Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 30 Sudden Accident 3

In the evening, Xia Ruoxi learned about the shooting incident she saw with her own eyes from the TV news. The news also confirmed that the Arab woman Xia Ruoxi and Tang Yu were not rescued in the parking lot has died. He also said that the child of the Arab woman, the grandson of an oil king of an Arab country, was kidnapped by kidnappers. Now the police are looking around for the child, hoping to see the child, assist the police in handling the case, etc...

It really caused trouble! Tang Yu glanced at Xia Ruoxi, who was equally stunned, and frowned slightly. Now they have become kidnappers because they saved the little boy. This time, they really can't get rid of the suspicion. The Arab woman is dead, and the little boy is so small that he can't testify to them at all. Now he is really kind enough to cause big trouble. He really shouldn't be soft-hearted because of Xia Ruoxi for a moment. Holding this hot potato, I can't throw it away and let it go. It's a disaster.

Xia Ruoxi never thought that the little boy she kindly saved was actually a little prince. Moreover, God, they were also regarded as bandits who kidnapped the little prince, which really caused a disaster this time.

Xia Ruoxi grabbed Tang Yu's hand nervously and didn't know what to do. At this time, she also regretted that she should not be kind for a moment. At this time, she caused such a big trouble for herself and Tang Yu. If the police can catch the kidnapper who really kidnapped and killed the Arab woman in the underground parking lot at that time, they can clear the suspicion of kidnapping. The question is, can the police catch the two kidnappers? Before they were caught, they were still in danger. Maybe the police will come soon and arrest them as criminals.

What should I do? Xia Ruoxi is really worried.

Is her mother still in the hospital with Ling Yimo? She can not care about Ling Yimo's life and death. How can she not worry about her mother?

She has been trying to break the fate. Now her fate has really changed, but it is beyond what she can grasp. It's messy. She really doesn't know the direction of fate. How rugged will the fate of this life be? What major changes will happen? Disaster or something is definitely not good luck.

The little boy looked very happy in the new clothes she asked the servant to help buy and playing with toys in her arms.

Xia Ruoxi sighed for a long time. This little guy was happy, but she was going to be sad.

"I have no choice but to call the police." Tang Yu still made such a decision after thinking about it. If they continue to procrastinate, they will be even more unclear.

Xia Ruoxi naturally knew the seriousness of the problem. She let go of the little guy and gently hugged Tang Yu and put her head on his unhurt shoulder. She really wanted to tell him that if there was a disaster she would bear it with him. The matter was because of her. She was willing to take this responsibility. If she could, she hoped it was her Take it yourself and don't involve Tang Yu.

I already know that this little guy is really not an ordinary person, and Xia Ruoxi also understands how his relatives and those who follow him are looking forward to his return.

After thinking carefully, Xia Ruoxi still doesn't want to implicate Tang Yu. Tang Yu has been injured. He needs to recover from his injuries at ease. If he goes to the police station, even if the police do not regard them as suspects, there will be considerable investigation time. It is inevitable to stay in the police station during this period. How can Tang Yu suffer like this?

After thinking a little, Xia Ruoxi held the little boy and pretended to play in the living room. After putting the little guy on the ground, the little guy ran around the house and soon achieved Xia Ruoxi's goal. The little guy ran out of the house. Xia Ruoxi followed and went out. Such behavior would not attract Tang Yu's attention. She would only think that Xia Ruoxi wanted to recover the little guy.

When she arrived at the yard, Xia Ruoxi pointed to the direction of the door and motioned the little boy to run over. The little boy looked at Xia Ruoxi and then really ran to the door. Xia Ruoxi trotted behind until the little boy ran to the gate. Xia Ruoxi immediately picked up the little boy and rushed out quickly.

"Young grandma..." The security guard saw Xia Ruoxi go out with the little boy in his arms and immediately shouted.

Xia Ruoxi ignored the security guard and quickly ran to the roadside. Just as a taxi came, Xia Ruoxi quickly got on the car with the little guy in her arms.

But it was only after getting into the car that it was wrong, but it was too late...

When Tang Yu learned from the security guard that Xia Ruoxi was holding the little guy in a taxi, he was immediately shocked and jumped up from the sofa. Because of this excessively strong movement, the wound on his shoulder kept cracking. Hurry up and get the car ready to chase that stupid woman. Tang Yu pressed the wound on his shoulder with one hand and shouted at his hand.

"Yes, yes..." Tang Yu's men hurriedly agreed and rushed out of the house.

Tang Yu followed closely. The pain of tearing the wound just now has made his forehead ooze cold sweat, but these are completely less than Xia Ruoxi's worries. He could guess that Xia Ruoxi realized the seriousness of the matter, so she wanted to take her child to the police station, so she would take care of the matter, but did she forget it? She is now a mute, and the current situation is unclear. What's more, she, who can't speak, doesn't know how to suffer when she arrives at the police station. He knows best what the American police look like.

"Where did you see the young grandma?" Tang Yu was so anxious that his mind was in a mess. This dead girl, don't let him catch her. If you catch her, you must teach her a good lesson. You don't pay attention to him and act so hastyly. Dead girl, do you know how worried I am about you...

Tang Yu was worried about Xia Ruoxi's safety and was anxious, and Xia Ruoxi's intestines had long regretted in the face of everything in front of him.

She originally did not want Tang Yu to go to the police station, worried that his injured body was completely to offset the mistakes she had made. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got into the taxi, she knew that she had fallen into the big net that others had given her.

Looking at the masked man in camouflage with a gun against her head, Xia Ruoxi knew that she had saved the little guy from the parking lot, which really caused herself great trouble. It's too late to regret. She can only bravely rush forward. If she dies, she will die. Anyway, she has died once and is not afraid of death.

Just looking at the little guy in his arms who was scared to cry, instinctive love rose from his heart. This child witnessed the tragic situation of his mother's death in front of him. Now that the disaster is not over, life and death are on the line. This is really pitiful...

The little boy's crying made the kidnapper who was driving impatient and said something in a foreign language. The kidnapper in the auxiliary seat immediately drew a gun at the little boy and roared.

If the little guy continues to cry, maybe they will be shot by the annoyed kidnappers immediately. Xia Ruoxi was anxious and coaxed the little guy. But the little guy cried louder and louder. The kidnapper in the front seat was really angry. He tilted over and wanted to be rude to the little guy.

"Don't hurt him, please, he's just a child..." Xia Ruoxi shouted loudly, hugged the little guy tightly, tilted his body and blocked it with his own body to prevent the kidnapper from touching the little guy.

"Please, don't harmthechild (please, don't hurt the child). Hedon'tknowanything (he doesn't know anything) Xia Ruoxi repeated her request in English. I don't know if the two kidnappers can understand. At this time, she is all about protecting the little guy. Even if she suddenly can speak, she doesn't notice it.

"Don'tcry, orwewilldie (don't cry, or we will all die)." Xia Ruoxi said repeatedly to the little boy who cried loudly in English.

I don't know if the little guy understood and actually stopped crying. His tearful eyes looked at Xia Ruoxi, looked at the two bad guys in front of him, and then plunged into Xia Ruoxi's arms. It seemed that he was really scared. His body trembled in Xia Ruoxi's arms and dared not cry again.

Seeing that the little boy stopped crying, Xia Ruoxi breathed a long sigh of relief. At the same time, she regretted her recklessness and messed up the matter. If this child suffered any misfortune because of her recklessness, she would never forgive herself.

The car didn't know where it was going. Xia Ruoxi hugged the little boy helplessly and looked out of the window. A deep sense of desolation pressed on her eyebrows, making her eyebrows entangled and unable to stretch.

I don't know why the car suddenly slowed down.

Xia Ruoxi looked through the front window of the car and found that there were roadblocks in front of him. Police cars flashed with police lights and stopped on the roadside. More than a dozen policemen were checking passing vehicles.

The two kidnappers didn't know what to discuss, and then the car suddenly made a 360-degree turn and almost hit the head with the vehicle that followed. In danger, the car went backwards crazily.

Xia Ruoxi was suddenly turned by the car and was thrown from the seat under the seat. The little boy also fell from her arms to the side of the seat, hurting the little guy's head, and the little guy cried again.

Xia Ruoxi was afraid that the panicked kidnapper would really be angered and was not good for the little boy. She hurriedly took the little guy in her arms, covered his mouth with her hand, and said repeatedly in his ear in English, "Don't cry, don't cry..."

The sirens behind made a loud siren and found that the taxis who were going to escape here drove the police car and chased after them. At the same time, he shouted at their loudspeaker. After shouting several times but not stopping, he began to warn with guns again.

The kidnapper in the secondary seat opened the window, held the gun, and pulled the trigger at the police car behind him. The loud sound of gun scared Xia Ruoxi to hold the little boy tightly and shrink in the carriage. He was in a cold sweat and trembled all over his body. It's one thing not to be afraid of death. When you really face it, who can you lie if you are not afraid? I'm afraid I can't even deceive myself.