Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 33 Plunder

Keywords: Yanfu

"You underestimate me! You are just an eighth-order Zhenyuan iron armor corpse. No matter how strong your physical strength is, you can't be my opponent! I already have the power to kill you as easy as exploring and taking things! Suffer to death!"

Kakayamisi roared, and the huge sound waves shook the whole island faintly, as if there was an earthquake.

Yao Guangling protected Chen Qingwei's retreat. She wanted to help Li Daqi very much, but she had not recovered from her old injury, and she was forced out a drop of painstaking before. The original source consumed too much, so she was powerless.

Li Daqi said, "Wing, it's your turn to take action! Now I have a dark bloodline and a strong source of life. I burn to provide you with energy to help you transform into mana. Let's work together to kill this lizard demon!"

The wing giggled and said strangely, "Gaga, the essence of your life is strong now. If you burn it, you will definitely restore me to the realm of a first-class demon soldier in a short time. Come on!"

No matter what kind of creature it is, its essence of life contains a trace of pure yang. Although zombies belong to the body of pure yin, it is theoretically impossible to have pure yang aura, but through combustion, they can produce pure yang aura. Therefore, Li Daqi's burning of the essence of life is equivalent to providing raw materials for the spiritual wings of the underground dragon gun, so that the latter can burst into power.

Kayamaisi stood in place, put his hands together, stared at Li Daqi and sneered, "Earthman, now I will give you a taste of the magic of the demon clan! Ruble as a matchmaker, yellow sand builds a wall!"

With his loud shout, the rubble on the island suddenly bounced from the ground, flew to mid-air, and quickly closed together, gradually forming a large net, and then countless yellow sand emerged out of thin air, like the maggots of the tarsal bones sticking to the big net, and finally the rubble and yellow sand turned into a ten meters long wall!

"Double-headed merger!" Kakayamisi's hands suddenly moved and turned around the palm of his hand.

Hearing the order, both sides of the high wall began to curl up, lean forward, and slowly closed together into a cylindrical high wall.

From the birth of the high wall to the cylindrical change, all the process is completed in the blink of an eye. As soon as Li Daqi communicated with Yi, he felt a flower in front of him, and the next moment he was surrounded by a high wall.

Seeing that Li Daqi was surrounded, a smugness flashed in Kaayamisi's snake's eyes, and then shouted, "The golden bell cover! Cover it for me!"

The cylindrical high wall suddenly closed, and in an instant turned into a giant bell-shaped existence, covering Li Daqi in.

"People on earth who don't know the depth of the earth, I will give you another chance to surrender! I'm afraid of being poisoned by my brothers!"

Kayamisi glanced at Yao Guangling and Chen Qingwei, looked at the huge bell covering Li Daqi and said, "If you don't surrender, I will eat these two women first!" Then eat you! Let you reunite in my belly!"

Seeing that the lizard demon was so arrogant, Chen Qingwei scolded angrily, "I curse you alien species! Humph, war is good and evil, but your invasion of the earth and plundering resources is extremely unkind! You will be punished!"

Kayamisi glanced at her disdainfully, spit out a scarlet snake letter at her, and threatened, "Speak again, I'll kill you first!"

"How dare you!"

A roar came from the huge clock, and then the whole big cover was shattered and turned into countless yellow sand. Li Daqi held a purple jade spear and stood against the sand. He was majestic on all sides. He was so brave!

"Earthman, I just said that you annoy me, and I will turn you all into shit!"

Kaayami looked around the three people condescendingly, laughing. The huge snake's head shook, and it was as big as a water tank in the wind.

"The strange skill just now is called 'Huangsha Golden Bell Mask', which is more than enough to deal with the ninth-order copper and iron armor corpses. However, I don't think your strength is weak, so I will reluctantly use my unique stunt of lizard demon - ancient swallowing skills to eat all of you!"

Li Daqi was stunned and hurriedly said, "Wing, I just broke through his magic and burned 30% of the essence of life. Is the pure yang aura produced enough for you to use the invincible overlord gun?"

"No matter whether it is enough or not, you have to stop the lizard demon from swallowing two women first. I think the origin of the lizard demon is not simple. It can actually swallow power in ancient times, but I'm afraid that the power behind it is not weak. We'd better solve the battle quickly and go back as soon as possible. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time!" Wing meditated for a moment and expressed his doubts.

"According to you!" Li Daqi said in his heart, "The lizard demon has started. I'll throw you out, and the next step is up to you!"

While smiling, Kakaya Misi opened his mouth and said to Yao Guangling and Chen Qingwei, "The opportunity has been given to you. You take the initiative to give up, so don't blame me!"

After saying that, a black gas suddenly spewed out of the big mouth. The black gas seemed to have long eyes and rushed directly to Yao and Chen, and drowned the two in the blink of an eye.

" Stop it!" Li Daqi shouted, "Let go of them! Come to me if you have the guts!"

When he spoke, the long gun in his hand had been thrown out, but Kakayamisi's big mouth seemed to have become a black hole. Not only Yao and Chen, but also the purple jade long gun he threw out and his body shook uncontrollably. The whole island is centered on the big mouth of the lizard demon, forming a huge suction whirlpool.

"Do you really want to die here?" The black gas gradually swallowed up Li Daqi, and the last ray of light in front of him disappeared, and he fell into darkness.

In the darkness, Li Daqi groped around and said, "Miss Yao? Miss Chen?"

"I told you to call me Qingwei! Miss is very unpleasant, do you know that?"

In the dark, Chen Qingwei's complaints reached Li Daqi's ears.

Where is Miss Yao? Are you all right?" Knowing that Chen Qingwei was fine, Li Daqi said again.

"I'm fine, as long as everyone is fine. However, I'm afraid that the ancient magic of the lizard demon will not be so simple.

Yao's sweet voice suddenly sounded, and Li Daqi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li Daqi, I found the flaw of the lizard demon!" Wing's excited voice suddenly sounded in Li Daqi's heart.

"I was shocked and thought you had become a poop!" Li Daqi deliberately made fun of it.

"It's not disgusting! Mouth full of shit!" Wing said, "You boy rely on me as a magic soldier, so you think the world is invincible, right? Humph, it feels good to stay in the monster's intestine, right?

Li Daqi said, "I'm afraid of you! Yi, come on, what did you find?"

"The lizard demon is also a different species. In addition to the intestines and intestines in the stomach, the curved intestines are at least hundreds of feet. You three are all zombies. Yao's old wounds have not healed, and they have forced their efforts to give you. Now they are very weak. Although Chen Qingwei is a demon corpse, her painstaking efforts are absolutely no more than five drops. If you give her a drop, it will consume a huge essence of life. Your boy just burned 30% of the essence of life in your body. Although you are now in the blood, it must be uncomfortable now.

Yi analyzed the situation of Li Daqi's group, and then analyzed the lizard demon and said, "Kaya Misi is different. He just bit his arm by you, and his strength is still reserved. He swallows you just to relieve his lusciousness. In ancient times, demons liked to eat people, and it is the same now. Although Yao and Chen are all congenital three golden claw bronze armor corpses, a joint blow is only equivalent to your full blow. Therefore, the three of you are not the opponent of the lizard demon!"

"But now it's different! The lizard demon swallows you into the intestines. It wants to slowly digest you by magic, but it doesn't know that you are the bloodline and Chen Qingwei is the holy bloodline. I have pierced its blood vessel, which is at your feet. You can touch it."

Hearing this, Li Daqi suddenly realized and said, "Two beauties, I have a way!"

Yi said, "You are smart enough to break at one point." After a pause, he said, "Okay, I just pierced a blood vessel of the lizard demon and consumed my accumulated mana cleanly. Now I'm going to sleep deeply. Don't bother me if you have anything to do in the last half month. Those two women are willing to rest assured of their blood for you. You can't fail them!"

Li Daqi said to himself, "Don't worry about going to bed. If I'm here, they will be fine."

In the dark, the voice of Li Daqi sounded.

"Qingwei, Miss Yao, come to me quickly. I have found the flaw of the lizard demon."

After a while, Li Daqi felt two soft things hit his back and then shrank back like lightning.

"Li Daqi, is that you?" This is Chen Qingwei's voice.

Li Daqi said, "It's me."

Suddenly, a soft hand rested on his neck.

"Li Daqi, is that you?" This is Yao Guangling's voice.

"Are you lucky?" The wing suddenly appeared and said.

Li Daqi frowned and said, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"I value sex more than friends! I blinded my dragon's eyes, and I actually recognized you as the master!" Wing Road.

"Didn't you say that ancient emperors had a group of wives and concubines? These are only two." Li Daqi said.

Yi said, "You boy, suck the blood of the lizard demon quickly. Only your dark blood can digest the dark energy in the blood of the demon clan in a short time. I estimate that when you inhale enough, there will be congenital yin qi in your blood. At that time, you will deliver the congenital yin qi to the two women.

"I know!" Li Daqi said, "Go to bed!"

In the dark, there seemed to be a proud strange smile.

Outside, Kajamisi touched his stomach and thought, "It's strange that the feeling of fullness disappeared so quickly. Why is hunger coming again? Well, we have to catch a few more earthlings to fill their stomachs.

The lizard demon doesn't know that Li Daqi is fringly plundering the energy in its blood at this moment! It's the one who harms others and ends up harming oneself!