Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 41 White

In the face of Mo Shuhui's words, Xia Ruoxi was not surprised. It's not Mo Shuhui who keeps money. Xia Ruoxi knows Mo Shuhui's character. He is the kind of person who regards money as dung and reputation as life. No amount of money can enter Mo Shuhui's eyes.

In her previous life, Mo Shuhui didn't know whether she was her biological daughter or still took out her shares to help her retake the Tianze Group. In this life, she would also do it, but there must be a reasonable reason.

"So you don't support it?" Xia Ruoxi's voice was like a trace of flowing air.

"In the past, when I was a daughter, I always felt that your grandfather's dogma were clichéd and rigid, but now I know what my parents' nagging intentions are from my mother's perspective. I have been capricious before and think that falling is a good thing and making mistakes is also a good thing. Only when you fall will you be careful in the future to prevent the second fall from happening and let yourself walk steadily. Only when you have made mistakes will you know that you will not make similar mistakes again.

People find the right way of life only when they make continuous mistakes. In fact, I still think so. I can't use the experience of a middle-aged person. To remind a person in her twenties that you can't do this, you can't do that. Although the experience of middle-aged people has made 20-year-olds avoid the opportunity to make mistakes, it's like cheating. You told her the answer, but she doesn't know the process. When she meets similar people in the future, she will still won't, and she will continue to make mistakes. Teenagers, you don't let her make mistakes, so when she is in her twenties, she makes mistakes when she is a teenager, then she is brain-damaged. Mo Shuhui smiled, gently held Xia Ruoxi's hand, and continued, "I'm just reminding you, but I don't force you to leave your life. If you fall, get up by yourself, you can't complain about others, and you can't expect others to pull you. Everything depends on yourself."

It was also at this moment that Xia Ruoxi's impression of Mo Shuhui changed in a real sense. In addition to hating Mo Shuhui, she was also annoying. She could count a lot of her problems. Today, after listening to what she said, she realized how enlightened Mo Shuhui was, how versatile she was and had different thinking.

This may also understand why Mo Shuhui has the courage to have a child out of marriage and give birth to her brother-in-law's child, rebellious and self-centered. This is her character. Insist on living for your own life and not be afraid of those so-called moral models.

"I have a little share of Tianze Group in my hand, and I will give it to you. I don't have any other requirements. I just ask you not to waste your life and do something wrong. It doesn't matter. Please remember to look back in time. After all, life is only a few decades, and youth has been squandered, and it is gone. Mo Shuhui finally said what made Xia Ruoxi wait.

"Well, I understand. I will remember your words." To get the shares in Mo Shuhui's hand, Xia Ruoxi's goal has been achieved, and the rest is to solve her curiosity. Who is my father? Can I still see him?" This is a knowing question, but at this time, you can only pretend to be stupid.

"I'll take you to see him first tomorrow." Mo Shuhui is not in a hurry to tell her past.

Xia Ruoxi is not in a hurry. She is used to doing things steadily. This "stability" has been listed by her as the first key to do things.

Next, there will be some gossip about the children in Xia Ruoxi's belly. Mo Shuhui was an unborn grandson. She thought of names and came up with one after another, and then she denied it herself first. In fact, it has shown that Mo Shuhui is happy. When she gave birth to her daughter, she didn't even have a chance to look at it. She just heard her loud crying, and then she was told that her child had died. She had been almost crazy extravagant hopes and expectations. She had the dream that her daughter was still in the world for 20 years. Finally, she waited for this beautiful dream to come true. At the real time, she was also happy. She not only became a mother, but also became a grandmother. This happiness is unparalleled.

The next day, Xia Ruoxi left the hotel with Mo Shuhui. Mo Shuhui drove her car to the flower shop to buy a large bouquet of roses and lilies.

Of course, she needs to use ** to pay tribute to the dead. Seeing that Mo Shuhui actually bought roses and lilies, Xia Ruoxi was in a trance for a moment. Did she guess wrong? Her biological father was not Xia Ze, but someone else?

It was not until she was sure that Mo Shuhui drove the car in the direction of her father's mausoleum that she finally dispelled her doubts. This is what makes her biological mother different from others.

Because she is allergic to pollen, Xia Ruoxi sneezes from time to time.

"What's the matter? Are you allergic to pollen?" Mo Shuhui looked at Xia Ruoxi.

"Oh." Xia Ruoxi did not answer directly.

"His children all have this allergic history." Mo Shuhui said with a slightly bitter face, stopped the car and put the bouquet in the trunk.

"Does my father have any other children?" Xia Ruoxi followed Mo Shuhui's words and asked. Only she knew that Mo Shuhui thought that the other child of Xia Ze was still her.

"Hmm. She is also a daughter, born on the same day as you. Mo Shuhui said with a wry smile.

"What? How could this happen?" Xia Ruoxi pretended to be surprised.

"It's just that the same daughter, your fate is so bumpy, but his other daughter is so happy..." Mo Shuhui sighed in a low voice, "more than 20 years ago--"

Xia Ruoxi's life finally began to be revealed——

It turned out that more than 20 years ago, Xia Ze and Mo Shuhui first met. At that time, Mo Shuhui was still a college student in the Academy of Fine Arts.

They met and soon fell in love.

Mo Shuhui has always thought that he has found an excellent man who is different and avant-garde, and that his love will last forever. But because of a later incident, her love came to a dead end.

The society of that era was still relatively conservative and old. Some new Western concepts have just been injected into China, but have not been accepted and digested by the whole people.

Mo Shuhui belongs to the kind of girl with advanced consciousness. She has been looking at Western literature since she was a child, which made her accept those Western concepts faster.

She studied Western oil painting. The most common thing in oil painting is body art.

Once, the naked model of their college left a group of students waiting for sketching because they disliked the low salary given by the college.

Without a naked model, the class can't continue. At this time, Mo Shuhui, an avant-garde, actually proposed to the professor that she would be a nude model. At that time, those nude models had a beautiful term - "devotion for art", Mo Shuhui also adhered to the concept of devoting for art and made a nude model in that sketching class.

However, the social atmosphere at that time was still extremely old. Mo Shuhui was especially the daughter of a senior official, and this matter soon caused an uproar in society.

Mo Shuhui is open-minded and rebellious, ignoring those short and long-term. However, her father was not as relaxed as she was. He not only took advantage of his power to allow Mo Shuhui to be a naked model professor and open the college, but also severely beat Mo Shuhui, which made her unable to get up for a long time.

Mo Shuhui doesn't care about being criticized by people in society and criticized by her parents. The only thing she cares about is that her favorite person has never come to see her during her injury.

When she recovered from her injury, she hadn't found Xia Ze in person, but she didn't expect Xia Ze to come to her door by herself. Mo Shuhui was still happy, and a large basin of cold water poured on her head.

The man she loved actually came to tell her father that he was in love with their daughter, but the person he loved was not Mo Shuhui, but her sister Mo Shuyi.

When Mo Shuhui heard the news at that time, she made a lot of noise and was almost crazy. How could she believe that the man who was said to have loved her all his life not only fell in love, but also fell in love with her own sister... No one could accept such a painful thing. Mo Shuhui refused to accept reality and then suffered bad consequences. She was locked in a small dark room by Mo Songbai to prevent her from destroying the marriage between Xia Ze and Mo Shuyi.

On the day Xiaze and Mo Shuyi got married, no one in the Mo family guarded Mo Shuhui. Mo Shuhui smashed the window and escaped from the small dark room. She had only one idea in her mind, which was to ask Xia Ze why she betrayed her. In love, they also quarreled and broke up, but later it was all because they loved each other deeply and then got back together. The vows they promised each other bypassed their ears and let Mo Shuhui accept it. The man she loved deeply not only abandoned her, but also married her sister?

She wants to ask Xia Ze to understand. When she went to the wedding site, she took Xia Ze away in full view of the public. The angry Mo Songbai had a heart attack on the spot, and a happy event was stirred into a big farce.

When Mo Shuhui forced Xia Ze to ask why he betrayed love, Xia Ze's answer was actually because of those social biaoes, and he doubted Mo Shuhui's purity.

Mo Shuhui proved her innocence at that time. Originally, Xia Ze and Mo Shuyi's wedding night, but she and Xia Ze were in the bridal chamber.

Xia Ze saw Mo Shuhui's falling red and understood Mo Shuhui's purity, but it was too late. After all, China's marriage tradition is to register legally before holding a wedding. In fact, Xia Ze and Mo Shuhui have become a happy couple. However, in law, Xia Ze and Mo Shuyi are the real legal couple.

Mo Shuhui refused to give up Xia Ze, and Xia Ze did not give up Mo Shuhui, but due to Mo Songbai and public opinion at that time, he did not dare to divorce Mo Shuyi, so a period of evil fate bred like this.

Then, Mo Shuhui and Mo Shuyi's sisters are pregnant with Xia Ze's child - of course, this is Mo Shuhui's one-sided understanding that he doesn't know the truth.