Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 63 Black Dress

Li Jing was a little unwilling and quietly clenched his fist. This unruly and wayward young lady liked his things. He used to be the pride of talking loudly in school. In order to subdue such a revering young lady, he didn't know how proud he was in front of his classmates. Now seeing the loss of this proud capital, he naturally doesn't Sconvinced

"Ruoxi, let's go out to play together on a sunny day." This is the first time that Li Jing took the initiative to date a girl. It has always been a girl who took the initiative to ask him, and then he looked at the mood to choose which girl to date. It was the first invitation to treat Xia Ruoxi for the first time.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I have a date with someone else." Xia Ruoxi said lightly.

"Fush it away, I'll take you to a fun place to play." Who is it? Li Jing immediately found his opponent's strong enemy like a soldier who was going to fight. He raised his fighting spirit, but his face showed a charming smile, thinking about ** Xia Ruoxi to change his mind.

"No, that's a very important person, and I made an appointment in advance. Sorry, you can find another girl to go with you. Many girls will beg for dating people like this. Xia Ruoxi smiled slightly and then waved goodbye to Li Jing.

"Hey, Xia Ruoxi..." Li Jing clenched his fists behind him and didn't give him face. Humph, don't regret it.

Xia Ruoxi walked away without looking back. For Li Jing, she not only lost the feeling of first love, but also didn't want to be friends. Being ugly is not a condition to be despised, but if the heart is ugly, it is useless to be good-looking. Just like Li Jing.

At noon, Xia Ruoxi routinely went to the futures market before going home. After asking Nie Chonghua to understand the trend of futures she bought, she left.

When I got home, there seemed to be a clothing exhibition in the living room. Xia Ruoxi knew that there was another banquet to attend.

is the 15th anniversary of Tianze Group. Something will happen at this anniversary, and it will be a big thing that will affect the future of Tianze Group.

Now Xia Ruoxi can calmly face all the predictions that will happen. The soldiers came to cover the water. Change if you can, change, and you can't look at it calmly.

Mo Shuyi was choosing clothes. Qin Yao was on the side. Seeing Xia Ruoxi coming back, Mo Shuyi asked Xia Ruoxi which one was more suitable. It's sapphire blue. Mom's set of blue diamond earrings is just right. Xia Ruoxi picked out a blue low-V evening dress.

Mo Shuyi took a look and couldn't help shaking her head. "It's quite beautiful, but it's too revealing. I'm not used to it." After saying that, he took out a long black slim evening dress and turned his head and asked Xia Ruoxi, "How about this one?"

Qin Yao took a look and said, "Not bad."

Xia Ruoxi has long known that Mo Shuyi wanted to choose this one, because Mo Shuyi wore this one in her previous life. But this dress is destined to cause trouble. This one is too old-fashioned and dull. On a happy day like the anniversary, mom should wear it happily. So how about the yellow cheongsam? It's noble and elegant.

Mo Shuyi still shook his head, "The color is too bright and too conspicuous. I can't wear it at my age."

Xia Ruoxi raised his eyebrows and said, "You are less than 40 years old. Why do you talk about yourself at an old age? Those female stars are all fifty years old and dressed like little girls. They are fifty-year-old and say they are fifteen.

Mo Shuyi smiled helplessly, "How can I compare with those big stars?" Just black, I'm comfortable to wear.

"Okay, then let's take this one." If she can't change her mother's mind, then she can only find another way. Xia Ruoxi still took out the royal blue evening dress, "This one is left, and I still hope my mother will wear this one. If my mother changes her mind, she won't regret it."

Mo Shuyi said nothing more about this, but just said, "Ruoxi, your clothes have been selected by Jasmine for you. Your image on the anniversary represents Tianze Group, so I told him to be noble."

Xia Ruoxi naturally knew that this banquet was different from others. Jasmine was the best stylist, and the clothes he chose would not be bad. Xia Ruoxi didn't have to worry about this.

Bohemian sexy bra high-density chiffon charming colorful long skirt will be the clothes Xia Ruoxi will wear that night. Xia Ruoxi's tall figure is suitable for wearing a long skirt.

The anniversary will be held on Sunday, with an employee celebration meeting of the group company in the morning, an industry and media reception in the afternoon, and a celebration banquet in the evening. A special person will be responsible for all the schedules. At that time, Xia Ruoxi will follow the process according to the order. There is nothing to worry about, mainly because the evening banquet will produce some branches.

What Xia Ruoxi was most worried about was what happened that night, but she knew that something would happen, but she couldn't say it to remind Mo Shuyi.

Qin Yao was the most trusted person in her previous life, but now there has been a qualitative change. Xia Ruoxi doesn't believe her. Fortunately, there is Tao Bingjie, a person Xia Ruoxi has trusted very much. Specially asked Xie Rongsheng to borrow Tao Bingjie. On Friday, Tao Bingjie followed Xia Ruoxi all the way.

After finishing the day, Xia Ruoxi quietly sneaked into Mo Shuyi's room and stole the black dress. In order to ensure that Xia Ruoxi cut the dress with scissors, so that Mo Shuyi could no longer wear this black dress.

Not long after, Mo Shuyi panicked and shouted at the servant downstairs, "Where's my dress?"

Fang Yan is not here. An Lin, the housekeeper, took her place. She ran out in a panic and said, "Madam, didn't you put the dress in your room?"

"No, why is it missing? Who has entered my room?" Mo Shuyi has never lost her temper with the workers, but today she is really anxious. She speaks loudly and her attitude is fierce.

Xia Ruoxi came out at the right time, "What's wrong, Mom?"

"Ruoxi, did you see my dress? I went back to my room to change my clothes, but suddenly found that it was gone." Mo Shuyi's face was anxious.

"Yes." Xia Ruoxi pretended to be panicked, "What can I do? It's almost time. Fortunately, I left that blue dress that day. Mom, you can wear that one."

Mo Shuyi was a little reluctant, but now, she can only be helpless, "Okay."

Xia Ruoxi's heart is full of relief. As long as her mother doesn't wear that black dress, things should be avoided at night.

At this time, Qin Yao came in from outside with a large paper bag, "Chairman, I got the dress back."

This made Xia Ruoxi stunned. What's going on? Hasn't she destroyed the dress? What dress did Qin Yao bring back?

Mo Shuyi suddenly realized this time and said, "Ah, I remember." He turned his head and smiled at Xia Ruoxi and said, "I forgot that the dress was taken by Qin Yao to iron and plastic surgery."

What? What about the black dress she destroyed? Are there two? How is this possible? Xia Ruoxi almost fainted, which was difficult to control--

When Mo Shuyi changed his dress, Xia Ruoxi really saw that Mo Shuyi was wearing the black dress she chose that day. The dress she cut should be another dress. She only found a black dress in her mother's wardrobe and decided that it was the one her mother was going to wear tonight. Now it seems that she made a mistake.

Xia Ruoxi was so angry.

Is people not as good as God?

No, she will never give up. I still have to find a way to get my mother to change into that sapphire blue dress.

It's not good now. Let's wait until we meet again at the venue. There are still many ways to let my mother change the dress. For example, the dress was accidentally stained...

Xia Ruoxi planned it in his heart, and then took the blue dress. "Take this dress as a backup. If you accidentally stain the dress, you can also have an emergency to avoid embamity."

"Good! Ruoxi, you really have grown up, know how to think about things, and you can think about everything so thoughtfully. Mo Shuyi smiled happily, and her eyes were full of comfort for Xia Ruoxi.

That's because I thought I was no longer 17 years old, but Xia Ruoxi, who had experienced great disasters. Mom, you still don't know, right? In the end, I lost you, and you lost me forever! Xia Ruoxi muttered in her heart and suppressed her thoughts. No one can tell her that this kind of taste is really suffocating. She knew what would happen tonight, but she couldn't say it, let alone stop it. She had to let the disaster begin to approach step by step. Such sadness is really painful!

Hope there will be a miracle. Not everything happened in her previous life, just like Xie Shaoxuan. When she was 17 years old, Xie Shaoxuan actually appeared, which is a completely different rhythm from her previous life! Xia Ruoxi believes that she can only believe in miracles. Miracles really happen!