Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 48 Too many emotions without proper expressions

Is this her luck? He Linbang is not the person she really loves, but she deeply feels the happiness of being loved in him.

"Lin Bang..." Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt that the name was so beautiful that she was so willing to call it out deeply in her heart.

"Ha ha, well, what are we all doing? Let's eat quickly." He Linbang also felt Xia Ruoxi's touch. As long as the little woman was kind to him, he could feel it, because he was paying attention to the little woman's every move with all his heart.

Next, the two of them ate lunch quietly and didn't talk much, but they made more eye contact. When they looked at each other, a kind of sweetness was quietly brewing. There is a kind of rhinoceros connection, which also seems to be slowly being built.

This afternoon, Xia Ruoxi slept until dark. She was very tired today and had never been like this. The lingering with He Linbang before taking a nap seemed to exhaust all her mental strength. Moreover, this time it's really a different feeling. In the past, she was half-pulled, perfunctory and instinctive, but this time, she actually felt a kind of ** that had never been seen before in her body, as if every inch of her skin and every sense was sprouting a perception, telling her that she was willing to want that man...

"It's so good... Ruoxi, you're so good today..." At that moment, He Linbang felt Xia Ruoxi's difference and seemed to kiss every inch of Xia Ruoxi's skin. When he was emotional, his whole body trembled beautifully...

It was already evening, and Xia Ruoxi woke up lazily and refused to get up. Looking at the empty pillow next to her, Xia Ruoxi still smiled a beautiful smile on the corners of her lips, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the place where He Linbang had pillowed. A kind of attachment gradually rose in my heart.

She is starting to change, Xia Ruoxi knows. It's just that she can accept it, but she doesn't want to admit it.

When she gets along with each other day and night, she is not beaten by iron. It is not strange that she will have any feelings with He Linbang because of her ear grinding. This is emotion, not love.

Thinking about looking at the time, Xia Ruoxi picked up her mobile phone from the bed and saw several un Answered calls. It was her current entrusted lawyer to call.

Is there any action on the original site of the logistics park?

Xia Ruoxi hurriedly called back. She had always slept lightly. This time, she didn't answer the phone several times, but she didn't hear it. She slept too much.

"Miss Vicky, your two shops in the logistics park have been included in the scope of demolition. I have got the calculation ratio of compensation..."

Xia Ruoxi is naturally very happy. This time, she has millions into her account.

After talking on the phone with the lawyer, I still entrust a lawyer to deal with everything. Xia Ruoxi only waits for the profit to be recorded in the final account.

On the side of Tianze Group, it is impossible for her to buy stocks. The housekeeping company integrated with Lin Yi has been on a benign track and does not need capital investment for the time being, so Xia Ruoxi has not made a specific investment in this money for the time being.

Xia Ruoxi thought for a moment. After the money was put into the account, she didn't want to invest. If she wanted to save it, she didn't need to leave it for He Linbang and the child in her belly now. The person Xia Ruoxi only wanted to leave was Mo Shuyi.

Xia Ruoxi is still worried about her 23 years old. She is almost 21 years old and not far from 23 years old. If she is still destined to die, she hopes that she can care about her loved ones and live a carefree and happy life.

It's not that she only thinks about Mo Shuyi, but because she knows that in this world, if she no longer really cares about Mo Shuyi, no one will.

It was also because she wanted to leave a sum of money for Mo Shuyi, so Xia Ruoxi considered that she should make a will. This is just in case, if she accidentally dies early, or dies too quickly and unexpectedly, it will leave a lot of regrets. A will is made just in case.

The shares of Tianze Group that she now holds originally belonged to Mo Shuhui, and she will return them to Mo Shuhui. The rest was given to her by He Linbang, and she will also return it to He Linbang. As for her unborn child, she knows that if she dies, both Mo Shuhui and He Linbang will love him. She doesn't have to worry about these.

No matter whether she can repay the hatred in the end, God has given her this opportunity to let her live in this world again. She is already satisfied. Everything is really as good as possible.

If she will have regrets when she dies, then it is also--

He Linbang appeared in Xia Ruoxi's mind and sighed slightly. The most regrettable thing was that He Linbang rewrote his fate.

In the previous life, the real Jiang Yaoling gave birth to a child for He Linbang, and the two lived a happy life. However, He Linbang's happiness was broken by her. She occupies Jiang Yaoling's position, if she still dies according to the reincarnation of her previous life...

Surely, Xia Ruoxi remembered what He Linbang said to her at noon, "I'm afraid of losing you, so if I can die in time before you want to leave me, when I enter Huangquan, I still accept the happy fact that you are mine..."

Xia Ruoxi's heart suddenly tightened, and her eyes began to become hazy and water mist. She actually felt heartbroken and worried that He Linbang would be in pain after her death...

She robbed his original happiness.

I didn't expect that she had been betrayed all the time, but she failed others.

The impulse for a moment made Xia Ruoxi want to leave something for He Linbang. What can be left for him? Xia Ruoxi doesn't know.

He Linbang's career will be smoother in the future, money and status, which he not only has now, but will not be missing in the future. The material things were originally borrowed by Xia Ruoxi from He Linbang, and he would not feel much left to him. He has always only cared about her, hasn't he?

In his previous life, he knew what kind of personality He Linbang was and how strong he was about his feelings. The real Jiang Yaoling in her previous life was the real Miss Sit/Taiwan, but He Linbang still loved her deeply and would not marry her. In this life, she replaced Jiang Yaoling's position and the affection that Jiang Yaoling received from He Linbang.


Xia Ruoxi got up and took a shower, and then went to the computer. She wanted to leave a suicide note to He Linbang, clarify her fate, explain her apology to him, and ask him to forgive her for changing his life. In this way, she hopes that when He Linbang sees this letter in the future, he can understand everything, completely see her just to use his heart, and then let him forget her...

When I thought that she would eventually disappear from He Linbang's life and died as miserably as in her previous life, but no one shed real pain and tears of reluctance for her. Xia Ruoxi was vulnerable and tears fell down.

She didn't know why she was so entangled. This letter to He Linbang seemed to pour out all the pains and wounds, grievances and grievances, and all the complicated emotions of her past and present life.

In the letter to He Linbang, Xia Ruoxi asked him not to reveal everything or tell Mo Shuhui and Mo Shuyi about her rebirth. She must die, a procedure of complete reincarnation, so let everything end on the day she dies, those long-cherished wishes that cannot be fulfilled or be achieved when she dies, let it go. Everyone has their own choice, and everyone will have the life that everyone deserves, just like she will take revenge. Like He Linbang, everyone's thoughts and lifestyles are independent, and others have no right to interfere.

If Ling Yimo can't be beaten to hell by her while she is alive, then everything is up to him. Humble love is also love. Mo Shuyi really loves Ling Yimo, doesn't she? Instead of blowing through Mo Shuyi's dreamy love bubble, it is better to give her a glimmer of illusion. Life always requires an ideal life to have the motivation to move forward. If falsehood can make Mo Shuyi live happily, then why not?

When this posthumous letter was written, Xia Ruoxi wrote other suicide letters about the inheritance, which were left to her two mothers - Mo Shuyi and Mo Shuhui. And give it to her unpublished child...

After writing these, Xia Ruoxi will store them in a USB flash drive, and wait until she finds time to get them to the lawyer to add those necessary conditions for legal recognition.

Then, deposit it with the lawyer. When she dies one day, she will also have an explanation for all the people she will care about.

It's all done, and Xia Ruoxi's eyes are also red and swollen.

She always thought that her heart was ashes, but now she found that she would still feel pain, still miss it, and be even more reluctant...

It's past 8 p.m. Xia Ruoxi went to wash her face and went downstairs to eat. Before He Linbang came back, she hoped that she could adjust her mood and not let He Linbang find her unexplained sadness.

Tonight, Xia Ruoxi showed her vulnerability and gentleness. After dinner, she let the servants get off work. After that, she spent her time in the kitchen to make soup and prepare supper for He Linbang.

She is beginning to feel that she owes He Linbang, so she really wants to give He Linbang some warmth from some subtle things. Or, she is also selfish. On the one hand, she really wants He Linbang to forget her quickly after her limit. On the other hand, she doesn't want He Linbang to think about her use when he accidentally thinks of her. She has other intentions. She hopes that He Linbang can still remember her little good, even if it's just a little... ...

What's wrong? What's wrong with her? Why is it so humble? So hope that you are not the dust in other people's memories?

Xia Ruoxi can't stand herself. She doesn't know what she is thinking now and why she thinks so much. Her revenge has not been revenged yet. All her thoughts and energy should be put on revenge, so that it will not be in vain for her to be reborn once, right? She shouldn't be so sentimental and depressed. These things she thought of are worthless at this moment.

But she was finally defeated by herself and put all her tenderness and heart into the soup for He Linbang...