Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 170 Heaven, the embodiment of justice

Kneeling for collection! Kneel down and ask for red tickets!!!!


Keywords: Xuanyuan King's broken arm, Xuanguang red fox broken tail

Fahai is an honest person. He can almost be said to be the embodiment of honesty between heaven and earth. As long as he knows, anyone who asks him, he will know everything and say everything. The content of his answer to Li Nezha is the best proof of his honesty. Although the tone and words of his answer do not match his identity and status, this does not hinder his status as the only monk in Lingshan in heaven.

Li Nezha wanted to complain a few words and complain, but he thought that he was the representative of the heavenly court of heaven. How could he affect the impression of the creatures of the three worlds in heaven because of his personal emotions? Everyone knows that the Li family is the most upright and reasonable. Li Nezha is a direct child of Li Jing, the last king of Tota, who has completely inherited his father's upright and loyal character. Therefore, the complaints at his mouth were swallowed by him, and his Xuangong was wiped out of his inner resentment.

Fahai is a monk. The monks claim to follow fate together and will neither force nor force them. The monks pay attention to opportunity. Therefore, in response to the fact that no one from the dragon clan came to welcome them, he did not hate or complain and treated them calmly. Li Nezha is the authentic of Xuanmen and practices the immortal Taoism. The immortals pay attention to the purity and desire. Therefore, after eliminating his inner resentment, he became calm and calmly faced the void and waited.

In contrast, those immortals and Buddhists as generals and monks can't stand their temperament. Some scold the dragons who don't pay attention to the heavens, some refer to the mulberry and scold the locust, scold the demons for not respecting heaven and the earth, arrogant, and some are very smart and wise. They learn from their own leaders, look at their nose and minds, calm down and quiet. Wait quietly.

Li Daqi and Shunlong hid behind a Qingyun and secretly looked at these people in heaven. The former feels that Li Nezha and Fahai have done very well and admire them, while the latter stubbornly believes that Li Nezha and Fahai are hypocritical, pretentious and deliberatelybai faces. They have different attitudes, so they say different things and do different things.

Li Daqi dodged out of Qingyun, came to Li Nezha and Fahai, and said politely, "Let's wait for a long time."

However, Shunlong followed Li Daqi and looked at the calm Li Nezha and Fahai hummed, as if they despised the practice of "taking advantage of the fire". In fact, Shunlong misunderstood Li Nezha and Fahai. They did not come to take advantage of the fire, but sincerely wanted to help the dragon clan solve the crisis of this demon invasion.

Li Nezha knew that Fahai was too honest, so he replied first and said, "Well, we are just ordered to act. You also have your own things. We are both practitioners. Although they are their own masters, they are all Taoist friends. Since you are Taoist friends, we should understand each other and understand each other!"

What he said was reasonable, saying that Li Daqi was in his heart. Li Daqi admired Li Nezha more and more, and Fahai was an honest person. What Li Nezha said was reasonable. Of course, he wanted to agree, so he said, "The king is reasonable. We are all Taoist friends." He looked at Li Daqi and said, "Your business is our business. We will not stand by when you encounter any difficulties and will definitely help you with all our strength."

Originally, when Li Nezha said that sentence before, Shunlong listened to it comfortably, but Fa Hai jumped out and said another sentence, which made Shunlong disgusted. If you don't come, you can't play. The demons have been driven away by our dragon clan. When you come, what do you say to do your best? You bring so many soldiers, aren't you here to show the prestige of your heavenly world? Do you really think we are fooled? Although he thought so, he did not dare to attack. After all, without his father's order, he could not easily do something out of line, especially related to the order of the three worlds.

Li Daqi seemed to notice the resentment in Shunlong's heart. He turned his words and said, "You two, do you think you still need assistance in the source area now?"

Why don't you need it? Your source public domain guarded against emptiness and let demons invade. When this spread out, it seemed that the heaven was incurtible. Fahai said honest words, but hearing Shunlong's ears was another meaning.

Shunlong said angrily, "Why, do you still want to send troops to station in the source public domain to help our dragons guard the public domain? Why didn't you come just now? The demon ran away and you came! Humph!"

Li Nezha gritted his teeth anxiously. He agreed to tell the truth, but Fahai's truth can sometimes be said in another way, which would be misleading to say it directly. He hurriedly explained, "No, no, no! There is no such plan in heaven. We really help you drive away demons! A few days ago, the three Taoists in the heavenly court calculated that there would be a magic disaster in the source realm, so they sent me to wait. We will never send troops to station here, and the general must not misunderstand!"

Shunlong is a general of the dragon clan, which is well known in the three worlds. Li Nezha was not surprised by Shunlong's name Li Daqi, so he made a favor and continued: "That's good! This is a matter of the source realm. The Heavenly King's words are reasonable. Since all the words are said, we understand. Although you didn't help the Yuanjing public domain, I still want to thank you!"

Li Nezha's face suddenly became a little embarrassed. At this time, Fahai said, "What are you talking about? Why didn't we help the source territory?"

When Shunlong heard the words, he clenched his fists angrily. He couldn't find an excuse to fight with Fahai. At this time, Fahai picked out the conversation. He hurriedly answered, "Have you helped me with my source territory? Joke, how did you help? It's just a word of mouth! I don't know shame!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he began to wink, signaling Li Daqi to use the golden black blood crystal to release the star essence flying fire and see the power of the flying fire.

However, Li Daqi knew that Fahai was famous for his honesty and could not talk nonsense, so he pretended not to see Shunlong's look and asked, "Oh? Can you talk about it in detail?"

Li Nezha didn't know how to explain the end. At this time, Li Daqi asked, and he happened to find the words and hurriedly continued, "This is the evidence!"

He spread his hands and dragged the void. There was a wave of aura in the space, and a broken arm and a tail emerged.

Fahai is a pure heart and has no scheming. He is a very honest person and said with a smile, "Two generals, please look, this golden broken arm like a refiner is Xuanyuan's, and this red fox tail full of inverted spines is Xuanguang red fox! In addition, there are other demons' internal elixirs and bones! It's all here!"

With that, he took out a cloth bag from his arms and stuffed it into Shunlong's hand and said, "Look, these things should be able to make up for the loss of the source territory!"

Shunlong swept into the cloth bag with a dragon breath and was immediately shocked. It was full of mountains of golden elixir and tendons and bones that emit various colors and aura. These are all materials for refining magic weapons, especially the demon inner elixir, which is a great tonic for the dragon clan closest to demons. With an incredible face, he handed the bag to Li Daqi.

Li Daqi swept the bag with witch breath and was also shocked.

"Don't you have any loss?" Li Daqi asked Li Nezha and Fahai, "How did you do it?" Didn't the demon run away?"

"Haha!" Li Nezha and Fahai smiled inexplicably at the same time and said, "We couldn't get out of the net at the exit of the Yuanjing Public Domain and caught them off guard!"

Li Nezha stretched out his hand and patted Li Daqi on the shoulder. Like a brother treating his brother, he did not say anything. His gratitude was self-evident.

Shunlong was surprised and hurriedly said, "Two respected Taoist kings, please come to the Crystal Palace with me, and I will report to my father!"

After saying that, he hurriedly winced at Li Daqi and asked the latter to keep Li Nezha and Fahai. No matter how Li Daqi reacted, he turned back at a high speed.

Li Nezha smiled and said, "Brother, the monk and I are going back. This time we didn't lose a soldier, it's all because the dragon clan tired the demons in front of us!" This amputated arm and this fox tail are all given to you. The old dragon king hates the invaders who invade the source realm most. Whether it is the immortal Buddha or the earthly demons, he hates it. It's time for us to go back to life. Come on! In fact, I'm looking forward to you coming to heaven!"

After saying that, he pushed it with one hand, and the broken arm and tail were incorporated into a cloth bag, turned into a light spot, and fell into Li Daqi's palm. Li Daqi held the cloth bag and thanked him with his fist.