Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 77 Bone Demon Attack

Keywords: Cangshan tripod, blood stone

The three-in-one cannibal peach demon was refined into a ball of pure innate vitality by the gossip furnace, which was supplemented into Li Daqi's body, which not only helped him restore the vitality consumed by the change of the green blanket, but also made the vitality in his body stronger, faintly showing the three golden claws.

In addition, the Bagua God Furnace also sent out six golden strange magic patterns. After these six divine patterns broke away from the divine furnace, they flew directly into Li Daqi's sea of knowledge and became his ancient magic.

Among the six strange arts, the black Buddha skill, the violent ape to the Yang skill, and the split skill come from the demon monk Yingzongguo, and the yellow sand skill, the cold water skill and the red fire skill come from the peach demon of the Trinity. In time, Li Daqi integrated all kinds of strange skills learned and condensed them into a huge natural divine pattern, and he could enter four stages of endowments and have a set of powerful innate endowments!

Moreover, after this battle, the Nianqing spiritual blanket mutated, which went beyond the category of spiritual soldiers, but he was not a divine soldier. Therefore, Li Daqi did not know how to locate it, so he simply called it "Nianqing", which was also very happy.

Li Daqi suddenly got six strange skills and got a new "Nianqing". His comprehensive strength has greatly increased and he is in a very good mood. Therefore, after Ge Zhong entered the cave, he saw him in high spirit and was not injured at all.

After Wei Yanshui figured out the meaning of Li Daqi, he acquiesced in Ge Zhong's joining. After all, it can reduce some burden when facing the enemy.

Ge Zhong asked Ge San and Ge Si to return to the Refinery City with other followers. He followed Li Daqi and Wei Yanshui to Taobao City.

Li Daqi was reluctant to take out Nianqing for contemporary walking tools. He was worried that the change of Nianqing would be detected by Ge Zhong and Wei Yanshui, so at his insistence, the three chose Tu Dun.

The three-stage golden claw copper armor corpse is absolutely hundreds of times faster than the iron armor corpse in the iron bone realm. Although it can't be compared with riding a flying carpet, the speed is not less than ten times the speed of sound, so the three entered the boundary of Taobao City seven days later.

Li Daqi looked far to the north and saw a mountain range emitting five colors of light and said, "If I guess correctly, the glittering mountain is the treasure mountain of Taobao City, and the most famous treasure ancient cave should be among them."

"You're right, that's Baoshan! Legend has it that there are countless treasures hidden in the ancient cave, not only various rare elixirs, but also materials for casting weapons, tools and so on. Wei Yanshui continued.

After listening to what the two said, Ge Zhong did not speak. On the way, he kept silent and secretly observed Li Daqi's every move, as if he wanted to see through Li Daqi's inner thoughts and specific strength.

"There is a shout!" Wei Yanshui suddenly said, "It's coming to us!"

"Kill! Kill~kill~kill!"

Ge Zhong actually said, "I'll go and have a look."

Li Daqi said, "I'll go with you!"

"No, Brother Li, wait a minute. I'll go and find out and come back immediately." Ge Zhongdao.

"We are still together. This is next to the outer demon realm. In case you meet a monster, you can't reach it alone." Li Daqi said.

With that, he grabbed Ge Zhong's forearm, carried his vitality and injected his feet, and flew up. The next moment, he had fallen thousands of meters away.

Ge Zhong was secretly surprised that although Li Daqi's jumping speed was not good, he grabbed him very fast.

He fixed his figure and found an old man in front of him, like a homeless dog, running desperately.

Li Daqi stretched out his hand to grab him and asked, "What's the panic?"

The old man was about to scold his mother when he suddenly saw Li Daqi's cold face and rare heavy pupils. He immediately swallowed the words in his mouth. He looked at Ge Zhong and then said, "Two adults, you don't know that a month ago, there seemed to have happened in the heavenly demon realm that did not violate the river with the well water of Taobao City. The ogre rushed Out of the demon realm, kill people when you see them. They captured the Cangshan Tripod, a big town under the jurisdiction of Taobao City. The hero of the enemy city gathered the world's heroes. Whoever can help Taobao City retake the big town can go to the treasure ancient cave to choose his favorite treasure.

The old man's eyesight is not bad, and he can see that Li Daqi and Ge Zhong are "adults" at a glance.

Li Daqi surveyed this man with his vitality and saw that he was a congenital two-stage copper armored corpse, so he asked, "Your strength is not low. What kind of demon is chasing you?"

The old man said, "Old man, I am obsessed with money, so I will go to Cangshan to refine demons. Damn, all the skeletons are chasing me, and hundreds of skeleton demons are chasing me as an old man! The officer who led the skeleton army was called the 'bone demon', and the devil could poison a group of ordinary people by sneezing. It's wrong that the old man is a congenital bronze armor corpse, otherwise he would have died! I can see that you are stronger than me, but the bone demon is too powerful. I advise you to escape quickly!"

Li Daqi said, "Where did you escape?"

"Baoshan, there is a boundless hatred for the owner of Taobao City!"

Li Daqi let go of his hand, let go of the old man, and said, "What's your name?"

"My real name is Song Ji Ce, and I like to give advice to people, so others call me Song Junshi." Song Ji Ce said.

After he finished speaking, he licked his cracked lips and said, "Your Excellency, if it's okay, let me go. The old man hasn't lived enough!"

Li Daqi's hand loosened, and Song Ji Ce disappeared without a trace.

Ge Zhong waved his fan twice and said with a smile, "What do you think of the bone demon compared with you?"

Li Daqi said, "A sneeze can poison a group of ordinary people. I really want to see this ability."

"The old man is very interesting. He still thinks about the treasures of the ancient cave when he is old." Ge Zhong looked at the direction of Mr. Song's disappearance and said, "I'm afraid the two demons have begun to invade the human gathering place in an all-scale."

Li Daqi said, "Master Ge, have you ever thought of driving away demons and revitalizing the human race?"

"Ha ha!" Ge Zhong sneered and said, "Get rid of the demons? It's easy to say. Not to mention that there are demons disturbing the human race, even if there are no demons, it's a dream to revitalize the human race!"

Li Daqi said, "What's Master Ge's plan?"

"Why did I tell you?" Ge Zhong sneered and said, "Don't think that with Miss Wei's support, I will follow you."

"Support? Haha! Master Ge is really interesting!" Li Daqi shook his head, looked at a dark cloud in the air in front of him, and said, "Let's stop these skeleton demons first!"

As soon as his words fell, Wei Yanshui had come out of the ground.

"I have inquired about the news so far. I don't know if time is tight? A month will be enough in ten days. Zhou Tianhua won't wait for us!"

However, when she saw the black clouds fall and turned into a group of skeletons, her face suddenly changed: "Is this, the demon clan?"

Li Daqi said, "That's right! The two demon clans have been invaded. not only the wealth city has been captured, but also the Cangshan tripod under the jurisdiction of Taobao City has also been occupied by the demon clan. Human beings are about to face the crisis of extermination!"