Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 2 Unwilling 1

"Ruoxi, Ruoxi..." Mother's call was in her ear, miserable and helpless.

Xia Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes and found herself in the emergency room of the hospital. Isn't she dead? Jumping down from their four-storey roof, haven't you died yet?

It's ridiculous.

She has become a superman.

"Mom, don't cry, am I all right?" Xia Ruoxi slowly sat up and reached out to touch the hair of her crying mother. My mother has a heart attack and can't stand such a stimulating injury. Forgive your daughter for being so frightened.

The only softness of Xia Ruoxi's heart, which has been sealed by ice and snow, is for her mother.

Although she used to only like to be against her mother, God knows that her mother is the only one she loves most in the world.

I really want to touch my mother's hair gently. When I was young, every time before going to bed, my mother gently stroked her hair, and then hummed the sleep song to coax her to sleep. Now, she also wants to comfort her mother's helplessness in such a posture.

But something creeped her up, and her hand actually penetrated her mother's head...

She couldn't touch her mother.

Xia Ruoxi's eyes widened in horror, looked at her hand, and when she touched her mother again, it was still invisible penetration.

"I'm going to kill you. Why don't you give first aid? She is still alive, she is still alive..." Suddenly, the familiar voice sounded like a nightmare.

Devil, devil!

Xia Ruoxi shrank all over and looked at the place where the sound came in panic.

"Mr. Ling, please be sorry, by the way, we have really tried our best..." A doctor with black-framed glasses was explaining to Ling Yimo, who was extremely ferocious.

"She still has a heartbeat, didn't you hear it? Her heart is still beating... Go back and save her, or I will kill you, don't you hear..." Ling Yimo's mature but still beautiful face, which is horribly twisted at this moment, and his eyes are as horrible as a blood-sucking demon. He kept roaring, pulling the doctor's collar and grabbing him to the hospital bed.

Looking at his approach, Xia Ruoxi remembered again of being humiliated like a beast by him last night. Fear spread all over her body. She hugged herself helplessly, and her trembled like a dead leaf in the wind.

"Emo, Emo, don't be sad... I know you love Ruoxi like a daughter, but Ruoxi is dead. Be rational..." Mo Shuyi stood up and hugged Ling Yimo, who became hysterical, and cried to comforted her.

"What's dead? She is your daughter, your biological daughter. How dare you curse her to die??? Are you still qualified to be her mother? Ling Yimo let go of the doctor's hand and grabbed Mo Shuyi's jaw. The doctor took the opportunity to escape in panic.

"If you say that Ruoxi is dead, don't you feel sorry for your mother? What about your heart disease? Why hasn't it recurred? Your daughter died, shouldn't you be heartbroken to heart attack? You cold-blooded woman..." Ling Yimo roared at Mo Shuyi like a beast, and his fierce face was like a hell demon possessed.

"I... I'm distressed, but I love you even more. I want to live well for you, just for you, live well..." Mo Shuyi's whole body trembled, sad and helpless, and his beautiful face was pale and fragile.

"Mom..." Xia Ruoxi heard this, and her face had spread like tears like a river. Although she really hoped that her mother could live a happy and strong life, when she heard from her mother's mouth that she loved Ling Yimo more than her own daughter, Xia Ruoxi, who lost her mother's favor, still could not collapse.

But her painful call, who can hear the people in front of her?

"Get out! Get out of here..." Ling Yimo stared at Mo Shuyi with violent eyes and roared like a lion.


"Get out!!!"

All the people panicked and left because they became like a terrible devil.

"Ruoxi..." When there was only Ling Yimo left in the emergency room, he muttered affectionately and finally shouted out from his mouth. At this moment, the beautiful evil face like cherry blossoms flashed with an extremely pure and gentle light for the first time.

Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt that this was an illusion, and Ling Yimo in front of him was more like an angel who had just fallen into the world from heaven.

"You will always be mine!!!" Ling Yimo's beautiful curved lips with a charming smile. He lowered his head to kiss the sick Xia Ruoxi.

And Xia Ruoxi instinctively wanted to escape the kiss, but she hadn't escaped yet. Ling Yimo had penetrated her body...

Xia Ruoxi was shocked again.

Her body???

She escaped to the bed, and her eyes were stunned.

She watched, and could only look at Ling Yimo's disgusting lips, lying close to the sick**, with her head stained with blood and pale face.

Yes. Her flesh and blood lay there, lying quietly on the cold emergency disease**.

She is dead.

Xia Ruoxi died.

Is it a relief?

Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

She is free.

Ling Yimo's devil-like man actually didn't want to give up that pair of skin that even Xia Ruoxi disliked, still holding something and whispering.

It's none of her business.

She died and was relieved.

Xia Ruoxi's face appeared with a baby-like pure smile.

She walked to the door without attachment.

Whether it is going to hell or heaven, it is an understatement for her at this time.

She doesn't care.

Why do you care?

All the dead are dead.

It's time to go. There is nothing to miss.

It is said that the end of life is the place where dreams start again, so I hope that her dreams can also start again.

Xia Ruoxi felt that her body was swaying, like a feather blown by the wind. A sense of lightness made her feel more free.

"Please be sorry. Miss is a good person and will live a good life in the sky."

There was a man's soothing voice over there, which attracted Xia Ruoxi's attention.