Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 20 Destiny Trap

Mo Shuhui actually flooded her good intentions. This unprecedented glory made Xia Ruoxi tremble all over and get goose bumps layer by layer.

I'm really uncomfortable. When she was hospitalized in a car accident, the aunt still said that she had committed three grams of life. At this time, she was so kind that Xia Ruoxi was too uncomfortable. No, I'll take a taxi back. Goodbye, auntie. Xia Ruoxi said in a hurry and wanted to leave, but suddenly tripped something under his feet, and people fell to the ground. Liu Ye, who was beside him, watched her fall and instinctively came to help her. Then a dramatic scene appeared. Xia Ruoxi fell unstoppable, and even Liu Ye was dragged down. He was unstable and leaned to the ground, and " Oops" a scream.

Xia Ruoxi didn't see how it happened at all. When she saw the situation, she lay on Liu Ye's body, and the bag she was holding covered Liu Ye's face. Take away the bag and see blood oozing from Liu Ye's right eyebrow bone.

Xia Ruoxi really doesn't know whether to be scared or happy. Because the scene where she injured Liu Ye with a pen in her previous life still appeared. Although the scenarios are different and the locations are different, the results are still the same.

Mo Shuhui and Mo Songbai and Aunt Fu outside rushed over because of Liu Ye's screams.

Except Xia Ruoxi, everyone else accompanied Liu Ye to the hospital.

When Xia Ruoxi opened the bag and saw that the pen wash inside was the one she had broken before, that is to say, she used to smash Liu Ye in her previous life. Regardless of the process, the result was still the same. The pen was broken, and then Liu Ye was injured by her.

What a terrible feeling! It's horrible. Xia Ruoxi sat on the ground, the same as her previous efforts, and finally the same ending in her previous life.

According to this logic, is she still calculated by the evil, still the most completely injured by the person she loved and hated, and then finally lost everything so desperately and died miserably?

She doesn't want it! Xia Ruoxi clenched her hands into fists, and her nails were deeply embedded in the meat, bringing her heartache. Even if everything is still in the past, she will not be at the mercy of fate. She can't hear her admit defeat or show an ugly smile on her head. She will never admit defeat, even if she still loses.

It was also at this moment that Xia Ruoxi felt that escape was not the solution to the problem. Because she avoided this trap, fate still opened another one from elsewhere, still trapping her deeply.

In this case, she did not escape, so she bravely stood still and waited for fate to make a move.

Leaving her grandfather's house, the first thing Xia Ruoxi did when she returned home was to let the worker redecorate the study she had sealed and return it to its original appearance. Everything was originally placed, and even the piano room was opened and cleaned again, which was no longer regarded as a forbidden place.

The workers tossed up and down again. When Mo Shuyi and Qin Yao came back, they had not finished their toss.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mo Shuyi looked at Xia Ruoxi with stunned eyes. Earlier, she suddenly regarded the study as a place of terror, and now she has brought it back to its original state. Since the car accident, her precious daughter has not only had more sensible advantages, but also a little more strange and profound. Unlike before, even when she lost her temper, it made people very clear about her reasons and Movement.

Qin Yao is completely convinced Xia Ruoxi this time. Although many rumors are not credible, Xia Ruoxi is a little witch who can't afford to provoke, which is absolutely true. The little aunt remembered that if she had Sun Wukong's golden staff, she would have been tossed to the sky.

Xia Ruoxi did not explain. Anyway, her nonsense personality is a special sign of Miss Xia. There is no need to cover up and make excuses for herself.

It's just that Xia Ruoxi took a deep look at her mother. She is no longer afraid of what happened in her previous life, but it does not mean that she will let it go. It will be a difficult battle with fate in the future. In order to resist fate, she may be estranged from her mother in the future, but you should know how much she loves her mother. In her previous life, she used death to balance the evil with death. In this life, she is going to fight back, just to prevent her mother from becoming the murderous knife used by the evil.

Even if the final limit comes, she will still repeat the fate of death in her previous life, and she will completely tear up the true face of the evil so that her mother can see it clearly.

Mo Shuyi looked at Xia Ruoxi silently, and her expression was also a little stagnant. She didn't dare to ask deeply. Instead, she said other topics, "Baby, did you go to see your grandfather? What did you have for lunch?"

"It's okay." Xia Ruoxi wants to relieve the stiff mood, but it is difficult. After saying something lightly, she turned around and went to the study. Everything was commanded by Fang Yan, and the study was basically restored to its original state.

"What's wrong with Ruoxi? She seems to be very unhappy." Qin Yao asked Mo Shuyi in a low voice outside, which made Xia Ruoxi hear it clearly.

Xia Ruoxi listened to her mother Mo Shuyi sigh, "I think she was angry with her aunt on her grandfather's side. Every time Ruoxi goes there, she will come back angry. My sister, I can't help her. Mo Shuyi guessed the reason herself, but in fact, Mo Shuyi was the sister Mo Shuhui who humbled her this time.

Qin Yao said "Oh" outside.

After that, Xia Ruoxi listened to them turn the topic back to business.

Until I heard my mother Mo Shuyi say - "Tian Rui desperately asked me to invest in her entertainment company. At that time, Ruoxi was hospitalized, and I was not in the mood to pester her, so I agreed. But now the company's accounts are in a mess, and there is no profit but a big loss. Now she asked me to continue to inject capital. It's worried. It's obviously a bottomless hole. I can't hear any sound at all. Instead, I have to suffer from it. When you see it, Director Wang on the board of directors took out that story. The legal person of that company is me, and the bad influence is that it harms the whole Tianze Group..."

Hearing this, Xia Ruoxi immediately remembered that it was because Xia Rui went to the hospital to make noise that she accidentally injured the artery on her wrist. After that, Xia Rui, a cold-blooded aunt, walked away and didn't even have the attention of strangers, but now she is still trying to extort money to take advantage of it? Pooh! Xia Ruoxi's heart exploded.

Even if her family's money can't be spent, she would rather donate to charity than these wolf-hearted people spend half of her money.

Mother Mo Shuyi is too careless, and she is too tolerant and generous. Some people are wolves, that is, poisonous snakes. If you treat her well, she will not repay her kindness, but will bite you.

It is said that the daughters of the Xia family are not easy to mess with. The previous generation is Xia Fang and Xia Rui sisters, and the next generation is Xia Ruoxi. Xia Ruoxi herself needless to say. She is just a spoiled young lady's temper. At most, she is nonsense and will not hurt too many people. Xiafang and Xia Rui's sister are another matter.

Summer Fang is famous for his sharpness and vicious tongue. And summer Rui is even more extreme evil. In the past, when Xia Ruoxi's father Xia Ze was alive, he loved this youngest sister and was always spoiled. Xia Rui tried her best to get benefits from her big brother, and actually tried her best to introduce a beautiful woman to Xia Ze.

Xia Ruoxi has long heard that Xia Rui set up the entertainment company that year, which was funded by her father Xia Ze. As a result, the company has been established for two or three years without doing any business, and the model actors recruited by the company and Xia Ze are full of rumors.

The "car shock doors" and "hotel doors" that were discredited at the end of Xia Ze's life were all from the models of Xia Rui's company.

So now when I think of Xia Rui, Xia Ruoxi really hates it so much that she gritted her teeth.

In her previous life, Yue Rulin, the last little white face raised by Xia Rui, swept away Xia Rui's money and eloped with other women, forcing Xia Rui to sell the entertainment company to others. She was in debt in order to turn over, so she tried her best to intend the Xia family to divide the foundations left by Xia Ze together. Property.

Xia Ruoxi is also indispensable for Xia Ruoxi to deal with revengers in this life.

Xia Ruoxi thought about how to deal with Xia Rui, but heard her mother Mo Shuyi sigh outside and said, "Otherwise, I will simply ask Tianrui for that company and let her take the money to do something else."

Xia Ruoxi couldn't listen to this, and her heart was as angry as a volcanic eruption. She really doesn't understand why her mother is so generous to Xia Rui? Xia Rui did those things. She didn't believe that her mother really didn't know that Xia Rui helped her father Xia Ze find a woman. Why is she so kind to such an immoral and smoking sister-in-law? If it were her, she would not tear Xia Rui's skin, and she would curse her to the 18th hell day and night. Do you still hope Xia Rui has a good life? If she gives kindness to Xia Ruizhen, she also wishes Xia Rui to become a pig in the afterlife, and there will be nothing else.

Xia Ruoxi is the kind of person who has clear grudges. Love and hate are clearly divided in her world, and there will never be any ambiguity.

With a look of resentment, Xia Ruoxi walked out of the study, "Mom, do you have too much money? If not, you can buy trees and go to the Sahara Desert to plant greenery."