Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 39 Strategy 1

The next day, before dawn, He Linbang got up early.

He didn't sleep all night, and countless questions in his heart overwhelmed him.

After experiencing a probable life, he asked himself that he had cultivated enough cold heart and cold enough blood. However, after meeting this little girl who changed his life, he found that his blood was still hot and his heart was still soft. I thought that my heart had been like ashes for a long time, but I would still feel pain and pain for the little girl's coldness and indifference...

Now he looks at this little girl with new eyes. She is not a simple girl. He knew it for a long time, but he didn't know that she was so talented.

She knew early about some things that he could not even control and predicted, and even rushed to the front of him.

How does a little girl who has no help in politics know everything that many officials in power can't predict?

This is really a very confusing thing for him.

And what exactly does she want to do? Take back Tianze Group? No, he doesn't think it's that simple. He, a 34-year-old man, is deeply in the city after experiencing his career in the shopping mall. He said that it should be like the deepest trench in the world - the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, which is exquisite, smooth and watertight. However, in front of the little girl, he felt that another deepest undersea canyon appeared, which was Xia Ruoxi's heart!

Despite his anxiety, He Linbang carefully prepared breakfast for Xia Ruoxi. He remembered her. When he was 24 years old and she was ten years old, she said that she would marry a good cook like him when she grew up...

In the days when he watched her grow up, he heard her say countless times that men who like to cook grow older than her. She said that men who only cook in the kitchen are the sexiest men...

He remembered all her words from the bottom of his heart. At that time, he didn't know why he remembered them. Until later, he finally understood how natural it was to pay attention to everything he loved loved, not deliberately, but casually and remembered it most deeply.

There is absolutely no pride in front of the person he loves most. No matter how high he is outside now, in front of Xia Ruoxi, he is the most ordinary man, a man who loves her deeply.

Prep breakfast. He Linbang returned to the upstairs bedroom.

The little girl is still asleep.

"Baby, get up for dinner." He Linbang called Xia Ruoxi to get up with the softest voice in the world.

"Damn, why are you bothering me..." Xia Ruoxi shouted, turned over and covered her head with a quilt.

"Get up, my dear, I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up."

"What are you checking?" Xia Ruoxi woke up a lot and turned her face and stared at He Linbang. In fact, it was useless for her to stare. At this time, the sleepiness in her eyes did not go away, and her eyes were hazy and blurred.

"Didn't you crash yesterday? I'm still worried. I won't worry until I go for a prenatal check-up. He Linbang looked concerned.

"Humph, one in your mouth, one in your heart..." Xia Ruoxi snorted coldly.

"What did you say?" He Linbang laughed.

"If you are really worried about me, what did you do last night?" Xia Ruoxi rolled her eyes.

"Oh..." He Linbang looked ashamed and speechless.

"Okay, I'm kidding." Seeing He Linbang's guilty face, Xia Ruoxi said, "Actually, it's my fault. I'm not much better. I don't know why. If I don't let you hug at night, you will feel uncomfortable."

He Linbang stared at Xia Ruoxi in disbelief. Is this an unblatant provocation? He really didn't expect that she would say such a thing to him. He was a touch of joy. At first, his bad mood was shining brightly. He lowered his head and hugged Xia Ruoxi and smiled, "Really?"

Of course it is false, Xia Ruoxi said in her heart. But his face smiled, as if he were ashamed. "Is it true? Just verify it with your own eyes." After saying that, he put his hands around He Linbang's neck,...

What a happy morning. He Linbang was inspired by his feelings. At this moment, he suddenly felt that all his entanglement in advance was that he didn't know anything about it. How good is his Ruoxi...

Looking at He Linbang falling asleep tiredly, Xia Ruoxi suddenly hated herself. What is she doing for her purpose? Although this step has developed so far, she has also been forced to dig a trap by He Linbang, and then she jumped down obediently, but she still hates her various uses of He Linbang now.

If--she said that if she can still live at the age of 23, then she will marry He Linbang and be willing to be his wife with the simplest heart...

The problem is that she really doesn't know if she has that life now!

is to calm my guilt for He Linbang. Later, Xia Ruoxi was very good to He Linbang.

It is also because he felt that Xia Ruoxi was really good to him, and He Linbang did everything more attentively to Xia Ruoxi.

He successfully set up a trap for Yue Rulin, who loves gambling/prostling, causing Xia Rui to sell all the shares of Tianze Group in his hand in order to save her little husband threatened by gangsters. Of course, these all entered Xia Ruoxi's account through He Linbang's hand. What's left is Xia Ruoxi's going to get the shares in Mo Shuhui's hands. Twenty-four percent of the shares have allowed her to hold a seat in Tianze Group.

In order to thank He Linbang for what she has done for her, Xia Ruoxi told He Linbang that a city under the jurisdiction of Taibei City will be developed into a small commodity wholesale base.

"If you believe it, listen to me to invest there. If you don't believe it, then treat it as if I didn't say anything." Xia Ruoxi resolutely did not explain why He Linbang was allowed to invest there.

She thinks that He Linbang must not believe it, and she also repays what He Linbang has done for her with the heart of repaying her kindness. If He Linbang believes it, the future harvest must be greater than what he helped her today. If he doesn't believe it, then it's his business. Her heart has been done, and she asks herself for peace of mind.

"I believe it." He Linbang said unexpectedly to Xia Ruoxi.

This surprised Xia Ruoxi for a long time, and she didn't expect this result. Well, then how to do the rest? You can operate by yourself.

"I'll be ready right away, but I'm leaving you for a few days. You have to take good care of yourself. Also, when you want to go out by yourself, don't drive by yourself. Why don't you just find a driver that you like? He Linbang's words were implicit, but Xia Ruoxi understood as soon as she heard it.

"Lin Bang..." Xia Ruoxi was speechless. After half a day of silence, she said, "Thank you... Thank you for everything you have done for me..."

He Linbang smiled and said, "You are mine, and I am also yours. Where can I use this thank you to declare? Well, as long as you are happy, it is my greatest happiness and satisfaction.

Xia Ruoxi nodded vigorously, "Well, I know. I remember it." If she still has tears, tears will fall, but her tears have dried up.

After He Linbang left for C City, Xia Ruoxi made an appointment with Mo Shuhui.

"Why did you make me wait so long?" As soon as Mo Shuhui saw Xia Ruoxi, she grabbed Xia Ruoxi's hand emotionally and asked.

Xia Ruoxi did not answer her words, but just touched her stomach, and then asked Mo Shuhui with a faint smile, "What if you like boys or girls?"

"What are you talking about?" After not seeing her for a month, Mo Shuhui lost a lot of weight, and there was less arrogance in her former arrogant eyes. He looked haggard, as if he had a disease.

"Ask if you like boys or girls." Xia Ruoxi is still indifferent. She was not in a hurry to let Mo Shuhui know the truth, just to grind her temper. If she suddenly knows that she is her daughter, I'm afraid that she will be excited and then her emotions will rebound. These days, let her wait. During this waiting period, she will think about many things, and her emotions will become more rational.

"Seiko does fine work", "Stewed good soup on fire", "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry" -

These words don't seem to match this matter, but if you taste these words carefully, you can eat them. In these sentences, it is emphasized that the repetition is a "slow" word.

You can't be in a hurry.

When she got the DNA identification report, Xia Ruoxi told Mo Shuhui that she was her biological daughter. Mo Shuhui must have two reactions. First, she did not believe it, but did not accept it. She was an arrogant person. How could she accept the daughter under the identity of "Jiang Yaoling"? I must think it's her shame. Don't listen to what she said excitedly at that time. People are all like this. Emotions are one thing, and reason is another.

And often, what controls people is the easiest emotional emotions to float, and rationality is backwards. Just like you know that someone is not good enough for you to love, but as long as you fall in love with him, it is difficult to control your emotions. For example, there are some things that you know there will be risks in doing, but you will still strive for your dreams. Because in the choice of protecting themselves and making themselves not regret, people often choose to give up protecting themselves and take a road full of the most magnificent dreams in the thorns.

Emotions are controlled by personal likes and dislikes. At least, Xia Ruoxi feels that Mo Shuhui's values determine her vision and her perspective. When she can't control her emotions, the identity of "Jiang Yaoling" created by public opinion is her daughter's identity, and her emotions will definitely rebound.

Let her slowly suffer from patience while waiting. After countless scenes of meeting her biological daughter, she gradually portrayed the most real and down-to-earth scene, that is, as long as she finds her daughter and the reunion of mother and daughter, it is the happiest thing in her life.

This is the reason why Xia Ruoxi asked Mo Shuhui and others.