Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 59 strange

At this time, Xia Ruoxi walked to the coffee table and picked up the orchid bamboo picture placed on the coffee table. She recognized it at a glance. Isn't this the pair she copied? Although it has been framed, don't you recognize her own paintings? She knows the brushwork and strength like the palm of her hand. Even if she was fantasized, when she looked for the water stains that Mo Shuhui smashed her with an apple and threw on a bamboo leaf that day, and her heart was completely cold.

Who on earth changed that painting?

Xia Ruoxi frowned and thought deeply. Thinking that when she asked Yao Qianqian to hand over the painting that day, the painting she originally copied turned into a copy landscape painting. Then because she couldn't stand Yao Qianqian's mockery, she impulsively took out the original painting and asked her to find someone to copy it herself. When the painter invited by Yao Qianqian was copying the painting, she was present all the way and even ate in the study. As usual, she was so cautious. How could she be wrapped by someone?

Xia Ruoxi was puzzled. More importantly, who lost the painting? Yao Qianqian? How did she get the painting she copied? If there is no traitor, Yao Qianqian can't do it. The most suspicious traitor is undoubtedly Fang Yan. But Yao Qianqian went to Xia's house twice in total. She didn't know Fang Yan at all. How did she buy Fang Yan?

The more Xia Ruoxi thought about it, the more strange she felt. These things were too strange. She intuitively believed in Yao Qianqian and still didn't believe that she was so enthusiastic about helping, but Yao Qianqian was scheme and dropped Baolan Zhutu. Call the police." Xia Ruoxi finally made up her mind that her guess was ineffective and might have misunderstood good people. She doesn't have the ability to solve this matter. Calling the police is the only way.

Mo Songbai and Mo Shuhui had no objection to Xia Ruoxi's proposal, and finally Mo Shuhui called the police.

Because of Mo Songbai's special identity, he received special attention from the police after calling the police.

When Xia Ruoxi cooperated with the police investigation, she learned that the pair of Lanzhu pictures were actually given by her grandfather Xia Qingshan to her grandfather Mo Songbai 20 years ago.

Yao Qianqian and the painter were listed as important suspects by the police and were summoned by the police for investigation.

This time, what Xia Ruoxi had done to Yao Qianqian before was completely useless. No matter how hard she is, it will be a mess in the end. I'm afraid that she will not beg Yao Qianqian in the future. I'm afraid she won't even have to do it in the future.

Xia Ruoxi was a little annoyed that she really shouldn't have promised Yao Qianqian to copy the pair of Lanzhu pictures. At that time, when she promised her, she had a bad feeling, and now something happened.

The day after calling the police, something more strange happened. Lan Zhutu, who had been dropped, actually appeared at the door of Mo Songbai's house and stuffed it through the crack of the door.

Xia Ruoxi suddenly realized something and thought of a person. If it's him, then everything will be explained.

Now Xia Ruoxi only needs to go to Xia's house to confirm her guess, then everything will go down in broad daylight.

When Xia Ruoxi stepped into Huayuan, the reception she received was like an enemy between the two armies. She is an unpopular person, even if her identity is an inseparable blood relative of this family.

There is only one person who has a better attitude towards Xia Ruoxi, and that is Jiang Liru.

"Ruoxi, I haven't been here for a long time. Let's have dinner here today." Jiang Liru's stomach has been raised high. She is pregnant for five or six months, and she is pregnant with twins, so her stomach is bigger than that of ordinary pregnant women. She walks with the help of servants, and it is very difficult to walk.

"Grandma is all right." Xia Ruoxi looked at Jiang Liru with a smile. The only thing she didn't hate was Jiang Liru.

"Very good, very good, eating and sleeping all day long, eating when waking up, like a pig." Jiang Liru is simple and honest by nature, speaks bluntly, and doesn't mind joking herself.

"Grandma's body is not her own now, and it is necessary to take good care of it. It's good for pregnant women to have more rest.

"Well, I just saw the doctor a few days ago and told me to go out more. Light exercise will be good for the fetus. I'm too lazy to go out. If Ruoxi has time, go out with me. I want to buy some baby products for the un born children.

"Good. Let's go out with grandma on Sunday. Xia Ruoxi was talking to Jiang Liru. Lian Jingfen didn't read her magazine and interrupted--

"In the past, I have never seen our Ruoxi so well-behaved to my aunt. Recently, she has been talking about grandma on the left and grandma on the right, and her little mouth is like honey. This person has become a little faster." Lian Jingfen's tongue was stabbed and said contemptuously to Xia Ruoxi.

Xia Ruoxi was not angry, but turned to Jiang Liru with a smile and said, "Does grandma have a dog? I heard that pregnant women are not suitable for cats and dogs. If you have dogs, give them away quickly.

Jiang Liru's reaction was a little dull. She didn't react to Xia Ruoxi's words when she turned around and scolded Lian Jingfen. She said blankly, "I don't have a dog."

Lian Jingfen over there is not a fool. Hearing that Xia Ruoxi was scolding her, the fire suddenly sprung up, and new hatred and old hatred suddenly came to her mind. You are a big and small dead girl. At least I am also your aunt. Where did you scold me like this and put your uncle?

Xia Ruoxi smiled faintly, "What did your aunt say? Where did I scold you? You are not a dog. Why do you react so much when I say that I don't let grandma have a dog?

Even Jingfen's face turned white, "" even said a few words "you", but nothing else.

Xia Jun couldn't help putting the teacup on the coffee table with a crack. "I really can't stand you. Ruoxi rarely comes once. You bark like a mad dog. Go upstairs and stay." This time, for some unknown, Xia Jun actually looks like an uncle and speaks in favor of Xia Ruoxi.

Lian Jingfen was angry when she had nothing to say back to Xia Ruoxi. Xia Jun's scolding her was a hornet's nest. Lian Jingfen scolded at Xia Jun, "I haven't scolded you yet, but you scolded me. These days, you are either not going home at night or drunk. You are drunk all day long. Don't think I don't know what you have done outside? Just be blind with your eyes open. Don't force me. If you force me to expose all your ugly things, so that you can't even be a dog.

Xia Jun was annoyed, "You stinky woman, don't I socialize every day for this family? What do you take to buy gold and silver jewelry and gorgeous clothes every day? Isn't it my hard-earned money? You are still scolding me now. If you don't hit the house for three days, I think you are itchy. After saying that, he raised his hand, as if he was going to reach out and hit people.

"What, do you still want to hit me? Will you try to hit me? Lian Jingfen jumped up from the sofa and looked at Xia Jun angrily with her waist.

Is it going to be lively? Xia Ruoxi squinted and waited to watch the play.

Unfortunately, Xia Jun's mouth was still soft-mouthed. Looking at Lian Jingfen about to splash on him, he stood up and said "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you" and dodged.