Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 22 Incredible Things 2

"Impossible! There should be this person." Xia Ruoxi finally couldn't believe that at the beginning of her rebirth, she had laid the foundation for today's fate. At that time, after all, everything was still on an unchangeable track. It's like the matter of her beating Xia Jun, it's like the matter of shares...

However, Xia Ruoxi suddenly thought of Xie Shaoxuan again. At that time, she met Xie Shaoxuan, even if she didn't meet. Fate has changed a long time ago, but she didn't realize it--

"After I succeed in starting a business, it is inevitable to meet some people who introduce me to a girlfriend. I have a part of my heart, but in fact, I can't push you down in front of the public, because I can't find you and I'm not sure that you will belong to me. So once by chance, in order to be perfunctory, I said that there was a woman named Jiang Yaoling who had helped me. I was grateful in my heart, so she wouldn't marry. He Linbang's words once again stimulated Xia Ruoxi.

She never thought that at that time, she wanted to use He Linbang to avoid him holding too much hatred for Tianze in the future, so in addition to the purposeful kindness, it actually changed the whole rhythm of He Linbang's fate.

"So I'm curious, how did you know the name Jiang Yaoling? Have you been following me?" There was a fire burning in He Linbang's eyes, and his aggressive eyes forced Xia Ruoxi.

"How is that possible?" Xia Ruoxi smiled contemptuously, "Mr. He raised me high. Some things, once subjectively identified, are difficult to achieve the most perfect explanation. If He always feels that it will make you happy, then I have no right to interfere. After all, I am a part-time worker now. I have suffered a disaster abroad and got into a murder, so I deliberately hide my identity. Even my mother dares not recognize it for peace. He always felt that he could tolerate me, so I continued to take advantage of Mr. He's well-being and ask for food and clothing. If it is not allowed, the bridge will return to the bridge and the road back to the road, I will continue to walk on my single-plank bridge.

"I heard that you were forced to get married abroad, and then disappeared inexplicably. I always thought it would be impossible to see you again in my life. Until I saw your resume to our company, I recognized you at a glance." When He Linbang said this, Xia Ruoxi immediately interrupted him, because she couldn't believe that she had had plastic surgery, and even Zhou Zhiqing, who knew her best, could not recognize her. How could He Linbang recognize her? Especially based on photos-

"Why can you recognize me at a glance?"

He Linbang smiled gently, "When I met you, you were only eight years old. At that time, I often went to your grandfather's house, so I met you the most times. I almost watched you grow up. How could I not recognize you?"

If you say this, will her mother Mo Shuyi also recognize her? A mother is more familiar with her daughter than an outsider. Xia Ruoxi frowned deeply and felt that she was ridiculous. She seemed to be repeating the allusion of covering her ears and stealing bells. She thought that she could hide it from others, but in fact, she was the only one who could deceive herself.

"It's just a photo on your resume, are you sure? You haven't seen yourself, and your recognition is too exaggerated. Xia Ruoxi still disagrees with He Linbang's statement.

He Linbang laughed and said, "Actually, your appearance is really different from before, but if you really care about a person, you will know that you will remember her smile and every move, even if she just passes by you and you hear her feet. With the sound of steps, you can know it's her.

Xia Ruoxi is still disdainful. She doesn't think He Linbang is so familiar with her. There must be some characteristics or something that he found out. Don't beat around the bush. You said so much just to make me think that you care about me. It's useless. Just like your wife, how good you used to treat her. When she was ruthless, she can still push you into hell for herself.

He Linbang nodded with it, "It's true, just like you. Even if I know that you don't even bother to look at me, I will still love you deeply without hesitation." He Linbang stared deeply at Xia Ruoxi and then said, "Well, I'll tell you the truth, because your smile made me recognize you at a glance."

Xia Ruoxi is still puzzled, "Smile?"

"Come on, come with me." He Linbang stretched out his hand to pull Xia Ruoxi's hand, but was dodged by Xia Ruoxi, so he had to shake his head and smile, "Come with me to the mirror."

Xia Ruoxi frowned and followed He Linbang to the dressing table.


Xia Ruoxi's real smile can't be done. At this moment, she can only do something like a smile. But looking at her smile in the mirror, she still couldn't find anything.

He Linbang looked at Xia Ruoxi's still blank face and stretched out his hand, knowing that Xia Ruoxi would want to avoid it. He said first, "Don't move, I'll show you." After saying that, he pointed to the smile on Xia Ruoxi's left cheek, "Have you seen the dimples on your face?"

Xia Ruoxi is still at a loss. When she smiles, she will have dimples. Of course, she knows that it is also common to have dimples. He Linbang is still too amazing to recognize her by dimples alone.

"The dimples of ordinary people are in this position, but your dimples deviate from the dimples of ordinary people, and you only have one dimple."

I still don't understand. Xia Ruoxi is about to faint.

"Actually, you are not a dimple, do you know? When you were young, I praised you for laughing. The dimples were so cute, but your mother told me that your dimples were not actually dimples. When you were a few months old, your aunt Mo Shuhui was in a bad mental state at that time. When she was sick, she held you and ran around in your grandfather's yard. When your mother was fighting with your aunt for you, you were thrown to the ground and your mouth was full of blood. Later, when your injury healed, the dimple appeared. Because of the contusion, the muscles are connected to the dermis to form a pit, which made your current dimple. Your dimple is unique in the world. It is not born, nor is it the result of surgery. It is created by accident. No one else will have such a coincidence. After saying that, He Linbang smiled and looked at Xia Ruoxi, "How about it? Do you understand?"

So that's it! He Linbang knew what even Xia Ruoxi didn't know. Xia Ruoxi really didn't know how to sigh.

"And when you are nervous, you are always used to taking a long breath, frowning, then taking a long breath of relief, raising your eyebrows, and then the nervous mood is relieved..." He Linbang's obsessive eyes looked at Xia Ruoxi's eyes from the mirror, Xia Ruoxi's eyes in the mirror, and He Linbang's eyes The collision seemed to be burned by the fire and hurriedly escaped.

No matter how old she is, she has the right to pursue love. However, after all, she called Uncle He Linbang for so many years. Today, she suddenly knew that this uncle had coveted her from a long time. Xia Ruoxi had no other feeling except that she felt cold. Well, Uncle He--" Xia Ruoxi deliberately shouted this to remind He Linbang to remember their identities. Others can love without secular ties, but she can't, especially she doesn't love He Linbang.

When He Linbang heard Xia Ruoxi call, he laughed, "Little girl, it's your ghost. However, it is useless. We are not related by blood, and when you gave me 20,000 yuan, I already said that my life is yours. In your heart, you are the woman I love most. So it's useless for you to call me. My heart for you will not change. To be honest, I really want to..." He Linbang's ambiguous tone made Xia Ruoxi get goosebumps and want to escape, but he was strongly trapped in front of the dressing table by He Linbang. He continued, "I really want to be younger so that I can match you. Even if I exchange my life, I think it's worth it. Yes, as long as you, even if you only love me for one day, I will die without regret. He Linbang spoke emotionally, but made Xia Ruoxi extremely angry.

Why? Is her life always like this? Her so-called good intentions are the result of killing her? At that time, she saved Ling Yimo and was almost stabbed to death by Ling Yimo. Then, he rewarded her kindness with his tyrannical love? And Tang Yu--now there is another He Linbang...

"Anyway, I gave you a way to live at that time, but is that how you repay your benefactor? Treat me as your favorite pet, no matter what I think, just shut me in your cage? Don't make excuses for your so-called great love, which can't hide your obscene heart. Retribution is just an excuse to make you proud. In your heart, will you also feel that you like me and test your ethics? Didn't you say that your life is mine? If that's the case, then I want your life, but I don't want you to die, but please get away from me. Can you do it?" Xia Ruoxi attacked He Linbang's lower abdomen fiercely with her elbow. Go to hell. Isn't she the little girl who would be happy for a long time if she gave a lollipop? Wait for the next life and let her show him innocence.

"Good! I'll get out of here, as far as I can. He Linbang covered his lower abdomen, retreated, then covered his stomach, and said with cold sweat on his face.

This surprised Xia Ruoxi. She didn't expect He Linbang to listen to her like this. She had already walked to the door, stopped and looked back at He Linbang.

"But, I promise that when I roll to the edge of the sky, I will hope that the person I will roll back again is also you." He Linbang's eyes showed a domineering and strong light, and his fierce eyes were like a vulture eagle staring at his prey.

Xia Ruoxi shuddered at the moment. She can't be more clear about He Linbang's personality. In this world, the most terrible human nature, in addition to ferocity, is sinister and despicable. And these two points are exactly He Linbang. He is an injured wolf and a vicious wolf!