The glory of the center

Chapter 194 The sun without Zhao Yue is not the opponent of the heat

After discovering the strangeness in the field, Elvin Gentry's heart skipped. When he got the news from the team doctor, he could only sigh in his heart. Jintri can't know the specific situation of Zhao Yue now, but he must be prepared for the worst, and one of the problems he has to face is how the sun can cope with the heat without Zhao Yue.

Gintree adopted the most conservative substitution defense here. After Zhao Yue left, he replaced Mazin Gotat. The existence of Gotat will not reduce the defense strength of the Suns on the inside line, but the problem in front of them is how to solve the attack.

Gentry has a headache, while Zhao Yue has a footache. In fact, Zhao Yue could bear the pain in his foot, but he was injured under such circumstances, which made Zhao Yue's heart block.

"Brian, how's it going?" Sitting down in the locker room, Zhao Yue couldn't wait to ask Brian Cole, the team doctor.

Brian Cole applied the ice bag to Zhao Yue's ankle and pressed it carefully with his fingers, and then said with a smile, "Zhao, the situation is much better than I thought, and the muscles are not strained. Now we need to see if the swelling can go away as soon as possible, and if you can even return to the field again in this game.

"This is really good news!" Zhao Yue was also greatly relieved when he heard it, which was unfortunate.

At this time, Brian Cole continued, "Of course, I think you need to return to the field in the second half as soon as possible. If you can't get rid of the swelling, you won't be able to play in this game."

"Hmm." Zhao Yue nodded and prayed in his heart that the swelling could be reduced as soon as possible.

Brian Cole began to spray special potions on Zhao Yue's feet again, and his assistant went to tell Gentry about Zhao Yue's latest situation.

When he heard that Zhao Yue might still have a chance to play in this game, Gentry was a little relieved, but now the situation of the sun is still grim, and the sun on the field has completely fallen into the wind.

The atmosphere at home is depressing because of Zhao Yue's injury, and the sun's morale is also a little low. On the contrary, the heat at the other end is high morale. Only four minutes have passed since Zhao Yue entered the locker room, but the score of the two teams has changed from 9:14 to 16:16, 4 minutes. In the room, the Heat played a wave of 7:2 with a small score**.

"Di!" Jinli, who got the news, decisively wanted to pause. He needed to inform his team members of the news from Zhao Yue to stabilize the army.

"Guys, there is a good news from the team doctor..." Gentry's first sentence attracted the attention of the Suns players. The good news from the team doctor was, of course, about Zhao Yue, and a trace of joy flashed in the eyes of the Suns players.

"Zhao's injury is not serious. The news came from the team doctor that Zhao will return to the field in this game."

Gentry brought good news, which refreshed all the Suns players. No one knows what Zhao Yue means to this team than the Suns. Although Nash is still the nominal leader of the Suns, Zhao Yue is the most indispensable player of the Suns this season.

"However, Zhao can't come back immediately. He still needs time." When Gentry said this, the Suns players understood, and Nash took the lead in shouting, "Coach, we will stick to Zhao's return."

Gintree nodded, and he could obviously feel the morale of the Suns players. Although Zhao Yue could not return to the court for the time being, the improvement of Suns' morale still made him full of confidence.

When Gentry stabilized his army here, Sporstra was also mobilizing on the bench of the Heat on the other side.

"This is a very good opportunity! We don't know the injury of the main force of the other party, but from the current situation, at least he will not return to the court for the time being. This period is extremely important for us. We will try our best to widen the score difference as much as possible, so that Zhao can realize that the game has ended ahead of schedule when he comes back!"

"If we win this game, we will get the match point. When we return home, we will have a great possibility to win the championship in one fell swoop!"

Spolstra's last words brightened the eyes of all the Heat players and won the championship in one fell swoop, which all of them could not resist.

"Come on! Victory!" A huge roar came from the Heat's bench, and at the other end, the Suns players also rekindled their fighting spirit and entered the field.

Gintree sent the lineup of Ross, Iverson, Anthony, Gottate and Channing Fry on the court. Gottate just did not have the effect of Gentry on the court, but only he can replace Zhao Yue in the team. Yi Jianlian is tall enough, but he is far inferior to Gotat in terms of confrontation.

The Heat came on the field with a good vision, while the Suns rekindled their fighting spirit and prepared to fight. In the last two minutes of the first quarter, no one could do anything. The two sides played very fiercely on the field, but such intensity was reflected in the defensive effect to a greater extent.

In two minutes, both sides only got 2 points, which made the score of both sides 18:18 after the first quarter, and no one was able to take advantage of it.

After the start of the second quarter, Fry of the Suns was replaced outside the court, and the other three starters stayed on the court. Obviously, Zhao Yue's absence made Gentry rest assured to replace several major players. Zhao Yue was absent, and the roles of Nash, Iverson and Anthony were also amplified.

The Heat of the other side planned to expand their lead while Zhao Yue was away, so they sent the lineup of Chalmers, James, Battier, Bosh and Haslem after the start of the second quarter. They not only arranged three starts, but also put two important substitutes, Battier and Haslem on the field. Up.

The Heat scored first. James blocked the ball after receiving the ball outside the three-point line, and James also rushed directly to the basket. James's breakthrough was very decisive, and he was obviously determined. In the face of the attack between Anthony and Yi Jianlian, James rushed over by force.

The ball was thrown into the hands of Bosh on the outside line, and Bosh shot directly outside the three-point line and hit it.

In the Sun's attack, Nash dribbled the ball to the half, and it was James who stopped him. James's defensive ability is indeed very good. His physical fitness is probably inferior to Zhao Yue in the whole league, which brings a lot of trouble to Nash's attack.

failed to directly break through James' defense. Nash also signaled his teammates to move forward. The Heat and Suns adopted almost the same strategy.

Nash, who fell into the bag, was at a disadvantage compared with James. That is, his height. The height restriction made him limited in both the field of view and space of passing the ball. The ball was passed back to Yi Jianlian's hand, but Yi Jianlian did not have much middle pitching ability, and Nash could only catch the ball again.

After receiving the ball, Nash rushed forward. Nash dribbled past James and rushed into the three-point line. Without waiting for James to paste again, Nash stopped jumping and shot.

"Bum!" The ball hit the inner basket and rebounded into the net.

The offense of both teams seems to be going well, but this is only the first round. After the Heat launched the attack again, it was still successful. James dribbled again. The Suns pulled too much. When Yi Jianlian returned to defense, he was a little slow and could not stop James from jumping. James jumped up and leaned on Yi Jianlian to score the ball.

At the other end, the Sun's attack was a problem. The ball was still in Nash's hands, but the Heat's Bosh and Haslem both contracted to the basket so that Nash had no chance to hit the basket at all. Iverson and Anthony were close to the outside, while Gottate and Yi Jianlian were not shooting. If the shooting ability is not strong, there is no good opportunity, which also makes Nash have no good choice if he wants to pass the ball.

Nash forced the basket under the basket, but was eventually blocked by James.

The Heat's defensive tactics in this round became the Heat's main defensive strategy in the second quarter of the game. The Heat arranged two insiders to stay under the basket, and Nash could not find a good offensive opportunity even if he could break through James's defense. The Heat has not relaxed its vigilance against the other two outside players of the Suns. Whether it is Anthony, Iverson or Yi Jianlian, they will be closely watched every time the Sun attacks.

For Anthony, an important outside role of the Suns, Spolsla sent Sean Battier, an extremely experienced defensive player, and Anthony, who was entangled by Battier, did not help Nash much.

Yi Jianlian and Gotat are two points that the Heat intends to relax on the defensive end. Of course, such relaxation is only when the two are away from the basket. In fact, it is difficult for the two to find opportunities in the inside because there are too many people under the Heat basket.

As for Yi Jianlian and Gotat's catch at the middle distance, the Heat players only made a symbolic defense, in the intention of letting the two shoot at the middle distance. The two faced a lot of empty shooting opportunities, but the shooting rate was not flattering. After several attempts to shoot but could not score, the two became more and more hesitant after receiving the ball at a medium distance, which also made the Heat's defensive strategy more firm.

The Sun's attack is too limited, but the Heat's attack is very popular. Gotat is indeed a defensive player, but after all, he is only a first-year player. Both his physical fitness and defensive skills are far from Zhao Yue. The Heat is obviously the inner line as a breakthrough, James and Wade Constantly impacting the inside line, even Bosh will come to the inside line to fight. If the sun's defense line shrinks too fiercely, the hot ball will be immediately sent out of the three-point line.

Sean Battier continued the fiery feeling of the last game and became the strongest killer outside the three-point line.

35:29, half of the second quarter, the Suns only got 10 points, while the Heat at the other end has got 16 points, and the ball is still in the hands of the Heat.

Wade controlled the ball outside the three-point line. After Bosh blocked it, Wade dribbled the ball directly to the basket. When Wade rushed before dribbled the ball, James at the other end also began to cut into the basket from outside the three-point line. Wade broke through to the three-second zone to attract the Sun' defensive attention, and the ball was in James's hand.

The Sun's defense line has now completely contracted, and James, who received the ball, did not take action himself. The ball was pushed out and sent to Bosh on the outside line.

He received the ball and threw it. At this moment, Yi Jianlian could no longer rush back to the outside line in time, and Bosh boldly threw the ball.

38:29, with Bosh's three-point hit, the difference between the two teams was narrowed to 9 points, and Gentry had to call for a timeout again.

"Why hasn't Zhao come back yet?" Without Zhao, how can we play the game?

Suns fans on the sidelines turned their eyes to the player channel of the home team from time to time, but their expected voices never appeared. Watching the score on the field being pulled away by the heat, they also became more and more anxious. At this time, they were more looking forward to Zhao Yue returning to the court.

Jin Terry rearranged his tactics, and it was impossible for Zhao Yue to return to the court in the first half. If the difference between the two teams is too large, even if Zhao Yue returns to the court, the sun will still fall into passivity. Gentry's other worry is that if Zhao Yue can really return to the court, can he play at a normal level?

Gintree knows that the ideal situation is that Zhao Yue still bites the score when he can't play, and once Zhao Yue returns to the court, even if he may not be able to play 100% combat effectiveness, his return can improve the morale of the team. But now it is very difficult for the Suns to bite the score. After all, there is a big difference between Zhao Yue's presence and absence.

Suns players also want to hold on, but it is undeniable that there is a gap between the Sun's strength and the Heat without Zhao Yue.

Even after adjusting the tactics, the Suns still failed to stop the Heat from widen the difference to double digits. The score of the two teams was fixed at 53:39 after the first half of the game, and the difference was widened to 14 points. In the second quarter, the Heat actually got 34 points, which rarely happened to the sun, but it happened at this time.

On the one hand, Zhao Yue's departure did reduce the Sun' defensive strength. Zhao Yue is the core in the Sun's defensive system. Without the core, the deterrent of the Sun's defensive system is naturally greatly reduced. On the other hand, the Heat did play very well in this quarter. Whether it was the impact on the inside line or the shooting on the outside line, they played in the best form.

At the end of the second quarter, the Suns' players rushed to the home team's locker room. They wanted to know the real situation of Zhao Yue.

"Zhao!" After rushing into the locker room, the Suns players began to look for Zhao Yue's figure. Gentry, who followed the players into the locker room, was no exception. After seeing that Zhao Yue's expression sitting in the locker room seemed to be very relaxed, the Suns were also slightly relieved. Judging from Zhao Yue's expression, the situation seemed to be very Not bad.

Gintree's target was on Blair Cole, and the Suns doctor immediately began to solve the puzzle for the people in the locker room.

"The situation is not too bad. The muscles have not been strained, and the swelling has basically subsided. If there is no accident, Zhao can return to the field to participate in the second half."

"Great! Zhao, come back quickly. The orangutan opposite is too strong to deal with him without you. Fry was the first to shout excitedly. The orangutan Frey mentioned was naturally James. In fact, it was really difficult for Zhao Yue to strangle James in the sun.

After the Suns' player shouted excitedly, Blair Cole was busy saying, "Zhao can't play at the beginning of the third quarter. He'd better return to the field halfway through the third quarter. I need to observe him again during this period. And after returning to the court, Zhao's movement will also be affected.

"Ber, I don't feel very well. I have 15 minutes of half-time, which is enough for me to fully recover. I want to play immediately after the start of the third quarter." As soon as Blair Cole's words fell, Zhao Yue immediately appeared on the field. Seeing that the team had fallen 14 points behind, Zhao Yue couldn't wait to return to the court.

Blair Cole didn't say anything, and Gentry had taken the lead in saying, "Zhao, follow Blair's arrangement, it's only half a quarter."

"Zhao, believe us, we won't let those guys make the difference bigger." Nash also said, clenching his fist as he said this, and losing 14 points to the Heat in the first half did make Nash a little depressed.

Zhao Yue nodded, and Blair said aside at this time, "Zhao, maybe you can sit on the sidelines after the second half of the game starts. If you really need to play, I will check your situation and make sure whether you are in the game."

After hearing this, Zhao Yue felt that this method was good, and naturally he agreed. Blair Cole also sprayed some medicine on Zhao Yue's feet again. At the end of the intermission, he wrapped Zhao Yue with bandages.

"Zhao can't play and the team is 14 points behind. This is really a bad situation."

"In fact, giving up this game is not necessarily bad. If Zhao can play in the next game, everything will get better."

"God bless, Zhao will be fine. He will definitely come back to lead the team to kill the Heat."

Sun fans at the scene are still waiting anxiously. Zhao Yue's departure put a heavy stone in their hearts. They don't expect much from this game. What they are most concerned about is whether Zhao Yue can play in the subsequent game, which is related to whether the Suns can win the first championship trophy in the team's history.

The players of the two teams began to run out of the player channel, and the Suns fans couldn't help turning their eyes to the home team's player channel again. Although many fans were a little pessimistic about this game, everyone had a fluke mentality, but after watching the players running out, the Suns fans had Some disappointment, Gentry has appeared, but Zhao Yue's figure has not appeared.

Blair Cole was very careful when wrapping bandages for Zhao Yue, which delayed some time, so Zhao Yue became the last to leave the locker room.

Just as the Suns fans withdrew their eyes with disappointment, Zhao Yue's figure appeared in the player channel.