Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 23 Dark Heart

Mo Shuyi saw her daughter's face improve, and then she breathed a long breath. She looked at her daughter with a gentle smile and fond eyes, "Okay, Mom will help you choose in person tomorrow."

Xia Ruoxi's happy appearance is actually thinking about it from the bottom of her heart. It's time to find a way to clean up Xia Rui. In her previous life, Xia Rui and Lian Jingfen were the most ruthless to their mother. Even if their fate could not be changed, she would not make Xia Rui feel so good. It was certain that she was certain to toss her.

However, I don't have this intention yet. Let's write it down for the time being. After she attends the charity banquet, she will settle this paragraph of Jin Yaoxi.

The next day, Xia Ruoxi got up early and went to the kitchen to help the servant make breakfast.

The time for the evil to appear is getting closer and closer. Xia Ruoxi even feels that even the air is beginning to be filled with the smell of the evil spirit. The familiar smell of ANTAeus male light perfume seems to have begun to fill the whole house of the Xia family. Xia Ruoxi began to feel a sense of crisis and panic.

She felt that the time of losing her mother had officially begun to count down, so before that moment, she would try her best to do something to consolidate her position in her mother's heart.

If she was really 17 years old, she would not touch the spring water at all, but after the experience of being driven out of the Xia family in her previous life, she really learned to be independent and cook.

The servants were surprised to see that Xia Ruoxi actually made breakfast by herself, and she was familiar with her movements. They knew that the big ladies of the rich family were spoiled masters. How could they know the doorway of the kitchen?

Fresh fruit sami sauce, wine-brewed eggs, minced meat tomato soup, as well as roast meat apple sandwich, fresh shrimp omelet sandwich, grilled tofu sandwich, vanilla flower sandwich, a very rich breakfast, and the taste is also very good.

Xia Ruoxi felt distressed while doing it. These breakfasts were her mother Mo Shuyi's favorite, but not now, but in the future. These breakfasts are all that evil menu. He will change all kinds of early mornings every day. Xia Ruoxi made several kinds of mother's preference based on her memory. She deliberately made them all at a time, that is, to let her mother remember these early mornings. In the future, when the demon wants to please her mother with these, the first thing her mother will think of will be Xia Ruoxi.

"Remember the name. When my mother gets up, tell her the same name, and then let her taste everything." Xia Ruoxi ordered to Fang Yan.

Fang Yan quickly answered. Her first reaction to Xia Ruoxi's sudden breakfast was that the young lady was abnormal. I don't know if she had malaria. She must be careful today, because the sun is shining for the Xia family, but it is a precursor to a storm. Anyway, she is such an abnormal behavior towards Xia Ruoxi. , I feel a little creepy.

She made breakfast with her own hands, but Xia Ruoxi refused to eat it. In addition to the demon she would think of this breakfast, more importantly, she was more moved by her mother and deeply branded her good feelings in her heart.

If she is present, her mother will be extremely surprised by what she did early, but because she can express her joy in person, she will not be so deeply moved after being happy. On the contrary, if she is not present, her mother will roll her goodness in her stomach while eating those breakfast, and because she can't express her emotions in person, she will definitely remember it more deeply.

This is the art of doing things. Because the corridor has a sense of detour, people feel that the artistic conception is far-reaching.

Twenty-three-year-old Xia Ruoxi has to say that she has long had no precious simplicity and a deep city.

But even if she adds scheming, her biggest purpose is only to make her mother love her more. Maternal love seems to have been natural for children for a long time. Any child enjoys this love peacefully. Who will cherish this maternal love as other feelings, cherish it and attentively. What about the protection of thought? Except for those who have been lost.

And Xia Ruoxi was the one who lost her maternal love, and after losing her maternal love, she knew that she only knew the consequences of asking but not giving, which was the loss of collapse.

Out of the house, Xia Ruoxi first wanted to walk around casually. She was extremely lazy in her bones and never refused to run in the morning, and all kinds of physical exercises were zero. That is to say, now she knows how to cherish life. In the past, her favorite thing was to stay in bed. Don't imagine that she would get up early.

She never got up so early that she knew that the morning air was really refreshing. The moisture slightly stained with dewdrops, and the cool feeling touched the bones.

Originally, they wanted to walk, but when their private security guard of the Xia family saw Xia Ruoxi coming out alone, he immediately informed the driver Uncle Kang to prepare the car, so Xia Ruoxi did not walk a few steps, and their Rolls-Royce stopped next to her. The driver Uncle Kang got out of the car and opened the door to let Xia Ruoxi get on the car.

Xia Ruoxi shook her head helplessly and sighed, and could only get on the car. But where can I go?

She has no direction at all.

After thinking about it for a moment, Xia Ruoxi still said an address, which was Zhou Zhiqing's home.

It doesn't matter if she hasn't been in touch for many days; it doesn't matter if she hasn't been in touch for many years; even if it doesn't matter even in the next life, Xia Ruoxi's cherishes Zhou Zhiqing will not change. Even if Zhou Zhiqing has failed her friendship, she hates Zhou Zhiqing and Zhou Zhiqing, but she will not cherish Zhou Zhiqing. Changed, she was grateful that Zhou Zhiqing had been good to her and saved her once fallen outlook on life.

I still remember Zhou Zhiqing's favorite flower cakes from a pastry shop. Xia Ruoxi specially asked Uncle Kang to take her to the famous pastry shop to buy it.

Zhou Zhiqing lives in the compound of the government agency. If Zhou Zhiqing's family hadn't come out to sign the person, Xia Ruoxi would not have been able to enter at all.

So Xia Ruoxi only handed over the flower cake to the door guard. After being checked and confirmed, the flower cake was promised by the doorman to be handed over to Zhou Zhiqing.

Xia Ruoxi is hiding. She hopes to see Zhou Zhiqing's smile when Zhou Zhiqing comes out to get flower cakes. I also hope Zhou Zhiqing knows that she still cares about her friend.

About ten minutes later, Xia Ruoxi, who was hiding in the dark, saw Zhou Zhiqing wearing a cool mop and loosely. She came out and walked into the door post.

Not long after, Zhou Zhiqing came out slowly with a flower cake. Xia Ruoxi almost held her breath and wanted to be very happy even if she saw a little moved by Zhou Zhiqing's face.

Zhou Zhiqing looked at the exquisite paper-wrapped flower cake with a solemn expression, and then opened the package and took out a piece from it.

Xia Ruoxi was overjoyed. She thought that Zhou Zhiqing wanted to eat flower cakes immediately. She was extremely excited, but the next situation made her disappointed.

Just watched Zhou Zhiqing stare at the flower cake for a while, and then fell to the ground with a "pop" and stepped on her feet fiercely.

Xia Ruoxi almost collapsed to the ground and felt like being struck by lightning. Why is it like this? Why does Zhou Zhiqing hate her so much? Tears couldn't help coming out of her eyes, and a large rolled down Xia Ruoxi's pink cheeks like petals.

It can't be like this. She must have misread it. Xia Ruoxi couldn't believe it and wiped away her tears fiercely. However, she was still revenged by heavy disappointment and watched Zhou Zhiqing throw all the remaining flower cakes into the trash can.

When she was in the hospital, because she had a small dispute with Fang Yan, and then snapped the fur. She was originally kind but misunderstood. There was such a conflict between them. Why could Zhou Zhiqing hate her to such a point? How did Zhou Zhiqing treat her in her previous life, but now she is not for that friendship, but only leaves tolerance. The past grudges have long gone. Isn't real friendship enough to withstand all the tests of fate? Her friendship experience has survived, why Zhou Zhiqing...

Xia Ruoxi only felt a heart-wrenching pain, which made her whole body sweat coldly.

At this time, her mobile phone rang unexpectedly. Xia Ruoxi thought it was her mother who called her, but after taking out her mobile phone, she suddenly found that it was Zhou Zhiqing.

Zhou Zhiqing hasn't gone far in sight. Xia Ruoxi was afraid that returning a call outside will make Zhou Zhiqing find that she was nearby. She hurriedly turned back to the car and pressed the answer button when she got on the car.

Zhou Zhiqing's slightly happy voice came from her mobile phone, "Hey! Ruoxi, damn girl, what's the mystery? After sending flowers and cakes, they won't go in to meet me." Are you still angry about what happened last time? I was wrong. I knew that I misunderstood you, and I had never had the nerve to apologize to you. I didn't know that you were good to me that you were so careful to send me flower cakes." I haven't eaten it for a long time. I've been wanting to eat it these two days, but you sent it here. It's really a best friend. Hehe, let's go shopping together when we have time..."

Xia Ruoxi really can't imagine Zhou Zhiqing, who has always had a bright and true temperament in her heart. After this straightforwardness that she has always appreciated, she also has hidden such a deep intention.