Reborn assassin breaks into the city

Chapter 214 Needle to Disease Removal

Han Long sighed. Although he was despised, he did not blame the patient's family. After all, if there is a choice, who doesn't want their relatives to be 100% alive and cured?

Of course, Han Long did not intend to appease the patient's family. He believed that facts and time could explain everything.

"The visitor is a guest. Brother Han, you choose the patient first!" Hua Wenwu said generously.

Although the patient's family had made a choice just now, Hua Wenwu did not agree. He thought that if he really wanted to treat the elderly by himself, even if he won in the end, he would leave a dispute for the people of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so he proposed to let Han Long choose the patient first.

Han Long looked at the patient's family with a nervous and worried face, sighed and said, "Doctor's parents' heart, since the patient's family has a demand, let's do as he said!"

Han Long's words won the admiration of many medical professionals present. For this alone, regardless of the final victory or defeat, he deserves to be a real doctor.

Hua Wenwu didn't expect Han Long's casual words, and he grabbed the great righteousness again, and he couldn't help but get angry. He secretly hated Han Longgu for fame and vowed to beat the hypocrite in front of him with bloody facts.

After the Korean host shouted the beginning, Han Long and Hua Wenwu went to the temporary hospital bed at the same time.

When he came to the hospital bed, he found that the little boy's printing hall was black and his face was yellow. Han Long turned over his eyelids with his hand and saw that his pupils were dilated. After taking the pulse, it has basically been diagnosed as poisoning.

However, Han Long was not in a hurry to use the thirteen needles of Ghost Gate, but patiently looked through the tests and related medical records that were placed when he got up.

Han Long diagnosed in an orderly manner here, touching the little boy's abdomen, touching his neck, and then frowning and meditating. On the other side, Hua Wenwu was constantly inserting a needle, which won bursts of praise.

"Zhang Lao, didn't you say that it would be easy to use the thirteen needles of Ghost Gate? Why can't he get a needle? In case Goryeo wakes up the old man first, won't we lose? Isn't it that he doesn't have thirteen needles at all?" The members of the middle-aged association stamped their feet off the stage and said worriedly.

Zhang Jinzhong resisted the impulse to throw him out and said angrily, "How do I know! I just saw him once more than you. If you want to know the specific situation, just ask the president directly.

After hearing the words, the members of the middle-aged association took a look at Li Jishen, who was also not very good-looking, shrank his neck and said angrily, "Well, this is not the same thing. Let's take a look again!" After hearing this, Zhang Jinzhong was immediately angry. His prestige as the vice president was so different from that of the president.

Just when everyone thought that Han Long was an embroidered pillow and could not have thirteen needles at all, Han Long suddenly took action. I saw that his hands began to go up from the little boy's abdomen regularly, and his technique was very similar to Tai Chi's massage. He said that he was massaging, but it was as if he was pushing blood in the palace.

Seeing this, everyone was a little confused for a moment, but they saw that Han Long helped the little boy up with one hand and hit the little boy's back three times with his left palm. The little boy said "wow" and spit out a lot of black* from his mouth. Han Long picked up the spittoon under the sick couch and caught it all.

After the little boy's severe cough, Han Long slowly put the little boy down **. He held his arm curiously and looked at Hua Wenwu, who was performing acupuncture next to him, and had no intention of explaining at all.

Of course, the reason why Han Long looks at the Chinese martial arts needle is just to see what the ghost gate thirteen needles he uses and how it is different from what he will do.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them and was completely dumbfounded. Isn't it said that the little boy is basically incurable except for the thirteen needles of the ghost gate? Why did you wake up after kneading him a few times? Moreover, Han Long hasn't used the thirteen needles of Ghost Gate yet. What's the situation?

Not only were all the audience guests dumbfounded, but even the people on the rostrum looked at each other. What they marveled at was not Han Long's skill, but how to judge the victory or defeat of the game. Normally, who will treat the patient first, but the significance of this game is to use thirteen needles.

There was still full of energy, and Hua Wenwu, who kept inserting pins, slowly stopped moving, and his forehead was full of sweat. He didn't take the lead in waking up the little boy, but because all his thirteen needles were inserted into the old man, but the old man did not respond at all.

It is really an ironic result to save the patient while violating the rules and not waking up the patient according to the rules. For a while, the presidium did not know how to judge the winner. Finally, they decided to ask the parties what they said.

Hua Wenwu said with a sad face, "Although I used the thirteen needles of the ghost door, but the old man was so poisoned that he was really helpless."

At this point, he took a deep look at the little boy opposite and said, "Relatively speaking, the little boy is less poisoned. If I had saved him, I might have woken up long ago.

After listening to the diagnosis results of Hua Wenwu, the family of the middle-aged patient couldn't help but soften their knees, knelt to the ground, and cried bitterly: "Father... You can't leave like this. When I was a child, I vowed to let you live a happy old age, but...woo!"

Just now, the middle-aged man was still very happy that his son woke up, but because his father was still unconscious, he had been suppressing his excitement. But now that his son woke up, the old man was sentenced to the "death penalty", which made him happy.

The middle-aged man burst into tears, and his filial piety moved everyone present.

When the representative of the rostrum asked about Han Long's statement, he sighed and said, "I think the parents of doctors should not show patients as doctors. Previously, the poison in the little boy's belly had been almost diluted in the hospital. In addition, the child's metabolic ability was strong, but it was not completely excreted from the body, so there was no need to spend a lot of time.

Han Long's words were sincerely admired by all the medical workers present. It is true that sometimes life is greater than everything, more than a comparison. But this comparison was just a simple one in their eyes, so the presidium did not win because Han Long woke up the little boy.

Win or draw, but Hua Wenwu did not agree. He believes that the significance of this game is to use the thirteen needles of the ghost door, and saving people is just incidental. Han Long didn't use a needle. It's probably because he didn't know it at all.

Seeing this, Han Long sighed helplessly. In everyone's consternation, he came to the old man with thirteen silver needles all over his body, and quickly pulled out all the needles.

Suddenly, Han Long's hands flew like flying, and a little cold light passed by, and silver needles were accurately inserted into the old man's acupuncture point. After inserting each two needles, he will hold the silver needle with both hands and inject it into the acupuncture point with a dark force, which can be said to be familiar. Since Han Long's strength is now above the strength, the time and effect of treatment are much better than before.

After a while, all thirteen silver needles were inserted into the old man's acupuncture points. The whole process is like flowing water, which is overwhelming.

At this time, the members of the Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Association opened their eyes wider and wider. In the end, Li Jishen's eyes overflowed with tears with excitement and said tremblingly, "It's really the thirteen needles of the ghost door!" That's great. The ancestor's unique skills have not been lost!!"

The members of the middle-aged association also hugged Zhang Jinzhong excitedly, patted and shouted, as if they had forgotten their age and status.

At this time, Zhang Jinzhong also had mixed feelings, so that he forgot to push away the members of the middle-aged association holding him, so he let him jump and jump in his arms.

Hua Wenwu opened his mouth wide and kept rubbing his eyes. He couldn't believe that the young man in front of him, who claimed to be the descendant of Hua Tuo, really used the thirteen needles of the ghost door, and the needle method he used looked more authentic and exquisite than himself.

Doctors, audiences and guests from other countries stood up at the same time and watched quietly with wide eyes, as if intending to witness the arrival of the miracle.

When the last silver needle was pulled out, the old man opened his eyes leisurely. His expression was a little confused, as if he couldn't figure out why he suddenly lay here and why there were so many people here.

However, soon the old man will have no time to think about these problems. He felt that his stomach was as uncomfortable as a river. Just as he couldn't help vomiting, he suddenly found a Chinese young man in front of him holding a spittoon with a smile on his face and stretched out in front of him.

"Papa", the warm applause suddenly sounded like a sudden storm, and the applause thundered.

The family of the middle-aged patient looked at his father who was vomiting. Suddenly, he knelt on his knees and kowtowed desperately. At this time, he was ashamed of his contempt for Han Long before. Except in this way, he really didn't know how to express his gratitude. Without the descendant of this magic doctor, his old father and son would be separated from him forever.

Han Long quickly picked up the middle-aged man and said with a smile, "You don't have to do that. I'm just raising my hand."

When all the praise eyes turned to Han Long, Hua Wenwu felt like a clown and felt that he was abandoned by the whole world in an instant.

He hates and is unwilling. He wants to take back all the honors that belong to him. Let everyone present know that Chinese literature and martial arts is the only hero on today's stage, and everyone else is to set off his glorious image.

Just when the presidium unanimously judged that Han Long won the game, Hua Wenwu suddenly pointed to Han Long with his hand and shouted, "Wait a minute! The reason why the old man was able to wake up was that the effect of my previous needle was not his credit!"

As soon as this was said, the hall suddenly became silent, and the atmosphere seemed a little strange for a while. Even the Goryeo host, who was still standing on the stage, couldn't help quietly moving his footsteps aside, and then lowered his head in shame, as if he was ashamed to be with him.

There is only one thought in everyone's heart at the same time. I have seen a shameless person, but I have never seen such a shameless person. Just now, he clearly said that the old man was powerless. Han Long used the thirteen needles of the ghost door to wake him up again, which fully showed that he could not only use the thirteen needles of the ghost door, but also his acupuncture skills were far above him.

The members of the middle-aged association finally couldn't help swearing, "I X, Goryeo stick, do you dare to have a face?"

After the vulgar words of the Middle-aged Association were translated into various versions, thunderous laughter broke out in the Great Hall.

After the corners of Hua Wenwu's mouth twitched several times, he knew that he was at a loss, so he had to take a deep breath and said loudly, "Even if he wins this game, I have a game that can't be compared with him. One mountain can't tolerate two tigers. This time I want to gamble my life with him! Han Long, do you dare to fight!"