Reborn assassin breaks into the city

Chapter 1 Previous Life and Present Life

In 235 A.D., it was in the camp of Kebineng in Mobei.

"No, the king was killed. Catch the assassin quickly." As the bodyguard exclaimed loudly, the Mobei camp suddenly became chaotic.

At this time, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out of the big account, and everywhere it passed, it set off blood blossoms, all of which sealed the throat with a sword. Looking at the chaotic camp, the shadow let out a trace of disdainful sneer.

"Everyone calm down, surround him, and don't let him run away! If anyone violates the order, be cut off! The messenger soldiers, blow the trumpet and gather. A leader-like man issued military orders in an orderly manner. And the originally chaotic camp gradually began to calm down.

Han Long looked at him coldly. At this time, the two were only ten steps away. Ten steps for the first assassin of the Three Kingdoms, killing one person in ten steps is like looking for something.

Han Long handed the sword to his left hand, explored the treasure bag with his right hand, and took out a flying knife. He raised his right hand and hit his throat in the leader's incredible eyes. The encirclement that had gradually formed suddenly stagnated. Han Long stopped staying and took advantage of the chaos to get out of the circle and grab the door.

After coming to the outside of the camp, I raised my breath and used light kung fu all the way south. When he was about to run out of the end of the grassland, suddenly the sound of horses' hoofs resounded through the sky, and tens of thousands of cavalry quickly covered up from behind. It turned out that after the leaders of the nearby tribes heard the assembly number, they attracted large groups to chase them.

Seeing that the pursuers were getting closer and closer, Han Long could clearly hear the shouts of the cavalry. Looking back, you can even faintly see the ferocious face of the horseback.

At this moment, a rough roar sounded in Han Long's ear, which came into Han Long's ears like a nightmare, "Ready, fly, ten thousand arrows at the same time!"

Han Long closed his eyes and said, "I didn't expect that I, Han Long, was going to die in a foreign country today. That's all. It's a pity, Wanmei. We have no chance to see each other in this life. This is the fate of our assassins.


In the summer of 2000 A.D., in a bungalow in a shantytown in Chenguan Town, a teenager slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, his eyes looked a little confused. Suddenly, he felt that his brain was about to explode, and he had a splitting headache. Countless scenes quickly turned over his mind, and for a moment it was a vast prairie. He seemed to see groups of knights running towards him with machetes. After a while, he was in a city full of traffic, which was both novel and familiar.

Suddenly, a powerful voice came from the teenager's mind, "Han Long, you're awake."

"Who are you?" The teenager was shocked and tried to open his eyes, but did not find anyone in front of him. At this time, his thoughts began to become clearer. Yes, he is Han Long, the first assassin of the Three Kingdoms.

The old voice smiled and said, "I'm Zuo Ci. Don't look at it. I'm in your mind."

Han Long's face changed rapidly. Even if he was the first assassin of the Three Kingdoms, his mental quality was quite good. At this time, his heart couldn't help beating a few times. Of course, he knows who Zuo Ci is, who is a person who is close to immortals in the Three Kingdoms.

Han Long looked down at the ordinary old-fashioned mechanical watch on his left wrist. In his memory, he knew that it was given to him as a gift for junior high school when Chen Long's biological father was alive. Of course, now this watch has lost the function of timing and has been completely modified by Zuo Ci.

Han Long gently stroked the mechanical watch on his wrist, calmed down a little, and added, "Then how do I know when the task conditions are mature? Am I just waiting like this?

"This watch also has another function. When the conditions are ripe, tasks will appear on the dial. It is especially worth mentioning that when this task is not completed, there will be no new task. When you finish all the tasks in the watch, I will appear. At that time, I will fulfill one of your wishes, even send you back to the Three Kingdoms. Zuo Ci said kindly.

Han Long nodded and said helplessly, "What should I do when I want to find you?"

After asking, Han Long quietly waited for Zuo Ci's answer. But what disappointed him was that Zuo Ci never spoke again, as if he had never appeared.

Han Long rubbed his eyes and wanted to know if all this was an illusion. However, he looked at the mechanical watch in his hand that did not belong to his own era. When the pointer was quietly pointing to the position at 1 o'clock, he knew that his new life path had just begun.

"Okay, you fox spirit, you are seducing my man again. Are you still shameless?" A middle-aged woman's scolding came from outside the house, which made Han Long wake up from meditation.

"It's not like this, sister, listen to me. My Xiaolong is sick, so I'm looking for Brother Chen. I'm going to borrow some money and take Xiaolong to the hospital. Don't worry, I'll pay you back when I'm paid this month. A woman said tremblingly.

Han Long frowned after hearing this, as if he felt that the voice was a little familiar.

While hesitating, I only heard the middle-aged woman scold: "Bah, you just see that my family is honest and easy to cheat, so you pester him again and again. Let me tell you, you will die. At the young age of your son, he flirted with other girls. God was blinded if he was not beaten to death. Even if my family has money, I won't give you a dime.

The people at the door seemed to gather more and more, and waves of discussion came in. Han Long finally understood that his feelings should be his own physical Chen Long's mother and neighbors.

Han Long quickly put on his clothes, pushed the door and went out. As soon as he went out, Han Long saw a thin man pulling a fat woman into the opposite house. And the fat woman kept beating the man, while still chattering and scolding, how bad it was.

In the low voice of the audience, the door opposite was finally closed, and then there was the sound of cups and bowls falling to the ground.

Chen Shufen listened to the whispered comments of the neighbor's passers-by and did not explain anything. With tears in her eyes, she turned around and bowed her head and walked silently to the room.

When she arrived at the door, she found that her son was half leaning against the door, squinting her eyes and looking thoughtful. Chen Shufen was stunned at first, and then asked with some surprise, "Xiaolong, you're awake!"

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