Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 431 Welcome the Princess

The next evening, when Shen Xingchen went to find Xue Aofeng again, he had already changed into a silver redundant helmet and short robe with embroidered dragon boots, not to mention how luxurious it was. The armor shawl behind it shows the prince's awe-in power.

His hair was all tied up, and the silver crown was held with a silver hairpin. The whole face was much more contoured and more valiant, which made people suddenly bright.

"Star, you look good today!" Xue Aofeng smiled and then quickly walked towards him.

"You are the same, Aofeng!" Shen Xingchen praised that the blue body in front of him was like the color of the sea, which was mysteriously difficult to approach, but he could not forget her existence. Because it will eventually become a permanent myth that never belongs to anyone, sinking to the bottom of the sea and sleeping.

"Now let's take Princess Haiying to Fenghua Mountain!" Xue Aofeng said, with a faint light in his eyes, as if he had forgotten everything that happened last night.

Shen Xingchen nodded and soon went to the VIP Hall with Xue Aofeng.

Knocking on the door, Hai Ying just looked at the two people coldly, and then followed them to Fenghua Mountain without saying anything.

Along the way, the air was relatively calm. Xue Aofeng rode the tall horse, looked at the people sitting in the sedan chair, and said lightly, "Princess, we have good men in Fenghuamen. At that time, I can make the decision for the princess and complete the princess!"

"Xue Aofeng, is it interesting to always say these fake words?" Haiying sat in the sedan chair and couldn't help reply coldly.

"It's interesting. Since the princess has arrived here, she must go down, doesn't she?" Xue Aofeng took the words quickly, but his face smiled coldly.

Shen Xingchen, who had been following him, listened to the conversation between the two and didn't say anything, but the confusion in his eyes was getting heavier and heavier. Obviously, Princess Haiying has something to say.

Isn't this marriage what she wants? However, most of the marriages of this heir will not be decided by themselves. Even if they are forced, they are only tools of interests. As long as they promote the alliance between the two countries, it is natural to sacrifice happiness.

"..." Princess Haiying was so angry that she pinched the palm of her hand in the sedan chair and said nothing. A gorgeous face sank, her pupils were round, and there seemed to be a resentment and anger about to burst out.

Xue Aofeng sat on the horse and looked at the road that gradually went up the mountain. His eyes were shining. No matter how rugged and difficult it is, is it different to go up? Xue Aofeng smiled and walked at the front of the team again, quickly jumping on the horse...

Finally, the royal team arrived at the waist of Fenghua Mountain. At this time, the bright moon was hanging high and the night wind was gusts. As soon as Xue Aofeng stepped into the Fenghua Gate, he immediately felt the different breath and warmth.

"You're back, Sister Xue, we all miss you so much!" Before seeing the figure, a voice came across the sky, and then the shadow was real. It was the Lingdie Yi in a capable green robe. The beautiful face looked very refreshing and clean, full of joy.

Soon Lingdie jumped up and sat behind her riding a horse with her. Before Xue Aofeng could speak, Lingdieyi rushed to the front and said, "Don't mind if I get close to my sister Xue!" Sister Xue, I miss you so much!"

When Lingdieyi couldn't help trying to hug her from behind her, unexpectedly, he hugged a layer of air. However, the person in his arms has already become a virtual shadow flying on another branch, looking at this taller, but more stubborn young Lingdieyi.

"Ling Dieyi, what about the others? Are they all there?" Xue Aofeng looked at the man and quickly looked elsewhere. The inconspicuous breath seems to be floating everywhere.

Come out! Your doorkeeper Xue Aofeng is here. Why don't you come and greet him?" Xue Aofeng shouted.

This sound really came true, bang! A fireworks exploded in the sky, and then quickly crackling fireworks bloomed in the night, completely lighting up the sky.

A gorgeous and beautiful scenery makes people a little dizzy.

The fireworks gradually formed a big word in the curtain sky.

"Welcome to the return of Xue Aofeng, the owner of Fenghua Gate!" Xue Aofeng read it word by word. When it fell to the last word, the smile had filled his cheeks. When the raised head looked down, he had already seen many handsome men and women from the air in all directions. They lined up, dressed in gorgeous clothes, and then knelt down to one knee in the air, "I welcome the return of the Snow Gate Lord!"

Xue Aofeng came to sing the protagonist, but Haiying became a supporting role instead.

"Get up!" Xue Aofeng smiled faintly, and then looked at everyone, "Let me introduce to you that is Princess Haiying from the Yongle Mu clan." After saying that, he jumped down from the fork and looked at these handsome men and women with a soft smile on their faces.

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and no one said anything. Xiao Lan quickly stepped forward, "Ao Feng, just come back! We have a lot to say to you! Shall we go to the inner hall? It seems to deliberately alienate Princess Haiying. Anyway, Xiao Lan will not be the princess's son-in-law. He doesn't care about the preciousness of any glory. He only cares whether he likes it or not. It's useless for you to fall for him if you don't like it!

"Xiao Lan, you are much more handsome again!" Xue Aofeng joked humorously.

One sentence made the handsome man Xiao blush, "Aofeng, no matter how handsome you are, you can't see it. What's the use of how handsome I am?"

As soon as Xiao Lan's words fell, someone immediately listened to it and said, "Xiao Lan, don't want to occupy Sister Xue alone. Sister Xue finally came back. I have more words to tell her!"

"Well, Brother Dieyi, you are not young. Don't stick to Sister Xue all the time, or find someone early!" Xue Aofeng deliberately said in his voice, looking at this beautiful handsome face and those clever and intelligent eyes. His whole body looked so outstanding. What's the reason why Haiying doesn't like it?

When everyone heard this sign, it seemed that Xue Aofeng deliberately pointed to the spirit butterfly! I can't help but feel a little better.

"Master, why don't we talk first and let them have more contact!" Tang Junxin smiled and said more bluntly. I looked at Princess Haiying and Lingdieyi, ha, these two are quite a good match! I completely ignored the staring of a handsome man.

"Yes, yes, master, let's go first!" Ming Zinuo, who has never been very talkative, also said for the first time. It seems that this Lingdieyi is the fire extinguisher, and it is best for him to deal with the princess.

Lingdieyi looked at this group of guys who usually play together and inserted a black knife for him at the critical moment? Yadi, are you still a brother? My teeth were a little tight, and I was about to say something.

"Brother Dieyi, my brothers and I will go inside to catch up. Please take Princess Haiying around to participate in our Fenghua Fort! Princess Haiying is not familiar with the place. You need to be more patient and take good care of her, okay?" Xue Aofeng said that although it was intentional, it was still cautious on the surface. After all, she doesn't want to plant this woman at will. It is her birth and death that can stay in Fenghuamen. She loves them very much, so she will also be responsible for their happiness.

A woman's intuition, there should be no problem for Lingdie to subdue Haiying.

Lingdieyi answered after a while, and then watched Xue Aofeng go to the hall surrounded by everyone.

And there were only Shen Xingchen and Princess Haiying at the scene.

"I went in too! Lingdieyi, take good care of the princess!" Shen Xingchen patted him on the shoulder and drew a shallow smile from the corners of his lips, "You all retreat!" Then disperse the following people. A vertical leap quickly pursued the crowd into the hall.

Lingdie's eyes sank. She looked at the princess and looked at her eyes quickly. Unexpectedly, she hadn't opened her mouth yet. Princess Haiying glanced over her eyes, "Don't follow me!" Then walk in one direction.

Lingdieyi also followed her slowly, and the two walked a long way in this way. Suddenly, Hai Ying stopped and looked behind her, her eyes full of unhappiness, "Who asked you to follow me?"

"If I don't follow you, you will get lost soon!" Lingdie said jokingly. Since Xue Aofeng asked him to greet this woman, of course he will " greet" her well. This is not an ordinary place. There will be warcrafts at any time. It's not fun to be entangled.

"Hmm! The last thing I fear in my life is getting lost!" Haiying sneered and continued to walk forward without pay attention to him.

"That's whatever! I won't be with you anymore." Lingdie smiled, stopped, and watched Haiying walk towards the depths of the forest. He really doesn't bother to serve such a rude and wayward woman!

Lingdie thought about it and didn't pay attention to her, so she became illusory and prepared to go back to the hall to meet the crowd.

The people who were chatting enthusiastically in the hall were surprised to see him come back. Looking back, no one. Immediately Xue Aofeng's face hung down, "You won't come back alone, will you?"

"Yes! I came back alone. Lingdie replied undeniably.

When everyone saw Xue Aofeng hanging on his face at this moment, they all pinched the sweat of Lingdieyi.

"Nonsense! How can you let Princess Haiying walk alone on this barren mountain? What should I do if something happens? Can you be responsible?" Xue Aofeng shouted.

"Sister Xue, isn't she from that strong place? Are you still afraid of those monsters? Don't worry too much!" Lingdieyi replied indifferently.

"Lingdieyi, I asked you to take good care of her, but I didn't ask you to make sarcastic words. Why don't you look for it quickly!" Xue Aofeng lowered his face and raised his annoying tone. As expected, this boy is really back? It's better for the princess to be fine, otherwise she won't spare him if she comes out of the building!