Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 15 Move the stone and hit yourself 2

When Xia Ruoxi went downstairs, Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi angrily, and his eyes couldn't wait to strangle Xia Ruoxi to death.

How ridiculous. A few times ago, he turned upside down with her, and now he is naked/naked showing his teeth-clenched hatred. Man, this animal, love and desire are separated. This is Xia Ruoxi's deep experience at this time.

"I'll take you to see my father, if you dare to talk nonsense..." Tang Yu wanted to seriously warn Xia Ruoxi, but before he finished speaking, he stopped talking, stared at Xia Ruoxi, and then raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction and smiled, "That's good, you're a mute." This sentence seems to be said to Xia Ruoxi, and it is more like a sense of happiness.

is dumb, so you can't say anything! There is no need for him to threaten to say what to say and what not to say! Xia Ruoxi naturally understood what Tang Yu was celebrating.

At this time, Xia Ruoxi also seemed to feel the benefits of dumb. Because you can't talk too much, it doesn't get in the way.

Listening to Tang Yu's saying that she would take her to meet his father, Xia Ruoxi felt that this was a good opportunity. Fight for the opportunity to live for yourself.

Xia Ruoxi has heard about Tang Yu's father, Tang Weide, a famous Chinese legend. I also read the reports describing his entrepreneurial legend when he was nothing.

Tang Weide has one of the greatest regrets in his life. He smuggled to the United States to start a business. When he first arrived in the United States, he once met a white American girl. The time when the girl met Tang Weide became the most beautiful love time in Tang Weide's life. Unfortunately, the girl's parents despised Tang Weide as a Chinese and a poor China. He beat the mandarin duck and broke up Tang Weide and the girl.

Tang Weide couldn't forget the girl, let alone accept the separation from her. He secretly found her and wanted to elope her. The girl agreed. However, on their way to elope, the girl unfortunately contracted an epidemic epidemic at that time and then died.

Tang Weide always thought that he had killed his favorite girl. If she hadn't eloped with him, she wouldn't have been infected with a bad disease, and she would have died young. After Tang Weide's successful start-up, he has a family with money and children, and a happy and beautiful life begins. However, in Tang Weide's heart, there will always be an unfilled regret, that is, the American girl who loved him with her life. Later, he named his first daughter Dai Lin Tang, and her Chinese name Tang Lin, because of the American girl he loved, her name was DaiLin.

Xia Ruoxi has seen the photo of the American girl Tang Weide loved in the report. Her beautiful appearance is somewhat similar to that of the famous world-famous actress Audrey Hepburn. She is a very peerless American girl.

"Go!" Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi, who was parked in place, and roared angrily. At this time, Tang Yu saw Xia Ruoxi, and there was only one idea that she wanted to disappear from the world immediately.

Xia Ruoxi gestured to Tang Yu and motioned him to wait, and then asked the maid on one side to help find pen and paper.

The maid understood the meaning of Xia Ruoxi's gesture, but did not dare to obey the command and looked at Tang Yu hesitantly.

"Go get it for her!" Tang Yu impatiently scolded the maid. He knew something about what Xia Ruoxi should say. He wanted to tell him that although he didn't want to listen, he really needed Xia Ruoxi's cooperation now, so he could only put up with his emotions and see what the girl wanted to do?

The maid obeyed Tang Yu's instructions, took the paper and pen and gave it to Xia Ruoxi.

Xia Ruoxi took it and quickly wrote a paragraph in Chinese on paper - "Now your father must be furious about you and me getting married. Now I ask you to give me an hour. I have a way to make your father not angry about you and me marrying, but will make him angry. Hi. Also, please prepare a set of oil painting tools for me immediately. Don't talk too much. You must believe me. Your father has a bad heart. If you love your father and is a filial son, then you must not want to marry him.

Xia Ruoxi finished writing and gave it to Tang Yu to see.

Tang Yu frowned immediately after reading it. Did this woman know that his father's heart was not good? Well, it seems that she doesn't really know much about their family. Go and prepare a set of canvas and paint for oil painting immediately. He wants to see what the hell she is going to do?

The servant quickly found everything Xia Ruoxi needed. She is not surprised by Xia Ruoxi. She has long known that Tang Yu is good at oil painting.

What is Xia Ruoxi going to do? She wants to paint oil paintings and portraits of Dai Lin.

She once used such a trick to please Yao Qianqian, but now it is a repeat of the old trick to set Tang Weide's joy.

Xia Ruoxi closed her eyes and tried to recall the American girl named Dai Lin that Tang Weide loved in her previous life. In fact, she was impressed by the girl because she looked like Audrey Hepburn. In addition to these, she really can't remember Dai Lin's appearance. How can I draw it vividly?

Xia Ruoxi searched for clues in her memory, and suddenly she flashed and thought of...

Standing in front of the ecase, Xia Ruoxi was confident and first outlined the woman's facial outline with a brush.

Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi's side, watching her walk and polish her every time, and then couldn't help marveling at her skillful painting skills. He is a person who knows how to draw. He can judge at a glance whether others can draw and how they draw.

Quietly observing the whole process of Xia Ruoxi's painting, a wisp of appreciation quietly blurred in Tang Yu's eyes, but I'm afraid he didn't realize it.

Xia Ruoxi took Tang Yu an hour, but it turned out to take less than two hours. Because she has always wanted to draw Dai Lin's charm vividly. If the painting succeeds, her hope of survival will become great. If it fails, it will be very dangerous.

After painting, Xia Ruoxi subconsciously looked for the wall clock and wanted to see the time. She had been immersed in painting and couldn't realize how much time had passed.

"You are on time, exactly one hour!" Tang Yu saw Xia Ruoxi's mind, pretended to look at the diamond gold watch on his wrist, and then said such a sentence with a cold face. He lied. And the hell, he doesn't know why he said that at all.

Xia Ruoxi breathed a long sigh of relief after listening to Tang Yu's words. I thought to myself, it's okay, I didn't exceed the time.

"Young master, you saw the wrong time..." The white American next to Tang Yu kindly reminded Tang Yu, but Tang Yu suddenly turned his head and stared at him fiercely, so scared that he dared not say more.

"Why did you draw this picture?" Tang Yu looked at the oil painting with a portrait of a woman and frowned deeply. He didn't know what the purpose of this girl's painting was? What does this have to do with his father's anger?

Xia Ruoxi just looked at Tang Yu with a smile and couldn't speak, so she didn't need to explain it.

"Forget it, I ask you, it's a waste of time, Luke, put this painting in the car with the frame." Tang Yu felt that he always forgot the same dumb nonsense, and how ridiculous it was.

The oil painting is finished, but the canvas is not dry yet. At this time, it is not suitable to take it off the drawing board casually, and it is not convenient to carry. If the oil paint is not air-dried, it will be dizzy and turn into a pile of messy things.

Luke agreed and ordered someone to lift the elevate out.

"Hurry up and wash your hands. I've been waiting for an hour. Don't waste my time." Tang Yu frowned and said to Xia Ruoxi fiercely.

Xia Ruoxi lowered her head and went to the bathroom to wash her hands under the leadership of the maid.

When he came out, Tang Yu waited outside the bathroom. He saw Xia Ruoxi come out and scolded her as "stupid". Then he came over, grabbed Xia Ruoxi's hand and pulled her into the bathroom.

Xia Ruoxi was confused for a while. She didn't know why he scolded her, let alone why he took her back to the bathroom.

It was not until Tang Yu took a towel to help Xia Ruoxi and wiped a piece of oil paint she accidentally rubbed on her chin that Xia Ruoxi understood. I stared at Tang Yu incredulously, and there was a strange feeling in my heart.

Tang Yu saw Xia Ruoxi's eyes. In fact, he didn't know how he could wipe her face. He really saw a ghost. Tang Yu lowered his heart and threw the towel into the washstand fiercely. Then he shouted at Xia Ruoxi with a cold face, "You still delay me. What are you doing? Hurry up and give it to me. Go away." After saying that, he was the first to walk out of the bathroom.

He is crazy! Xia Ruoxi stared fiercely at Tang Yu's back. Who is procrastinating?

Follow Tang Yu away from the big house and get on the Bentley RV. When their car drove out of the yard, the light of magnesium lights shone around the door.

In this regard, Xia Ruoxi and Tang Yu are absolutely in two moods. One is full of hope, and the other is full of chagrin.

On the road, Xia Ruoxi couldn't stand the long-term running of vehicles. She leaned on the leather seat tiredly and slowly closed her eyelids. She was sleepy again, not only because she didn't sleep last night, but also because of another kind of weakness that had been tortured by Tang Yu.

Seeing that Xia Ruoxi was sleepy, Tang Yu whispered a word to the driver, and then the speed slowed down.