Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 415 Death for Love

A despair gradually penetrated in Qin Shaoling's bright sword eyes. Maybe he died like this, nothing can be taken away, nothing can be left, no more regrets, and no revenge. His world may be calm and dusty!

Before the arrow hit him, the poison gas attack made him take a mouthful of blood... His body shaky and collapsed into the magical swamp...

Suddenly, a shout came across the sky through the clouds and fog, "Shao Ling...bright moon..."

Xue Aofeng galloped in the space of the secret channel like a black eagle, with his hands fiercely, and the power of two fire magic attacked both sides. For a moment, it burned the poisonous arrow shower in the air, and there was a crackling sound in the air.

Then, at the moment he fell into the quagmire, he grabbed his elbow with one arm, bringing him the hope and strength of life! Xue Aofeng clenched his teeth and tried his best to drag the person who was already in trouble from the door of death!

"The bright moon! You can't die! You must not die!!" Xue Aofeng said loudly, and his arms worked hard again. This time, his strength quickly exploded, and finally dragged the dying man out of the marsh. The next second, he jumped to a safe place. Xue Aofeng hugged him, and his face was full of anxiety and sadness.

"Younger, Mingyue, you can't die! You must hold on!" Xue Aofeng's eyebrows tightened and looked at his face. His eyes quickly swept to his injured shoulder blade, where his skin had been dyed black... And it was still spreading to penetrate completely into the bone marrow...

Xue Aofeng immediately put his hand against his chest and continued to input himself to resist the poison gas, but such resistance was also minimal.

Looking at his master's sleepiness, Xue Aofeng held him in one hand and entered the power from the big hole behind him. "Shao Ling... Open your eyes to see who I am? Do you still have the heart to leave me like this?

Qin Shaoling gradually woke up in the call. In the hazy, he only saw a hazy figure, but he couldn't see the man's face clearly. His voice overflowed into the air, with some sad traces of starting point. "Burial...Snow...Are you?"

Xue Aofeng's heart ached, but quickly held his palm, "Shao Ling, you must live! Do you know? Bury Snow doesn't want you to die! She wants you to live well!!"

"...I'm sorry... I want to... go with you!" Qin Shaoling smiled faintly and gradually closed his eyelids...

"No..." Xue Aofeng could no longer suppress the leakage of emotions in an hour. Tears escaped from his eyes uncontrollably and wet his cheeks for a moment.

Suddenly, a voice fell from the top of his head, "Wu Qing, why did you cry for him?"

Xue Aofeng raised her head and looked up at the man with blue curly hair. Her voice choked several times, "Help him, please, help him!" Your Majesty!!"

"Are you begging me?" Ye Shura looked at the person in front of him, and the tears seemed to flow endlessly, constantly pouring out of the eyes under the cloak, softening his heart in an instant.

"Yes! Your Majesty! Please save him! As long as you can save him, I can promise you anything!" Xue Aofeng looked at the other party. She didn't know what was left in her heart. Without him, she knew that she would no longer be happy.

"Are you really willing to agree to anything?" Ye Shuluo's handsome face froze and looked at the white-haired man who had fainted in her arms, but why did she do this for a man who didn't love her at all? Is it too stupid? He clearly heard that the woman the man called before he died was buried in snow!

Yes! I promise everything! Your Majesty, you can do whatever you want, but you must save him!" Xue Aofeng's heart is dripping blood. If there is still someone in the world who can save Qin Shaoling, then it is the person in front of him. Sometimes there is no need to be too attached to something. Maybe, as long as he is still alive and not together... It's really not that important...

Ye Shura was silent, and his voice seemed very low. "He is dead, and there is nothing I can do!" After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave here.

"Your Majesty!" Xue Aofeng shouted, let go of the person in his arms, knelt down on the ground and moved a few steps, and quickly pulled his robe, "Please, Your Majesty, don't be saved, okay? I know... you must have a way to save him!"

"..." Ye Shura frowned. It was really impatient for this woman to beg herself like this again. He suddenly turned around and looked down at the woman under his feet. At this time, she looked very helpless and weak, as if she was far from the previous Feng Xuejun, who was confident, decisive, calm and resourceful and resourceful. Why? Question mark Is it all because of that man? Her weakness was suddenly exposed in front of people, even so vulnerable!

"Good! I can save him! At the cost of your life... Are you willing? Feng Xuejun?" Ye Shura sank his eyelids and looked at the woman. Although he couldn't see the expression in his eyes, he really wanted to see what she could do for this man?

Unexpectedly, Xue Aofeng said without hesitation, "I do!" The face covered by the black hat showed a fire-like light. Looking at the other party, there was a persistent smile on his mouth.

"That's good... Feng Xuejun, don't regret it!" Ye Shura looked at the other party, and something in his heart was ruthlessly peeled off. He really didn't believe that anyone would be willing to do this. He really didn't believe it...

"I...never regret it! Even if you die, you have no regrets!!" Xue Aofeng replied resolutely and decisively, with infinite light in his eyes, and the tide shook out again.

Ye Shura looked at her and looked at the man on the ground again. His tone was very slow and slow, "Feng Xuejun, let me tell you, his mythical beast poison has penetrated the marrow bone. If you want to save him, you have to change the marrow and blood..."

"It doesn't matter...then...change..." Xue Aofeng smiled and tears hung in her eyes. She knew that she must be strong. No matter what, she must be strong and save him!

"..." Ye Shura couldn't speak. At this moment, he felt speechless no matter how much he said. Maybe this was a woman who had come to the end of love. Since it has reached the end, it will be stepped over again... It's death! Why is she paranoid and persistent? Still foolishly refusing to look back? Do you still have to exchange your life for him?

Why? Is this the love to the death in the world? He doesn't understand, he really doesn't understand! If it were him, he really wouldn't, and he really wouldn't...


Ye Shura was confused, and his eyes flashed with the confused light that he couldn't understand. Looking at the woman in front of him, his heart hurt, and he felt that he could not express it in words.

Ye Shura stepped forward, bent down, picked up Qin Shaoling, who had stepped into the ghost gate, and squinted at the woman beside him, "Let's go, follow me!"

Xue Aofeng stood up and soon followed him out of the secret road. He went around to a hidden place, which is also the place where Shura practiced at night - the Shura Hall.

A huge lotus blooms in the hall, surrounded by fairy spirit. The four pillars dancing with carved dragons support this gorgeous Shura hall, and the whole atmosphere is beautiful than immortals.

Ye Shura put it on the lotus platform, and then looked at Xue Aofeng, "Come up too!"

Xue Aofeng didn't say anything and quickly jumped up and looked at the faint man with all kinds of pity in his eyes, "Now change your blood and marrow!" As long as I can save him, I can give anything!"

"Have you really thought about it?" There was a highlight in Ye Shura's blue eyes. When she looked at the woman, a heavy weight was also suppressed.

Xue Aofeng met his eyes fearlessly, "Yes, come on!" Then the corners of his lips trembled, revealing a pale and perfect smile.

Ye Shura hesitated and finally smiled, "Well, you can take off your robe now!" We are going to change the marrow and blood..." After saying that, he stood up and stood with his back to her.

"..." Xue Aofeng looked at the people around him, his eyes trembled twice, and a high pressure was also reflected in his heart. He couldn't help calling affectionately, "Anyway, Shaoling, I will definitely save you!"

Without saying that, he no longer hesitated to open his robe with one hand...

The air was so quiet that I could only hear the sound of blood flowing. When the sharp ice knife scratched the back of the ** body, Xue Aofeng was so painful that she lost consciousness...

All the medullary bones were removed and replaced with Qin Shaoling's body. At the same time, the blood vessels were cut through the veins...

Looking at the blood exchange between the two, the venom also fell into Xue Aofeng's body, but it was surprising that when all the venom penetrated every body cells, her originally dark and shiny skin showed a red phantom, and gradually the redness became more and stronger, covering the original Black, and then the red gradually began to turn white. After several blood circulations, her skin was finally white, which was shining with crystal light and looked as beautiful as the skin of a newborn baby.

"Is it... that there is also a mythical poison in her skin?" Ye Shura looked at this magical change in her body in surprise. The only way to neutralize the mythical beast poison was to meet the mythical beast poison.

But why did she never tell him that she was poisoned by the mythical beast? Why doesn't she care about herself so much? As long as she says it, he can save her with mythical beast poison at any time! But everything is not what you think. Maybe it can't be said to be a coincidence, but it can only be said that her spirit of dedication to life makes everything very encounterable.

Xue Aofeng's skin was whitewashed, and a supreme light hit Ye Shura's eyes. What a beautiful face this is, which makes people feel distressed.