Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 16 Knowledge in the Office 1

"Yes, how can I meet you here?" After listening to Xia Ruoxi's words, Zhou Zhiqing immediately felt that something was wrong. I happened to meet him last night, and it can be said that I saw the stranger I met last night early this morning? This fate is too strong. It always feels a little weird. And didn't this woman's foot sprain? Why is it getting better so fast?

"Ah, I forgot. I have something else to do. Goodbye, Miss Zhou, Zhou Zhiqing!" Xia Ruoxi smiled at Zhou Zhiqing strangely, and then didn't wait for her to ask questions.

You even know her name, and how dare you come here to meet her? It's definitely not that simple! Zhou Zhiqing's flame suddenly burst out, Xie Shaoxuan——

The more suspicious people are, the more they can use some superficial ambiguous things to arouse their suspicion and make trouble.

In the early days of falling in love, they will cherish each other because they have not got each other. All purposes will be to have each other, and those enlarged shortcomings will also be ignored. What you can't get is the most precious. As long as you are a human, you will have this common problem. For this precious thing, people often pay at all costs. When you finally get it, it is the period of passionate love, and it will be fascinated by the authorities. At this time, lovers seem to be the most perfect person in the world in each other's eyes, and they can never find such a lover.

Only after the period of passionate love will the people who originally love each other have right and wrong, or one party originally paid a considerable price to chase this treasure-level lover. When they get it, they find that the gains outweigh the losses. The lover is not as perfect as they think. Another problem is the most common problem on women's side, that is, once they fall in love, they think that their boyfriend is their own private property. When others look at them, or their boyfriends at other girls, they will feel that it is betrayal and the blasphemy and unspecialization of losing sacred love.

At this time, the gap will appear. In this world, flies only bite the eggs with seams. If it weren't for the resemblance created by their own love, the so-called harm in love can be avoided. If they always contain the treasure that they didn't get at the beginning, how can they tolerate any contradictions?

But after all, people are mortals, and there is no eternal hot water in the world. All things are opposite to each other, so that there is a balance in the world. Just like winter and summer, ice and heat are relatively balanced.

The same is true for human feelings. It is impossible to keep them at a constant temperature.

All the problems in the world are created by people themselves, and this sentence is absolutely not bad.

Although Xia Ruoxi felt jealous because she had confirmed that Xie Shaoxuan and Zhou Zhiqing were together, she also felt lucky because they had finally passed the hot love period, because in this way, she could successfully become the thorn between them.

Knowing that she had successfully rubbed the sand into Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan's eyes, Xia Ruoxi was extremely satisfied and went to work by taxi.

After all, what she has to do now is not only revenge on Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan, but also more importantly, that is, to protect Tianze Group, her father's lifelong career.

Yesterday, she successfully persuaded He Linbang's ex-wife Meng Qingyun to go to the newspaper according to her plan. The morning newspaper should have come out early. I don't know how He Linbang will feel after seeing the newspaper today?

In order to get the trust of He Linbang, Xia Ruoxi also took great pains.

It won't have any effect for a while, and you can't worry about anything. If He Linbang sees the report, he will naturally react, but it is unlikely to think about what he has done directly. It will take at least a few days.

He Linbang didn't show anything for a moment, but she couldn't wait. On Meng Qingyun's side, she still had to command her to continue to behave. If she didn't try her best to do anything, she might lose all her previous achievements.

After work in the afternoon, she still had to find a way to ask the reporter to do Meng Qingyun's report for one more day. In fact, if only it could cause a sensation and go on TV.

In that way, under her design, Meng Qingyun's image will become a good wife and mother, sacrificing herself to become a great woman for love. Maybe Meng Qingyun can still be popular.

However, Xia Ruoxi also knows that things can't be thought too well and too perfect. Maybe it will be self-defeating.

When she arrived at Huatai Company and didn't go to work, Xia Ruoxi went to the restaurant next door for breakfast.

You can arrive early on the first day of work, but the next day, you don't have to. It will give people a concept similar to the three fires of new officials. It's too flattering, but it will make people tired. And there are actually a lot of articles in the office. Although the surface is calm, in fact, the inside is like a turbulent sea. In the company, flattering the boss seems to be the first lesson to stabilize their jobs. At least many people think so. In fact, people who have really had office experience will know that in the company, flatterers will always not please both sides, but trample on dirty.

The company is a private enterprise, unlike an organization. You can't get promoted and get rich by pleasing your boss.

A profiteer, a profiteer, no businessman. Although this sentence is unpleasant, it is absolutely true.

As a businessman, interests always come first. When you become his employee, his first expectation is for you to work for his company and let his company make money because you work hard. Therefore, it is useless to put honey on the mouth here. What the boss sees is the actual effect and the ability of the employees. If you don't have the ability, you don't want to make a living by mouth.

In the company, others think that the boss is the one who can't be offended. That's right, but you can't actually provoke your colleagues. If you flatter in front of the boss, the first person who hates you is your colleague. Flatterers are always annoying.

If you become a hated person in the eyes of your colleagues in your company, then your really terrible days will come. It seems that colleagues are doing their own work and taking their own salaries. The so-called well water does not violate the river water? NO, you made a big mistake. Usually they can't provoke you, and you can't provoke them, but don't give them an opportunity. As long as you neglect and give them a chance, then what you get may be a disaster.

Xia Ruoxi stayed in the office in her previous life. Even if her identity was there, no one dared to give her anything ugly, but the conspiracy and tricks in the office should only be implemented and ended with her. Some employees obviously work hard, but they will also lose some important documents, make mistakes in some important reports, and then be fired for this kind of thing. In this category, it seems that there are beginnings and ends, and the mistakes are caused by the parties themselves. In fact, over time, you will understand that that person is just too exposed. People were jealous, so they suffered a disaster.

The fattest pig will be killed first. This is an absolutely vigilant saying in dealing with people.

It is precisely because the secret struggle is the most powerful that the word "getting to protect yourself" is found in the Chinese dictionary.

So Xia Ruoxi ate breakfast slowly and calculated the time. When it's almost done, get up and pay the bill, and then leave the restaurant.

When you arrive at the company to punch in, it's not too late, 7:19.

"Morning everyone." Xia Ruoxi politely greeted his colleagues.

"Morning." Good morning."

"Hi, everyone, I'm a new employee of the company, Jiang Ruoyi, please take care of me in the future!" A sweet voice sounded. Then a girl with fair skin and beautiful face appeared in Xia Ruoxi's eyes.

Compared with her, this girl named Jiang Ruoyi is so good at being a human being. On the first day of work, she brought dessert and gave it to everyone. The so-called short-mouthed and shallow-handed, it seems to have many benefits to please your colleagues in this way.

But in Xia Ruoxi's eyes, Jiang Ruoyi is a child who has just entered the society and is not deeply involved in the world. She didn't know that she was in the office, but she didn't eat you. If she took yours, she didn't owe you anything.

Talk too much, not strict, too much honey, not sweet.

If you come to work on the first day, it is necessary to be polite, but if you are too flattering, you don't have to. Obviously, it shows that you are a newcomer, newcomer, and need to be taken care of by those seniors here. Your momentum is actually lost when you want to attract others.

In the office, it is the least to please this kind of intention. Just immerse yourself in your job and think about the exquisite eight faces? Even if you really have that kind of ability, do you suffer from a long life?

There are also gifts. If you are on a business trip or have a happy event, it is necessary to bring some gifts, that is, the "gifts" that Guangdong people love to talk about, but people who first arrive at the company will not get any good results if they distribute gifts to please everyone on the first day, just like this Jiang Ruoyi brought sweetness on the first day of work. Point and share it to everyone. Some people will think that you are on your first day at work, so they want to have a good relationship with your colleagues, so they accept it frankly, and some people will think that you are pretending to be generous. If you only send it for one day, others will eat it. Who will always think about it in order to eat your bite? What's more, you give it to others on your own initiative. If you send it continuously, they will get used to it and get used to it. If you don't send it for a day, they will not be able to stand it. The mouth waiting to eat and the hand waiting to hold will disgust you because it is empty, which makes you more than the loss.

The storm in this office is no worse than that on the battlefield. Relatively speaking, it is easier to hide from dark arrows. This office, in the end, is more terrible than the battlefield.