The glory of the center

Chapter 146 Suppress Thunder

Durant obviously did not expect Anthony to choose to shoot directly. He had taken a step back to defend Anthony's impact. When he saw Anthony, he was busy raising the top step.

"Wo!" Anthony's shot fell steadily into the basket and hit two points.

"Cameron, you cast beautifully!" Kill that guy!" Because of expectations, the Suns fans are excited about every goal Anthony scored.

Knowing that Durant's attack was stronger in the game, Anthony paid more attention to the defense, and the rest of the Suns also joined Durant's defense and began to cut off the connection between Durant and Westbrook. The ball could not be handed over to Durant's middle. After Westbrook broke through and divided the ball to Seflora on the outside line. Seflora shot out of the basket outside the three-point line, and Zhao Yue took the backcourt rebound again.

Thunder's retreat speed was very fast. After Zhao Yue handed the ball to Nash, Thunder's players retreated through the middle line. Nash quickly pushed the ball to the half and stabilized the rhythm. Zhao Yue, who had just run outside the three-point line, also stood on Nash's side to block and dismantle.

Nash dribbled quickly to the right, and Zhao Yue, who completed the block, also quickly ran to the basket from the left. The two rushed to the basket at the same time to make the Thunder's defense quickly tighten. Rushing to the outside of the three-second zone, Nash's ball did not be handed over to Zhao Yue, but quickly pushed it out to Anthony outside the three-point line.

The ball flew to Anthony, and Durant also rushed out of the three-point line, but it was too late. When Durant rushed to Anthony, Anthony had already shot and hit three points.

Next, Thunder's attack was successful. Westbrook attracted the bag after breaking through, and Perkins got a chance to get 2 points outside the three-second zone. The Suns got another chance to attack, and the Thunder's defense of Anthony also changed accordingly.

After Anthony stood in place, Durant actually began to use a forward defense against Anthony, which is generally a defensive trick used to deal with inside players. Thunder was obviously also concerned about Anthony's mobility. Durant circled ahead, and Perkins was also close to the three-second zone at this time. As soon as Anthony received the ball, he could immediately defend from the rear to avoid Anthony's direct attack on the basket.

The ball could not be handed over to Anthony in this round. Nash broke through and sent the ball to Zhao Yue's hand. Zhao Yue received the ball and dunked directly with one hand.

10:14, the game lasted for more than five minutes. After Anthony got 9 points in a row after the opening, he didn't get a good chance in the next three minutes, and the score still stayed at 9. Today, Zhao Yue is very tough at grabbing rebounds. Except for Fry grabbing a rebound, the rest of the rebounds fell into Zhao Yue's hands.

When the sun attacked, Durant used the forward strategy again. After a few minutes, he almost used such a defensive strategy. Anthony received the basketball twice, but Perkins quickly assisted the defense from the top behind him, forcing Anthony to pass the ball out.

After the ball was passed to Carter's middle, he found that there was not much chance to pass it to Anthony. Carter passed the ball back to Nash's middle. At this time, Nash suddenly pushed the ball to the inner line.

Anthony, who was entangled with Durant, suddenly withdrew from Durant's closeness, and he quickly turned around and ran to the basket. Nash found Anthony's escape at the first time and quickly sent the ball into the air.

Durant's reaction was also very fast. After feeling that the power behind him had disappeared, he realized that Anthony had withdrawn. After seeing Nash pass the ball, although he did not look back, he could guess a rough idea. After a big step back, Durant immediately jumped into the air and leaned high on the basketball in the air.

Durant's bounce ability is also excellent. Just as the ball was about to fly over his head, his fingertips swept to the bottom of the basketball. Although the ball continued to fly in the direction of the basket, the arc was higher and the direction was slightly deviated.

Anthony, who soared into the air to catch the ball and was ready to catch the dunk, saw all this. Seeing that this round of attack, Anthony's attack was about to become a mistake. Anthony's waist and abdomen suddenly exerted strength, and his body was actually moving up a little again at this moment. His whole body was also leaning to the left and grabbed the basketball that had deviated from the track.

"Bang!" Anthony's efforts were not in vain. After touching the ball, he quickly clenched it and grabbed the ball. Although he caught the basketball, Anthony could no longer complete the dunk and fell to the floor quickly. Anthony shook his left hand gently and threw the ball to the basket.

A figure rushed up quickly, grabbed the basketball thrown by Anthony with one hand and pressed it vigorously towards the basket, "bang" the ball.

"The ball is scored! Kevin Durant knocked Steve's pass away, but Cameron relied on his amazing adjustment ability in the air to save the ball and complete the assist! Assist Zhao to slam dunk in the air! Well done!"

"Cax!" Listening to the cheers at the scene, Durant, who had just fallen on the floor, couldn't help but be a little stunned. He had obviously destroyed the ball.

No one answered Durant's doubts. Zhao Yue could not raise his score to 6 points after completing this attack, which also gave the Sun a 6-point advantage.

After the Thunder completed the attack, the ball fell into the sun again, and Durant still chose to defend around. Although Zhao Yue just got 2 points, in Durant's opinion, it was Anthony who threatened the team more.

Anthony put his arm against Durant, and his body took a small step back and raised his right. After seeing Anthony's action, Nash immediately passed the ball out and sent it to Anthony's head.

Although Durant defends around the front, in fact, it is not difficult for Anthony to catch the ball. His excellent physical fitness allows him to jump and catch the ball even under Durant's close contact. The key is Perkins's pinch after receiving the ball.

Nash's pass this time is very comfortable. Anthony only needs a little tiptoe to take down the ball, but at this time, Perkins' hit has also come.

The action did not stop. After receiving the ball, he turned around. Anthony's body turned to the bottom line. At the same time, his feet jumped on the floor. Anthony actually attacked directly without any adjustment.

Perkins, who had just arrived in front of Anthony, jumped quickly and interfered. On the side, Durant also jumped up, and his big hand swept to the top of Anthony's head.

Back! While jumping, Anthony's body's center of gravity tilted back, forming an exaggerated angle with the ground. It seemed that gravity had no effect at this moment, and the whole person also flew backwards along the power of the feet.

After completing this series of actions, Anthony has also opened space with Perkins and Durantra, but his body is also about to fly out of the bottom line.

Hand out! Negative angle shooting! At this time, Anthony had no other choice, and he was not ready to make any other choices. His right wrist shook, and the friction formed by the five fingers pushed the ball towards the basket.

Anthony shot very decisively, but he was obviously not careless and made great adjustments to the shooting. The ball rotated quickly and the arc was higher than Anthony's usual arc.

"Wo!" The ball almost flew forward by wiping the edge of the rebound, and then steadily fell into the basket with a crisp netting sound.

"Good ball! Difficult goal! Cameron shot backwards from a negative angle! Cameron looks very good today. He has raised his score to 12!" In the cheers at the scene, Mike Brin also shouted loudly.

14, 16, 18... Anthony, who has already scored 12 points, also seems to have found a feeling, and his score continues to rise in the next few minutes. As the game enters the last minute of the first quarter, Anthony's score rises to 18.

Thunder attacked. After Westbrook dribbled the ball to the half, James Harden took the initiative to pass the ball and start the attack. Ibaka, who was staying in the middle distance, also quickly raised the three-point line to block.

Grant Hill, who came on as a substitute on the Sun' side, was blocked by Ibaka. After Harden dribbled the ball into the three-point line, Zhao Yue took the initiative to flip out of the defense. Dribbling the ball to the left, Harden made a fake move to change to the left, and then suddenly killed the right side to the basket.

Realizing that he was deceived by Harden's fake action, Zhao Yue quickly turned around and followed Harden to the basket. Harden's speed was not particularly fast. In addition, Zhao Yue's reaction was timely. Although he could not stop Harden, Zhao Yue could follow him closely.

After discovering that he shook Zhao Yue away, Harden did not have much scruples and rushed outside the three-second area on the right side. Harden suddenly jumped forward and put the ball on the basket with his right hand.

"Find a hat!" Seeing the basketball, Zhao Yue quickly jumped forward and fanned the basketball in the air.

"It's not good!" When he felt a figure behind him approaching quickly, Harden also realized that it was not good, but the ball had come out and he could not make adjustments. Looking up, Harden happened to see Zhao Yue's palm approaching the basketball quickly.

"Bang!" Zhao Yue's palm hit the ball, but he did not take it away, but pressed the ball on the backboard.

"Ceal! Horrible cover! Zhao pressed the ball directly on the rebound, and he got a block and a rebound!"

When his body fell, Zhao Yue's five fingers tightened and grabbed the ball directly in his hand. While completing a block, Zhao Yue's rebound was also raised to 10, and the scene was suddenly **.

"Zhao got the 10th rebound. His score is 8 points. He only needs to get 2 more points, and he can get 10+10 double data in the first quarter!" Mike Brin lost his voice and exclaimed, and there was a neat and uniform shout at this moment.

"Zhao! Zhao! Zhao!"

"Cameron! Cameron! Cameron!"

"Steve! Steve! Steve!"