Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 24 Danger is coming 3

Xia Ruoxi suddenly had an illusion, as if she had returned to that year. The day when her favorite man and her best confidant betrayed her together, she fell into her swimming pool. She was born dizzy and could not swim, and almost drowned in her swimming pool...


I'm going to die, and Xia Ruoxi finally called out a name...

A few hours later, a crowd appeared at the seaside where Xia Ruoxi was thrown into the sea.

"Young master, the wind and waves here are very strong. Let's go back to the car and wait." Luke had long known in his heart that no matter how many people were sent to the sea to salvage, there would be no result. The young grandmother has had a lot of bad luck. But when he saw Tang Yu, who was depressed, how could he bear to tell this fact?

Tang Yu stood on the shore without saying a word. At this time, he seemed to be very calm, as calm as the dark sea at this time, and he could not see the ripples of emotions.

Luke sighed and directed the next time to salvage, even if he got a negative result every time.

It was until dawn. Those who dive and salvage lay tired on the beach and no longer have the strength to dive into the sea.

"I'm leaving!" Tang Yu looked at the sky in the morning and finally opened his mouth to speak. There was a smile hanging there at the corners of his mouth, which was beautiful and full of dewd.

When Luke saw Tang Yu's smile, he couldn't help shivering. How dangerous Tang Yu seems to be so gentle in front of him. Just like the sea before the storm, all the rough waves are hidden in the deep sea, but once it breaks out, it is a violent stormy wave.

"Or, the young grandmother has been rescued." Luke covered his ears and said like a bell.

Tang Yu smiled faintly at Luke, "Let's go." His body was very straight, which obviously contrasted with his relaxed tone.

And Tang Yu's smile made Luke feel piercingly cold and made him panic.

At this time, Luke's mobile phone rang. After answering the phone, a smile appeared on Luke's face. He hurriedly took three steps and two steps and ran to Tang Yu. Young master, the young lady is still alive..."

Tang Yu stopped, his body shook, and his eyes showed unbelievable consternation, and then his eyes turned into a wet wave of light, "What..."

It was Miss Mina who rescued the young grandmother. We couldn't find her, and we couldn't even get through to the phone because she was injured in order to save the young grandmother. Now she has just woken up. Miss Mina also asked me to tell the young master and forgive her for informing the news late.

Tang Yu didn't want to listen to Luke's situation at all and asked directly, "What about Ruoxi?" Where is she now? Come on..."

"It's already at home in Manhattan."


The Bentley RV is on the highway.

When Tang Yu arrived at his home in a luxury community in Manhattan, Tang Yu got out of the car and rushed into the big house.

"Tang..." A woman's voice called to Tang Yu, not someone else, but Mina. At this time, one arm was tied with a bandage and gauze tied to her head, and she was injured.

"Where is Ruoxi?" Tang Yu didn't care about Mina's injury at all and directly asked him the person he was thinking about.

"In the room upstairs." Mina's eyes became gloomy and frustrated from the joy of seeing Tang Yu at the beginning, because the man did not have her place in his heart.

Tang Yu rushed upstairs.

The big** in his room, the sleeping man lying there, was Xia Ruoxi, who he thought had already been separated from his yin and yang.

"Ruoxi..." Tang Yu rushed to ** and hugged Xia Ruoxi, who was still asleep. The separation of more than ten hours was like a century in his heart. Tang Yu kept calling Xia Ruoxi's name in a trembling voice, and his lips and teeth gnawed fiercely on Xia Ruoxi's lips and chin, as if he wanted to eat her in one bite.

It's so cold, so cold... Xia Ruoxi frowned, muttered low in the depths of her throat, and slowly opened her eyes. At first glance, I saw the man who wanted to kill her several times. She shrank in rejection and wanted to avoid his kiss and his cold body.

"Forgive me..." Tang Yu almost mixed the fragility of his eyes into two springs and rushed out of his eyes. Forgive him for not protecting her... When he thought she was dead, at that moment when he thought he had completely lost her, his first thought was to rush to hell, grab her and ask her fiercely why he had the heart to leave him, ask her fiercely... and then love her fiercely...

Forgive you? Xia Ruoxi laughed miserably in her heart? Forgive you for wanting to kill me, and then suddenly found that your conscience has forgiven me? The world is all about you, so what about mine?

Xia Ruoxi wanted to push Tang Yu away fiercely, but his strength was strong. At this moment, she was extremely weak and had no strength to stand in a stalemate with him.

Like a person who is frozen in the cold, he suddenly finds fire and warmth and never wants to leave again.

"I know you must have been shocked a lot. Don't worry, I will give you an explanation. Mom, I have asked someone to take her to stay in the hotel, but it's a little rude for us as juniors to show up yet. After Tang Yu let go of Xia Ruoxi, he told Xia Ruoxi that her mother had arrived.

Xia Ruoxi struggled to get up. Tang Yu pressed her, "Don't worry, let your mother have a good rest now. If you go, how can she have a good rest? And I told her that we are in New Jersey. If we go there so soon, we will let her know that we are lying to her. She will be angry, don't you think?

Hearing Tang Yu's words, Xia Ruoxi nodded slightly. He was willing to let her go to see her mother and had sent someone to receive her, which surprised her and was very fortunate.

Nestled in Tang Yu's arms, Xia Ruoxi fell asleep tiredly.

Tang Yu narrowed for a moment, gently let go of Xia Ruoxi, dressed and got out of bed.

When they left the room and went downstairs, Mina and Luke were sitting in the living room talking.

Seeing Tang Yu come down, both of them stood up.

"Don!" Mina looked at Tang Yu with a light smile.

"I want to hurt Ruoxi's people." Tang Yu glanced at Mina and sat down on the sofa.

"I have disposed of those two people." Mina didn't sit down and stood opposite Tang Yu. "All this is a bitter trick made by Luofia. She let her men hurt her, and then let people kidnap the young lady and want to kill the young lady."

Tang Yu raised his eyebrows, "Oh?" He looked at Mina with a little smile, "Then how do you know this and how can you save Ruoxi in time?"

"At that time, I also went to the hotel, because I knew you were there and had something to say. As a result, I didn't see you. First, I saw Sophia's two men sneaking into the hotel, and then all this with my own eyes. I was weak at that time, so I only secretly followed and informed my people to come to help me. As a result, they found out, so there was a fierce battle with them. Fortunately, he finally saved the young lady. Mina's expression was calm.

"Well, go to the hospital with me to face Rofia." Tang Yu smiled with a strange feeling. I don't know whether he believed Mina's words or not.

At this time, Luke said to Tang Yu with a solemn face, "The news just got, Rofia knew that the matter had been revealed and had committed suicide by jumping off a building in the hospital."

Tang Yu raised his eyes and looked at Mina lightly, "Oh? She is quite self-aknowledge. It's time to die."

"She must know that you won't let her go, so to get rid of her." Luke shook his head slightly. Rofia is soft and undisputed, this time... alas."

Tang Yu glanced at Mina, and the smile on her face deepened. "I haven't slept well these two days. Mina can help me get a massage at night. I'm still used to your technique. No one else can do it." Even though he knew that Mina had injured an arm, he said so. Obviously, this was just an excuse.

Mina was surprised to hear Tang Yu say this, "Okay."

"Are you tired now? Go back and have a good rest. Wait for me at your house at night. Tang Yu smiled ambiguously.

"Uh-huh." Mina nodded a little shyly and left.

Looking at Mina's departure, Tang Yu's eyes suddenly became gloomy and his face became ruthless. Mina can't stay. He looked up at Luke.

Luke took a cold breath. Young master!"

"Do you need me to repeat it again?" Tang Yu's eyes emitted a slight cold light.

"But Miss Mina's background... If I touch her, I'm afraid of her father's side..." Luke hesitated. He understood Tang Yu's character, and the world was not in his eyes, but it was one thing not to be afraid, and how to deal with the aftermath was another. After all, the young grandmother came back safely, and Mina is also the young master's woman. As for being jealous of women, will she get Mina's father's side? The consequences are too serious.

"Okay, I'll do it myself." Tang Yu stood up.

"No, young master, don't worry, I know what to do." Luke said hurriedly. This kind of thing must not stain his master with any blood.

"Bry Rofia well, give her incense for me, and say that I have avenged her." After saying that, Tang Yu turned upstairs.

At this time, Luke suddenly realized that the young master had seen through everything...

Women who fall in love with Tang Yu are all dead-dead. Some are bumped into by themselves, and some are willing to...

However, Luke smiled helplessly. The current young lady is an exception.

At noon, Xia Ruoxi finally met her mother Mo Shuyi at the hotel. There is another person.

Ling Yimo!