The glory of the center

Chapter 202 at a disadvantage

After the start of the game, the Suns played a high position, and the attack was based on Nash. Such tactics were indeed a little beyond Spolstra's expectation. In the first two rounds, Spolstra thought that such tactics as the Suns were only temporary, and the Suns should then adjust the tactics to the previous conventional tactics, so that Zhao Yue fell into a low position.

But soon Sporstra found that he was wrong. The Sun completely regarded Zhao Yue's high position response as a conventional tactic. A few minutes after the start of the game, Zhao Yue hardly fell to a low position. Unlike Zhao Yue's continuous shooting at a high level in the fifth battle, the Suns are completely tactically cooperated, which is more secure than Zhao Yue's attack by relying solely on the shooting feel, and the Sun's attack is also smoother.

The Heat's defense in this series has been doing well. Some time, Zhao Yue's hot offensive state will disrupt their defensive deployment, but most of the time they have done a good job of the Suns' offensive restrictions, but they didn't expect that their defense was in the most critical game. Something went wrong.

Zhao Yue received the ball from the free throw line. After a cross run between Nash and Anthony outside the three-point line, he confused the defense Wade. Nash dodged and rushed to the basket, and the ball in Zhao Yue's hand was also handed over to Nash's hand at the first time.

After receiving the ball and going straight to the basket, Nash's cut-in made the Heat feel nervous, and the defense contracted sharply at this moment. Seizing the opportunity, the ball in Nash's hand was thrown out and sent to Iverson outside the three-point line.

"Wo!" After receiving the ball, he made a easy shot, and Iverson hit steadily.

Di!" While cheering at the scene, the referee blew a whistle and the heat shouted a pause.

The game lasted half a quarter, but the Heat let the Suns score 16 points, which forced Spolstra to call for a timeout, and the Heat's defense had a big problem in this period.

Zhao Yue walked off the court with a relaxed face. Today's game is undoubtedly extremely relaxed. Up to now, the Suns have led by 5 points, but he has only one shot. When he got 2 points, he sent 3 assists. Most of the time, he appeared in a high position naturally played more easily than usual. .

Although Zhao Yue's assists were three times, there were many indirect assists. Nash's cooperation with Zhao Yue in the first two rounds allowed the Heat to strengthen their defense against Nash, but in this way, the rest of the players also had a chance. In a short period of time, the Suns sent five assists, which was enough to show that they were in this half How smooth the attack is.

The Heat's call for a pause is obviously to make a targeted arrangement for the Sun's offensive tactics, but the Sun returned to the field has not changed its tactics. If the Heat can defend it, the Sun's offensive tactics will be too fragile, and in fact it is true, although the Heat is targeted. Strengthening the defense reduced the Sun's hit rate, but Zhao Yue's tactics at a high level still worked. After the first quarter of the game, the Suns scored 28 points.

22:28, after the first quarter, the difference between the two sides became 6 points. It is not surprising that the Heat scored 22 points after the first quarter, but the Sun scored 28 points after the first quarter, which surprised many people in the outside world.

Before the game, many people were guessing that the two teams would fight fiercely in this game, and defense would become the theme on the court. The fact is that the Heat really wanted to make achievements on the defensive end, but they didn't have much way to suddenly change the way to play.

After the first quarter of the game, the situation of the two teams was completely different. The Sun side was relatively relaxed, while the heat atmosphere on the other end was obviously more serious, which also represented the state of both sides in the first quarter.

Sporstra kept making comparisons with the tactical board. He knew that the Heat must do better on the defensive end, otherwise such a disadvantageous situation would continue.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Zhao Yue, who had played for a period of time, sat off the court. His physical exhaustion in the first quarter was not great, but Erwin Gentry still put him on the bench to rest. Under the condition of uncertainty whether there will be a fierce battle next, the leading Suns will also take the opportunity to let the main players rest. Breath.

The Heat at the other end obviously didn't think so. James and Bosh, who had played a quarter, were still on the field, and Wade, who had only rested for two minutes in the first quarter, also came back at this time. Spolstra actually sent the Heat's three giants to the stage. In addition to the three giants, Spolster La also sent Sean Battier and Norris Cole.

The three giants of the Heat are all playing, which is somewhat beyond the expectation of the Suns, but on the other hand, this also reflects the determination of the Heat. They are obviously ready to do their best in such a game.

Although Zhao Yue was not on the Sun's side, Nash and Anthony were there, and the two main players, Iverson and Fry, also stayed on the field.

The Heat took the lead in launching the attack. At the beginning of the second quarter of the game, the Heat was about to give the Suns a move. When James dribbled the ball to break through, Wade took the lead in finding space to run to the basket. James's ball passed, and Wade slammed in the air.

Wade and James, who completed the cooperation, celebrated with an excited high-five, and the roar also brought up the morale of the Heat.

came to the other end, and the Suns' attack was initiated by Nash. After the breakout, Nash dribbled the ball to the Heat's inside line. While the opponent's defense contracted, Nash's ball was sent to Anthony. Anthony caught the ball and shook off James's half-step stop jump shot.

The first attack of both teams was successful, but then both sides failed to score in two rounds. At this time, Spolstra on the side of the Heat could not sit still. He sent all the three giants of the Heat, while Zhao Yue, the Suns, still sat off the court, but the Heat did not get the initiative in the field. It means that his arrangement has no effect.

Sporstra stood up to supervise the battle, which also gave a signal to the Heat players. The Heat players on the field also realized that their side did not meet the tactical requirements. After relaunching the attack, the Heat players' breakthrough and running were more active. After two consecutive points, the Heat finally found an offensive aircraft. Will, Norris Cole, the fifth scoring point in the Heat found a chance to hit a three-pointer outside the three-point line, and the difference between the two teams narrowed to only three points.

Gintree was not in a hurry to replace Zhao Yue. After all, the offensive power is still in the hands of the Suns at this moment. Iverson's breakthrough caused the Heat's foul. After standing on the free throw line, Iverson did not continue his good state in the first quarter. His two free throws were only one shot.

After grabbing the rebound in the backcourt, James did not give it to Cole, but ran to the other half with the ball and dribbled the ball outside the three-point line. James paused slightly and then suddenly rushed to the basket.

Anthony, who stopped in front of James, could not stop James' breakthrough. James dribbled the ball and went straight to the basket. Fry appeared under the basket in time to make up, and James leaned on Fry's layup to complete the score.

29:31, the difference between the two teams narrowed to only 2 points. Gentry finally began to replace at this time, and Zhao Yue returned to the field.

Zhao Yue, who had just returned to the field, still followed the tactics of the first quarter and mentioned the high position, but the Heat changed the defensive tactics at this time. They sent the lineup of Bosh, Haslem, James, Battier and Wade, with James against Nash and Battier against Anthony.

James and Battier's defense of Nash and Anthony is very good. Although Zhao Yue mentioned the high-level catch, it is difficult to pass a ball that allows them to directly attack the basket or break through directly. After Nash and Anthony's two points were strangled, Zhao Yue mentioned that the effect of high-level response was greatly reduced. The two consecutive returns of the Sun could not be completed, and at this time, the Heat took the opportunity to equalize the score.

Launching the attack again, Zhao Yue did not mention the high position. The Sun's high response tactics in these two rounds were obviously invalid. Zhao Yue returned to the low position. His lethality at the low level has always been the Sun's greatest guarantee. Although the Sun is trying new tactics, the Sun's conventional tactics have not been discarded.

The Heat had not reacted to the Sun' sudden change of tactics, so when Zhao Yue received a pass outside the right three seconds, no one came forward to attack.

Of course, Zhao Yue would not let go of such a good opportunity. He squeezed his back heavily against Bosh and forced the other party to take a step back. Zhao Yue then directly turned around and jumped up to shoot.

"Wo!" Zhao Yue shot steadily, and the Sun regained the lead.

Zhao Yue's score stabilized the Sun fans at the scene. Zhao Yue has only scored 4 points in this game, but they believe that as long as Zhao Yue will stand up, he will definitely score.

On the sidelines, Spolstra stood up again and shouted at the field. Obviously, his shout had something to do with the tactical change of the sun.

Sure enough, in the next round, when Zhao Yue fell to the low position again, the heat's attack came quickly.

The Heat's defense is more aggressive than the first quarter. Zhao Yue, who was attacked, and the two defensive players had continuous physical contact, but there was a lot of physical contact between the two sides in the two games, so the referee did not whistle because of such contact.

There is no doubt that the Heat is ready to work hard. In addition to being more aggressive and rigorous on the defensive end, they are also extremely aggressive on the offensive side.

The Heat's defense temporarily suppressed the Suns' attack, and the Suns also strengthened the strength on the defensive end. However, James and Wade's offensive was very fierce and the hit rate was also considerable. Although the Suns' defense strength increased, they failed to reduce the Heat's hit rate.

In the field, the Heat gradually took the lead, and the difference also widened from 1 point to 6 points.

Zhao Yue and Nash blocked and dismantled. With the help of Zhao Yue's blocking, Nash quickly rushed from the left into the three-point line. James and Bosh on the Heat attacked, and Nash waited for the opportunity to pass the ball to Zhao Yue.

Taking a step on the right side of the free throw line, Zhao Yue took the ball and shot directly. Battil, who defended Anthony near the three-point line on the right, immediately rushed up.

The shooting was just a fake move. When Battier rushed to him, Zhao Yue smashed the ball into the floor and took a step forward to run to the basket.

Batil's judgment was very accurate. He guessed that Zhao Yue's shooting was a fake move. Zhao Yue rushed to Battier just before dribbled the ball like cowhide candy, and Bosh, who originally participated in the attack on Nash, also rushed back quickly at this time.

Zhao Yue's breakthrough is not a real action. What he wants is that Battier can't take care of Anthony outside the three-point line, so the moment Battier pasted it, the ball in Zhao Yue's hand quickly pushed Anthony outside the three-point line.

"Wo!" With a three-point shot unattended, Anthony's shot echoed.

Anthony's three points became the last goal of the two teams in the first half. In the last minute of the second quarter, neither the Suns nor the Heat were able to complete the attack.

50:47, the difference of 3 points, but it is the sun that is behind at this time. In the second quarter, the Heat counterattacked, with a 28:19 advantage in the single quarter.