The glory of the center

Chapter 184 Continuously Score on James's Head

Only one day after the two games between the Suns and the Heat, the American Airlines Center Arena was once again overcrowded and was not affected by the first defeat of the Suns.

In the locker room of the home team, Elvin Gentry mobilized after arranging tactics. His mobilization time was not too long. From yesterday's training and the performance of the Suns players in the locker room today, he could see that his players' mentality was very good, which reassured him. Among them, the works of veterans such as Nash and Iverson It's very useful. Several experienced veterans in the team have communicated with other players of the Suns after the first game. His experience has indeed helped young players such as Zhao Yue.

"Sun! The sun!" The overwhelming shouts echoed in the stadium, and such shouts could be heard even outside the stadium. The starters of the two teams stepped into the stadium in such shouts.

The starting lineup of the Suns is the same as that of the playing, still Zhao Yue, Channing Fry, Cameron Anthony, Aaron Iverson and Steve Nash.

Maybe he tasted the sweetness in the last game. Spolstra made a small adjustment to the Heat's starting lineup, and Sean Battier entered the starting lineup to replace Joel Anthony. Chris Bosh is the only inside player, two small forwards LeBron James and Sean Battier, and Dwyane Wade and Mario Chalmers are still on the back line.

"Shaquille, the Heat has a large and four small lineups. Do you have anything to say?" *Today, three big mouths were sent to explain the game, Kenny Smith's partner Charles Barkley and Shark Shaquille O'Neill. O'Neill came out of the Heat, so Kenny Smith took the lead in asking O'Neill.

"If I'm still in the Heat, I believe there is no problem with such a lineup, but Chris Bosh... Hey, this guy is too soft, and the Heat's defense will be a big problem. Zhao may always attack the basket. He likes to play like this as much as I do.

Although O'Neal once stayed in the heat, his words did not focus on the heat, but slightly towards the sun where Zhao Yue was located.

As soon as O'Neill's words fell, Charles Barkley had shouted: "Shaguire, how can Zhao be like you? Think about your bad shooting posture and shooting rate."

"Charles, do you need to shoot? I'm already as accurate as Zhao, oh no, as Reggie Miller..."

When O'Neal and Barkley quarreled, the starters of both sides also entered the field. Gentry did not care much about the Heat's lineup. It is undeniable that the Heat's lineup has certain advantages, but it also has an extremely obvious disadvantage.

Zhao Yue and Bosh jumped the ball, and the Suns got the right to the ball again. Nash dribbled the ball into the half and pushed the ball directly into Zhao Yue's hand.

The Heat used Bosh to defend Zhao Yue, and James went directly against Channing Fry. Obviously, Spolstra did not want James to be directly exposed to Zhao Yue's firepower.

The weakest lineup of the Heat is the inside defense, which has proved in the last game, so the Suns' tactics after the start of the game are also very clear, that is, to attack the inside.

With a shot, Zhao Yue smashed the ball on the floor and rushed directly to the basket. Bosh in front of Zhao Yue nervously pasted the defense, and the rest of the Heat's players also quickly contracted to the basket at this time.

Passing the ball! Taking a step forward, the ball in Zhao Yue's hand had been thrown out and sent to Anthony's hand. The contraction of the Heat's defense gave Anthony and Iverson a three-point shot.

The Heat's newly contracted defense line is expanding rapidly. Anthony and Iverson's three points this season are very stable, and the Heat has to pay attention to it.

When Battier rushed back, Anthony also smashed the ball on the floor and began to break through. Battier was indeed experienced in defense and quickly pasted Anthony.

The ball in Anthony's hand flew out again, and this time it was sent to Nash. Nash rushed to the basket from the sudden start of the outside line, and Chalmers, who was beside him, could not stop Nash's start. When Nash received Anthony's pass forward, Chalmers was also unable to stop him.

Bosh had to move forward to defend, and Nash, who seized the opportunity, stuffed the ball into Zhao Yue's hand.

When Zhao Yue received the ball, James also rushed to make up for the defense, but James only had time to rush to Zhao Yue and could not jump to defend in time.

jumped up and leaned against James, and Zhao Yue grabbed the basket with his right hand. James is indeed strong, but his height is destined to be limited to the interference that Zhao Yue can bring if there is no take-off.

"Wo!" Zhao Yue hit the rebound and rebounded into the basket.

"The Sun really chose to attack the basket. There is no doubt that their tactical choice is right." Kenny Smith shouted when he saw Zhao Yue hit the layup.

After completing the attack, Zhao Yue glanced at James, who had been pushed away by himself. This is the disadvantage of the Heat lineup. If Joel Anthony stopped him and did not jump, Joel Anthony could bring more interference than James.

The Heat launched an attack. After entering the half, they completely pulled away again. Except for Bosh, who stayed within the three-point line, the rest of the players were pulled outside the three-point line.

Zhao Yue is against James, which is also a tactic arranged by Gentry before the game. If the Heat adopts a large and four small tactics, Zhao Yue's task is to defend James.

James stayed outside the three-point line to catch the ball, while Zhao Yue was one step away from James, which clearly told James not to shoot.

James took a look at Zhao Yue in front of him, but did not take a direct shot outside the three-point line, but took a step forward with the ball. James took a step forward, and Zhao Yue also took a step back.

Zhao Yue's contempt made James look a little ugly. Zhao Yue told James with his actions and did not see his shooting.

James felt that he seemed to have a shooting opportunity, and he knew that once he chose to shoot, Zhao Yue would not hesitate to jump on him. James has a deep understanding of Zhao Yue's reaction speed. Although he is unwilling, he must admit that if Zhao Yue jumps up when he shoots, he will interfere with himself.

"You won't even dare to take action?" Standing in front of James, Zhao Yue began to squeeze James with words, which made James, who was going to pass the ball to his teammates and run again for better offensive opportunities, very depressed. If he passed the ball at this time, wouldn't he admit what Zhao Yue said?

With a small step, James moved a little distance forward. Zhao Yue seemed to have moved his steps. In fact, he almost did not retreat. Although Zhao Yue despised his opponent strategically, he attached great importance to tactics.

shoot! James finally couldn't stand Zhao Yue's naked contempt. One meter within the three-point line, James jumped up with the ball.

While James jumped and shot, Zhao Yue also quickly jumped up and jumped on it. His speed was faster than James thought. Just as James jumped to the highest point and was ready to shoot, Zhao Yue's big hand had reached the top of the opponent's head, which showed that he was already ready to defend.

"Bum!" Zhao Yue's broad palm put great pressure on James, and the ball flew out and hit the basket and bounced directly out.

Inside Fry grabbed the rebound and threw it out quickly. In front, Zhao Yue and James have quickly started to rush forward.

The ball fell into Zhao Yue's hand, and James had retreated quickly in front of him. Zhao Yue, who received the ball, did not pass the ball to his teammate on the side, but dribbled the ball forward quickly.

He retreated to the three-point line and looked at Zhao Yue who rushed in a hurry. James's expression was serious, and Zhao Yue, who rushed up completely, was undoubtedly difficult to stop him.

The better dribbling ability than the average big player made Zhao Yue have no problem even if he dribbled the ball in the whole court. With the ball, it did not affect his speed too much. He rushed to the other half, and Zhao Yue rushed over the three-point line in the blink of an eye.

James retreated deeply. When Zhao Yue received the ball, he accelerated and retreated first. At this time, he had come outside the three-second zone.

James stopped, while Zhao Yue was still rushing forward, and the distance between the two was rapidly getting closer. One step away from James, Zhao Yue's left hand pushed the ball to the right and sent the ball to his right hand. Just as James moved his steps to prevent Zhao Yue from rushing over from the right side, Zhao Yue grabbed the ball directly with his right hand.

Seeing Zhao Yue's movements, James stretched out his hand to the racket, while Zhao Yue's right hand grasped the ball around behind him to avoid James's hand.

His body jumped forward to the left, and Zhao Yue jumped directly from the side of James, who moved to the right. At the same time, his left hand leaned back and grabbed the ball around behind him in his hand and jumped!

"Oh! Beautiful! Zhao changed his hand behind his back to avoid LeBron's steal, jumped through LeBron's defense and dunk..."

While jumping, he raised the ball over his head with his left hand, and Zhao Yue grabbed the ball and smashed it towards the basket.


"Zhao! Well done! Beat that guy!" On the sidelines, the Suns fans stood up excitedly and roared, and the inflatable stick in their hands made a loud slap.

"It's so beautiful! After the game began, Zhao has scored 4 points above LeBron's head. Zhao is against LeBron again. Will LeBron fight back? Seeing that Zhao Yue stopped James again on the field, Kenny Smith immediately shouted.

Sporstra on the side of the field frowned inadvertently. In fact, he didn't want to see Zhao Yue against James, so when arranging, he deliberately used Bosh to face Zhao Yue, in order to lead Zhao Yue to face Bosh on the defensive end, but the Suns obviously did not want to Arrange according to his ideas.