Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 29 surrender

Keywords: Soul Eater

A dangerous gap, a bottomless abyss, in a cold pool.

Everywhere Li Daqi's eyes go, there are "walls" that exude a fishy smell. These "walls" show a disorderly color, with layers of muscle pimples on them. At this moment, they are constantly squirming, squeezing out a drop of black**.

"This is its digestive juice. Don't touch it." Yi said, "Quickly climb to the upper esophagus. As long as you find its heart, you can directly suck its heart and blood and completely convert your big six yin blood into the blood of Ming Kun."

Li Daqi nodded and was about to jump up. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in front of him. He fixed his eyes and saw that it was a dog-like monster.

The wing attached to Li Daqi's chest was suddenly shocked: "No, this thing is called a soul-eating beast, which specializes in devouring the souls of creatures. Now we are done."

"What are you afraid of? I am a zombie. There is no soul at all. At the moment when I became a wild corpse, the soul has been absorbed by the body, and even my consciousness has been reshaped the day after tomorrow." Li Daqi said calmly, "Yi, haven't you noticed that there is only a trace of true spirit in the sea of my eyebrows? That's the source of my consciousness!"

Wing was silent for a while and said, "You're right. Zombies have no soul, and zombies only have true spirits. This is the reason why zombies are different from other animals. Only by strengthening the soul through cultivation can other animals eventually condense the soul into a true spirit. The power of the true spirit is far greater than that of the soul, and as long as the true spirit is immortal, it can be attached to weight. I forgot this, but it seems that my memory has not recovered!"

"Wing, who hurt you?" Li Daqi said.

"I can't remember for a moment. I only remember that it was the king of the earth. For the rest, I guess I will know when I recover my skills in the future. Wing Road.

"Be careful, the soul-eating beast is coming!"

"I saw it!"

Li Daqi roared up to the sky and suddenly ran away. He was black and rushed to the soul-eating beast.

Pluto is not only the nemesis of zombies, but also the nemesis of most other creatures, because Pluto can suck the essence of life of life. Pluto parasitizes the northern pterodacty, so it can be seen that the essence of life of the pterodacty is extremely strong, otherwise thousands of puto worms would have sucked it into a dry corpse.

The soul-eating beast is born by sucking the power of the soul, but its relationship with the northern two-winged beast is not parasitism, but symbiosis, mutual benefit and symbiosis! The northern underworld biwing beast swallows the creature, the soul-eating beast eats the soul of the creature, and then digests it by the stomach fluid of the biplane beast. The two cooperate with each other and is indispensable.

Therefore, the vitality of the soul-eating beast is very strong, and its resistance and recovery ability are also very strong. Therefore, in the face of Li Daqi's perverted power of the eighteen cattle, although he was beaten to a bad way, he would not die.

"What should I do if I can't die?" Li Daqi asked Yi.

Yi said, "Just mutil it first and don't stop us in a short time."

Li Daqi's eyes were fierce, and he immediately stretched out his sharp nails, clasped the neck of the soul-eating beast, and bit it desperately.

"Just don't do it and suck it dry!"

"No!" Yi shouted to stop it, but it was too late. Li Daqi's fangs had bit on the neck of the soul-eating beast.



Li Daqi's facial muscles twitched, held his chin with his hands, and said, "If you hadn't told me earlier, why is its skin harder than metal!" My teeth!"

He opened his mouth and spit out two broken fangs that blocked his waist, and he was heartbroken.

Yi was a little angry: "You didn't pay attention to your own observation and complained that I didn't remind you that you couldn't pierce its skin with the power of 18 cows just now. Do you think its neck is easy to bite? Blame yourself for being greedy. Why is the blood of the soul-eating beast so easy to suck? Otherwise, I don't know how many more soul-eating zombies there will be in the world!"

Looking at the breathless soul-eating beast, Li Daqi said, "Listen to you, if I suck its blood, will have the ability to eat souls?"

The wing snorted: "It's beautiful! You haven't even condensed your innate vitality. How can you refine the blood law of the soul-eating beast? Whether it is a wild corpse, a demon corpse, or an evil corpse, if you want to refine the blood law of other creatures into your own bloodline and expand the power of your own bloodline, you must first have your own zombie blood!"

Li Daqi was shocked and said, "As you say, isn't it the 10,000-year-old zombies in the secret world of magic blood that have the ability to refine the law of life's blood?"

"This is the theory, but you met me. It's strange that other memories have been lost, but some practice methods have not been forgotten. You are so lucky." Yi seems to envy Li Daqi's luck: "I have a method created by the ancient female spirit for her disciples. You may not know that the spirit emperor sect founded by the female spirit is a zombie authentic, adhering to the road of heaven and earth. Her method is naturally mysterious."

"We'd better find the heart of the Northern Pluto first. We don't know what kind of freak it is. The mucous membranes are extremely hard, and it is impossible to get into its blood vessels." Li Daqi thought for a moment and looked at the mucous membrane on the edge of the esophagus above the stomach: "It's a little disgusting. Are you sure its heart is on it?"

"Nonsense! In those years, I don't know how many Ming Kun beasts there were in the North Sea. My female ghost and I ran to the North Sea to fish. This Beiming double-winged beast was also a kind of Ming Kun. Just do as I say. Anyway, if you die, I can't live. I won't cheat you!"

Li Daqi also stopped talking and directly crossed the soul-eating beast and jumped into the esophagus of the Beiming double-winged beast.

"It seems that the smell of stinky feet is mixed with the smell of dead cat meat. It's so disgusting!" Li Daqi pinched his nose. With his insensitive sense of smell, he can imagine how smelly this esophagus is.

Yi shouted strangely, "Stop talking, I want to vomit!" Bomb this blood vessel with all your strength. As long as you break through this, you can suck a lot of blood. At that time, your strength will soar. Maybe you can directly drill into Mingqi's head and negotiate with its consciousness!" OK!" Li Daqi opened his legs, supported his body, saved his strength, aimed at the agitated blood vessels, and punched out.

"There is no response? Come again!" One blow didn't work, and Li Daqi punched again.

On the surface of the water, the purple myrtle lamp illuminated the water more than ten meters, and Yao Guangling and Chen Qingwei were staring nervously at the water.

At this moment, the two suddenly found that the water began to tremble, as if something huge was about to speot out.

"Wang~la! Wow~la!"

The silver chill on the cold pool gradually dispersed, and a huge fish emerged from the water. This fish is about the size of a helicopter with two wings on its back. The mouth of the morning bell of the temple is now opening and closing.

Suddenly, the two women only felt a shadow in front of them, and the next moment the Ming Kun on the surface of the water flew to the shore, so fast that they had never heard of and never seen before!

They didn't know that there was a verbal battle similar to a debate in Ming Kun's brain at this time.

Li Daqi stared at a small flying fish in front of him and said, "As long as you send me and my friends to the ground, I will leave your brain and set you free, otherwise you know what I do!"

Ming Kun's consciousness is a small flying fish with wings. Hearing Li Daqi threatening himself, he immediately said angrily, "I haven't settled with you yet. How dare you threaten me to send you to the ground?" I really don't know the depth of heaven and earth! Don't think I can't deal with you!"

"In this case, I will suck your brain and make you die!" Li Daqi showed a ferocious smile on the corners of his mouth, like a big demon.

With that, he stretched out his hand to smash the white brain at his fingertips.

"Don't!" The little flying fish pleading, "Don't! I promise you, but you also have to agree to one of my requests!"

Li Daqi said, "What are the requirements?"

"Breaking the barrier between the cold pool and the groundwater vein." The little flying fish said, "In this way, I can swim back to the North Sea and reproduce."

"I can't see that you are still a female." Li Daqi said.

"Nonsense, we don't distinguish between male and female at all. If you say I'm a female, it's an insult to me." The little flying fish turned around angrily and hummed, "I regret it. Go to the ground by yourself."

"Okay, boss Ming Kun, I won't say this, I promise you. Is this all right?" Li Daqi said helplessly.

Yi said, "It's been thousands of years, and Ming Kun is still the same. Poor enough! Li Daqi, after you go out later, first refine the blood in your body as I said, and then help it.

Li Daqi nodded: "This is natural."