Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 149 We Are Not Alien

Keywords: aliens, zombies

The lakeside of the underworld.

Li Daqi stood quietly by the lake, looking at the endless lake. The water and sky were spectacular, which set him off extremely small, like a stone in the desert, and almost no one would notice it.

However, a surging atmosphere, as if it could turn upside down, kept radiating around him. The originally calm lake began to set off waves, and the waves were fierce. The fierce fish pythons in the lake all gushed out of the bottom of the lake uneasily, half floating on the lake, as if worshipping their ancestors. Like Zong, you are next to me and I are next to you, visiting the great back of the lakeside.

In the dead desert three million miles away, Lei Xiong has gathered dozens of zombies from the zombie academy, with a total number approaching 10,000. Originally, he was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, guiding many zombies to the Nether Forest. But suddenly he felt a breath of ancestors in ancient times, which immediately cheered him up. Nearly 10,000 zombies under his eyelids unconsciously knelt on the ground. These zombies have been detected by the breath of Li Daqi's ancestors. In the face of the call of their ancestors, they are all excited and full of happy smiles.

In the paradise outside the outside world, Godzilla has met Andrew, and the two have gathered nearly 10,000 zombies. These zombies, like those in the death desert, were like chicken blood. After kneeling down, they ran to the east excitedly.

"This kind of call is stronger than my grandparents' call to me!" Andrew had never been exposed to such a domineering ancestral call. He didn't know why, so he looked puzzled and said to Godzilla.

Godzilla nodded slightly: "The summoning of the ancestral breath of zombies is irresistible for zombies below the level of big zombies. But with me covering you with witches, you won't be able to control it and make crazy moves.

Soon, the breath of the zombie ancestors spread all over the world, and many scattered zombies were also summoned and rushed to the underworld.

Considering that some zombies have low strength, the Nether Forest came from hundreds of millions of miles away, and there are many mutant beasts in the barren mountains, so he waited for a month after the first call and made a second call. A month later, he made the third call. .

After the first three summons, 90% of the zombies on the earth came to the Nether Lake.

In addition, what shocked Li Daqi was that nearly 4 billion zombies on the earth were also gathered under the call. Among these zombies, there are mutant zombie kings, such as yellow scales, white scales and blue scale zombie kings. Li Daqi was surprised at first, but later he thought that the source elixir that humans ate the zombie king could become evil corpses, and figured out why zombies were also summoned by the spirit of his zombie ancestors.

Because zombies are the product of human mutation under the attack of radiation and viruses, they are originally unconscious corpses, but over time, they gradually have feelings and begin to perceive the parts of things around the body, such as touching the trunk of trees and touching the soil. Feeling slowly mature and becoming conscious, they can perceive a complete tree and make some conditioned reflexes. They will choose to escape when attacked, and foraging when they are hungry. When the perception matures to a certain stage, it becomes the germination of thinking, like primates such as gorillas.

In a word, the powerful zombie king will have a higher level of "consciousness" than the budding of thinking. The zombie king already has psychological activities and will have his own understanding of the essence of things, that is to say, the zombie king can learn the human language and learn everything about human beings, just like A 2-3 year old baby.

In other words, zombies are ultra-low-level zombies that are a little lower than low-level wild corpses, while the zombie king is a wild corpse that has not been born for a long time, and its IQ is only as high as a 2-3-year-old child. No matter how powerful it is, it is just as tall as a child aged 8-9. However, the zombie king is all capable. This kind of wild corpse is gifted. At the beginning, Li Daqi met Andrew in the death desert and fought with a zombie, which could spray acid. It is enough to prove that zombies are also a force that should not be underestimated.

"I'm very happy that you can come to participate in this gathering!" Li Daqi was like a god, suspended in the sky, looking down at the zombies that surrounded the underworld into circles. More than 4 billion zombies have occupied the Nether Forest and surrounded tens of millions of square kilometers of Nether Lake.

Therefore, every time Li Daqi said a sentence, he should use witch breath to spread the sound as much as possible so that every zombie can hear it. Naturally, with his energy of a big zombie, he can do this naturally. The surging voice and witch breath spread into the ears of each zombie. After the sound disappeared, the insignificant witch breath turned into a pure mysterious atmosphere and melted into the zombie body.

Among these more than 4 billion zombies, many of them are wild corpses that have not even been produced by consciousness, and there is no possibility of purifying the mysterious yin qi at all. Therefore, when they get such benefits, they all scream comfortably, as if to send out. Wild cats in spring.

What's more, those iron armored corpses who already have consciousness but have reached the peak of the iron bone realm and are only one step away from stepping into the innate realm. After receiving the pure mysterious spirit given by Li Daqi, they have been stagnant and suddenly shake a little slightly. They are eager for Li Daqi to say a few more words so that they can break through the first and most difficult shackles on the road of cultivation.

"Zombies are aliens in the mouth of immortals and Buddhas. Although they are regarded as the same kind by demons, they are still always on guard and are excluded everywhere! I will tell you today that zombies are not aliens, and zombies are a direction of human evolution! Only if you have the confidence, you can definitely become a big zombie body, make immortals and demons sweep the face, and prove to them that our zombies are also a direction of the evolution of the orthodox human race. We are not aliens!"

Every word Li Daqi said contains surging witchcraft, which is powerful and powerful. Therefore, this sentence is like the mother's education and father's encouragement to convince them of more than 4 billion zombies!

"We are not aliens! We are a direction of human evolution!"

More than one billion talking zombies made hysterical shouts, while the other three billion speechless zombies shouted excitedly and made the strongest shouts in their lives.

The shouts of more than 4 billion people, such a force is enough to shake the world!

In a city hundreds of millions of miles away, many people woke up from their deep sleep. They felt that the earth was vaguely shaking and there was a faint sound in their ears.

"We are not aliens! We are a direction of human evolution!"

"We are not aliens! We are a direction of human evolution!"

"We are not aliens! We are a direction of human evolution!"

Such hysterical shouts from the depths of the soul continued until midnight before gradually receding. Since this night is a full moon night, from then on, human beings no longer dare to leave the city on a full moon night. As for the wealth city closest to the Nether Forest, there is a legend that hundreds of millions of zombies worship the moon on a full moon night, so as to scare those children who cry at night, causing many children to cast a shadow on the full moon night when they grow up, affecting generations of the wild empire!

Li Daqi looked at the reaction of more than 4 billion zombies below with satisfaction and shouted angrily again, "We zombies are going to rise! We want to unify the world and take back the lost land!"

"Unify the human world and recover the lost land!"

"Unify the human world and recover the lost land!"

"Unify the human world and recover the lost land!"