Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 161 Thegong of Divine Water

Keywords: Tianhu strange poison, source public domain

In the vast starry sky, a huge warship made of crystal, like a super flea, jumps from one galaxy to another.

The strangest thing is that on the deck of this warship, a red-haired young man sits cross-legged, covered with red flames, and his clothes have faint signs of melting under the blazing flames, which is very strange.

This red-haired young man is Li Daqi. The star spirit flying fire is his own magic power. Now that he has survived the second witch disaster, he is already a flying night fork, and has increased the magic power of the dragon and elephant. He can blow up a moon-like star with any punch. At present, his eyebrows are locked, and hundreds of thousands of small white dots in the original witch beads have gathered into a light spot, which is like a wormhole, which is constantly carrying spiritual energy from another space and nourishing his Hongmeng purple gas.

Under the forging of the god corpse star essence flying fire, it turned into a drop of heaven and divine water. This drop of divine water is colorless and invisible, melted into Li Daqi's ultimate zombie bloodline dragon and phoenix blood vein a mass of purple gas. After the divine water inexplicably disappeared, his body turned into a congenital fire god body under the transformation of star spirit flying fire. This strange change He is the only one who knows it. Now, the mystery of the innate fire god body is highlighted again. Li Daqi can release information to hundreds of thousands of copper armor corpses through the white dot in the original witch beads, teach some of the Pangu Heart Sutra, and communicate with those bronze armor corpses through the white dot.

It can be said that without Tianyi Shenshui to divert the attention of the star essence flying fire in the star nucleus, Li Daqi has long turned into ashes. It was Tianyi Shenshui who saved Li Daqi's life and transformed his physique. However, so far, Li Daqi has not found any usefulness of the ultimate zombie bloodline for him, just like a belly ball, which is of no good use.

He didn't want to sit back and wait for death, so he chose to temporarily leave Lei Xiong and Ouyang Lingli and take the initiative to find a way to solve the "color disaster". If you want to get through the disaster smoothly, it is very important to improve your skills. Therefore, he sat cross-legged and operated day and night, in order to practice the magic power of flying fire to his will.

What is magic power?

For ordinary people, repeating a skill ten thousand times is magical. Just like Chinese people holding chopsticks to pick up rice grains, foreigners can't do it no matter how hard they try, and when foreigners practice thousands of times, they can pick anything with chopsticks as they want.

But for monks, it is not only as simple as repeating a skill ten thousand times, but also many restrictions. Any monk can only practice the divine power of the same attribute, but any practice that contradicts the Tao of his understanding will be counterattacked. If it is ten thousand years of hard work, it will turn into running water, and if it is serious, the soul will be damaged and become an idiot.

Zombie monies need to go through a total of nine heavenly disasters. After the first two heavenly disasters, they will each get two kinds. That is to say, the second disaster flying night fork has four magical power in addition to a magical power transformed from the previous innate endowment. But for those who cultivate immortals, Buddhas and demons, this is not the case! The last four rely on innate qualifications. After the first disaster, those with good qualifications can cultivate many magical powers belonging to the same attribute at the same time. Those with poor qualifications can only practice one magic power. Liu Tian will be the best example. His qualifications are not high, so after three heavenly disasters, he trained his magical power to the point of being fascinated before he got the position of a general. The guardian of the king of heaven is different. Those who have survived four heavenly disasters will have at least two magical powers.

As for the universe manager with a king-level golden wheel like Li Nezha, he must be a powerful person, otherwise the throne assessed by moral literacy and cultivation will not easily fall on his head. This is not as simple as a son inheriting his father's career. Although powerful monks have many magical powers, they will major in a certain powerful magical power. Even some highly qualified monks are willing to give up other magical powers and practice only one magical power in their lifetime. Such a well-qualified monk who only cultivates a magical power is a strong man who dominates a certain star domain. Just like the four ancient Buddhas in Lingshan, they are all masters specializing in a kind of magic power of Buddhism. Among them, he is the most powerful to defeat the Buddha. He has reached the level of a master who uses the magic power of "eight nine mysterious skills" to deal with thousands of magical attacks.

Because monks know that practicing multiple magical powers will hinder their progress, most practitioners will only practice a few powerful magical powers. Li Nezha is the embodiment of the lotus flower. It is said that the magic power of cultivation is "nine-turn Yuangong". Like defeating Buddha, it will also have seventy-two changes. Therefore, if Li Daqi wants to defeat Li Nezha, he needs to continue to work hard.

Li Daqi's consideration is very simple. He left Lei Xiong and Ouyang and let them develop on their own. He went to the source public domain to find the Tianhu line. Relying on the unique Tianhu's unique "strange" poison of Tianhu to evoke the "color" desire in his biological nature, as long as he survived, even if he survived the third witch disaster, to At that time, he had the cultivation of cultivating immortals, Buddhas and demons, and then found the four true ancestors of zombies, and finally unified the human world.

The air-breaking warship continued to make space jumps. It took about half a year for Li Daqi to finally arrive at the source area.

Because the air-breaking warship is cast with broken crystal stone, although it is a foreign treasure, it cannot change according to the owner's intention. Therefore, when Li Daqi drove the air-breaking warship to reach the dragon source star domain, it shocked many warriors of the dragon clan. As a general, Shunlong of course had to come out to patrol, so he saw Li Daqi sitting in the bow of the boat, so he first sent a message to his eldest brother Ying Long, and then sent a wisp of divine knowledge to Li Daqi.

Longyuan Star, Shunlong Mansion.

Shunlong said, "Brother Li, please rest assured that I have sent troops to guard the broken air warship." With that, he frowned and said, "I'm a little strange. This broken airship is the aircraft of the fairyland. Where did Brother Li get it? Hearing that the Qing Emperor of Tianting sent the King of Tota to destroy the demon corpse of the source earth, did you overturn Li Nezha?

Li Daqi couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard this. As soon as Shunlong said this, it can be seen that the reorganization of the heavenly world and the earth boundary has long been known. But he was a little strange. He didn't see the ruins after the catastrophe as he imagined along the way, which seemed to be many times more prosperous than before.

Ying Long probably saw Li Daqi's doubts and explained: "The source public domain is not under the jurisdiction of the heavenly world or the earth boundary. It is the only paradise in the source universe. This public domain is composed of 36 star alliances, and many ethnic creatures live in each star alliance. Our dragon clan is the only race granted by heaven to manage the source realm. My father is the third generation of domain kings of the source realm. Even the Qingdi and Buddha of the heavenly world should be polite and courteous when they see their father.

After 5,000 years of separation, Yinglong has reshaped his body. He looks like a handsome young man. His two sword eyebrows are full of majesty, but compared with Li Daqi, he lacks a little domineering and a little more tenderness.

"I'm here to borrow something from the Tianhu family."

Li Daqi briefly talked about his plan. After hearing about it, Yinglong and Shunlong looked embarrassed.

Yinglong was silent, and Shunlong said bluntly: "Three days ago, there was an explosion in the Sky Fox Star, and the patriarch of the Tianhu clan returned to heaven."


Li Daqi couldn't believe it. When he thought about it, he couldn't help but be shocked. Because except for Lei Xiong and Ouyang, the only people who know that he will cross the sex disaster are Li Nezha. The first two are impossible, and Li Nezha is the most likely. As long as he can't overcome the disaster, his cultivation will never surpass Li Nezha, and then he will never be the king of the human world. However, Li Nezha doesn't look like that kind of traitor and evil person, and if Li Nezha really does such a thing, it is the denial of his own moral literacy, which will be devoured by the throne and directly erased by the way of heaven. Therefore, the possibility of Li Nezha should also be ruled out. Since he will not be a monk in heaven, the greatest possibility is the earth.

"Is there a clue?" Li Daqi believes that since the dragon clan is responsible for managing the source public domain, he will never allow outside forces to infiltrate, so he subconsciously chose to believe that there will be traces left.

Shunlong frowned and thought for a moment and shook his head. Just as Li Daqi clenched his fist and was angry, Ying Long said, "The patriarch also has a biological son."

"Brother, are you kidding? The patriarch of the Tianhu clan was promoted from pure sacrifice. How can he have a son?" Shunlong first showed doubts, but the thief smiled and said, "Hey, I know. Tell me, what's your relationship with the patriarch of the Tianhu clan? How do you know that she still has a son? Isn't it? Ah!"

Looking at Shunlong's spiral body twisting, Li Daqi suddenly felt that he was a little obscene.

Ying Long smiled bitterly: "Because I took her birth."

It turned out that four thousand 500 years ago, because of the reshaping of his body, Ying Long thought of wandering around the sea for a few times. He didn't want to find a mysterious cave that could not be detected with divine consciousness in a coral bush at the bottom of the sea.

Out of curiosity, he broke the ban of the cave and slipped in. It happened that the patriarch of the Tianhu clan lay on a stone** to give birth and screamed. Ying Long followed the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan and also saw many tribal women giving birth. He knew how to do it, so he helped the Tianhu patriarch. And the child has also stayed in the cave. Every day, there are many shrimp demons, crab demons, turtle demons, etc. playing with the little fox, so the head of Tianhu clan is also relieved. Who would have expected that the Fox patriarch would encounter an accident three days ago?

"Quick, let's go find that child!" Li Daqi shouted.

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