Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 345 Become My Master

"Aofeng!" Qin Shaoling shouted, and the string broke one by mistake. Then he put down the piano and quickly went to Xue Aofeng.

Qin Shaoling held her and looked at her jaws stained with blood. His eyes were pulled and hurt. His hand had touched her back and continued to give her luck. "Aofeng, you must hold on!"

After a while, Xue Aofeng's closed eyes reluctantly opened. Looking at Qin Shaoling, the corners of his lips moved, "Young... Shaoling... I... I'm afraid I can't..."

Qin Shaoling heard the pain and immediately took her hand with one hand. His eyes turned red and the corners of his mouth trembled twice. "Don't be silly, I'll take you to find her!" You will be fine."

"No... I don't want you to go to find her... Don't... Die... Don't..." Xue Aofeng gathered all her spiritual strength and said intermittently. With a tide in her eyes, the spiritual power was getting weaker and weaker, as if she could no longer resist the erosion of the magic sound. As soon as her eyelids were closed, she fainted again.

"Aofeng!" Qin Shaoling's eyes were so painful that he couldn't care about anything more. He immediately picked up Xue Aofeng and quickly returned to Leixing Imperial City...


When Qin Shaoling returned to Leixing Imperial City with Xue Aofeng, the new emperor's accession ceremony was also held on this day, and the civil and military officials of the Man Dynasty rushed to the Leixing Hall. Qin Shaoling had to send Xue Aofeng back to Leibin Hall, and he guarded her step by step.

The big bell on the tower of Leixing Kingdom rang three times, which also indicates that Lei Minmin has officially become the empress of Leixing Kingdom.

Qin Shaoling's eyes were very heavy. Looking at the people on the couch, she was really too weak. The magic sound of the piano had stopped in her mind. If it sounded again, it would definitely kill her!

Qin Shaoling looked at it and hurt his eyes and heart. A heavy heart penetrated my mind.

"Aofeng, have a good sleep... It will be all right." Qin Shaoling smiled bitterly, then stood up and walked out of the Leibin Hall.

It was not until after that afternoon, when the sun was shining that the grand and warm ceremony of ascending the throne ended, and the Empress Lei Minmin went down to the Imperial City Xuan Hall accompanied by a group of palace people.

Qin Shaoling didn't think much about anything and also walked towards the Xuan Hall of the imperial city. But before he entered, he was stopped by the palace people.

"Master Qin, the emperor doesn't see any guests now." A palace man opened his mouth and said.

"Oh... when can we see it?" Qin Shaoling looked at the palace man with some impurities in her eyes. She actually knew that he was coming to her.

"This... is not clear, but the emperor told him that if Qin Leshi comes back, he will ask Qin Leshi to wait at the previous Princess Music Hall."

"Thank you, I know." After saying that, Qin Shaoling didn't say anything more. He turned around and quickly went to the Princess Music Hall.

The music hall is just like when you left. The gorgeous official clothes were scattered all over the ground. Except for some jewelry there, most of the gold was looted by Xue Aofeng. Now it seems that this scene is particularly eye-catching.

Qin Shaoling stepped forward, bent down to pick up the official uniform, then folded it neatly and put it back on the table. Looking at the position somewhere, his eyes froze. At this time, it seems that it is difficult for people to have their own thoughts and actions.

Qin Shaoling stood in the music hall like that, looking at the sight and was a little dazed. He didn't know how long he stood until the night sky hit, the cold wind approached, and the ink on his shoulders floated in the air.

From the back, this is undoubtedly a stunning beauty. The thin and pale robe figure in the moonlight make people feel distressed and pity no matter how they look at it.

It was not until the night was silent and the cold wind couldn't help pouring into the thin body that a row of footsteps slowly approached this way.

Qin Shaoling turned his face for a moment and looked at the empress on the upper body of the beautiful dragon robe. At that moment, he felt that the light was too dazzling. He quickly lowered his eyes and knelt down on one knee.

"The bright moon welcomes Your Majesty!" Qin Shaoling's voice was very low.

"Let's be flat!" Lei Minmin glanced at him and then demoted the left and right palace people, "You all go down!"

"Yes." Soon there were only two of them left in this music hall. This scene was a little similar to the previous one, but the feeling was very different.

It's not because Lei Minmin officially ascended the throne after a day, but because the subconscious coercion made people feel uncomfortable and unbearable. However, he couldn't find any way to save Xue Aofeng except compromise.

When the night wind came, it also blew the curtain hanging from the music hall again, and it danced lightly, which attracted people's attention in an instant. Through this thin layer of colored yarn, you can see the hazy moon in the sky, which is a magnificent and beautiful scenery.

However, Qin Shaoling was no longer in the mood to appreciate the moonlight. He combed her thoughts and said, "Your Majesty, Princess Aofeng is not feeling well... It may be caused by the demon Yin Shuang's magic before. Can Your Majesty help her recover with the soul-encer?" The words are straight to the topic, speak gently, and don't want to point out the reason, otherwise, he knows that it will only be more detrimental to Aofeng.

"Oh...isn't it uncomfortable?" Lei Minmin glanced at him, and his tone was light and indifferent. A noble and beautiful face smiled like an orchid chrysanthemum, indifferently and elegant. "Don't run around if you feel uncomfortable! Otherwise, it won't be good if something happens!"

"Yes." Qin Shaoling answered, and his burgundy eyes sank.

Lei Minmin then looked at the case. The official uniform was still on it. He couldn't help walking towards there, gently stroked the official robe with a slender arm, and continued to say lightly, "This morning, I heard that you were not in the Le Hall last night... Where did you go?"

The question seemed to be tentative. Qin Shaoling said thinkingly, "Your Majesty, I..." chogged his voice. He really didn't know how to answer her. After thinking about it, he finally said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, it's all my fault. Please forgive Princess Aofeng!" Then he knelt down again.

Lei Minmin looked at him and smiled faintly. The surface was calm, but the coldness in the bottom of his heart also came out. He finally spoke like this, and he finally understood what was obedient, but why did she have to do this?

"It's good to know that mistakes can be corrected, but I'm afraid that people will not turn back if they go the wrong way." Lei Minmin's voice was very quiet, and she couldn't see any emotion at all. Perhaps after becoming an emperor, she will also understand the truth of only saying half a sentence.

"Yes, please save Princess Aofeng with the dementor!" Qin Shaoling said, and his eyes were very heavy. Now Xue Aofeng is lying on that bed, and she doesn't know what will happen next.

However, if the dementor does not block the dementor traction, it will still cause damage to her in the future.

Suddenly, Lei Minmin picked out the words, "Do you hate me now?"

"No." Qin Shaoling said, with a little pain in his eyes.

"Since you are wrong, should you know how to repent?" Lei Minmin asked, with a pair of enchanting demons in her watery eyes.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaoling has no time to appreciate these at all. In the bottom of his heart, he seems very helpless, and there are some sarcastic jokes in this helplessness. What's wrong with him? How can you kneel here and admit your mistake? What's wrong with him?

He just returned to his country with his beloved, which also violated the national law? Is it in the eyes of others? But, anyway... He didn't figure out why Lei Minmin fell in love with him? This is simply puzzling. Looking back on the process of getting along with each other, he did not have the slightest idea of crossing the border and indiscipation.

But... This is really a huge joke that God gave him Qin Shaoling.

Qin Shaoling raised his head and looked at this noble woman, "Your Majesty, if you want Mingyue to do something, if you can do it, Mingyue will definitely go through fire and water and do it for Your Majesty."

"You can definitely do it, Mingyue." Lei Minmin smiled indifferently, and then handed the prime minister's robe to his eyes with one hand and said solemnly, "I don't need you to go through fire and water. As long as you and I go forward and retreat together, we share the same heart... Mingyue, be my prime minister!"

"Your Majesty!" Qin Shaoling looked at this gorgeous official robe, and suddenly the dark blue brightness was a little dazzling. How could he be crowned here?

Seeing that he hasn't received his official uniform for a long time, Lei Minmin looked at the other party, and his narrow and bright eyes also showed some impatience, "Pray!"

"Your Majesty... Mingyue has said before that he used to be a master and general in the Qian Kingdom of the earth, and so far he has not left the land Qian Kingdom, so he really can't take on this important task." Qin Shaoling said slowly. There is a circle of depression between the eyebrows.

"What's the difficulty? Tomorrow, I will ask the foreign envoy to draw up a letter to the Earthly Emperor. From then on, you have nothing to do with the Earthly Kingdom." Lei Minmin said that his eyes were still calm.

"..." Qin Shaoling was speechless for a while, and his heart was a little entangled. He had to say, "Mingyue and his mother are in the dry country..."

"That's easy. I'll ask you to take the old lady to Lei Xingguo." Remin quickly took over.

This suddenly made Qin Shaoling look up at her and clenched his palms inexplicably. He really wanted to ask, is it necessary to save Aofeng? However, he finally didn't say it and put up with this question.

Qin Shaoling didn't say anything anymore. Lei Minmin had spread out the Prime Minister's robe with both hands, and then put it lightly on his shoulder. Suddenly, the bright dark blue reflected her eyes and she couldn't help admiring, "Ming Yue, you see, it's really suitable for you!"

Qin Shaoling felt that his body could not move and felt a little numb. Listening to her words, he felt so sarcastic. He really didn't want to be an official!

"Your Majesty... can you save Princess Aofeng..." Qin Shaoling looked at her and felt a little tragic, and her eyes were full of complex pain.

"Mingyue... I haven't heard you play a song for a long time. Take advantage of this night's bright moon, Mingyue, play a song!" Lei Minmin deliberately said it, and with a smile at the corners of his mouth, he took out the dementator in the thumb ring and handed it to the other party.

Qin Shaoling looked at this colorful Xuanqin. At that moment, he really had an impulse to destroy the piano, but he immediately suppressed this anger. If he destroyed the dementor piano, what would Aofeng do? Is it completely hopeless?

"The bright it quickly!" Lei Minmin urged, and then sat on the other side of the chair, waiting for him to play the melodious music.

Qin Shaoling tightened his palm, suppressed his emotions, and asked again, "Your Majesty, can Mingyue save Princess Aofeng after playing this song?" He understood that the piano could not play a role in his own hands. Only in Lei Minmin's hand could she break the spell.

Finally, the question angered Lei Minmin. She looked at him with clear and cold eyes. "Mingyue, do you want to sweep my luck? I ascended the throne today, and it's okay if you don't come to congratulate me. Now you are still forcing me everywhere, as if I have done something wrong to you, and you just want to embarrass me?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Qin Shaoling's eyes were a little embarrassed and red, and a gust of wind hit him, blowing the hair in front of his shoulder, with a curling curve, attracting people's eyes for a moment.

Lei Minmin stood up, with a gorgeous and noble face with a cold color. Then he didn't plan to stay here anymore and soon wanted to leave the music hall.

"I play! Your Majesty...please stay!" Qin Shaoling's voice was a little hoarse. He sat down with the piano in his arms. Soon, he brushed the dementor at dawn with his hands, hiding all his sorrows, anger and anger.

He didn't know how to be satisfied so that she could save Aofeng, but he knew that he could not let her go, otherwise Aofeng would be even more hopeless.

For a while, bursts of long and sad music lingered in this space. Qin Shaoling's jade fingers kept moving. People were here, but their hearts had already gone to the Leibin Hall with the mood of music, thinking about the pale and bloodless face and tasting the painful pain.