Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 2 Compassion

Keywords: mutant zombies, Yuandan

The disk-sized moon emits a strong light and seems to be a small sun.

In the vast desert, a man and a woman are running at a very fast speed. In order to survive, they have to run!

Andrew struggled in pain, and his clothes were now soaked in cold sweat. Because just now, a powerful zombie caught his right leg. At that time, he did not hesitate to cut off the leg in order not to be infected and become a disgusting zombie.

"Brother, I won't leave you!" Dejons picked up Andrew and said, "Brother, don't be afraid. If you want to die, I will die with you!"

Dai Jones is good-looking. Although she has a blue birthmark on her face, she has good facial features, thin waist and breast enlargement. She is a standard beauty.

Andrew roared like a rebellious child, "Let me go!" Even if you cure me, I will become a loser! Disabled people! Unless I become a zombie, I don't want to become a zombie abandoned by all sentient beings! Sister, go quickly!"

Dai Qiongsi wiped the tears that did not exist, as if choked and said, "Well, brother, we tried our best to escape from the castle just to get free? If you die, there is no point for me to live! You have the confidence that we can definitely reach Fortune City!"

Suddenly, she asked about the urine. Taste. Looking down, Andrew's crotch was wet.

Andrew looked forward with a dull expression and seemed to see the most horrible thing in the world: "They, they, they are coming!"

The fierce zombie is like a beast in the primitive forest, moving at a super fast speed, less than 100 meters away from the two brothers and sisters.

Dai Jones held Andrew well, then suddenly jumped up, took out her pistol, and banged. The bullets hit the zombie's head without exception, and the accurate shooting method is comparable to the international champion of the old era.

"I will kill you and avenge my brother! Kill you!" Daisy roared and glanced at Andrew beside her.

However, when he saw countless zombies pouring in, Andrew was scared and trembled like dead ashes.

Seeing Andrew like this, De Jons was extremely angry: "Brother! I must take you out of this damn desert!"

One zombies were hit in the head, but if one did not die, another would catch up. The endless zombies plunged Daisy into a bitter battle.

"Daw! Go and see God!"

Dai Jones raised her fist and jumped at a big zombie with a silver one-horn on her head.

The speed of the silver-horned zombie is far less than hers, so she hit the former's chest with a powerful fist, but what puzzled her was that the big zombie was knocked down and stood up again, as if it were an invindictible robot!

"The strength of this zombie is at least equivalent to the second-step wooden body iron armor corpse, and it is impossible to defeat it!"

A dark shadow suddenly flashed, and Daisy fixed her eyes and found that she was a thin young man.

"Help me!"

Seeing this strange man, Daisy seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. How could she give up!

"Please, help us, save you!"

With that, De Jons suddenly knelt in front of the young man.


The young man is naturally Li Daqi. He looked at Daisy and fell silent for a moment. Before leaving, Hu Qingqing especially stressed that in the desert of death, no one can save people, no one can save them, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. However, it is easier said than done. Everyone has compassion. Although Li Daqi is a zombie, he is a human after all, so he can't bear it.

"Please!" Daisy actually kowtowed and worshipped Li Daqi as if worshipping a god: "Please be merciful!"

"All right!" Li Daqi gritted his teeth, put aside Hu Qingqing's warning, and punched the silver-horned zombie.

The one-horned zombie was punched three meters by Li Daqi, but despite this, it did not die and stood up again.


The silver-horned zombies roared repeatedly, opened their horrible mouths and spewed out a ball**, which was three times bigger than Li Daqi's fist. The huge ** fell on Li Daqi's forearm. With the "squeak" sound, a burnt fragrance permeated, and Daisy asked about the smell of meat.

"Oh!" Li Daqi shook his arm and shouted.

Then he shouted, "But that's it, look at me!

In Daisy's eyes, a flower in front of her eyes, a dark shadow flashed out like lightning, and the next moment appeared on the back of the big zombie. Li Daqi's broad hand clamped the zombie's neck like a tiger pliers, and the next moment, the zombie was picked up.

With a bang, Li Daqi broke the throat of the silver-horned zombie.

With a "ka" sound, Li Daqi pinched the head of the silver-horned zombie.

As soon as the head fell, the black blood of the silver-horned zombie spewed out like a spring, and the messy internal organs scattered on the ground.

Clap his hands, Li Daqi stood with his hands on his back, looked at Daisy with great interest, and said, "Beautiful blonde lady, I saved you. How about it? How do you want to repay me? Do you promise with your body? Haha!"

Dai Jones was silent for a moment and seemed to be thinking about something. She looked back at the unconscious Andrew, then walked forward, stopped three meters away from Li Daqi, and said with some fear, "Thank you, sir! May I ask your name and where you live? I will definitely visit you in person when I have a chance in the future!"

Li Daqi smiled and said, "No, I just played a joke with you. As long as you're fine now, it's time for me to go."

He thought for a moment and didn't say the information that he was going to Fortune City. For the strange woman in front of him, based on Hu Qingqing's reminder, he still tried to be cautious.

Dai Qiongsi looked painful. She reluctantly picked up the zombie's head, took out a knife, shook her hand, painstakingly cut off the unicorn, opened the cuticle in the unicorn, and slowly picked out a silver substance similar to a pill.

She stretched out her hands and presented the Danwan and said, "Sir, I helped you dig out the source of the silver-horned zombie."

Li Daqi was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand and said, "This, I'll give it to you!"

Dai Qiongsi pointed to her heart and asked, "Give it to me?"

Li Daqi nodded.

Dai Jones said happily, "Thank you, sir!" Then she said, "My name is Dejonsi. May I have your name, sir?"

"Li Daqi, Mu Zi Li." Li Daqi said casually, "Okay, I'm leaving. Be careful in the future. I heard that there is a power college in Fortune City. For ordinary people, it's good to collect some Yuandan to the college to inject genetic optimization fluid and transform their bodies.

Hu Qingqing and Li Daqi talked about zombies, so Li Daqi also has a certain understanding of zombies.

When the zombies grow to a certain stage, the mutant virus in the body will completely merge with the gene and gradually gather up to the forehead, eventually forming a unicorn. Although ordinary zombies also have one-horns, they are all black and gray. There is no source elixir in the cuticle at all. Only advanced zombies have colored horns. Rumor has it that the ruins near some big cities are often stale with large zombies of different colors.