Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 42 The True Face of the Wild World

Keywords: truth, old zombies, witches

After Li Daqi completely condensed the corpse poison, his power soared to the power of fifty cattle, and the innate yin qi rose with the water. Now it can be released 50 meters, that is to say. The mana attacks within 50 meters. The strength and mana are five times that of ordinary poison copper armor corpses, but the poison content is ten times that of corpses!

When Zhao Han saw Li Daqi's achievements, he narrowed his little eyes, looked happy, and said, "Although I am not a gentleman or a villain, I am also a complete villain. I have regarded you as a friend. As long as it is my friend Zhao Han, I will never fail him!" He waved his fist to the sky and said powerfully, "Even if you want to rebel in the future, I will help you!"

"Why do you treat me as a friend?" Li Daqi was a little flattered and said, "Is it because we don't know each other?"

Zhao Han laughed and said, "The world says that I have a strange personality, but you are the only one who thinks I am bold and direct!" He stared straight into Li Daqi's eyes, and his eyes were as simple as a baby: "You are my confidant, and you die as a confidant!" If I were Han Xin, you would be Liu Bang!"

"We are all zombies who have lived for a hundred years, and we have a thorough understanding of human feelings, no more than ordinary human beings. You said that I am the owner of the house, and I don't even have a friend. How can I gain a foothold in the future? Zhao Han's heartfelt words made Li Daqi a little ashamed.

Li Daqi said, "In that case, what else do I have to say?" After a pause, he said, "When will your poison condense?"

"Now!" Zhao Hanle said, "I just helped you, and now it's your turn to help me!"

After saying that, he opened his mouth and didn't know what pills he had swallowed. He sat cross-legged and began to take the initiative to condense the poison.

Li Daqi sighed, "It's really a straightforward person!"

It took him three days to condense ten drops of poison, while Zhao Han only took one day.

Opening his eyes, Zhao Han looked at Li Daqi awkwardly and said, "I don't think the condensed corpse poison is as much as yours."

"This is a personal secret between you and me. It's better not to disclose it to each other." Li Daqi said, "After reading the book, we have to form our own army. When you closed the house and condensed the poison, Nangong came to send a message, saying that a month later, the 14 city owners of our wealth city must carry out a secret mission. In order to protect ourselves, we still have a lot of things to do, and time is urgent.

Zhao Han frowned and said, "I heard that you have a seven-year appointment with Zhou Tianhua. With your current growth rate, even if you are given a hundred years, I guess you can't catch up with him!" Then he pinched his waist and said, "The best way is to go out to practice. Maybe there is some adventure waiting for you."

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed between the two, and Nangong's evil suddenly appeared.

"You two still have time to chat! Less than a month before the execution of the order, your army has not been formed yet. How many hundreds of homeowners do you know? Humph, this is the basic bibliography that the city lord requires you to read. Read it yourself!"

Throwing out a pamphlet, Nangong's hatred brushed his sleeves away.

Looking at the evil back of Nangong, Li Daqi said, "The vice lord of Nangong is not as fierce as imagined."

Zhao Han picked up the pamphlet and hurriedly glanced at it and said, "Not much, just thousands of books. With our ability not to forget, we can finish reading it in a few days. Suddenly, he looked puzzled and said, "It's strange that the author of The Original Face of the Wild World is actually the city owner!"

"You will know after reading it!" Li Daqi pulled out the True Face of the Wild World from the bookshelf, opened it casually, and plunged into it.

"So that's it! So that's it! The fucking truth is like this!" After hanging out with Yi for a long time, Li Daqi also spoke a little hooligan.

Zhao Han angrily threw the book on the ground, jumped up and stepped on two feet, and scolded, "Do it! Fool people!"

The reason why they feel incredible is that all the truth is related to the ten-thousand-year-old zombies on earth!

After the outbreak of the nuclear war of scientific and technological civilization, countless people died of nuclear radiation and plague, and only a small number of them survived. In order to prevent the complete destruction of the earth's human race, the ten-thousand-year-old zombies who have been in the hidden world have come out of the cave one after another. Ten peerless silver armored corpses have combined to condense three magic axes that are as great as Mount Tai, in order to spread the method of becoming zombies, help surviving human beings and find hope to survive! Crossing the "species reshuffle" is just a cover, and the real purpose is to make more humans become zombies!

The old zombies can be said to be well-intentioned. In the face of increasing mutant beasts and powerful zombies with powers, if human beings do not become zombies, there is only one dead end!

In addition, the book also talks about the four gates of the human race.

The cosmic level where the earth is located is called the source realm, also known as the source universe, also known as the world of all kinds of human beings. It is composed of human beings, demons, demons, immortals and Buddhas. It is the gathering place of human beings and countless creatures. With stars similar to the earth as the basic unit, there are five permanent sand worlds.

A world inhabited by human beings around the sun and moon is a solar world. Such a world composed of the source star earth and the star sun is the solar world. A large galaxy similar to the Milky Way has about 10 billion solar system worlds, that is, a cosmic island, also known as the galactic world. The galactic world where the younger generation is located is also called the galactic world. The world composed of 100 million galaxies is called the world of Hengsha Islands. The so-called Hengsha is the sand of the Ganges River, and most of them are unclear. The world composed of 100 Hengsha Islands is called the Great Hengsha World, which is composed of 10 billion galactic worlds as large as the Milky Way.

The human world originally occupied two major Hengsha worlds. Since ancient times, they have been commanded by the four gates of witches, ghosts, immortals and Buddhas, but the immortals and Buddhas have long been far away from the earth and have flown to another starry world in the source. Immortals and Buddhas each occupy a large Hengsha world and created their own Buddha and fairyland. They have abandoned the human race on earth, and The ghost gate also soared hundreds of millions of years ago, leaving only the witch gate that was about to annihilate the clan.

In ancient times, all human beings with special abilities evolved from people as the foundation of heaven and earth were called witches. Later, the fairy Buddha appeared and got rid of the great feeling of witch. Therefore, in ancient times, witches referred to people who were not the special abilities of fairy Buddhas, such as wizards, witch doctors, etc. People have life, old age, illness and death. After death, they are ghosts for those whose souls do not disperse. With the increase of the number of ghosts, the strength of the ghost gate has increased. Once again independence from those with different abilities, they become the third gate of the human race after immortals and Buddhas.

With the rise of immortals, Buddhism and ghosts, the remaining human race has gradually weakened, and the direction of evolution has been seriously distorted. They do not pay attention to the physical spirit, but pursue material enjoyment and persist in fame and fortune. It is called progress, but they really don't know that they have regressed. In the end, the immortal Buddha was cut off, the ghost disappeared, leaving the only zombie with different abilities in heaven and earth, so the zombie became the pronoun of witch.

After the three gates of immortals, Buddhas and ghosts soared, the two demons repeatedly entered the human world, disrupting the order of the human world and trying to divide the human world. As a powerful survivor of the witch sect, Lei Xiong and others have lived for thousands of years and witnessed the immortal Buddha fly away from the earth and far away from the old zombies in the human world. They couldn't help but take action and unite with other old zombies to refine the great axe, spread the method of cultivation, try to strengthen the human race, rectify the chaos, and fight against demons.

Of course, this only represents the words of Lei Xiong's family. As for what the facts are, only Lei Xiong and other ten-thousand-year-old zombies know. However, after Li Daqi learned the facts, he found that what Lei Xiong said was basically the same as ancient rumors.

"Is it possible that the mutant beast is deliberately created by the demon clan with the help of nuclear radiation?" Li Daqi couldn't help muttering to himself.

Zhao Han put the book back in place and said, "I think zombies are related to the demon clan, and mutant beasts are related to the demon clan!" This time, the city owner ordered us to carry out the mission, and I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the invading alien creatures and demons!"

The two exchanged a few words and then continued to read.

Time passed quickly, and soon a week passed, and they read thousands of books designated by Lei Xiong. Although after reading these books, Li Daqi has a certain understanding of the composition of the source universe, that is, the source realm, and has a preliminary understanding of various creatures, powerful power organizations, strange flowers and plants, and rare beasts on the earth, but unfortunately, he did not find Zhou Tianzhi in his mouth.

"Li Daqi, time is urgent. You'd better go back to meet Chen Qingwei and Yao Guangling and form your own army as soon as possible. Zhou Tianhua will not wait for you to become stronger. While you are progressing, he is also making progressing. The journey of cultivation is like sailing against the water. If you don't advance, you will retreat. What are you thinking about talking to you? Yi came out dissatisfiedly and appeared in Li Daqi to know the sea, and criticized arrogantly.

Li Daqi tilted his head, held his chin with his hands, and replied in his heart, "I send. Spring! Send. Do you understand Chun? That's what I think! Desire. The fire is unbearable!"

Yi said, "Look at Zhao Han, why is he all right?"

Li Daqi said, "I'm different from him!" I have a woman, but he doesn't! I miss Hu Qingqing very much now, even if I see her!"

"Go to hell!" Wing roared.