The glory of the center

Chapter 161 Black Mamba's Letter

The Suns launched another attack, and several successful defenses greatly increased the confidence of the Lakers players. After the Suns relaunched the attack, the Hu people's defense still maintained a very high intensity. Nash tried several times to send the ball to Zhao Yue because of the Lakers's strict defense.

Qianning Fry returned to the field and began to come to a high position to block Nash. With the help of Fry's demolition, Nash dribbled the ball and went straight to the basket. Nash rushed forward, but he was still under the defensive pressure from the Lakers. Gasol, who completed the change of defense, did not keep up with Nash's footsteps, but the Lakers' attack was the first The coming of time.

Nash wanted to pass the ball to Hill in the bottom corner, but Fisher took the initiative to rush towards Hill after bypassing Fry. It happened that Fry had cut the ball from the side to the basket. Nash jumped up and threw the ball back to give the ball to Fry's hand.

Fry, who took Nash's pass, rushed into three seconds to complete the dunk directly, but Gasol turned around and stopped him to stop his plan. He jumped against Gasol and put the ball into the basket. But this kind of attack was obviously not good at. After hitting the rebound, the ball bounced and hit the basket and bounced out.

The ball had just popped out of the basket, and a figure suddenly rushed up and gently pushed the ball back into the basket with one hand.

"Zhao got 2 points, and the sun scored! The sun finally broke the scoring shortage for a few minutes.

When did Zhao Yue appear under the basket? This made Bynum more confused. Just now, he clearly remembered that the other party was behind him.

Zhao Yue's make-up basket also made the Suns fans at the scene greatly relieved. After all, there are less than four minutes left in the game. If the Suns' attack can no longer be completed to make the opponent widen the score difference, it is undoubtedly extremely passive for the Suns.

The difference changed from 5 points to 3 points, and the Lakers' lead suddenly became less obvious. In the huge shouts of the fans at the scene, the Suns also began to improve their defensive strength again. Fisher dribbled the ball outside the three-point line and saw that there was no good passing opportunity.

Seeing that his teammates did not have a good chance to catch the ball, Fisher immediately motioned Bynum to block, and he rushed into the three-point line.

Zhao Yue took the initiative to flash out from behind Bynum to intercept Fisher, but Fisher did not rush forward directly. He began to slow down after rushing into the three-second zone. At this time, Nash had bypassed Bynum's side, and Bynum was moving towards the penalty line.

Zhao Yue was afraid that Fisher would pass the ball to Bynum, so he began to move his steps towards Bynum.

Zhao Yue left and Nash had not yet posted it. Seizing this opportunity, Fisher suddenly accelerated and rushed under the basket. At this moment, neither Zhao Yue nor Nash had time to stop it. Nash continued to chase Fisher, while Zhao Yue continued to approach Bynum. Fry in front of him had reacted to make up for it.

attracted Nash and Fry's defense, and Fisher immediately pushed the ball to Gasol's hand. Fisher's breakthrough was not greedy for attack, but for teammates to create a vacancy. At this moment, his goal has been achieved.

While the ball flew to Gasol, another figure was also rapidly approaching Gasol, which was Zhao Yue. Fisher and Gasol also saw Zhao Yue approaching, but they were not worried that Zhao Yue could not grab the ball even if he could fly.

Gasol understood that Zhao Yue rushed towards him to prevent interference with his shot, so he did not hesitate at all after receiving the ball, and decisively shot.

Seeing Gasol jump out, Zhao Yue, who was still one step away, also quickly jumped into the air and rushed from the side. His right arm was even higher and moved.

"It's now!" Seeing the ball flying in front of him from Gasol's hand, Zhao Yue's eyes suddenly lit up. He continued to fly forward, and his arms also waved lightning to the ball in the air.

"Ball!" The clear feeling of fingertips swept to the real thing, and Zhao Yue immediately roared excitedly. Although it could not be strong, the three fingertips swept the basketball enough to change the trajectory of the ball.

Zhao Yue expected that the ball swept by him changed its trajectory and fell to the side. Hearing Zhao Yue's roar, several players on both sides began to judge the drop point of the ball and rushed over. The ball finally fell into Fry's hand, who was in a better position.

After grabbing the basketball, Fry took the opportunity to hand the ball into Nash's hands. At this time, Zhao Yue, Anthony and Grant Hill had rushed to the other half.

Nash did not choose to advance by himself. After dribbling the ball outside the three-point line, he quickly pushed the ball forward and sent it to Hill, who had crossed the middle line.

Hill took the ball and rushed forward quickly. At the same time, he also glanced at Zhao Yue and Anthony, who were not far behind him. The Lakers retreated quickly. Although the Suns were fighting back, they did not have a chance to play less.

Rushing outside the three-point line, Hill's right hand suddenly pulled the ball to the left, turned back and found a breakthrough space from the comparable side and suddenly rushed to the basket. In the face of Hill's change of direction after complete acceleration, it is more difficult than even if there is a heart to stop it.

Bynum, who was originally stopped in front of Zhao Yue, saw that Hill was about to get rid of him, and involuntarily moved slightly in the direction of Hill. The Hill people continued to rush forward, and the ball was quickly pushed out and sent to Zhao Yue.

Bynum's footsteps just moved back after the ball came to Zhao Yue's hand. Zhao Yue, who rushed forward to receive the ball, was more lethal than Hill, which he knew very well.

After receiving the ball, he held the ball and rushed forward. Seeing that he was about to collide with Bynum, Zhao Yue's rush suddenly slowed down, and the ball in his hand was thrown up and sent to the air behind Bynum.

"Beautiful transmission!" Anthony, who followed, jumped forward in the air, with admiration in his heart, reached out to take the ball in the air and dunk into the basket.

"Bum!" The ball was smashed into the basket, and the scene was immediately cheered. 78:77, and the difference between the two teams had narrowed to 1 point.

In the eyes of the Suns fans, after the difference narrows to 1 point, the team can quickly complete the overtaking. But two minutes later, the scene they expected did not happen. There is only one minute left in the game, but the score of the two teams is still 78:77. In the past two minutes, neither team has been able to complete the score under the defensive restrictions of the other side.

The Sun attacked, and Nash dribbled the ball to pass the ball to Zhao Yue after half-court, but Zhao Yue's chance to catch the ball at this time was not good, and Bynum also used to go around. If Bynum is a single defense, he dare not go around. Zhao Yue is too flexible and has good physical fitness. Nash can create opportunities for Zhao Yue with a high hanging ball, but it is different with Gasol's defense behind him.

Gasol's partial attention focused on Zhao Yue, which also led to Fry's very good chance to catch the ball. Nash raised his hand and passed the ball to Fry, who was covered, and he cut into the basket.

Fisher, who followed Nash closely, did not continue to follow Nash when he rushed to his side, but waved directly to Fry's hand.

"Bang!" The crisp voice sounded, and it was unknown whether Fisher waved his hand or deliberately clap his hands, but the whistle sounded. Seeing Fry walking to the free throw line, the expressions of all sides suddenly became a little strange. Fry's free throw was not as unbearable as Howard's, and it can be said to be very accurate. The Lakers are not There is no doubt that Fisher deliberately sent this foul to the Sun.

"Bum!" Fry's free throw, the first free throw was slightly stronger, and the ball hit the neck of the basket and bounced out again. Seeing Fry's free throw, the Suns couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

What made the Suns players and fans feel a little relieved was that Fry's second penalty finally resisted the pressure and hit the free throw, and the score became 78:78, and the two teams tied.

Phil Jackson decisively called out a timeout. At this time, there are still 46 seconds left in the game. Theoretically, both teams have an opportunity to attack. At this time, the Lakers, who took the lead in attacking, took the initiative. If the Lakers complete this round of attack, the next pressure will completely fall to the sun.

Phil Jackson understands this, and the Suns naturally understand this. Elvin Gentry repeatedly emphasized defense during the pause. When he came to the court, the Suns players were close to their players one by one and did not easily give the Lakers a chance.

The attack time has unconsciously passed 15 seconds. After guiding the ball several times, it is still in Fisher's hands. Kobe, who had just run once and didn't find an opportunity to attack, ran again and ran out of the three-point line. Behind Kobe, Hill chased closely, and Hill did not dare to relax at such a critical moment.

When Kobe appeared outside the right three-point line, Hill followed him, but Fisher still passed the ball to Kobe.

Cover, jump, and shot. Almost leaning against Hill to jump, Kobe jumped three points decisively after receiving the ball.

Kobe's movements are very fast, both jumping and taking off very fast, which makes Hill not even have a chance to jump and interfere. He can only raise his hand as high as possible while sticking to Kobe.

"Wo!" Hill did everything he could, but he didn't stop Kobe from scoring, and the ball fell firmly into the basket.

"Shit!" Seeing this goal, almost all the Suns fans scolded. Kobe actually hit three points under Hill's defense, and at such a critical time, even if they thought it was a lucky ball, it was not a good time to come.

81:78, the Lakers not only completed the attack, but also a three-pointer. At this time, the Sun has really felt the pressure.

There are only 26 seconds left in the game, and the sun is three points behind. At this time, they don't have much choice but to throw three points. The ball was finally handed over to Anthony. If it was 2 points, Anthony would also be the first choice. After all, he is the biggest player in the team.

With Anthony's three-point miss, the game has basically lost its suspense, and the subsequent Suns can only use foul tactics, but it doesn't have much effect except to let the Lakers get another 2 points.

83:78, 5 points difference, the Suns lost to the Lakers in the second game, and the big score became 1:1, which is still a small gap with the 2:0 that the Suns fans expected before the game.