Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 28 Sudden Accident 1

I haven't seen her mother coming back. Xia Ruoxi was a little anxious and was about to open the door.

"I'll be with you." Tang Yu said that he got out of the car first, and then opened the door for Xia Ruoxi.

Walk out of the parking lot with Tang Yu and go to the hotel. The Arab and his entourage that Xia Ruoxi just saw walked not far in front of Xia Ruoxi.

And looking at her mother Mo Shuyi from afar, she also came out of the hotel, followed by a man, who was Ling Yimo.

Tang Yu is still not too difficult for Ling Yimo and Yue Jiayi. After Xia Ruoxi saw Duo Ling Yimo's figure, she subconsciously glanced at Tang Yu beside her.

At the moment when Xia Ruoxi turned her head, there was a sudden gunshot.

The loud voice scared Xia Ruoxi's face and turned pale. She just watched gunfight movies in the TV series, saw the shooting scenes, and heard the gunfire. Now she really heard it. The shock was really a hundred times more than that in those dramas. Xia Ruoxi screamed and her legs were soft.

Tang Yu still reacted, reached out and hooked Xia Ruoxi's waist in time, dragged her behind a car behind her, and hid.

There were several shots in a row, and Xia Ruoxi covered her ears with her hands in horror. Even though such a loud noise still hit her eardrums.

"Squat down, don't move..." Tang Yu pressed Xia Ruoxi's body and squatted down and roared at her.

On the other side of the shooting scene, Xia Ruoxi heard someone shouting in a language she didn't understand and shouting something. Shicai was too panicked, and then he was scared and didn't know what had happened. At this moment, Xia Ruoxi came to her senses, and her first thought was her mother Mo Shuyi.

"Mom..." Xia Ruoxi whispered in panic. At this time, several consecutive gunshots suppressed her voice, so that even she didn't hear her own voice.

What the hell happened? I have heard about the chaos of public security in the United States for a long time. I didn't expect to encounter such a shooting with my own eyes now. I'm not afraid. It's really a lies. Xia Ruoxi was so scared that her heart pounded. When she was worried about her safety, she was also more worried about the safety of her mother who had just seen her walk out of the hotel.

Xia Ruoxi wanted to struggle and press her Tang Yu tightly. Because she was worried about her mother's safety, she also had the courage to overcome timidity.

"Don't move, you will die..." Tang Yu roared and pressed Xia Ruoxi down again. "You wait here. Don't move, do you hear me?" After saying that, Tang Yu stood up and prepared to save Mo Shuyi.

"Young master..." The bodyguards of Luke and Tang Yu came.

"Go and save my mother-in-law..." Tang Yu ordered his men.

"Yes..." Except for Luke, those bodyguards rushed over like the scene of the shooting.

"Young master, young grandma, let's evacuate first. It's too dangerous here." Luke said to Tang Yu and Xia Ruoxi.

Tang Yu nodded, bowed slightly, stood up, and pulled Xia Ruoxi to leave, but Xia Ruoxi refused. Her daughter was worried about her mother's safety.

Seeing that Xia Ruoxi was disobedient, Tang Yu directly picked up Xia Ruoxi and quickly stayed away from this dangerous area.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive at the scene of the shooting.

Police cars were buzzing this afternoon.

"Young master, young grandma..." Tang Yu's bodyguards came back and replied to Xia Ruoxi and Tang Yu, who were hiding in the Bentley car.

"Where's my mother-in-law?" Tang Yu didn't see the bodyguard bring Mo Shuyi back, and his face was not calm.

"I have gone to the hospital..."

When Xia Ruoxi heard this, she suddenly collapsed on the seat.

"Are you injured? Come on, how's the situation?" Tang Yu was also anxious.

"It's not that my wife was injured, but that Mr. Ling. In order to save my wife who was injured, my wife went to the hospital with me." The bodyguard's answer gave Xia Ruoxi the answer to make sure that her mother was safe.

Xia Ruoxi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that she just softened her face, but her heart was picked up. Was Ling Yimo injured in order to save her mother? It is absolutely certain that he will not die. However, Xia Ruoxi can easily think of the follow-up effects of this accident. Ling Yi silently saved her mother. Originally, her daughter should have been grateful. However, Xia Ruoxi was panicked about the results that would appear later.

Any person, who has flesh and blood, will sacrifice his life and death to save himself for someone, and he is moved to be unforgettable--

Xia Ruoxi has a hunch that her mother's heart will be earlier than her previous life.

Ling Yimo's side is completely satisfactory this time. Even if she thinks so, Xia Ruoxi feels that she is cold-blooded, but she makes her pity her enemies. She really can't do it.

He tried to use his mobile phone for Tang Yu. When Tang Yu took out his mobile phone and gave it to her, Xia Ruoxi made some words on his mobile phone and then gave it to Tang Yu to see.

After reading it, Tang Yu nodded, "I'll go with you."

Because the shooting scene is at the entrance of the hotel, it has been martial law by the police.

Xia Ruoxi and Tang Yu plan to go directly to the inner door of the hotel from the underground parking lot.

Unexpectedly, a woman in Arab clothes was seen holding the little boy Xia Ruoxi saw in the hotel before. She was kidnapped and kidnapped by two men in camouflage clothes and walked towards a car.

The little boy kept crying. The two men who kidnapped them kept cursing in foreign languages, as if threatening the little boy not to cry.

Xia Ruoxi subconsciously grabbed the corner of Tang Yu's clothes.

"Don't move here..." Tang Yu whispered to Xia Ruoxi and asked her to hide behind a car, and then Tang Yu quietly sneaked into those people.

Another gunshot. Xia Ruoxi was so scared that she trembled all over. Originally, she was afraid, but worried about Tang Yu, she still summoned up her courage to look at the place where the gunshot. Tang Yu was seen fighting with the two men with bare hands, and the Arab woman holding the child pressed against a car body and slowly slid down to the ground. In the middle of her forehead and eyebrows, a gunhole was constantly indexing the red blood from her head. The little boy in her arms had been so scared that he cried and his voice was hoarse.

Originally, Xia Ruoxi was also afraid of horror in the face of the dead, but seeing the child in the arms of the dead woman, Xia Ruoxi couldn't stand by and rushed over and ran to the little boy while Tang Yu was still fighting with the two masked men. She picked up the little boy and wanted to take the little boy away from the dead Arab woman. However, although the woman was dead, she felt that when she was dying, she was also worried about the safety of the little boy in her arms and vowed to protect the child, so she held the little boy's hand to death. Xia Ruoxi used a lot. The power broke her hand and took the little boy out of her arms.

Looking at Tang Yu, who was still fighting with the two bad guys, Xia Ruoxi picked up the little boy and fled out of the parking lot.

I hope God can bless you! Tang Yu!