Chinese power group (1)

Chapter 8: Dr. Wang's daughter

Zhang Feng used his family martial arts to fight with two crazy warriors, but it is ridiculous that no matter how hard he uses, he doesn't seem to be able to cause damage to the two crazy warriors, just like the steel plate in their bodies. Zhang Feng gradually appeared in a hurry. After all, he is not a crazy warrior and does not have such a strong body.

Zhang Feng's footsteps gradually became chaotic, and he seemed a little powerless to attack the crazy warrior, but the stubbornness in his bones annoyed Zhang Feng a little. "I don't believe that I can't deal with you two gorillas with my family martial arts skills!" Zhang Feng roared and then rushed up again. This time, he changed the routine and used an inch of punch.

Inch boxing is a very refined kung fu in boxing. The biggest feature of this kind of kung fu is to defeat the strong with the weak. Zhang Feng took a deep breath and calmed his manic mood. Then he put his hands together and turned his hands into palms. Seeing a crazy warrior's fist hit his face door, Zhang Feng quickly turned his head and grabbed it. At the same time, he pinched his palm into a crane, and suddenly pecked at the wrist joint of the crazy warrior. At the same time, his feet Use hard qigong and step on the head-on bone of the crazy warrior.

If Zhang Feng's two moves were hit, his opponent would lie in the hospital for several months, but when his hand touched the joints of the crazy warrior, he only heard a slight bang, and then Zhang Feng's finger almost broke, and the pain made him immediately sweat coldly. Shit, it's fucking hard!"

The mad warrior's attack on Zhang Feng was not hindered at all, and although Zhang Feng's foot was also straight, as the mad warrior pulled his foot, Zhang Feng stood unsteadily and fell down. Seeing this scene, the two crazy warriors screamed strangely and both rushed to Zhang Feng.

Two black flames flashed on the two crazy warriors, and two flames suddenly appeared on their bodies, almost instantly surrounding them. In only a few seconds, the two huge crazy warriors actually turned into powder and flew in the air.

"Yeyou, I don't need your help!" Zhang Feng shouted in a dissatisfied voice, and then a carp stood up and looked at Ye You standing in front of him angrily. Ye You ignored Zhang Feng, turned around and walked in the opposite direction. As he walked, he said coldly, "If you can kill the enemy with one move, don't use the second move, or you will die miserably!"

"You." Zhang Feng couldn't speak at this time. He knew that Ye You was right. He was just playful for a while, so there was such a danger. Otherwise, with these two people, he basically couldn't even catch up with the Molong blade. He patted the dirt and grass crumbs on his body, curled his lips, and looked at the place where Ye You disappeared. It was the place he guarded. He must have heard the fight here, so he came to have a look.

Zhang Feng rested for a while, and then returned to the place where he was stationed. He looked around and saw that nothing was found. Then he began to meditate again. The fish belly had appeared white in the east. Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, Zhang Feng took a sigh of breath. Tonight was really unlucky. He underestimated the strength of the crazy warrior and almost returned Being hung up, you can hold your breath when you think about it. You can't completely throw happiness into meditation, and then shake your head and stand up.

At seven o'clock in the morning, a group of people gathered around the table for dinner. At this time, everyone looked at Zhang Feng's eyes were a little unnatural. Zhang Feng felt a little ashamed no matter how thick-skinned he was. He obviously had the ability to subdue the two crazy warriors, but he was almost killed by his fist, not What is an idiot? Now it's even more ashamed to see everyone looking at themselves with idiotic eyes.

"All right! Can you not look at me like that? At worst, I will cover all the future battles. When everyone at the dinner table heard Zhang Feng's words, they couldn't help laughing. Although others couldn't say anything, Liu Fan stood up and smiled and said, "Zhang Feng, haven't you ever heard that kindness to the enemy is cruel to yourself? What's more, these are just two crazy warriors. Do you really think you can do anything about this kind of high-tech crazy warrior with family martial arts skills?

"I can't do anything to them. Since you are so good, why don't you try it?" As soon as Zhang Feng's words came out, Liu Fan quickly waved his hand and said, "I can't. I'm responsible for protecting Dr. Wang's safety closely. I'm not changing shifts with you, and Captain Huoyan will never agree."

Although Huo Yan couldn't help laughing, he still said solemnly to Zhang Feng, "Zhang Feng, if you have any difficulties, can't you use your previous weapons? In that case, what kind of weapon do you like? I will help you find it when you return to China. It is not difficult for our god group to find or build a weapon.

Zhang Feng sighed and said, "It seems that you really regard me as an idiot. Forget it, I won't accompany you!" After saying that, he picked up the beef and bread beside him and went aside to eat, which immediately caused a burst of laughter. Several people smiled happily, and suddenly the phone rang. Huo Yan looked at several people and quickly accompanied Dr. Wang to the phone.

Dr. Wang picked up the phone and said a few words in English, but he was excited and worried. Everyone present was a little puzzled. Zhang Feng also became curious. He walked to Dr. Wang, pricked up his ears to listen, and even put his ears close to the phone receiver in Dr. Wang's hand. After listening to it for a long time, he looked at the crowd. .

Few people know English. Except for Ye You and Lin Ifan, the rest of them looked at Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng shook his head gently and said, "I don't understand English. I'm sorry!" After Zhang Feng finished speaking, everyone cast contemptuous eyes. Zhang Feng quickly ran to the stairs and said, "I've been busy all night and it's time to rest. You can eat first. I'm full and I'm going to bed!" After saying that, he laughed and ran upstairs.

Zhang Feng went upstairs for less than five minutes, and the door was knocked. Then he jumped out of bed and opened the door with a yawn. Huo Yan and Ye You stood outside the door. When Huo Yan saw Zhang Feng, he smiled angrily and said, "You just came up for five minutes. I don't believe you can really fall asleep." As he spoke, he walked into the room.

"I'm really asleep, boss. You can't enter other people's boudoir with great power, can you? Otherwise, they will sue you for being rude. Zhang Feng said strangely. Huo Yan suppressed his smile and said, "I have something to do with you. At two o'clock this afternoon, Dr. Wang's daughter is going to come to M from Italy to play with his father, and then return to China together. I have thought about this matter, and I can only bother you to go to Ye You."

"Dr. Wang's daughter?" Zhang Feng curled his lips, looked at Ye You, and then looked at Huoyan and said, "Look at Dr. Wang's old face, you know that his daughter is not good-looking. I think you'd better ask someone else to be smart. I don't want to go. In case the dinosaur girl fell in love with me, I can't wash it even if I jump to the Yellow River." Zhang Feng said as he walked towards the big bed in the room, ready to fall into ** Meng Zhou Gong again.

Huoyan shook his head helplessly and took out a photo and threw it at Zhang Feng. Although the photo was very soft, it was harder than a piece of iron and flew towards Zhang Feng's neck. Zhang Feng heard the wind behind his head and quickly lowered his head and saw something like a photo flying over. Zhang Feng's eyes were so good. Although the photo was spinning, Zhang Feng saw the girl in the photo at a glance.

In the photo, the girl was wearing a white skirt. Although it was relatively short, it was not exaggerated. A large ponytail floated behind her head, holding a tennis racket in her hand, as if she was playing tennis. Looking at the girl's happy smile, Zhang Feng suddenly fell and grabbed it when the photo shot on the wall. Photo.

But unfortunately, due to the strong use, the photo was almost crushed by him. Zhang Feng gently unfolded his hand and gently unfolded the crumpled photo. The appearance of the girl on it was a little blurred. Zhang Feng shouted that it was a pity, and then turned to Huo Yan and said, "Don't worry, captain, since If you shoot me to pick up Dr. Wang's family, I, Zhang Feng, will definitely complete the task successfully and promise that it will not delay the organization.

Huo Yan held back his smile and looked at Zhang Feng's serious and meticulous appearance. Huo Yan also pretended to be serious. He walked to Zhang Feng and pulled up his hand and said solemnly, "Comrade, since the organization has assigned you to complete this task, it is a decision made after careful consideration, so we don't do it at all. Doubt your ability, I will work hard for you this time!" Zhang Feng nodded and said with a righteous awe-inspiring look, "Don't worry, I won't let the organization down!"

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he turned his head and walked towards his big bed, lay down on **, and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth and said, "Organization, can you let me sleep for a while? I didn't sleep last night." Huoyan couldn't help laughing, only Ye You beside him still looked cold.

The two walked out of Zhang Feng's room. Zhang Feng slept straight until noon before getting up lazily. After washing, I had lunch and then returned to the living room. Everyone had already had lunch. Zhang Feng came to the living room to say hello to everyone and found a place to sit down.

Dr. Wang walked to Zhang Feng with an excited expression and said, "My daughter, please, I hope you must bring her back safely!" Zhang Feng patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, as long as his flight doesn't miss anything, we won't encounter any obstacles on the road. Even if those crazy soldiers come, I won't show mercy this time."