Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 154 Heavenly Soldiers Down to the earth to defeat demons

Keywords: Heaven, Tota Heavenly King, Iron-blooded Flag Army

The mountains are continuous, foggy, and a fairy scene.

Li Daqi looked around and had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the world.

Mountains are close to each other, and streams and rivers are like silver and white, shuttling between many mountains. The crisp sound of birds is mixed with the sound of running water, like a beautiful music. The sound of wolves and apes rise and fall with each other, as if the suspects who have been sentenced to death are howling crazily. All kinds of strange sounds came from a distance. Li Daqi closed his eyes and listened, with a sense of luck of reunion after a long separation.

Why are you lucky?

The devastating catastrophe not only caused the direct death of two big zombies, Godzilla and Dracula, but also caused hundreds of millions of living beings to suffer. The Wumen elders Lei Xiong and Ouyang Ling were nowhere to be found, and Yao Guangling's life and death were unknown. It is a miracle that Li Daqi can come out of the nucleus of Jupiter's star alive.

The power of a big zombie is only comparable to the power of a real dragon, but the power of the second disaster flying night fork is comparable to the power of nine real dragons. After launching the dragon elephant Hercules, it can even shake a terrestrial life star! Li Daqi is not only flying to the sky and night fork, but also his flesh and body has been upgraded to a congenital fire and virtue god body. There is also a ball of Hongmeng purple qi in the original witch beads, which is the only ultimate zombie bloodline in ancient and present. With his current strength, he can single out five two-way monks except zombies, and hit them with all his strength, which is enough to turn a planet into powder.

It's a complete fluke that Li Daqi can have such a fortune! His goal now is to find Lei Xiong, Yao Guangling and others as soon as possible to find out how many zombies have survived.

"Fortunately, the Jiuding Continent is a lucky treasure refined by the old Dragon King himself, which can be big or small. If I hadn't found that the universe was abnormal and took advantage of the chaos to make the continent smaller and hide it in the witch beads, it would be a big loss!"

Li Daqi found out that the small Jiuding mainland was honestly in the witch beads and was receiving the nourishment of Hongmeng purple gas, and nodded with satisfaction. Judging from the current situation, it was the right choice to integrate the remaining mixed zombie blood into the underground dragon vein of Jiuding Continent. Now, after the cultivation of Hongmeng purple gas, Jiuding mainland can change at will, large or small. In the future, when facing the enemy, it will be unexpected enough to crush the enemy into meat cakes.

He stood on the top of the mountain, released an invisible witch, and instantly enveloped the whole star.

"Tut, there are five more mountains stretching 100 trillion kilometers on the source star, which is simply incredible. If it hadn't been for my own experience, I wouldn't have believed it."

Original. After that catastrophe, the sun lit up again, and the moon also left the source earth, but the five stars of gold, wood, water, fire and earth turned into five amazing mountains and remained on the source earth. Looking from the vast space, five mountains are like a basketball set with five deformed table tennis balls.

The level of the witch breath of the two-flying night fork is one level higher than that of the great zombie, and you can already clearly see everything in the range of the witch breath like the divine consciousness. The reason why there is such a difference between the two levels in the early stage of the Magic Blood Secret Land is that the disaster is the excessive stage of zombie cultivation. It was not until the second disaster that they really entered the Magic Blood Secret Land. The witch has undergone substantial changes, the magic power has increased, and the red dots in the eyebrows have become two.

"Leixiong! Ouyang is fierce! Iron-blooded flag army?"

At the foot of a big mountain, hundreds of thousands of people stretched for hundreds of miles and stood in an orderly manner. In front of those people, Li Daqi saw Lei Xiong and Ouyang fiercely. Then, behind them, he saw a banner with the words "Iron-blooded Flag Army" written in a bright red seal.

These people exude demonic power all over their bodies. Li Daqi knew at a glance that they were all copper armor corpses in the innate secret world, hundreds of thousands of copper armor corpses. This power is enough to affect the general trend of the world of Hengsha!

Li Daqi saw that Lei Xiong and Ouyang's fierce faces were heavy, and they looked up at the sky from time to time, as if they were facing a big enemy, and those bronze armor corpses in a team were dressed in red armor, with high fighting spirit and a great momentum of death.

Just as Lei Xiong and Ouyang were preparing to fight to death, above everyone's heads, in the void, it seemed to be ripples of the water, and then a fiery red light flashed in the air, and then a young man with red hair and white skin emerged out of thin air.

"Master!" Lei Xiong and Ouyang exclaimed fiercely at the same time, and their legs trembled under the strong pressure.

As for the soldiers below, they seemed to see the legendary gods. They knelt on the ground one by one and dared not look up. Why? Because as soon as Li Daqi appeared, he released a strong and fierce ancestor breath, which was enough to subdue all the zombies present, including Lei Xiong and Ouyang Ling Li.

"I'm back!"

Li Daqi withdrew his pressure and flashed to the two of them. The three hugged each other tightly.

"Five thousand years! Five thousand years!" Lei Xiong said tremblingly. He seemed to believe his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes, because he had found Li Daqi on the earth for a thousand years and drilled hundreds of millions of meters and did not feel the breath of Li Daqi's life. He had no chance. However, today he saw Li Daqi who was thinking about day and night. He was so excited that Forget the coming enemy.


There were deafening sounds in the sky, as if hundreds of big drums were ringing at the same time.

A strong golden light flashed, and violent space fluctuations shrouded hundreds of miles.

"The demon corpse of the lower world, you have committed chaos and disturbed the order of the three worlds. This general was ordered by the emperor of heaven to come to arrest Naer and wait. What else do you have to say?"

A powerful general holding an exquisite pagoda, surrounded by many heavenly soldiers in gold armor, stepped on the auspicious clouds and floated over Lei Xiong and others, with a smell of overlooking the world like ants.

Li Daqi fixed his eyes and couldn't help but be shocked: "Tota Heavenly King! Lord of the fairyland!"

Lei Xiong corrected with a bitter face and corrected: "Master, he is no longer the lord of the fairyland. The fairyland no longer existed 5,000 years ago."

Speaking of this, Lei Xiong used Wuxi to convey everything he knew and what had happened in the past 5,000 years to Li Daqi.

5,000 years ago, a war broke out between the four major forces of Shangjing Yanjing Fairy Mansion, Buddhist Kingdom, Demon Hall and Demon Palace. The so-called immortals fought, and mortals suffered. The Epoch War not only destroyed the origin created by the Virgin of the ancient Protoss, but also led to a violent change in the universe from the lower realm.

The sunlight disappeared, the starlight disappeared, and countless meteorites and stars collided not only in the human world, but also in the fairyland, the Buddha world, the demon world and the demon world were not spared. They all suffered heavy losses in that catastrophe.

Yao Guangling, Chen Qingwei, Lin Yan Zhenren and many other people disappeared. He Daoren, Yuantong Monk and Gongsun Linglong led many copper armored corpses to resist the impact of the stars and died tragically for the sake of the foundation of Wumen. After thousands of years of recuperation, Wumen has now enough power to influence the direction of the human world!

After the upper realm was completely destroyed, the universe was unbalanced and the galaxies were in chaos. Some of the demons and immortals and Buddhas in the upper realm escaped by chance, and they went to the four worlds of immortals and demons to reorganize their forces. Then, the situation in the source world changed greatly. The demons and demons who survived in the upper realm merged into one, turned into the earth, retreated to the center of the big egg of the source, occupied the position of egg yolk, and rested for another battle. As for the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas, they are also combined into one in the hands of powerful great powers and become the heaven, occupying the eggshell position of the super big egg of the source, which is also the edge of the source universe, the closest place to chaos. Therefore, the human world is rejected by the heavenly world and the earthly world and lives in the position of the protein of the big egg in the universe. In this way, the original five worlds of people, immortals, Buddhas, demons and demons evolved into the three worlds of heaven, earth and man under an era disaster.

The heavenly world is composed of two major forces, Heaven and Lingshan, and the earth is composed of two major forces, hell and hell. Both worlds want to take control of the human world, so a new dispute begins. Today, there are hundreds of copper armored corpses, just like the sun and the power is powerful. In time, if thousands of big zombies are born, hundreds of two disasters flying night forks, and dozens of silver armor corpses kings, such strength is enough to scare the forces of both sides of heaven. After all, in the eyes of immortal Buddhas, zombies are the same as demons. Alien. Therefore, for the treatment of Wumen, the rulers of heaven mean either to surrender or eradicate them when they have just emerged.

"I give you two choices, one to surrender and two to die! Which one are you going to choose?" The king of Tota held Lingling Tower, as if he really controlled the life and death power of hundreds of millions of creatures, completely ignoring the existence of Li Daqi.

He didn't seem to know that Li Daqi was the reincarnation of Chongtong Wu Zun, and Li Daqi did not release a too strong breath, so he shouted unscrupulously.

At this time, the demon corpses under Lei Xiong and other heavenly soldiers in the eyes of the heavenly soldiers and generals chose to be silent.

"Report to the general, please ask Xiao Qian to give them some color!" A soldier reported to the general beside him.

The golden armored general who survived three thunderstorms heard the words, raised his eyebrows, looked at his confidant who spoke, and said, "You are the general who has survived the second thunderstorm. At most, you will be tied with the big zombies below. Don't forget that the zombies in the secret world of magic blood are not related to cause and effect. They are strong. You are almost the same as dealing with the bronze armor corpse. Go down is Shame. Don't say such impulsive words in front of me in the future. Do you hear me?"

The soldier looked bitterly, lowered his head, and dared not speak any more. However, the general rushed excitedly to a heavenly guard behind the King of Tota, whispered a few words, and then looked at the two packages of heavenly currency "golden beans" handed over. The guard of the Heavenly King nodded with satisfaction, walked to the Heavenly King of Tota and said, "The Heavenly King, Liu Tian will plead to go to war."

Tota Tianwang gave a hum, then strode, turned his mighty body, and shouted, "Liu Tianjun, I order you to fight quickly. Be sure to capture the leader of the demon corpse below alive, there must be no mistake!"

Yes! The last general takes the order!" Liu Tian couldn't hide his excitement. He carried a golden gun, stepped on Xiangyun, and flew down.

He stood in front of Li Daqi and Lei Xiong and said arrogantly, "That demon corpse, come to see your grandfather quickly and surrender as soon as possible to avoid the pain of skin and flesh!"

Li Daqi's eyes are slightly closed, and the original ∞-shaped double pupil has now been transformed into a large circle with a small circle of double-ring pupils due to the influence of the reshaping of the body in the star nucleus. Hearing Liu Tian's wild words, his double-ring pupils suddenly shrank and turned into a sharp point. He said coldly, "We have never slaughtered innocent creatures. What we have done is worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. Why do you want us to surrender?"

Lei Xiong jumped out, stepped on the black clouds, and was about to take off to fight against Liu Tian general.

Li Daqi grabbed Lei Xiong and said, "If he kills you, you don't have to be polite to him!" I have fought with Tianbing Tian General before. At most, they can only have a kind of magic power. Except for the more guard magic power around the Heavenly King and the Heavenly King, no one can kill you. Don't worry about fighting!"

Lei Xiong laughed, stepped on the black clouds and stood up.

Ouyang turned his head sharply and ordered the soldiers below to shout, "Brum and cheer!"