Ultimate Big Zombie

Chapter 182 Rebirth of Double Pupil

Keywords: the truth is white, Lin Yan, drought

Li Daqi stepped on the forehead of the two-headed demon tiger, sealed it with his own life, and said, "I'm not afraid of your escape or your resistance. Even if you don't say it, I can find the truth!"

Yao Guangling, Yan Meijun and Ouyang Lingli looked sideways and wanted to know what Li Daqi would do next.

However, to the surprise of the three, Li Daqi seemed to have done nothing, and his whole body suddenly turned into a bright red flame. The huge flame gradually changed, like a big bubble, surrounding the two-headed demon tiger up to dozens of meters high.

"How did Master become a fire?" Ouyang asked fiercely and anxiously.

Yan Meijun frowned and said, "Is it the sequelae caused by the flame of the tiger demon general just now?"

Yao Guangling clenched his fist and was very nervous: "God bless! Master's spirit in heaven, bless Chongtong!"

After Li Daqi turned into a flame, it gradually penetrated into the body of the two-headed demon tiger. His thoughts were like invisible tentacles, slowly reaching into the sea of consciousness of the two-headed demon tiger.

So, he found all kinds of things that the double-headed demon tiger had experienced in the past. From the birth to the later growth of a demon tiger that has survived four thunderstorms, all of them are exposed to Li Daqi, including who sent him to kill people.

"Are you Lin Yan?" Li Daqi was suddenly shocked. He never thought that Lin Yan, who was affected by the Shanghai Epoch War 5300 years ago, would be reincarnated as a demon general of the demon clan, and he was such a powerful demon general under the demon king.

"Who is Lin Yan? I don't know him at all!" The sealed two-headed demon tiger roared in his heart, "Let go of me, my master will kill you, eat your meat and drink your blood!" Know-it- how to let me go!"

Li Daqi sighed slightly. After poor Lin Yan's reincarnation, his six relatives did not recognize him. At present, the only thing that can make Lin Yan return is to help him recover his memory of his previous life. However, how can he recover the memory of his previous life?

After thinking for a long time, Li Daqi came up with a way, which is to forcibly erase the negative memory of the double-headed demon tiger killing and doing evil in this life, and then input his past memory. Generally speaking, it is to brainwash Lin Yan. This is a good way. Make up your mind that Li Daqi will no longer talk nonsense, directly operate the witch, and erase all the negative memories of the two-headed demon tiger in the sea of consciousness. After being completely cleared, Li Daqi slowly left everything Lin Yan experienced in his previous life as if he had deliberately said.

After all this was done, it was noon the next day.

At this moment, there are many ordinary mortals outside the farmhouse. They have never seen such a huge two-headed demon tiger. According to past experience, all mortals who have seen such a terrible monster will be killed and swallowed up by demons.

"Wow! Mom, this tiger has two heads. Why doesn't it move? A child asked, pulling the corners of the women around him.

The woman said, "With the blessing of the gods, the monsters dare not mess around. It was subdued by the gods.

"I want to worship the gods as my teacher and learn kung fu. When I grow up, I will also subdue demons and protect my homeland!" The child said innocently.

Today, Yao Guangling, sitting quietly in the wing, can no longer stand it. With her calm nature, she can't help but feel anxious.

"I have to go and have a look."

As soon as Yao Guangling left, Yan Meijun shouted, "The big pepper just moved!"

Ouyang was shocked when he heard the words: "Really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed from the threshold to the bed, grabbed Lei Xiong's hands and asked, "Big pepper, is it the master who hurt you?"

Lei Xiong's eyelids moved on the bed, and then opened his eyes slightly. Looking at Yan Meijun's cold face and Ouyang's fierce and handsome middle-aged appearance, he said, "Li, Meijun, you are all here."

"God bless! You finally woke up!" Ouyang sighed fiercely.

"Did Li Daqi hurt you?" Just now, Ouyang asked fiercely, but Lei Xiong did not answer. Now Yan Meijun asked again. She spoke rudely and called Li Daqi's name.

Lei Xiong shook his head and said, "The breath on that person is too different from that of the master. It's changed. It's definitely not Master!"

"Who is it?" Yan Meijun asked.

At this time, Yao Guangling came in, followed by a young man in a white Taoist robe, who was Lin Yanzhen who fell 5300 years ago!

"It's the demon king of the world chasing the evil king of the sun!" Lin Yan said with hatred.

Ouyang stretched his neck sharply, hoping to see the person he wanted to see, but unfortunately there was no shadow of that person.

Yao Guangling said jealously, "He is outside the door, with a woman."

Yan Meijun felt that Yao Guangling's words tasted strange. Now that Li Daqi has cleared her innocence, she should have been happy, but her tone was full of resentment.

"Meijun, go and apologize to the master with me!" Ouyang fiercely grabbed Yan Meijun's wrist and said.

Lei Xiong, who was lying in **, struggled to get up. He said happily, "Master is back? When did you come back? Cough, cough—”

"Don't talk, it's important to recover at present!" Li Daqi's voice suddenly floated in.

Everyone looked up and saw Li Daqi come in, followed by a flower-like woman behind him.

This woman's hair is dark and shiny, but her face is blue, but her skin is like a pale blue jade, which makes people yearn for it and can't wait to touch it. The slender waist and slender legs are all unique to beautiful women.

Yao Guangling said unhappily, "Would you like to introduce it to everyone?"

Li Daqi looked around the crowd awkwardly, and then looked at Hu Qingqing and said, "You'd better introduce yourself." Just now, Hu Qingqing has told Li Daqi about her life by voice transmission, so when Hu Qingqing told her secrets, Li Daqi was very calm, but Lei Xiong, Ouyang Lingli and others could no longer calm down.

"My previous life was one of the four true ancestors of zombies! In this life, his name is Hu Qingqing, Gu Yuehu, who is green with flowers and plants, and is the woman in charge of your witchcraft!"

As soon as Hu Qingqing said this, everyone was shocked.

"The reincarnation of the real ancestor! It's incredible!" Lin Yan sighed.

Everyone seemed to see the legendary ancestors and looked at Hu Qingqing curiously.

Li Daqi doesn't have to worry about the mortals outside revealing secrets, because he has dismissed those left-behind mortals after he summoned Lin Yan back just now. Now the whole farmhouse has been controlled by Li Daqi's witchcraft, and anyone will be perceived by him once they approach.

"You should remember me. I used to be the owner of Su Nv City." Hu Qingqing is neither shy nor arrogant, just like introducing others.

Yao Guangling exhaled, gritted his teeth, and blurted out in front of everyone, "Heavy pupil, you are my man! How can you do this to me? You must marry me! I'm your man!"

Her previous personality was not so impulsive. She is recognized as a stable and virtuous woman.

However, she said so without changing Ouyang Lingli, Lei Xiong and others's views on her, because she said something else next.

"I don't care. If you marry her, you have to marry me. You know her first, and I accept it, but if she is your queen, I have to be your side queen! Whether she is really reincarnated or not, you have to marry me! Marry me!"

As soon as Yao Guangling said this, he almost thundered Li Daqi.

Lin Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart: "This woman is really a temperamental person!"

Li Daqi stretched out his hand and held Yao Guangling's hand trembling with excitement and said, "I promise you!" How dare I not want a reasonable, virtuous and generous wife like you?

Then, he looked at Lin Yan. The latter was satisfactory and said, "I was affected by the Shanghai Epoch War before. Later, I was resurrected by the supreme of the earth with supreme power and turned me into a demon clan. Today, thanks to the teaching, otherwise I will never be able to turn over!"

"The evil king chasing the sun was ordered to act. He sent me to kill the people and frame the master. The demons wanted to see the civil strife in the human world, and then took the opportunity to destroy the forces of the human world and seize the remains of the Vulcan in ancient times. A long time ago, the two demons were trying to capture the source star earth, open the door of the earth, and connect the upper realm. Now the upper realm is destroyed. The two demons want to use the body of the fire god to create a new god, in an attempt to recreate the upper realm of bliss and take charge of the three worlds. Once the demon succeeds, the human world will never have peace!"

Li Daqi looked at Yan Meijun and said, "Wumen zombies and star sea ghosts are two unique powerful forces in the human world. In front of us, we must unite and protect our beloved and cherished home!"

Hu Qingqing said, "That's right! The top priority is to refine the source earth as soon as possible and integrate it with the heavenly path belonging to the Qinglong Star Domain of the human world. At that time, no one can hurt our home unless the supreme Taoist emperor of the source realm takes action!"

"How can we refine the source planet Earth?" Ouyang asked fiercely.

Now, except for Li Daqi and Yao Guangling, including Yan Meijun, are impressed by Hu Qingqing's strong momentum, and they can't help but listen to Hu Qingqing's speech.

Hu Qingqing said: "We must choose a person who is in the realm of Taoism, and this person is deeply trusted by hundreds of millions of mortals on the planet. Only with the power of faith of all sentient beings can we refine the earth in a short time. Speaking of this, she looked at Li Daqi and said, "This man is him!"

Lei Xiong applauded, "Okay!" Ouyang smiled fiercely. Yan Meijun also nodded. Lin Yan nodded fiercely and agreed.

"It's not too late. Let's start right away." Hu Qingqingdao.

Li Daqi walked to the bed, injected 30% of his witches into Lei Xiong's body, and ordered, "You have recovered!"

Lei Xiong felt the surging power in his body and said with great joy: "Thank you, Master!"

Li Daqi said, "Master, master, master, am I that old?"

"From now on, don't call me master, but call me teacher--" Lei Xiong said.

Li Daqi interrupted, "Let's call Master!" In the past, I hoped that you could develop alone and become the Taoist king of a large star domain. Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. He patted Lei Xiong on the back and said, "You have the highest prestige in this world, and those mortals also believe in you. Although I am respected as the supreme god in the temple, few mortals have seen my real body. Gather the affairs of mortals and leave it to you.

"The apprentice will not humiliate his mission!" Lei Xiong held his fist and saluted.

Li Daqi attracted Ouyang Lingli and Yan Meijun again and said, "What about you, don't worry, I won't blame you for not trusting me. Now that the truth is revealed, you will continue to develop your sea of stars and recruit more talented talents. You still need to work hard to refine the earth in the future.

Yan Meijun lowered her head and said, "Thank you, Master! Thank you!"

Ouyang said fiercely, "I said that Master loves us the most!"

Yan Meijun gave a white look at Ouyang Ling.

Li Daqi then invited Lin Yan and said, "You call Ouyang Lingli and gather the hundreds of thousands of zombie warriors outside. It's of great use to me!"