Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 32 Start making money 3

She has been carefully arranged, but she can't stand the trick of fate. In the end, it was defeated. Now she is trying to get close to Lin Yirong, hoping to cooperate with her again. In the past, she threw away the long line and thought about how much rewards she could get back the fruits. Xia Ruoxi was really not sure. She also knew that it was a success of cooperation with Lin Yirong, and it was also a fantasy to think of making money at once. Entrepreneurship is a very difficult process, and there will be no achievements in a few years.

In just a few years, He Linbang's successful start-up was not out of thin air. His previous career has given him enough opportunities and contacts. The so-called time, place and people have led to the current outbreak of He Linbang.

In the past, Lin Yirong's company has achieved a lot and become a national chain of famous domestic service agencies. The foundation industry is big, just like horses and camels. Camels are bigger than horses and eat more. In order to expand development, there will be more bets. Thinking that profits will have to develop to a certain scale, and the brand will take the first place in the industry. That is the time to reap fruitful results.

It is still difficult to climb the mountain by relying on Lin Yirong to make money in the commercial sea. Xia Ruoxi doesn't have much goal. The only purpose is the motivation for survival. She still wants to break away from He Linbang and support herself so that she can not be shackled by others. Therefore, if there is a chance, you have to catch it, whether it is a small fish or a big fish.

In order to revenge, she asked for an identity, so that she had to surrender to He Linbang. He Linbang gave her a sense of peace that has never been before. At the root, such feelings are not what she wants, let alone what she is willing to cherish. Her love has long been crushed in her previous life. It can be said that she has been unable to bear love. Revenge is the only driving force that supports her to live so wrongfully. The pain of living in the previous life, the repression and misery of living in this life, the reincarnation of the two lives, the price has been paid for a resentment, and she has also embarked on this irreversible road, and can only advance or retreat. Otherwise, all her grievances will be completed, and her previous achievements will be abandoned. In the end, she will lose a lot.

Lin Yirong's words made Xia Ruoxi's heart fluctuate.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Ruoxi thought seriously. If she wants to start a successful business, she can only take advantage of the current information she had in her previous life. She can still follow the old road of He Linbang's entrepreneurial success. The transformation and construction of the city is still in progress. Inclusion in the land is still the fastest way to make a fortune.

A few years ago, she wanted her mother Mo Shuyi to buy land in the development zone, but Mo Shuyi couldn't find anything to buy. At this time, the policy of urban development has been released, and it is even more difficult to think about eating the land in the development zone. How many people are waiting to eat meat, and it is not her turn.

Xia Ruoxi can only retreat and think about the second step of business opportunities.

Go to a further suburb.

She also knows that the government will also relocate the logistics and freight within the Third Ring Road to one place. Because of the relocation, there are two business opportunities. One is that the land of the original logistics and freight station will become an inch of gold, and the other is the place where a new logistics park will be built. That place is the chicken that is about to lay eggs and the hen that lays golden eggs.

Now Xia Ruoxi is waiting for Lin Yirong to cooperate with her, so she has a job opportunity and an excuse to move around. It is certain that He Linbang can't know that she is going to start a business quietly.

At the following time, Xia Ruoxi completely became a salesman. When she followed He Linbang to some social occasions, she always had a way to bring the topic to the servants in her family, and then heard a lady complaining about what happened to the servants in the family, she would take advantage of it. Their own housekeepers, and then those ladies will say, so you might as well introduce them to us. For more than a month, through Xia Ruoxi's operation, Lin Yirong has received a lot of customers, because he did a good job. The customers introduced before slowly spread their reputation, and Lin Yirong's business became busy. .

Thank you for Xia Ruoxi's selfless help, and indeed saw that Xia Ruoxi was very capable. Lin Yirong officially asked Xia Ruoxi to enter her company, saying that because Xia Ruoxi's status as the quasi-wife of He Linbang, she was extremely noble. She was afraid that she would not want to demote her small company and gave half of the company's shares to her. Xia Ruoxi, as the general manager, only asked Xia Ruoxi to teach her more about business opportunities in her spare time.

Lin Yirong is willing to share half of the shares, which is not in vain. She knows that the company must have funds to develop, and all her investment has been smashed into the company. She has no ability to borrow, let alone has no assets to bank mortgage loans. Xia Ruoxi is a grandma of God of Wealth, so she knows that as long as Xia Ruoxi is willing to Entering her company brings a large amount of money.

Xia Ruoxi did not pretentiously and directly agreed. I don't explain why she is so careful. Explanation is equivalent to cover-up, and cover-up is equivalent to telling stories. There is no need to spend so much effort to tell stories to Lin Yirong. She wants to stay in Lin Yirong's company, and Lin Yirong also has a sincere invitation, so it's just a good match and a pleasant cooperation.

Xia Ruoxi told He Linbang that she wanted to join Lin Yirong's company, and He Linbang began to oppose it. He was worried about Xia Ruoxi's body.

"It won't take long for me to help you retake Tianze Group. Why do you need to join such a small company?" He Linbang has been watching what Xia Ruoxi is busy with these days. He is very happy to see her every day, so he doesn't ask much. He thought that as long as she is happy, he doesn't expect Xia Ruoxi to work in a small company. He really doesn't understand why Xia Ruoxi is doing this? If you are really bored at home, you can enter Huatai. I'll give you a position as vice president.

"You don't understand that I used to have a relationship with the legal person of that company, and I want to help her. And I can't be idle all the time. I'm only 20 years old. Will you let me eat, drink, play and raise children at home? Isn't my youth wasted? What's the point of living like a worm?

"You haven't entered her company yet, and you are already so busy. When you enter her company, you don't know how to be busy. I'm usually busy. I'm afraid I won't even see two busy people at that time. He Linbang doesn't know how to persuade Xia Ruoxi. He can't directly say what you do to work. Can't I afford to support you? He knew that what he said must have turned against Xia Ruoxi's temper. She was so proud that she couldn't stand such words.

"Is it my fault for ignoring you?" Xia Ruoxi's smile. He Linbang was pushed down in **. Then he lay on his body and pointed to his nose and said, "If you don't promise me, we will sleep in separate rooms in the future. If you promise me, I promise to lie down and wait for you before nine o'clock every night."

He Linbang was speechless when he heard this. In front of Xia Ruoxi, he is like a ** beast that always wants to be dissatisfied. I'm afraid she can't feel anything else for her. What about his love for her? Can't she really feel it at all after such a long time?

"Well, as long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want. You don't need to think about me, as long as you don't forget that there is a small life in your body. Protect him and don't be too tired.

"I know."

Xia Ruoxi took care of He Linbang, and then officially entered Lin Yirong's company.

He Linbang gave Xia Ruoxi 20 million yuan to inject Lin Yirong's company.

Xia Ruoxi only invested one million yuan in Lin Yirong's domestic service company. Within the Third Ring Road, each urban area has rented office buildings and set up subsidiaries. The name of the original company "Xi Rong" was changed to a more popular and easy-to-remember name - "Housekeeping Service Company". Then large-scale recruitment of 25--45-year-old female employees of all ages. First, Lin Yirong taught in person, and used her learning experience from abroad to demonstrate teaching by herself. Service items include professional nannies, maternity matrons, babysitters, babysitters, and part-time workers.

After a batch of employee training offices, Xia Ruoxi began to advertise, and small-cost advertisements appeared on the pages of major financial and entertainment newspapers.

A formal process company slowly took shape.

On the other hand, Xia Ruoxi used He Linbang to give her 20 million yuan to deduct the money invested in Lin Yirong's company, and the rest went to the far suburbs that would be converted into a logistics park in the future and bought land. That place was originally a remote place where chickens lay eggs and birds do not nest, but the geographical location is super good, and three national highways happen to pass through, which is also the reason why the logistics park is built here. First, there are many wastelands, which avoids the construction of logistics parks from occupying a large amount of arable land and reducing arable land resources. On the other side is because of those three National highway, convenient transportation, and convenient conditions for using freight.

When Xia Ruoxi went to buy the land, the reconstruction policy of the logistics park had not yet come down, so she only spent 5 million yuan to take down all the land for the logistics park. It is also the reason why it is wasteland and saline land that Xia Ruoxi can buy out the land at once. Otherwise, she would not dare to buy it, because it is illegal to buy arable land privately, that is, the local government is willing to sell it. At that time, the project of the logistics park will come, and the land deeds in her hand will immediately turn into waste paper.

Seizing the opportunity to enter the land of the future logistics park, Xia Ruoxi has formed the original place where "chickens do not lay eggs, birds do not fall into nests" into a hen ready to lay golden eggs. The rest will sit and wait for the policy to come down, and she can break out at once.

After returning, Xia Ruoxi spent 14 million yuan to buy a store in the logistics park, but it was not very smooth. Although she offered a high price, she only bought two stores. Others were unwilling to sell houses, and how much money was useless. These two stores spent less than two million. Compared with the previous logistics park construction land, they spent a lot of money to pick up a small sparrow.

However, if the logistics park is demolished, Xia Ruoxi conservatively estimated that it would be no problem to make a profit of 6 million at that time. In this way, you only need to wait to make a profit, and it is enough to make a profit of 6 million.

and other future development and implementation of the future logistics park, the income there is more profiteering than here, and 5 million can generate at least 50 million.