang like that!

"Mingyue, be careful!" Remin looked worried.

"Damn! Qin Mingyue! You want to die!" Jin Shang shouted and looked at the stabbed star sword. At that moment, the power was too fierce. If he didn't retreat, he would not be able to catch this move. But retreat is undoubtedly falling into a trap.

There was no time to think about it. When Qin Shaoling's sword stabbed him, Jin Shang suddenly retreated and dodged his thorn. At the same time, there was a strong dark magic gravity in the bottom of his heart, "Come in too!"

Qin Shaoling's body fell forward uncontrollably under the effect of magic.

Booming! Both of them were shrouded in the iron cage. Bum! Then the machine next to the cage immediately locked the two into it. The iron cage was surrounded by strict barriers, which had been dealt with by Qin Shaoling with star gas in advance. It was sealed firmly and could not leave with magic flash.

"...How dare you frame me?" Jin Shang looked at Qin Shaoling and swept his eyes, forcing Lei Minmin, the woman outside, "Open the cage, or I'll kill him!!" The teleportation generated by the underworld is useless here? Jin Shang's bright eyes dimmed in an moment.

"Bingyue!!" Lei Minmin didn't expect such a result. Originally, Guan Jinshang was the only one, but she didn't expect that even Qin Shaoling would fall into it.

"Don't worry about me, this national teacher... can't kill me." Qin Shaoling replied quickly.

"What a big tone, boy, what are you... from?" Jin Shang looked at each other and was very suspicious. Especially the sword in his hand is too spiritual. Although he has refused the recruitment of Xianming Island, he has rarely dealt with the star masters there.

Qin Shaoling's eyes were fierce, and he replied calmly, "Few strong people come to ask me such a stupid question after I burst out!"

"Uh...are you a star?" Jinshang finally understood his words, and the star spirit was only possessed by the star master of Xianming Island. However, what a surprise! This lame musician is actually a star master of Xianmou Island? What a god!

"Are you really a star?" Jin Shang was full of suspicion on his face and began to look at the guy in front of him again. He was long and flat, and his legs were still disabled. How could he?

It is not a legend that the people who can become a star master are all arrogant people with wisdom, talent and strength. No matter how you look at it, this guy can't compete with it! However, it is an indisputable fact that he does have a star spirit.

"Jin Shang, stop it quickly! Your conspiracy to collude with the hell devil to usurp the throne will not succeed. Qin Shaoling looked at each other coldly.

"..." Jin Shang was stunned again and hung down for a moment, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't you know? Or are you pretending to be confused? If you want to pretend to be confused, you'd better pretend thoroughly and don't interfere in everything about the thunder royal family! Give the military charm to Princess Minmin!" Qin Shaoling said in a slightly harsh tone, and his wine-colored eyes were bright, which was courage not afraid of any power.

For a moment, this spirit shocked Jin Shang, and no one dared to speak to him like this for a long time.

For a long time, Jin Shang looked at him and stared at him like that. After a while, he said, "Qin Mingyue... You really impressed me! But... I really want to know..." His eyes looked at the gorgeous man in the hall outside the cage faster. "Princess Minmin, how did you find this star master? Or was Princess Minmin bought by Xianmiko Island?

"Jin Shang, I want to stop your conspiracy now! My second brother has been killed by the demon Yin Shuang. Do you still want to help Zhou to abuse him? Lei Minmin shouted, looking at Qin Shaoling in the cage with pity, but if she didn't take out her killer mace, how could she keep him? The high skill of Jinshang is well known to everyone in Leixing.

Jinshang listened. Although he had stirred up a storm in his heart, he still pretended to be calm on the surface. "Hmm, Princess Minmin, where did you hear these great rebellious words and slander me?"

"It doesn't matter. The important thing is that my father is now on the verge of life. For the sake of considering the overall situation, I now need to ensure that the Lei royal family will never fall into the hands of outsiders! Therefore, please hand over the half of the military charm and be under the control of this palace! This palace can not care about what the national teacher did before. When everything calms down, will the palace return the military charm to the national division? What do you think of the national teacher? Lei Minmin spoke clearly and righteously, and a lot of domineering leaked out of his body. Such an arrogant and domineering Lei Minmin blocked Jinshang a little for a moment.

However, how can Jinshang, who is as cunning as a fox, joked as she wanted? He came this time to pull her to support the second prince "Lei Qiyu" to ascend to the throne. Now they each have a military charm. As long as they want to attract this woman, then even if there is no imperial edict, "Lei Qiyu's being an emperor is also a matter of certainty.

But now this woman has played with him like this... Does this seem so unusual? How did she discover her own conspiracy?

Soon, Jin Shang's eyes had quickly returned from Lei Minmin to the caged man. Looking at such a man standing opposite him, suddenly, Jin Shang narrowed his eyes inexplicably.