Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 41 Dress

Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt a little excited. She believed that Fang Yan was eavesdropping outside the study, so she got angry and grabbed the pen wash and smashed it at the door. Unexpectedly, the pen wash that should have been smashed to the second painting teacher was smashed in advance--

What does this mean? Xia Ruoxi's heart was pounding, and she was a little trembling with excitement.

Will it? Does it mean that fate will quietly change?

She has been deliberately fighting against fate, but what she gets is the result of defeat.

Now, inadvertently, it breaks through fate.

Well, she can't be too surprised. After all, it hasn't happened yet.

Xia Ruoxi put the pen back in place. Whether fate can change or not depends on whether she will still pick up the pen and wash it one day and smash it on her second painting teacher.

She no longer dares to believe in her ability to change her fate so easily. Even her moves are the worst losses. How can she dare to be confident?

Xia Ruoxi narrowed her eyes slightly and thought deeply that in fact, her fate has changed somewhat.

Just say Zhou Zhiqing, in her previous life, she and Zhou Zhiqing happened during this period of time, but now it is because she to toss Fang Yan that Zhou Zhiqing is angry and has not contacted her now.

If you are estranged from Zhou Zhiqing like this, it is also a good thing. Then it won't appear in the future--

"Do you feel sorry for it?" Qin Yao, on one side, looked at Xia Ruoxi silently and thought that she was a hindsight, and then she thought that the pen wash had been broken.

Xia Ruoxi smiled sideways at Qin Yao, "It's useless to feel sad. If it's broken, it's broken."

At this time, the door of the study was knocked.

"Come in." Xia Ruoxi smiled and shouted at the door.

Fang Yan opened the door and walked in. "My wife just called and said that she would go to the old man's house tomorrow night. Tomorrow is grandma's birthday, and she said she would go there to celebrate together. The wife has greeted several clothing brand stores that the lady likes. They will prepare the latest evening dresses and wait for the young lady to try on, and Jasmine, a well-known stylist, will come later to accompany the young lady to choose clothes.

Xia Ruoxi immediately frowned. During this period, she did not pay much attention to the movement of another group of people in the Xia family. In fact, she was really a little negligent. Fang Yan's eyeliner over there is clear about the matter here, but she doesn't know anything about it over there. Only when she knows herself and her enemy can she be invincible. After all, it is not the best way for her to always rely on what happened in her previous life to grasp the overall situation.

Although the worst result of many things is the same as in the previous life, the path is already different.

She still can't neglect, and she has to find a way to put her eyeliner over there.

In the previous life, there was an old man Xia celebrating Jiang Liru's birthday, just to collect money and gifts. Mother Mo Shuyi is destined to be the biggest wrongdoer.

The mother-in-law of the chairman of Tianze Group celebrates her birthday. Which of the business partners of Tianze Group dares not to give gifts? Not to mention the managers and executives of those companies.

Old Xia obviously made all his money and received the congratulatory gift, but in the future, he asked Xia Ruoxi's mother Mo Shuyi to return the gift.

And Mo Shuyi has to prepare more generous gifts. If it is not as good as those sent by outsiders, she will suffer a lot of money in the future.

Xia Ruoxi was very angry at the thought that the benefits had been taken up by Mr. Xia. She kept the hardships she suffered from the old man in her previous life. In this life, let alone let her think about what family affection she has for Old Xia, even if she calls him grandpa, she feels like a piece of meat.

However, this is not the time for her wings to be hard, so she can only bear it.

This can be tolerated, and Xia Ruoxi will not tolerate those who should not be tolerated at all. Fang Yan is an example in front of her.

"Bear by the way, I just saw a mouse, which scared me. Please look for it in the house." Xia Ruoxi said with a cold face.

Fang Yan's face changed slightly and promised to find it in the room.

Xia Ruoxi sneered in her heart. It's really not good for such a person to toss around less. When she was in the hospital, she tossed her a lot, but she still couldn't recognize the form and couldn't tell what she could be involved in and what to be measured. After a cold glance at Fang Yan, Xia Ruoxi turned to Qin Yao and said, "You go with me. You won't have to go tomorrow. Let's go to pick clothes together."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "I can't afford to wear the clothes in those stores. Just go with you."

Xia Ruoxi nodded.

It didn't take long for Jasmine, the stylist in her twenties, arrived.

Qin Yao was dumbfounded when she saw the fashionable stylist.

Xia Ruoxi couldn't help looking at Qin Yao. She knew that it was inevitable that Qin Yao would have such a reaction to Jasmine, who was obviously wearing a women's lace shirt and colored trousers.

This Jasmine is a GAY, handsome, with a pair of eyes, which is quite charming. He is 166 centimeters tall, 2 centimeters shorter than Xia Ruoxi. He is so thin, like a sparerib. He speaks pretentiously and likes to stretch out his orchid fingers.

"Xixi, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so long." Jasmine's eunuch acted cute to Xia Ruoxi, which made Qin Yao beside her lose goose bumps.

Xia Ruoxi smiled loudly, and her feelings for Jasmine were still good. Jasmine has been helping her with styling for several years. Later, Jasmine changed her stylist because she was disappointed in love and moved to Hong Kong for development. Now that I see you in the next world, my mood is really different.

Xia Ruoxi rubbed Jasmine's head twice as if touching a child's head, "Ah, it's getting more and more beautiful. Is love moist?"

Jasmine twisted her body exaggeratedly and said coyly like a goblin, "Hee hee... Xixi is the smartest. She can't hide anything from your eyes."

Qin Yao next to

almost vomited when she heard Jasmine's coy words.

Jasmine also noticed Qin Yao's reaction, glanced at Qin Yao like a treacherous concubine, and then said to Xia Ruoxi, "Who is this aunt?"

Xia Ruoxi almost laughed, and Jasmine was also so bad. She knew that all women hated being said to be old, but she paid attention to tease Qin Yao. Just the tip of your mouth and pick up mean people. I need you to help her style later. She is also your customer.

Qin Yao listened and couldn't stand it on her face, but she couldn't blame Jasmine. She despised him first.

Xia Ruoxi patted Qin Yao on the shoulder, "You don't know Jasmine yet. He is an excellent person. If you know each other well, you can be considerate."

Qin Yao was finally used to big scenes and immediately stretched out her hand to Jasmine, "For the first time, my words and deeds are not appropriate. I hope you don't mind."

Qin Yao took the initiative to be soft. Jasmine won't care too much about Xia Ruoxi's face. He has never met anyone who is difficult to serve in the fashion circle. He won't pay much attention to this little thing. Reaching out his hand and holding Qin Yao can be regarded as a formal acquaintance.

The three of them sat together in Xia's Rolls-Royce and went to the fashion clothing store to buy.

Because it is a happy birthday, Xia Ruoxi should still pay attention to the style. It can't be too plain, but it can't be too vulgar.

However, Jasmine, an expert, followed the selection of clothes, and Xia Ruoxi did not have any difficulties in this regard.

Finally, I chose the treasure of a Japanese sweet famous store, some pink chiffon princess skirts.

After that, Xia Ruoxi asked Jasmine to take it to the French dress shop and chose a peach-like evening dress for Qin Yao.

Qin Yao looked at the label and immediately couldn't close her mouth. God, there are four zeros in the back. How could she wear such expensive clothes?

Xia Ruoxi said with a smile, "Don't worry, this store can rent clothes out. Hundreds a night. Just remember not to get dirty and tear it.

Qin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and went to try on clothes very happily.

When she came out of the fitting room, Xia Ruoxi felt a bright future. God, as expected, Qin Yao actually changed her body by leaning on clothes and saddle and putting on that ** lady's dress.

Originally, Qin Yao had a successful plastic surgery in South Korea. Her eyes were enlarged and her jaws were thin. Except for the fact that she is still a little swollen now, the beauty has basically appeared on her face.

In fact, the most special thing is Qin Yao's temperament, royal sister's demeanor, especially her figure is not ordinary hot. Now Qin Yao is really an ugly woman.