The glory of the center

Chapter 142 The Blessing of People

Zhao Yue and Dakota Fanning came to the airport to pick up their sister-in-law Ellie Fanning. Now Zhao Yue is at least a public figure in Phoenix, not to mention one of the team's core players, and Dakota is also a very famous actor. If the two stay in the waiting hall, they will still It didn't cause a lot of turmoil immediately, so I had no choice but to stay in the VIP reception room and let the airport staff pick up the plane.

Zhao Yue drove his sister home in a private car custom-made for him by Land Rover. Of course, when his sister-in-law came, Zhao Yue naturally wanted to show his skills. After returning home, he let the sisters have a good rest. He immediately went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and prepared a rich dinner. Zhao Yue, as a child of a poor family, was early You can be in charge of your own and cook a dinner, which is simply an easy task.

Zhao Yue was busy in the kitchen alone, and the two sisters didn't know what to say in the room. Zhao Yue thought while cooking that the two sisters of Fanning are first-class beauties. Although my sister Ellie looks a little immature, I have to say that she is also a beautiful woman, which is not inferior to my sister. If I can... Hey hey... Bastard, what am I thinking about? How can I have such an idea? However, it is normal for everyone to love beauty.

Zhao Yue's cooking skills are very good, and it has been passed down from his mother. Look at the shredded potatoes he cut, each of which is almost as thin as his hair. Look at the tomatoes he cuts, which are almost the same size and shape. Look at the beans he cuts, which are almost the same length. What a great cook.

At about 6 p.m., Zhao Yue officially began to cook. It's simple. 8 dishes and 1 soup are enough. Zhao Yue doesn't know whether the two foreign sisters like Chinese food or not, so he just cooks them casually. The 8 dishes are: shredded potatoes with green peppers, braised pork with beans, fried chicken legs, fish-flavored shredded pork, thousands of fried leeks, and braised Pork ribs, steamed carp, stir-fried shredded pork in snow, 1 soup is tomato and egg soup, which is a very common dish.

Of course, how can there be no wine to eat with two beautiful women? Of course, Zhao Yue won't be so boring. Naturally, he bought wine. But this drink made an accident.

That night, the three seemed to be very happy. The Fanning sisters desperately praised Zhao Yue's delicious food, and Zhao Yue did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and desperately persuaded the sisters to drink. In a short time, the three of them drank three bottles of wine. You know, this is not ordinary wine. This is red wine, and it is all Rafi, red wine is used to taste. These three people actually drink red wine as mineral water. This thing is terrible. It's very powerful. Unconsciously, the fourth bottle has been eaten again, and the dishes on the table have almost been eaten. Of course, the Fanning sisters have long been heavy-headed, and Zhao Yue is also fascinated. I'm confused.

The early morning sun shone into the bedroom and spread it on Zhao Yue's face. Zhao Yue was awakened by the dazzling sun and sat up. The scene in his eyes surprised him. The clothes were thrown everywhere. In his ** position, the Fanning sisters slept naked there.

If Dakota is the only one there, Zhao Yue will not be surprised, but Ellie is also there, so she has to be surprised.

Zhao Yue shook his head and seemed to want to recall what happened last night, but he couldn't remember what he had done last night. Did he play Shuangfei last night? It's impossible. He is not that kind of person (Author: You are not that kind of person. Who is that kind of person?), Oh, my God, I actually slept with the two sisters. Heaven has eyes. Well, no, it should be extremely happy.

Zhao Yue didn't know how to face the next scene. Will the two sisters get up and see such a scene and suddenly beat themselves into the 18th floor of hell?

Zhao Yue was thinking about it. The two sleeping beauties trembled gently, and then the two groaned together. Wow, Zhao Yue's little brother couldn't stand it. He wanted to get up and exercise, but Zhao Yue was trying to restrain, restrain, restrain, and restrain. Nima couldn't help it. Zhao Yue's little brother Get up.

At this time, the two sisters opened their eyes together and saw what had happened. To Zhao Yue's surprise, the two sisters did not shout and quarrel, but looked at each other and smiled.

Zhao Yue can't stand it. Oh, my God, put on your clothes quickly. Early in the morning, you don't bring such fun, but Zhao Yue doesn't dare to make a sound. He is afraid that as soon as he makes a sound, the two sisters will immediately turn their faces.

However, it was obvious that the two sisters did not turn against each other, but turned their heads to look at Zhao Yue together, showing a strange smile, and said together, "How's it going? Did you feel good last night?

There was almost no pause. Zhao Yue immediately opened his mouth and said, "Cool..." He was immediately stunned. Is this Nima cheating his father? Is there any mistake? Am I dreaming?

Dakota smiled and said, "Zhao, you played a double flight last night. Isn't it cool?"

Zhao Yue suddenly remembered something and quickly turned around ** while thinking: I didn't feel anything last night. Who knows if anything happened? Dakota was broken by me. There is no blood. Ellie should have it.

After searching several times in **, Zhao Yue and Zhao Yue found what he was looking for. Looking at the bright red imprint in the shape of plum blossom, Zhao Yue was silent and messy. Shit! I'm not as good as a beast!

Zhao Yue was still thinking about what to do. Ellie suddenly said to Dakota, "Sister, look, his thing seems to be hard."

Dacota said, "Of course, he is an athlete!"

Zhao Yue was completely speechless when listening to the conversation between the two sisters. What the hell is going on?

This is Ellie who climbed up to him and said, "Zhao, aren't you feeling well? Let me help you." With that, Zhao Yue's little brother was included in one mouth.

Wow! Zhao Yue hit a thrill all over. It's exciting. It's so exciting!

At this time, Dakota climbed over again and sent the two peaks on his chest to Zhao Yue's mouth. Zhao Yue could not be polite and held the point in front of his chest.

7 or 8 o'clock in the morning is the best time for human spirit. At this time, the three * burning young people are doing such a move. Of course, they will not stop. Soon after, there were waves of moans and gasps in the room, and they have been resting for a long time.

Zhao Yue has a game tonight, but this does not delay him from conquering the young and beautiful sisters **. He drank too much last night and didn't know anything. While he was awake in the early morning, Zhao Yue gave full play to the hero that a man should have and let the two sisters go one by one. Arrived.

Naturally, they have to pay the price. In the evening, the Suns played against the Atra Eagles at home. Zhao Yue played the worst data since he entered the NBA. In the whole game, he played for 30 minutes and got 9 points and 9 rebounds. There was no data. There was nothing he could do. He wasted too much energy. Unexpectedly, he put it. The two women were evenly flattened on the court.

Zhao Yue did not play well in this game, and most of the other players of the Suns also played very well, but there were two people who did play very well, that is, Cameron Anthony and Aaron Iverson, the former golden double gun of the Nuggets. Needless to say, Anthony is now at the peak of his career. And he is also a superstar, and when Iverson joined the Suns, Zhao Yue successfully restored Iverson's strength to its peak with the heart of the prop winner given by the system. At its peak, Iverson was one of the best scorers in the league. The combination of the two braved the team's attack and helped the team and The Eagles played well. Anthony scored 45 points and 12 rebounds in this game, while Iverson contributed 25 points and 9 assists, and the two teamed up to score 70 points.

But in the end, the Suns still lost to the Eagles at home, 107:101, and the Suns lost 6 points.

Although Zhao Yue didn't play well in this game, Elvin Gentry didn't care. After all, Zhao Yue has been struggling for a season and has to help the team on the defensive end and give Anthony and others enough help on the offensive side. It is impossible to say that he is not tired.

But if Gentry knew the real reason for Zhao Yue's poor data, I'm afraid he would immediately scold Zhao Yue and then impose a ban on him in the team. However, Zhao Yue would not be so stupid to tell him the real reason. Isn't it that he has nothing to do? Zhao Yue can't do such a thing.

After the game, Kimtry took Anthony and Iverson to attend the post-match press conference, while Zhao Yue immediately returned home to prepare for a rest. Tomorrow, Zhao Yue will have to follow the team to play away.

But can Zhao Yue rest when he gets home? Two beautiful women in the family actually started the most popular cosplay at home, wow! Zhao Yue couldn't stand it at that time. As soon as he closed the door, the three of them had another bloody battle.

Zhao Yue has been very depressed recently. Yes, very depressed. In the face of the Eagles, he only got 9 points and 9 boards. In the face of the Cavaliers, his performance is still not very good. He only got 8 points and 5 rebounds. However, his poor performance in two games will not change Gentry's view of the team's main center, but he returned to the home. Later, Zhao Yue's performance in the face of the weak league's Bobcats is still very poor, which makes Gentry very dissatisfied. I can understand that you are sluggish in one game. I can also understand that you are sluggish in two games, but I can't understand it again and again. You stay on the bench and have a good rest, and then Zhao Yue spent several games on the bench, but this did not seem to have any impact on the Suns' record. The Suns still ranked first in the league, and the loss has not exceeded 10 games, only 8 games.

And Zhao Yue's bench life these days has made him know what he should do. He wants to be abstinence, yes, abstinence, or the Chinese saying is right: "Women are tigers!"