The glory of the center

Chapter 106 Gorilla Ewing's Turn Jump Shot

After the substitution, Kidd on the Mavericks' side still blocked and Nowitzki, and then dribbled the ball and rushed to the basket. At this time, the Mavericks players fully opened, including Nowitzki and Marion, who stayed outside the three-point line, but Zhao Yue did not follow Odom. When Kidd started to rush forward, he was originally at the middle distance of the bottom line. He has begun to move towards the basket, and Odom's threat outside the three-point line is the smallest in the Mavericks lineup.

Kidd did not give the ball to Odom. He dribbled the ball outside the three-second zone, and the ball in his hand was thrown out of Terry, who was handed over to the outside line. As an old player who has played in the league for more than ten years, Carter's reaction is not slow. While Terry catches the ball, he took the initiative to stick it.

It seems that he wants to prove that he does have the strength of a starter. Terry still made a breakthrough in Carter's defense after receiving the ball, but it is obviously not easy for Terry to get rid of the experienced Carter. He rushed into the three-second zone against Carter. After seeing that Zhao Yue was ready to assist in defense, he gave up directly. The intention to attack.

The ball flew out of Terry's hand and fell into the hands of Odom, who ran from the bottom corner to the basket. After Zhao Yue's attention was attracted by his teammates, Odom took the opportunity to cut into the basket.

After receiving the ball, Odom was only one step away from the three-second zone and quickly stepped forward into the three-second zone. Odom jumped up with the ball in both hands and ran to the basket with momentum. Seeing that the basket was right in front of him, Odom suddenly found that there was a huge palm in front of him, and Zhao Yue killed it!

The two met many times in the second round of the playoffs last season and knew each other very well. Of course, Zhao Yue knew Odom's strength, so he did not slack off for a moment. As soon as Odom received Terry's pass, Zhao Yue reacted.

Culing from the side, Zhao Yue soared into the air and quickly waved his palm towards the ball in the middle of Odom's hands. Zhao Yue's movements made Odom in the air unable to dodge at all. Just as he wanted to pull the ball to one side, Zhao Yue's big hand had fallen on the ball.

"Bang!" The palm hit the basketball heavily, and Zhao Yue's strength gathered on his arm also passed from the ball to Odom's hand. His body paused in the air for a moment, and Odom finally couldn't stand the force falling to the floor, followed by the orange ball.

"Ceal! Seal! It was stopped again, and Zhao incited the dunk of Lamar Odom! Wonderful cover!"

The ball fell from behind Odom, Anthony, who took a quick step forward to catch the opportunity, and the ball fell into the hands of the sun again.

The Mavericks retreated very fast this time. Although Anthony had sent the ball to Nash's hands for the first time, the Suns did not get a chance to fight back quickly. Nash also stabilized his rhythm at this time and began to enter the battle.

Defensive counterattack is a key training project of the Suns in the new season, but they are not afraid of positional battles. Nash dribbled outside the three-point line, and the rest of the Suns players also fell separately. Zhao Yue, who ran from the rear, came outside the three-second zone on the right side, against Nowitzki behind him.

The body kept leaning back, and Zhao Yue completely suppressed Nowitzki behind him. Nowitzki knew that Zhao Yue wanted a stuck position, but he couldn't stop him. He had to try his best to stand behind Zhao Yue.

Zhao Yue raised his eyes and looked at Nash outside the three-point line. Nowitzki knew that Zhao Yue was going to catch the ball and began to push forward. At this time, the power from Zhao Yue suddenly withdrew, and Nowitzki immediately realized that it was not good.

leaning back against Nowitzki, Zhao Yue made the action of receiving the ball, and then suddenly withdrew from Nowitzki's entanglement. At the same time, Zhao Yue's body rotated rapidly and appeared on the side of the other side of Nowitzki.

"Bad!" Seeing Zhao Yue appear behind Nowitzki, Odom, opposite Channing Fry on the other side, immediately rushed forward, but Zhao Yue and Nash moved faster than him.

When Zhao Yue dodged behind Nowitzki, the ball in Nash's hand quickly pushed out and sent it directly to the inside line, while Zhao Yue took a step forward and jumped high and reached out to grab the basketball in the air.

"Bum!" After taking the basketball with both hands, Zhao Yue took the opportunity to hit the basket. While hitting the basket with both hands, the ball also passed through the net.

"Beautiful air connection! Zhao air relay slammed his hands and entered again! 12:0! After the game started, the Suns hit 100%, and they played a wave of 12:0!"

"Vence Carter made a three-point shot, but Zhao grabbed the frontcourt rebound. This was the Suns' first missed shot in this game, but the rebound in the frontcourt was mastered by Zhao.

"Cameron Anthony shot outside the three-point line... scored! 15:0! After the start, the sun actually played a wave of 15:0!"

15:0! Seeing such a score, the shouts of the Mavericks fans seemed to be a little weak, and the momentum in the backcourt at the beginning has been completely suppressed.

After the opening, he was suppressed by the Suns, and the Mavericks players also began to feel pressure at this time. After Kidd cooperated with Nowitzki again, Terry received a shot from a shot from a medium distance, and then the Suns' attack was finally stopped by the Mavericks.

When the game played for five minutes, the Mavericks finally began to score, but they could not narrow the difference immediately, and the Suns kept the difference above 10 points.

Seeing that his team's lead was obvious, with four minutes left in the first quarter, Gentry replaced Carter with a break and replaced him with the benchback Shannon Brown signed by the team. The sun was sluggish after Carter's injury in last season's playoffs, because there were no suitable substitutes, and after the introduction of Brown this season, Carter can at least get more rest time, which is very important for an old player in his 30s.

After Delant West, who came on as a substitute, hit a three-pointer, Brown, who had just come on the field, also tried to shoot on the outside. The shooting strength was slightly short. The Mavericks grabbed the rebound and began to launch a counterattack. At this time, the lineup on the Suns field was Zhao Yue, Hill, Nash, Gotat and Brown. The retreat speed of several people was very fast and did not give the Mavericks a chance to fight back.

After West dribbled the ball to the half and found that there was no good offensive opportunity, he handed the ball to Nowitzki, who fell at the middle distance on the left. The Mavericks have been scoring in the past few minutes, but the score is only 9 points, and the Sun at the other end has scored 19 points. Nowitzki shot 2 points before two rounds. He seemed to have slowly found the feeling of attack, and the Mavericks' ball was naturally in his hands.

Nowitzki received the ball and leaned back, and Zhao Yue behind him did not move, which was also expected. After so many times of the game, he had a full understanding of Zhao Yue's strength.

After dribbled the ball back again and adjusted his rhythm, Nowitzki turned around and threw the ball along the rebound from Zhao Yue.

Zhao Yue also jumped. This time, his movements were slightly slower, and the take-off height was not enough. He could only watch the ball thrown by Nowitzki jump over his head and fall into the basket.

"Dirk began to use his killer mace, turned around and hit the jump shot. Even with Zhao's defensive ability, he could not stop the attack of the German chariot every time."

In the field, Nowitzki, who completed the attack, involuntarily threw his eyes on Zhao Yue's face, which made him feel strange that Zhao Yue's face had a smile at this time, and such a smile looked very meaningful.

After the Suns launched an attack and Nash dribbled the ball to half-court, Zhao Yue had successfully fallen and stuck in Nowitzki, and he was also in the middle distance on the left, completely overlapping with Nowitzki's position just now.

"Oh, the good show has begun. Zhao fell in the same position as Dirk. It seems that he is going to fight back. Hey, it is difficult for Dirk to withstand Zhao alone."

Zhao Yue raised his hand for the ball. Of course, Nash handed the ball directly to Zhao Yue without any hesitation. Seeing Zhao Yue receiving the ball, the Mavericks players slowly moved towards the inside line and were ready to attack Zhao Yue at any time.

After receiving the ball, he leaned his back against Nowitzki, and Zhao Yue hit the ball on the floor and began to hit his back. The advantage of power was completely displayed at this moment. Zhao Yue leaned back heavily, and Nowitzki's footsteps immediately retreated uncontrollably.

"bu!" Zhao Yue leaned against his back again, and Nowitzki took another small step back. Odom and others on the other side moved closer to the basket. Nowitzki also took a quick step to prepare to re-apply paste Zhao Yue.

At this time, Nowitzki suddenly found that Zhao Yue no longer leaned towards him. On the contrary, Zhao Yue's body distanced himself from him, but at this time Zhao Yue had become facing him, and he also jumped into the air.

Turn around and jump shot? Nowitzki was a little surprised after looking at Zhao Yue's movements. Zhao Yue squeezed him away and chose to turn around and jump. At this time, he had no defensive ability at all.

"Turn around and jump shot? Zhao actually turned around and jumped shot?" At the commentary table, Kevin Harlan also exclaimed, which was the first time the public saw Zhao Yue's turn jump shot in the game.

Turning around and jumping into the air, Nowitzki did not put any defensive pressure on him at this time so that Zhao Yue did not have to lean back at all. After pulling his body high, he easily threw the ball.

"Wo!" The ball fell firmly into the basket and hit in the hollow!

"Into! Zhao turned around and hit the jump shot! Oh, Zhao's movements look very stretched, and the curvature of the action is also made. We have enough reasons to believe that this is the result of Zhao's hard practice in the off-season. Zhao's offensive skills are getting richer and richer, which is indeed a thing that all opponents will feel horrible.

After Zhao Yue hit it, his eyes fell on Nowitzki's face, and a smile appeared again. That smile seemed to tell Nowitzki, "Isn't it just a jump shot? I will too!"

At this time, Nowitzki finally knew why Zhao Yue smiled when he hit the jump shot just now.

In fact, in the last season, Zhao Yue has obtained the jumper ability of the gorilla Ewing given by the system, but he is relatively unskilled. During the off-season, Zhao Yue trained the jump shot of the gorilla Ewing day and night in the system training ground. Ewing's jumper ability is very outstanding in the center position. One of the representatives, turning around and jumping shot is even better. Now that Zhao Yue can master this skill, it is easy and pleasant to deal with Nowitzki's golden chicken independence.

At half, Nowitzki only came to the right front half of the penalty line and was forced to stop by Zhao Yue, but he still opened his hand to pass the basketball in West's hand.

"Deck, attack!" Dirk, blow him up and tell him what a shot is!" Arrogant guy, study hard!" Seeing Nowitzki catch the ball, the Mavericks fans around the court were immediately excited. Obviously, Zhao Yue's jump shot just now also shocked them.

Nowitzki, who received the ball, did not take a backrest, but held the ball in the basket. At the same time, he bent his waist slightly to make a tentative step.

Zhao Yue completely ignored Nowitzki's tentative step. At his reaction speed, even if Nowitzki wanted to break through, he could react and stop the opponent's footsteps as soon as possible.

Nowitzki did not choose to break through and quickly withdrew his right foot. Nowitzki jumped up in front of Zhao Yue and threw the ball with a slight back, hitting two points!

"Wow! Boy, do you see what shooting is? Nowitzki's shooting hit excited the fans at the scene. Although the score was still behind, Nowitzki's two consecutive shots above Zhao Yue's head made them excited.

Zhao Yue couldn't hear what the fans on the sidelines were shouting, but he could guess that the light in his eyes quickly moved to the other half, and then stopped on the right side of the free throw line.

"Wan!" Seeing Zhao Yue's position, the Mavericks fans at the scene caused a slight disturbance, and they vaguely guessed Zhao Yue's intention.