Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 32 Cooperation

Xia Ruoxi said impatiently, "At this moment, there is nothing wrong with you. Just come back before noon."

Fang Yan immediately let go of her breath and wanted to escape for two hours, so that she could find a chance to breathe for a while. When she was about to leave, Xia Ruoxi shouted again--

How can this young lady do anything else? Fang Yan's heart declined.

In fact, Xia Ruoxi's face was not difficult to see anything. She just said, "Take a taxi back and forth, take the receipt and show it to me. I'll reimburse you."

Fang Yan often loosened her breath and left with a sense of relief.

"You deliberately took Fang Yan away, didn't you?" When Fang Yan left, Tao Bingjie immediately stared at Xia Ruoxi with sharp eyes and said.

Xia Ruoxi did not hide it, but said it bluntly, and then stretched out his arm lazily and sat up.

Tao Bingjie sat on the chair by the bed, looked at her watch and said, "Say, what's the matter with me?" I don't have much time. I came with the master, and I have to go to the notary office to apply for a legal document later.

Xia Ruoxi looked behind Tao Bingjie, "Is Uncle Xie also here? Where is it?" Didn't you see anyone?

Tao Bingjie replied, "In the garden, talk to the chairman about things."

Xia Ruoxi immediately wondered, "What are you talking about? About the company?"

Tao Bingjie shook her head, "It's about the chairman's transfer of 2% of the company's shares."

What? Xia Ruoxi immediately stared, "What's going on? What is the transfer of company shares?

Tao Bingjie frowned and muttered, "Ah, should I say something I shouldn't have said?"

Xia Ruoxi felt that the words were wrong and her face was frim, "Did my mother transfer her shares to those people in the Xia family? What should I say or not? Who am I and who dares to hide it from me? God, she thought that calmness was a good omen. She didn't think about it, but the events of her previous life were still fulfilled.

Xia Ruoxi felt shocked for a moment, and she couldn't compete with fate after all. What happened still happened.

This result is enough to make her frustrated.

But she will never be reconciled. She can't be reconciled and stop.

She will not give up. Even if her death continues unchangeably six years later, all the harm she will receive will still be repeated. Now she will not spread her hands and let go of the wanton abuse of the injury. Since the matter of shares has happened irretrievably, it will be difficult for her and her mother to be kicked out of the Xia family by Xia Qingshan in the future, so some things she still have to do now. No matter when the time comes, it will really help their future fate.

And Tao Bingjie glanced at Xia Ruoxi and felt that the words behind Xia Ruoxi showed Miss Xia's arrogant nature. Oh, since no one dares to hide it from you, you will know if you ask anyone casually. I don't have to say it. After saying that, he put his face down there.

Xia Ruoxi was stunned. Looking at Tao Bingjie's stubborn temper, she was angry, but now was not the time to offend her. Of course, she could not offend her in the future. She is using her now. He calmed down and said, "Don't talk about idleness. That's not why I came to you."

Tao Bingjie glanced at Xia Ruoxi and then looked at her watch, "Then let's get to the point."

Xia Ruoxi nodded, "There is something for you to do. You can apply for a domestic service center in your own name. You have the full authority to take care of everything, and I will pay for the funds.

Tao Bingjie immediately said "ah" and was so surprised, "What are you talking about?" She thought that Miss Xia was definitely infected with a wound and had a high fever. Which one is this?

Xia Ruoxi saw the disdain in Tao Bingjie's eyes, but still smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law's unemployment makes your family very worried. It is not easy for a middle-aged woman with no technical expertise, no diploma or youth to find a suitable job. In society, there are many women of your age. I think it's not that they don't have the ability to work, but that no one provides them with this opportunity. In fact, some professions are very suitable for people of their age, and they must be the best.

Xia Ruoxi is talking about the domestic service industry. Six years later, the market of domestic service companies has become very strong and large-scale, and the competition is also quite fierce. But six years ago, the industry has only just started, and there are no leading companies that drive the industry.

Xia Ruoxi knew that Tao Bingjie was very concerned about vulnerable groups, and later devoted herself to the community service system to protect the rights and interests of women and children. These things in her previous life have let Xia Ruoxi know what she wants to do. Tao Bingjie will definitely help her do it and do her best.

As long as she invests hundreds of thousands of yuan and introduces the most scientific and advanced housekeeping teaching management system in other cities, she will soon perform. The biggest feature of this industry is that a full set of models can be imitated. Just follow the footsteps of those successful people. In management and operation, there is no need for management talents with high IQ and high education. The investment risk is small and the recovery efficiency is fast.

Xia Ruoxi now not only wants to fight with those who look down on her and her mother, but also reserves financial resources for the future. When fighting, there is enough capital to fight. So far, with her ability and mind, the only investment she can make can choose this, which is the most effective.

Tao Bingjie was stunned when she heard Xia Ruoxi say these words and looked at Xia Ruoxi with new eyes. This is a 17-year-old girl. Why do you think these words don't seem to come from her mouth? And how did Xia Ruoxi know that her sister-in-law was unemployed? Why did you say this to me? And how do you know I can do it well?

Tao Bingjie is full of suspicion. Her biggest doubt is that she still doesn't understand what Xia Ruoxi is doing. Why did you ask her to do these things? She and Xia Ruoxi have only met a few times. How can they easily let her do such a thing as starting a company? There are so many people in the Xia family, and there are so many capable management talents in the group that they can't rank her.

Xia Ruoxi knew Tao Bingjie's doubts and concerns. I also know that it is impossible for her to agree now. She is not anxious to let her make a decision, but just let her be psychologically prepared first.

In his previous life, Lin Yirong, Tao Bingjie's sister-in-law, was actually a leader in the domestic service industry. Later, the domestic service company opened was regarded as a leader in the industry in Taibei City. Later, when I interviewed Lin Yirong, after asking her why she was unemployed, she thought of starting a business and chose the industry of housekeeping. Lin Yirong said that there was a person who had a great influence on her and offered her funds, but she promised the benefactor to keep his identity secret, so it was inconvenient to say that person's name.

Xia Ruoxi thought that if Tao Bingjie helped her become a housekeeping company, she could just get the light of Tao Bingjie's sister-in-law Lin Yirong.

Of course, if the hope fails and the plan fails, she is actually nothing terrible about.

"I'm not in a hurry to reply, I just hope you can seriously consider my suggestion. I will contribute capital, you go to work, one will contribute money and the other will contribute, and the company will share equally. When you think about it, I will tell you how to start and which direction to go.

Tao Bingjie frowned and seemed reluctant, but still nodded, "Okay, I'll go back and think about it."

Xia Ruoxi nodded, her eyes as clear as autumn water, looking at Tao Bingjie with a smile, and her eyes were frank and sincere.

Tao Bingjie was stunned by this look. Ah, is this the look of the unruly and wayward Miss Xia? It was also because of Xia Ruoxi's eyes that Tao Bingjie felt that her impression of Xia Ruoxi had changed a little.

When Tao Bingjie left, Xia Ruoxi got out of bed, and she also went to the garden for a walk.

However, I didn't find my mother Mo Shuyi and Zhou Zhiqing smoothly in the garden.

Xia Ruoxi strolled casually and saw a girl sitting in a wheelchair by the pond, dazed at an elevate.

Yao Qianqian! Xia Ruoxi recognized her.

Xia Ruoxi has never had a chance to see her before. Originally, he deliberately approached Yao Qianqian, so he sent flowers to Yao Qianqian twice, but later, because of those things Xia Ruoxi had to consider, he ignored Yao Qianqian's side. Xia Ruoxi felt lucky. Fortunately, she ran into it today, otherwise her previous intentions would have been in vain.

Looking at Yao Qianqian's leg still in plaster, she was seriously injured.

Xia Ruoxi gently walked behind Yao Qianqian. When talking to strangers, you should be on the right topic, so that you can get the attention and favor of the other party.

Xia Ruoxi looked at Yao Qianqian's dazed elevard, on which was an ink painting. The lotus in the pond in front of her seemed to have been painted, but there was a little ink dripping above the blooming lotus. There is no doubt that this painting is invalid.