Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 398 Life and Death

"Shao Ling..." Xue Aofeng shouted bitterly and watched him fall down. As soon as his body moved, he wanted to gallop down to catch him.

Zheng Tianya looked at her coldly, gritted his teeth angrily, and passed by with an order, and the fiery dragon immediately entangled the Xue Aofeng. When the big dragon was covering her.

Shen Xingchen also galloped to her side quickly and reached out to pull one of her arms, "Go!"

"No! Shaoling! I want to save Shaoling!!" Xue Aofeng looked at Qin Shaoling, who fell into the sky at that moment, and his whole eyes hurt.

A sense of grief and indignation surged into his heart. Xue Aofeng looked at the dragon, his hands tightened, and his two guns were already in the palm of his hand.

"Qin Shaoling, he deserves to die! Humph, he was hit by me again. This time it is a deadly dragon poison!" He sneered at the end of the world.

"If he dies, then kill me together!!" Xue Aofeng said fiercely, broke away from Shen Xingchen, and rushed to the dragon with all his strength...

"Aofeng, it's dangerous!" Shen Xingchen shouted, but it was still a step late when he rushed up.

Xue Aofeng rushed to the front of the dragon's head, and a universe gun was thrown into the dragon's mouth, and then the figure quickly dodged its claw attack. The other gun poked the dragon's other eye, which was very, very fast.

But at the same time, a huge wave roared by, and the other eye of the fire dragon was also punctured, and a black fog spread out.

Xue Aofeng didn't have time to dodge at all, and his body had been attacked by the huge waves of fire...

"Ah..." A shout cut through the sky, and Xue Aofeng's whole body seemed to be burned, burning and fell down the sky...

"Princess Aofeng!" Feiqiong was surprised and galloped down quickly. When she was about to catch her, she shouted! The dragon waved its tail again and burst into strength, and the resulting strong magnetic field rolled up Feiqiong.

Shen Xingchen's speed was very fast. He had already hugged the Feiqiong and saw Xue Aofeng, who was on fire, turn down the sky weakly. There was no time to save her at all. A sting hit the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't stop at this time. He must defeat the dragon!!

Shen Xingchen quickly raised his other hand and pushed it out in the direction of the dragon's mouth, because at that time, he had seen the universe gun that stopped at the dragon's mouth. The gun may have been stopped by the spewed dragon flame, and the power did not pierce into the dragon's throat for a while... However, it was not pushed out by the flame. Come on, it's like dead to stop upside down on the dragon tongue.

Seizing this opportunity, Shen Xingchen immediately released a top dark magic force and strongly covered the universe gun. The gun was instantly infected and resurrected by this power. A bright light shined at the dragon's mouth, and this powerful magic force also pushed the universe gun again. Strength.

With the combination of two forces, the universe gun was powerful again and stabbed at the dragon's throat like an arrow...

A burst of violent things roared like thunder and earthquakes in the sky, and spring-like blood rolled down the throat of the fire dragon...

Shen Xingchen's eyes were shining, and he had let go of the woman in his arms. His arms crossed in front of his chest and danced, and a cracking slavery began! This time, he wants to completely conquer this god warcraft!! Let it no longer harm anyone!!

"Dedicate your soul to me! Fire Dragon!!" Shen Xingchen muttered, and his eyes were as heavy as the sea, releasing a strong enslavement and conquering power...

A invisible magic golden mask shrouded the dragon...

The fiery dragon strongly resisted and moved in the golden light, but the lifeline at the throat had been cut, and this resistance could not last long.

The world in the dragon's belly sank his eyes deeply, and the breath in his body was also seriously unstable. He may also suffer internal injury, and the dragon is no longer at his disposal.

If you don't leave here, you won't get any benefits for a long time. At the same time, a sharp pain also hit the heart, and the old wound that had been pierced before the heart cracked again... The hurricane hit the body and cracked for a moment...

"Damn it!" Qi Tianya frowned in pain and quickly took out the fire dragon ball from the thumb ring. It turned out that the dragon's eyes were not fire dragon balls, but Qin Shaoling and Xue Aofenfeng each destroyed one eye, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to the dragon.

Ji Tianya put the fire dragon ball in his heart, but with the endless tossing of the dragon, he also suffered a lot in it.

"Puff..." Tianya suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his jaw has been dyed red with blood. This time it's really hurt!

He took the dragon ball fiercely and roared, "Come back!"

However, the dragon seemed to be out of control and was not under command. Instead, it was even more crazy when it heard the order to find Tianya.

The end of the world is in the dragon's belly, and he is tortured by it to crack his body and mind! This most powerful weapon has become the thing that tortured him the most.

Listening to the continuous horrible howling sound, the world is more and more aware of the danger. If you don't leave, you can only burn with this dragon and jade. Then he was ruthless in the palm of his hand, coiled the power of the fire dragon ball in his hand, and quickly broke out the dragon's body with this power!

Bang! There was only a crack in his ear, and a big hole was broken in the back of the dragon's spine. In addition, he was seriously injured in the throat. At this time, Shen Xingchen's magic golden light mask was trying to control and enslave it. This hugely damaged magic beast could no longer resist it. Suddenly, with a roar, the scales on his body gradually slowly dispersed, accompanied by thick The light of the smoke dragon scales glowed one after another, and finally the whole dragon body turned into black smoke floating in the golden mask.

"Receed!" Shen Xingchen read a magic spell and released the forbidden curse of the dead. The golden light mask tightened the black smoke and became tighter and tighter. Finally, the thick black fog formed a black ball. Then, he quickly flew towards Shen Xingchen.

Shen Xingchen took it over and swallowed the whole black ball fog!

"Uh..." Qi Tianya looked at the convulsed eyes. It was a dream that Shen Xingchen would enslave his fiery dragon?

"Oh, my God... Mr. Shen..." Feiqiong beside her was also stunned. Her big mouth could not be closed at all, so she could only stare at the other party with wide eyes.

At that moment, after Shen Xingchen devoured the black fog, purple-gold light suddenly escaped from his whole body, and then layers of black fog scattered around his body. In a moment, a large number of dark clouds suspended in the sky flew towards him, and the sky was white again. The blue also reappeared.

And the layers of black fog densely covering Shen Xingchen's body like a huge net, and began to roll and interweave him, flowing through his body, then flowing out again and again, and again, and the previous wisp of purple gold light gradually became stronger until it was brilliantly. It flashed into an aperture and devoured the whole black fog into the body, leaving nothing.

The purple gold aperture also soared for a moment! In an all moment, the purple and gold enveloped the world... The gorgeous light hit the eyes of the people present...

"Ah..." Shen Xingchen took a long breath, and his trembling eyelashes moved. When he opened his eyelids again, everything was doomed to change!

His skin is like being plated with purple gold, with gorgeous skin and ice skin like spiritual jade, and there is no trace of space at all. At this time, the handsome face can no longer be described as handsome. It is a fairy-like beauty, handsome and unparalleled. His eyes are slightly narrowed, and the glazed dark light between the pupils seems to be able to Let all the substances in the world lose their luster.

The corners of the eyes have also been elongated, and the bridge of the nose has become more straight. The corners of the lips are dark and cold, and the handsome face can penetrate the heart and bones in a moment. Even the hair turned dark purple, a very dazzling violet color, and the long hair was so long that it was naked. At that moment, people's eyes were so surprised that they could no longer move away. A fairy purple feather is gorgeously covered, full of beauty and dignity! The faintly powerful aura has suddenly appeared, and the domineering air is transparent in the eyes of that pair of glass, alienation and cold!

He finally entered from the Great Demon Guide of the Dead to the Demon Guide of the Dead. This step has been miraculously ascended to the title and cultivated as a positive result! For thousands of years, few people have cultivated themselves into gods and demon guides without passing through the seven-star tower. And it is by no means so easy to cultivate into a god and magic guide on the seven-star tower. This requires organic fate and opportunity, otherwise it will be empty!

"You...Shen Xingchen?" Looking at the fully evolved person, he couldn't believe his eyes. How could there be such a beautiful person in the world?

In an instant, when Shen Xingchen's eyes looked at him, the coldness shot out like an electric one. This is not like, it just shoots purple magic lightning from the bottom of his eyes, and the speed is simply incredible!

"Ah..." Tianya didn't react at all, and his chest had been pierced by the magic light. However, even so, he no longer dared to stay for another second. He held the fire dragon ball tightly in one palm, blocked the blood-breathing chest, avoided the tragedy of the soul, and then suddenly raised his breath and quickly went southeastward. Face-to-face escape...

Shen Xingchen did not continue to attack him. At this time, he couldn't escape if he wanted him to die! However, from now on, the situation of the four countries will be opened up, and the whole continent will fall into deep turmoil, which is not what he wants to see.

Shen Xingchen's eyes are quietly open, revealing the magic of everything in the universe. Looking at the bright red air, it is as if the red plum painted in the blue sky, which is enchanting and beautiful.