Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 34 Traveling in Crisis 2

Manager Jin didn't tell the truth, so Xia Ruoxi had to knock from He Linbang's side.

"I asked Manager Jin today. I heard that the seller sat on the ground and the lion opened his mouth. What should we do? After that, they are still deadlocked to bargain?

When He Linbang heard Xia Ruoxi say this, of course, he didn't know that Xia Ruoxi was the buyer, so he knew everything and thought it was Manager Jin who was not strict and vented his mouth. He frowned slightly, but soon turned his face and smiled at Xia Ruoxi and said, "This kind of thing is often encountered in demolition. Many people want to get rich overnight. It's not surprising that the little industry in hand can be exchanged for a golden mountain for them all of a sudden. Don't worry about it. Let Manager Jin deal with it.

"What if the seller refuses to give in? Will you still be strong like some news? About herself, Xia Ruoxi naturally can't be as easy as He Linbang said.

"We are a society under the rule of law, and this is a government project. How can there be something black? Of course, it's a good business. Slowly wait for the seller to agree. He Linbang looked determined.

It's strange to believe you. Xia Ruoxi sneered secretly.

He Linbang will definitely use a black hand. Xia Ruoxi felt a sense of crisis. She was already taking risks and risked being recognized by He Linbang as a seller. Next, if He Linbang wants to use a black hand, he will inevitably find out that she is the seller...

What should I do? Xia Ruoxi frowned, and at this time she really felt lonely. The momentum is weak.

Who can help her? Not only does it make He Linbang dare not attack, but also force him to submit?

Xia Ruoxi thought about it and finally reminded her of a person. Mo Shuhui! Her aunt.

He Linbang used to be her grandfather Mo Songbai's subordinate. Even though He Linbang is no longer the favorite general of Mo Songbai, He Linbang may also have the hatred that was rejected by Mo Songbai in those years, but if the owner of the land changes Mo Shuhui, he will never dare to do anything. Except for Mo Songbai's unshakable status, another aspect is her. How dare this grandson and son-in-law of Mo Songbai be unfavorable to Mo Songbai?

Thinking of this, Xia Ruoxi suddenly became cheerful. As long as Mo Shuhui is willing to help her, then things will be much easier to deal with. As soon as Mo Shuhui appeared, she would naturally come forward better. He Linbang had no choice but to compromise.

The next day, Xia Ruoxi went to Mo Songbai's house to visit him. The banner was He Linbang's wife-to-be to help He Linbang, his fiance, come to see the old chief.

Daming He Linbang's face, Mo Songbai still let Xia Ruoxi enter the door, but he was extremely indifferent to Xia Ruoxi.

Xia Ruoxi doesn't mind this at all. She knows her grandfather's personality. At the ceremony of her engagement with He Linbang as Jiang Yaoling, He Linbang asked his sister He Nan to point out that Jiang Yaoling used to be a sitting/Taiwan lady. No matter how white such a person is, she can't enter the arrogant eyes of Mo Songbai.

Mo Songbai didn't even look at the gifts brought by Xia Ruoxi, and let Aunt Fu call out Mo Shuhui to greet people. He went out to walk the birds with a bird cage.

Mo Songbai has a bad temper, and Mo Shuhui is not much better. Xia Ruoxi did not get into the eyes of this aunt when she was herself before, not to mention Jiang Yaoling's identity now.

Mo Shuhui ignored Xia Ruoxi and tasted tea elegantly there. It seemed that Xia Ruoxi was a transparent person and didn't even bother to take a glance.

"I suddenly feel so bored. Can you go out with me?" It feels strange to call the original aunt as her sister. Fortunately, she didn't pay much attention to this aunt before, so she ignored the so-called generation gap at this moment. Who made her now disclose her identity as Jiang Yaoling?

"Oh, you go, I won't send it." Mo Shuhui didn't raise her eyelids, and she didn't talk to Xia Ruoxi at all and directly chased people out.

Xia Ruoxi doesn't like her. Her two identities are like two faces, and she is thick-skinned. Pry up the exquisite teacup and taste the tea carefully.

Huh? Aren't you leaving?" Mo Shuhui gave Xia Ruoxi a big white eye without any kind.

"I listened to some old things about Sister Mo. I happened to know a poor girl who was abandoned. I heard that she was sent away by her cruel grandfather and aunt in the hospital. Now that she has grown up and wants to find relatives, I looked at her pitiful and promised to help her."

Mo Shuhui's face changed greatly, "Where did the madman come from? What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter whether I'm crazy or not. After all, I can't hinder Sister Mo, but that girl has nothing to do with Sister Mo. If you don't want to know, I'm really helpless." Xia Ruoxi stood up and said, "My fiance used to have a relationship with the Mo family. Sister Mo can't be more clear. Some things he knows and those who are willing to help are not plain and have no reason. If Sister Mo takes care of her face and misses the opportunity to meet her own flesh and blood, then I can only say that I have no choice.

"What did you say?" Mo Shuhui's voice became sharp. The fact that her child died at birth hit her and made her crazy. Even if she is cured, the child has always been her crux. She never believed that her child was really dead. When she gave birth to her, she heard her child crying loudly. Her voice was extremely loud and she didn't look like she would die when she was born. She always suspected that her father disliked that it was an ugly family, so she cruelly gave her child to others.

As long as she is interested, Xia Ruoxi smiled proudly. How could she not know her aunt's heart disease? He is a person. Once he has extravagant expectations, he can be used by others. Mo Shuhui's child, who was said to have died in those years, was Mo Shuhui's weakness, which was enough to kill her.

"Let's go for a cup of tea with me." Xia Ruoxi said without hurry.

In fact, Xia Ruoxi has long got a hunch from some things she found many years ago that her aunt's child will have a mysterious relationship with her, but the speculation is speculence. Without conclusive evidence, she is unwilling to admit those things.

"Okay." Mo Shuhui compromised.

The two went out to find a teahouse nearby, wrapped a box, and sat inside to talk secretly.

Xia Ruoxi's main purpose is to use Mo Shuhui. As for what Mo Shuhui wants to know, it is just an inducement. It is impossible for her to give Mo Shuhui a definite answer.

Anyway, she circled around and made a condom to wrap Mo Shuhui in. She knew where Mo Shuhui had a birthmark, and also knew where her father Xia Ze had a mole on her face. She combined Mo Shuhui's birthmark and Xia Ze's mole into the girl she said, and then saw Mo Shuhui nodded with tears, saying that it was her child, because she inherited her and her. The unique mark of the lover.

When Xia Ruoxi heard that Mo Shuhui believed that the girl she described was her child who was said to have died young, her heart thumped, like a boulder falling into her heart, stirring up infinite waves. She was more sure of something, but she didn't want to accept it.

"Can you let me see that child if I finish this for you?" Mo Shuhui completely compromised at this time.

"Yes, as long as you help me do this, I can tell you the whereabouts of the girl." Xia Ruoxi believes that another advantage of Mo Shuhui is that she has an extremely arrogant nature, regards money like dung, and herself, and nothing else she cares about in her heart, so she doesn't have to explain to Mo Shuhui why she, the owner of the land, wants to earn her fiance He Lin. Bang's money is so big that he plays with He Linbang.

Xia Ruoxi on Mo Shuhui's side is finally done.

Taking the land lease she held, she went to the asset appraisal institute with Mo Shuhui and did an asset evaluation. After the evaluation, she got an evaluation value of 92,000 million, and then went to the two most famous asset appraisal houses for the accuracy of the data, and the answers were almost the same.

After getting the data from the three asset evaluation firms, Xia Ruoxi transferred the land deed in the law firm to Mo Shuhui and asked Mo Shuhui to sign an IOU of 80 million. It was not that she questioned Mo Shuhui's character. She was always unlucky and had to make herself more careful and preventive. Who was sure that Mo Shuhui would get eight Ten million later, she was really not moved at all. Without any binding force, she handed over the land deed worth more than 90 million to Mo Shuhui. In case something went wrong in the future, she could only break her teeth and swallow blood and die.

Mo Shuhui is also a sensible person. Seeing that the asset evaluation issued by the three famous asset appraisal houses is about 90 million, she can boldly sign an IOU for Xia Ruoxi. Even if Xia Ruoxi repents or something, she holds a lot of on-site assets. As soon as she buys the land, she makes more than 10 million yuan backhand, so she has nothing. I signed an IOU with hesitation.

In fact, the decision she cares about is not the question of how much money, but the question of her daughter. If she can find her daughter, she will be willing to give Xia Ruoxi how much money she gives.

Xia Ruoxi and Mo Shuhui's good lines again, and the land holder suddenly becomes Mo Shuhui, and he also needs to have an explanation, otherwise how can he pass through He Linbang?

According to Xia Ruoxi's plan, Mo Shuhui had the land owner, who was her foreign friend. She had no time to deal with the land transfer, so she entrusted her hand to deal with it.

The two filled in all possible loopholes. Xia Ruoxi once again asked the lawyer entrusted to come forward and inform him that the owner of He Linbang had been replaced by his old leader's daughter Mo Shuhui.

When He Linbang got the news, he happened to have lunch with Xia Ruoxi at home. His face immediately changed when he received the call, and he went into the study to call back.

Xia Ruoxi couldn't hear what he was saying inside outside. All she vaguely heard was "Tell them not to do anything..." This sentence was crucial enough.

Everything she guessed was really good. He Linbang just wanted to solve this matter with a black hand.

"What are you doing? You can't have a good meal with me." Xia Ruoxi sat back at the table, shouted loudly, pretended to be angry, and threw the plate to the ground.