Reborn assassin breaks into the city

Chapter 307 People from Chenguan Town

The voice of Jia Jianwen's submission made Yamaguchi Murafu stop. They all understood this very simple means of persecution. However, although Jia Jianwen also understood, as a son of man, he had to comply.

Jia Jianquan was even more overjoyed. As long as the second man told the location of the real Cao Cao's tomb, he would have made a great contribution. And the prince's most stingy thing was to reward his men, so he seemed to see a box of green rice yuan in his sight.

In addition to the Jia brothers, the prince's whole body was also shocked. Although he quickly concealed the eagerness, he still couldn't help revealing a strong desire in his eyes.

Jia Jianwen had a panoramic view of the expressions of everyone present, and he closed his eyes in pain. For the sake of his mother's safety, he had to say.

"The real location of Cao Cao's tomb is..." Jia Jianwen said word by word.

But before he could say the specific location, Jia's mother scolded loudly, "Jianwen, Cao Cao's tomb is a precious property of the country and is sacred and inviolable. I don't allow you to tell them!" Otherwise, even if we are alive, how can we feel at ease?

After listening to Jia's mother's reprimand, Jia Jianwen hesitated and did not say the following.

When Jia Jianquan saw this, he stamped his feet and secretly hated Jia's mother.

Seeing that the prince's face turned gloomy, he stepped to Jia's mother in three steps, stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, and shouted, "Second, my mother is always confused. Are you also confused?! Do you really want to be willing to watch her buried alive!?

As if to confirm Jia Jianquan's words, the village husband of Yamaguchi showed a fierce face and went to Jia's mother again.

Jia's mother struggled desperately, and finally even opened her mouth to bite Jia Jianquan's hand, hoping to get rid of his shackles and stop Jia Jianwen from telling the truth.

But in the eyes of his filial son Jia Jianwen, all this made him feel like a knife. Finally, he finally gritted his teeth and said the real Cao Cao cemetery.

After listening to this, the prince and Jia Jianquan took a breath at the same time, but Jia's mother collapsed to the ground and burst into tears.

Jia Jianwen's knees softened and he knelt down in place. He knew that Jia's mother always distinguished right from wrong from wrong, and he made her disappointed and sad. But if he is given another chance, he will do the same. After all, it is better to be sad than to lose his life.

Suddenly, Jia's mother hit the ground with her head. When Jia Jianwen and others reacted, Jia's mother's forehead was bleeding and she committed suicide.

After Jia Jianwen shouted in pain, he fell to the ground heavily, attacked his heart with qi and blood, and vomited blood to death.

The sudden change stunned everyone present. The prince slowly turned around, waved his hand, and sighed heavily, "Find an opportunity to send them back to Jia's house." Maybe this scene made him feel deeply, and even a little unbearable.

Jia Jianquan's expression is more complicated. Although he disdains the foolishness of his mother and second brother to the motherland, no matter what, they are also their relatives, how can they not respond at all?


In Han Long's anxious waiting, another week passed. In the past week, the Han family almost turned over the whole river, but still couldn't find Jia Jianwen's clue. Fang Aotian and others were also in a hurry and had no choice but to expand the scope to the cities around Zhongjiang.

During this period, Lei Cannon and Qiu Wei also arrived at the Han family compound one after another. However, because Jia Jianwen still has no clue, their task has also been postponed indefinitely.

This morning, Lei Cannon and Sun Bin went out to look for clues about the organizer in the mountain pass. Only Han Long turned back to the room alone. The reason why he didn't go out with them was that there was a familiar vibration on his left wrist just now, which made him feel refreshed in an instant and couldn't wait to go back to the room to study.

When Han Long opened his watch, it was really a task prompt. It's just that he never dreamed that this task would come so quickly, which was unprecedented before. And this time is of great significance, because as long as he completes the task, he has basically reached the perfect strength in the later stage of Huajin, and the absolute peak of ancient martial arts.

This makes Han Long have to think, will there be any tasks after this task? If there is another task, will the reward for completing the task directly travel back to the Three Kingdoms period? With this complicated mood, Han Long clicked on the task, and the five words "Looking for Cao Cao's Tomb" suddenly came into sight.

Han Long was stunned on the spot. The previous task was still to find the orphans, but this time he really went to Cao Cao's tomb. In this way, almost all your tasks can be strung into a line.

Is this a coincidence, or is it because my life has been designed for a long time? I'm afraid only when I ask Zuo Ci will know. Of course, even if Han Long is full of doubts now, he can't find Zuo Ci. He can only see him after the task is completed.

Just as Han Long was immersed in boundless meditation, a bright voice came from outside the door. He closed his mind and then came to his senses.

After Han Long got up and opened the door, he saw Xu Mingming whispering, "Master Long, I asked me to invite you to the study."

Looking at the powerful Han Long, Xu Mingliang sighed in his heart. When I first saw him, his name was Chen Long, and he was excluded by the Han family as much as himself. Now he has become the deputy leader of the Huaxia Dragon Group and the undisputed leader of the third generation of the Han family.

However, this is exactly what Xu Mingliang is most happy to see. After all, he is Han Long's person. The higher Han Long's status, the higher his status will rise.

The most obvious is that although he is still only the person in charge of Han Jiawei, his status has been secretly followed by Han Tianfang, the boss of the Han family. Even now, Mr. Han will intentionally or unintentionally tell Xu Mingliang to do some important things, which has a lot of meaning to exercise him. I believe that in time, after Han Tianfang, the general manager of the Han family will probably be succeeded by him.

"Oh, do you know what's going on!" Han Long asked casually as he walked.

Xu Mingliang hurriedly replied in a low voice, "It is said that it is Long Shao, your neighbor Chen Guanzhen. This time, he came to Han's house to find you. It seems that something has happened." Although Han Long did not let him deliberately inquire about anything, Xu Mingliang still payed great attention to everything that happened to the Han family and automatically played a deaf role.

Han Long nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, feeling very strange. Speaking of which, since the beginning of Shangjiang University, he has rarely returned to Chenguan Town. Especially after Han Shufen moved to the Han family compound in the past two years, he basically did not return to Chen Guanzhen's previous home.

Xu Mingliang automatically ended the topic when he saw that Han Long did not continue to ask. As a confidant, he will not say some topics that the master is not interested in.

"Miss Liu also moved to the Dragon Soul Bar." When Han Long was about to walk to the door of the study, Xu Mingliang seemed to suddenly remember something and hurriedly reported.

Han Long's body suddenly stagnated, and then looked at Xu Mingliang with extremely stunned eyes, as if he was waiting for the following.

In fact, Xu Mingliang was not very clear about Liu Feifei and Han Long at the beginning, but the dark guard lurking near the Dragon Soul Bar in the past few days found that Liu Feifei had moved to the bar, and then he began to notice her.

"Miss Liu officially moved into the bar three days ago. At first, I just thought she was temporarily staying, but I didn't expect to really move in." Xu Mingliang shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Speaking of which, Han Long just asked Xu Mingliang to send someone to protect the safety of the Dragon Soul Bar and Chu Linger and Cheng Jingrou. But I didn't expect that Xu Mingliang would tell him the information about Liu Feifei, which made Han Long laugh and cry.

"I know. Thank you for your hard work!" Han Long smiled bitterly and encouraged Xu Mingliang. After all, he was also serious about doing things for himself, and he couldn't snub his heart.

After listening to this, Xu Mingliang suddenly felt that his efforts were rewarded, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

After Han Long walked into the study, he saw Mr. Han leaning against the master's chair, while the general manager and bodyguard Han Tianfang stood aside with his hands down.

There was an extremely simple-looking middle-aged man sitting opposite them. At this time, the middle-aged man seemed very restrained. Although he sat on the chair, his buttocks were only a little sticky, and his whole body looked frightened.

"Xiaolong, you're here! Sit down." When Mr. Han saw Han Long enter the house, he happily pointed to the sofa not far away and said with a smile. His grandfather is now looking at his grandson, and the more he looks at it, the more he is.

Han Long smiled faintly and was not polite. When he was on the sofa, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on the opposite chair.

And this middle-aged man is not someone else, but Chen Laoshi, the old neighbor of Han Long and Chen Guanzhen. He is also the first man Han Long met after crossing into the modern city. However, compared with him, Han Long was more impressed by his sour and mean fat woman.

However, Han Long's impression of Chen Lao honestly is not too bad. Although this person is a little honest and a little cowardly, he is indeed a good man.

"Xiaolong, do you know this neighbor named Chen honestly?!" When Mr. Han saw Han Long sit down, he nodded with satisfaction and asked with a smile.

In fact, Mr. Han also wanted to see Han Long's views on Chen's honest. It's not that he really didn't know him, otherwise he wouldn't have let Chen honest.

On the contrary, for Han Long's past neighbors, Han Jiawei also briefly reported, so Mr. Han met Chen Laoshi. Of course, if Han Long said he didn't know him, he would still immediately let Chen honestly out of the Han family.

Han Long nodded to Mr. Han, saying that Chen was his former neighbor.

"What's the matter with you here!" Han Long looked at Chen honest with a frightened face and asked faintly.

When Chen honestly heard the words, he stood up tremblingly and said, "I, I, I..." Three times in a row, I still didn't say anything.

Just as Han Long frowned slightly, Chen honestly suddenly knelt down on his knees and said with pleading, "Mr. Long, we used to offend you and Mrs. Han with no eyes. But for the sake of old neighbors in the past, please save my mother-in-law.