Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 54 seems ruthless but affectionate 2

And Xia Ruoxi still feels that He Linbang is different, and always feels that he seems to have something on his mind.

However, she didn't ask.

Isn't she full of troubles and entanglement? Even those who love each other should give space to each other's hearts, not to mention her and He Linbang?

What she is most concerned about now is to let He Linbang investigate Ling Yimo's affairs. She wants to know who is helping Ling Yimo behind the scenes? So how did Ling Yimo get a huge amount of money? Is there anyone behind him to help him?

Only when you know the strength of the enemy can you easily deal with it.

Of course, this is not an urgent matter. Take your time.

Fortunately, He Linbang still didn't let Xia Ruoxi wait long.

Ten days later, Xia Ruoxi got detailed information. I saw the person behind Ling Yimo.

——Xie Shaoxuan!

Is it him?

Xia Ruoxi's heart was hit by a stone again.

"It is Xie Shaoxuan, the prince of Shengfeng Group, who supports Ling Yimo. Shengfeng Group is one of the world's top 500 enterprise groups and one of the four famous giants in Hong Kong. He Linbang introduced Xie Shaoxuan's background to Xia Ruoxi. He didn't know that Xia Ruoxi knew better than him.

"Yes, so that I can understand. No wonder Ling Yimo has such strong strength. Xia Ruoxi's heart is completely like a mirror. Tianze Group is one of the leading groups in Taibei City and is also famous in China, but it is really far from Shengfeng Group in Hong Kong.

Which of the four rich families in Hong Kong is not a 100 billionaire family?

As long as Xie Shaoxuan has the heart, it is easy to help Ling Yimo.

Then it has become easy for her to deal with Ling Yimo.

Xia Ruoxi showed a dewd smile at the corners of her mouth. Didn't Ling Yimo tell her his background before he was poisoned by Ling Yimo?

Ling Yimo's biological father has been unable to let Ling Yi acquiesce to his ancestors and still has his mother's surname. How did this situation happen?

But there are many scandals in rich families. The mistress, the mistress, the fourth and so on are not rare at all. It's just the right and wrong of money, and then use money to pass it away.

The only marriage between rich families is a marriage of interests that moves the whole body. The men in those rich families seem to be unrestrained and romantic. In fact, as long as they live in this world, no one can be completely free and self-centered. Even if you are the son of heaven, you have the sorrow and bondage of the emperor. What's more, it's just a rich man who is picked up by gold and silver?

Even if there is a problem in marriage, the husband and wife are at peace, and the right of a man to choose his wife freely in an ordinary family is a luxury. The threshold of a rich family is high, and it is not a woman who can marry at will. However, as long as you can marry in, your rich husband will not want to drive you out at will in the future.

The reason in the middle is just a matter of interests.

If you can't divorce, it is not uncommon for a rich man from an unhappy family to find any emotional gift outside.

It is not unusual for a rich man like Ling Yimo's father Xie Yue to be ruthless outside. What is strange is that Ling Yimo is Xie Yue's flesh and blood, but he can only bear his mother's surname all his life and cannot recognize his ancestors. In this regard, Xie Yue's incompetence is shown. The reason why women are strong and men are weak is mostly built on Xie Yue.

Don't let Ling Yimo's surname Xie, and don't admit that Ling Yimo is the flesh and blood of the Xie family. There is only one biggest purpose, which is that he is unwilling to let Ling Yimo share the property of the Xie family.

Xie Yue is the father, the mother who once loved Ling Yimo so much. How can she love her son less? Naturally, this one who is unwilling to share the money with Ling Yimo is not the father.

So the only person in the relationship is Xie Yue's wife Ye Ruhua. Women are jealous. With Ling Yimo's failure to return to the surname of the Xie family, it can be seen how jealous Ye Ruhua is and how narrow-minded he is. Half of his husband was robbed by other women. How could he be willing to rob his property with his son?

The smile on Xia Ruoxi's face is even stronger.

Now, she can defeat Ling Yi silently without having to do it herself.

"What's wrong?" He Linbang asked in surprise when he saw the smile on Xia Ruoxi's face.

"Nothing." Xia Ruoxi came to her senses and was a little annoyed that she was too proud and lost her temper in front of He Linbang. Because I heard you talk about Hong Kong, I remembered some interesting things about going to Hong Kong before. Thinking of how to deal with Ling Yimo, it is not so easy to implement. How can she see the person she wants to see and borrow the murder knife? This has to be planned differently.

From another point of view, she found an opportunity to deal with Ling Yimo, but she was not in a hurry to do it.

Ling Yimo has just taken over Tianze Group, and Tianze Group has just begun to get rid of its predicament. If she suppresses Ling Yimo again at this time, she may vent her private anger and put Tianze Group back in another dangerous situation.

Don't take action for the time being. Xia Ruoxi made up her mind after thinking about it.

She is getting more and more stupid now, and people feel more and more tired. It's too little to sleep 16 hours a day. She also saw that the due date is getting closer and closer. At this time, she is really not suitable to bother too much. It's better to treat herself and the child in her belly well. It's not too late to deal with Ling Yimo after the baby in her belly is born.

He Linbang lowered his head and kissed Xia Ruoxi. "Your current body is really not suitable for a long trip. After the baby is born, find time. I'll take you to Hong Kong to play again."


Looking at Xia Ruoxi lying on the sofa, like a lazy cat, He Linbang looked forward to her due date and let him hug her again. On the other hand, because he had planned something, he was afraid and afraid of the arrival of that day, and his contradictory and entangled mood made him a little breathless.

Holding Xia Ruoxi in his arms, he stared at her affectionately, as if he didn't see enough, and his eyes were reluctant to leave Xia Ruoxi's face for a long time.

At this time, you can still see her smiling at him, acting coquettishly at him, and waiting until she gave birth to a child...

When his eyes fell on the tattoo behind Xia Ruoxi's neck, He Linbang was cruel and firm in his belief. They are always hurt ruthlessly, but sometimes they have no choice but to be ruthless. Who can estimate how much affection is behind it?

He is not afraid of death or being hurt. The only thing he is afraid of is that he will never see Xia Ruoxi, his favorite woman, in this world.

As long as she is alive, even if she hates it, it is a strong happiness, better than the despair and pain of life and death.

In He Linbang's complex emotions, Xia Ruoxi finally arrived on the last day of the due date.

Xia Ruoxi was admitted to the hospital in advance, finished a series of prenatal examinations, and the rest was to wait for the doctor to arrange the operation time of the caesarean section.

"Are you nervous?" He Linbang sat by the bedside and looked at Xia Ruoxi, who was sick, and asked with a smile.

Xia Ruoxi took a long breath and her face was very calm, but her heart had been panicked for a long time. There is a small life in her stomach, which has grown up and is about to meet her. The uneasiness and happiness of being a mother for the first time cannot be expressed in words.

She has long begun to imagine the child's appearance in her heart. I don't know what he looks like, does he look like her?

Also, can she take good care of him in the future? Such a delicate little life, she is really afraid that she will not take care of it. What should she do if she gets sick? There are still a lot of fears, like a rope in Xia Ruoxi's heart, winding her heart around her, making her a little breathless.

"I will be a good mother." Xia Ruoxi straightened out the panic in her mood little by little, and then said firmly to He Linbang. This was also her encouragement to cheer herself up, but she didn't know that hearing He Linbang's ears pierced his heart and pain.

"Well, of course." He Linbang suppressed the chaotic emotions in his heart and faced Xia Ruoxi with a bright smile on his handsome face. At this time, Xia Ruoxi was so panicked. How could he not feel it? At least keep her relaxed until she has a baby. Because in the future, even the word "easy" may be difficult to interpret in Xia Ruoxi...

Just when she said her confident words, Xia Ruoxi's eyes suddenly turned and grabbed He Linbang's hand. The little daughter's delicate appearance revealed her worried face. But I'm really scared."

He Linbang shook Xia Ruoxi's hand and comforted him gently, "Think about our lovely baby. He will definitely look like you and have big eyes as beautiful as you..."

He Linbang originally wanted Xia Ruoxi to relieve her nervousness by imagining her child's appearance, but was surrounded by the joy of being a new mother, but unexpectedly caused Xia Ruoxi's uneasiness.

Because He Linbang talked about who the child would look like, which made Xia Ruoxi's instinctive first thought of the child's biological father - Tang Yu. This is not her and He Linbang's child. She can be happy to be a mother, but what about He Linbang? Looking at the woman he accompanied day and night giving birth to other people's children, is he really so selfless and calmly accepting?

If it hadn't been for He Linbang's incomparable kindness to her, it was only that Xia Ruoxi took advantage of He Linbang's mentality before, and she would not give him this level of guilt. He disobeyed her wishes and knew that she didn't love her, but he still wanted to be with her paranoidly. No wonder what happened to others. However, after all, she is a person with conscience, and her heart has a good and evil evaluation. For a person who sincerely treats herself well, she still can't but consider his emotions.

"Lin Bang..." Xia Ruoxi whispered He Linbang's name, and her voice was extremely gentle. At this moment, she suddenly had an idea. When she gave birth to this child and her body recovered, she would definitely try her best to give birth to a biological child for He Linbang to make up for him. The debt. Or, this is more valuable than the suicide note left for her.

He loved her so deeply and vowed that she would live and she would die. Even if such a vow was a little beautiful dreamy, she still believed that he really had this mood and said such a thing. Even if he may not be able to do it in the future, it would be enough to have such a heart of life.