Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 53 Shock

Xia Ruoxi continued to act, with a confused look on her face, but her hands were unremitting and neatly opened the file bag. She knew that she still wanted to let Xie Rongsheng suddenly appear. She didn't want Xie Rongsheng to know about this matter, because Xie Rongsheng knew it, which means that her mother Mo Shuyi knew it. If they knew what she was investigating, they would doubt her intentions, and then she would have no excuse to explain, which would be messy.

"Look at it quickly. My boss doesn't know when he will come back. These things are extremely confidential and few people know about them, but you are the chairman's daughter, so there is this exception." As Tao Bingjie said, she walked to the door, put her ears on the door, and listened to the movement outside. She was afraid that someone would eavesdrop, and that the people she was worried about would suddenly come and find that she had leaked secrets that should not be revealed.

Xia Ruoxi did not answer Tao Bingjie, and her thoughts were all about those archival materials.

The first document is the death report of her father Xia Ze, which was identified by a forensic doctor, with the official seal of the Public Security Bureau and the official seal of the Forensic Office, as well as the private seal of the forensic doctor. Basically, there is no different from what she learned from those gossip media in her previous life, but there is one more external reason, that is, the forensic doctor concluded that she was taking an excessive amount of viagra hormone drugs, which led to excessive excitement, prompting heart attack and sudden death.

This Xia Ruoxi is not surprised at all, because she has already learned from the gossip news.

Looking at the second document, Xia Ruoxi suddenly became dumbfounded.

In more than a dozen pages of documents, a woman's name is constantly repeated, that is, Lian Yuxing!

It turned out that this Lian Yuxing was the woman who was still fooling around at the last moment of Xia Ruoxi's father Xia Ze's life!

"How did you finish reading it?" Tao Bingjie seemed to hear something that made her wary outside and hurried to Xia Ruoxi. Looking at Xia Ruoxi's dull eyes, Tao Bingjie suddenly felt that she had done something wrong. She forgot that this was a minor girl less than 18 years old and let her see that her father died in that kind of thing. How could she accept it?

Tao Bingjie took back the file from Xia Ruoxi's hand in a panic. Tao Bingjie put the document back into the file bag, then put it in the safe and locked it. Then he took a breath and went to the door to unlock the door. Then he went to Xia Ruoxi, sat next to Xia Ruoxi and clenched her hands. "Don't torture yourself with what has happened and can't turn around. I asked you to read those documents to let you know what kind of person Lian Yuxing is. You are still young and simple-minded. Sometimes you can't see the true face of your wolf grandmother. You should learn a lesson in the future. Don't casually believe the nonsense said by unfamiliar people!"

Xia Ruoxi reluctantly smiled palely and nodded. She was speechless. Because of the fact that she saw, several connection lines were densely pointed to Lian Jingfen.

She had always thought that it was the evil in her previous life that indirectly killed her father, so she thought about the hatred that killed her father while preventing the evil from harming her and her mother Mo Shuyi through rebirth.

However, the current fact makes her see another truth. If she hadn't been reborn, if the demon hadn't said something after her death and made her begin to doubt the truth of her father's death, her father would have died forever.

Now Xia Ruoxi has 100% concluded that her father Xia Ze was deliberately killed.

Because she doesn't know her father, he knows that he has heart disease, so he won't drink any food and drinks that stimulate his heart. Not to mention taking that overdose of viagra hormone drugs.

Xia Ruoxi only had the demon's motive to kill her father and neglected Lian Jingfen. She felt that if her father Xiaze died, it might be Lian Jingfen who would eat a handful of rice, so she did not designating Lian Jingfen as a suspect.

But now because Lian Yuxing, a woman who has nothing to do with her father's death, Xia Ruoxi can no longer connect Lian Jingfen with innocence.

How romantic her father is. It's not a matter of nostalgia for flowers. It's okay to be with so many women. Why did he kill him by taking too much hormonal drugs when he was with Lian Yuxing?

And, she was really careless. How could Lian Jingfen not get any benefit after the sudden death of her father Xia Ze? If Lian Jingfen is Lian Yuxing, she is sure that she will not get any benefit, but in fact, she is not Lian Yuxing, but Lian Jingfen, her second aunt Lian Jingfen.

If her father Xia Ze died violently, then from the situation at that time, if there had been no will drawn up by her father, the person who directly benefited would be her uncle Xia Jun.

Because Xia Jun's identity was decided, he could take the emperor to order the princes like Cao Cao in the case of the sudden death of the director of Tianze Group.

So how can Lian Jingfen be the one who steals rice? She should be the most beneficial person.

If it is the biggest turning point in this matter, then it is the cunning human nature of her father Xia Ze. Because of his cunning, he knows his physical condition and knows that heart disease may kill him at any time. In order to prevent him from falling into the hands of others, he made a will early. Just in case of accident, let his property become the bag of others.

Even if there is no real factual evidence now, Xia Ruoxi has determined that Lian Jingfen has an inseparable connection to the death of her father Xia Ze.

With the actions of Lian Jingfen in her previous life, the greedy ambition to embezzle Tianze Group is enough to add a touch of conclusive evidence to her judgment today.

Kill your life and pay off your debts!

At this time, Xia Ruoxi's heart was no longer the single purpose of collecting debts from the evil, but more hatred for repaying blood debts from Lian Jingfen.

If she hadn't been reborn, wouldn't the truth of her father Xia Ze's death be forever? The soul who died unjustly in hell will never get the pleasure of revenge and hatred, and he can't close his eyes under the nine springs.

No matter what her father Xiaze does to his mother Mo Shuyi, in front of her daughter, this father will always be the most qualified father and loves her father the most. How can she let him be killed by Lian Jingfen, the bitch and ignore it?

Xia Ruoxi sat there with several ups and downs in her heart, but made Tao Bingjie on one side regret.

Tao Bingjie just thought that Xia Ruoxi must not know the real cause of her father's death, so any daughter can accept the cause of death. How ugly and dirty it is, completely destroying the perfect and great image that a father should have in his daughter's heart. If it were her, she would not be able to stand it, and may even hate the disgraceful father who died so much.

Xia Ruoxi is not yet 18 years old, and she is not able to bear such a thing.

Tao Bingjie sat next to Xia Ruoxi, and the tenderness in her heart was completely revealed. She gave it to Xia Ruoxi selflessly. She gently hugged Xia Ruoxi and comforted her and said, "It's all my sister's bad. These things shouldn't be seen. I know you must be sad now, but things have passed. Let's not A mistake that can never be corrected to change affects our lives now. Everyone has their own way of life. We don't agree with others, but we are not qualified to judge them. Everyone's life is their own, and no one has the obligation to be responsible for others. We can't be as perfect as we think and do wrong, so we should know how to forgive, forgive others, and forgive imperfect ourselves. What do you think, is that the truth? Ruoxi?"

Tao Bingjie is indeed a unique and open-minded girl. Xia Ruoxi feels that she likes her more and more. Thinking of Tao Bingjie's tragic death in her previous life, Xia Ruoxi suddenly had an impulse to protect her. Such a good girl should live happily. On the contrary, bad women like Lian Jingfen and Lian Yuxing should have disappeared from the world early and returned a clean world.

Of course, Xia Ruoxi knows that she does not have the ability to eradicate those evil people now, so she still needs to keep a low profile, slowly gather momentum, and slowly collect the evidence of the sins of those wicked people. One day, she will definitely return to the magnificent results of the Skynet and let justice eliminate those evils in power.

In fact, Tao Bingjie is really a person who can help her, and she just took this opportunity to let Tao Bingjie help her. Thinking of this, Xia Ruoxi immediately shed tears. These tears are really not pure acting. Many of them are her most real feelings. She has those evil hatred and powerless grievances about fate. What remains is to use tears as an inducement for Tao Bingjie to help her.