Rebirth of a rich family

Chapter 24 Shared Lunch

"It's my job to stand up straight on your humble knees. I won't let others bear it for me. I deliberately burned my sister. I don't need you to be this good man and stand up for me." Li Jialan wanted to help He Wanru up. She really didn't understand how her mother was bent. She had knelt down to her enemies twice. One time for Liu's mother, and this time for her daughter.

The difference is that the last time she took the blame for Liu's mother, this time she made her daughter have to take the blame. Originally, she could have a chance to refute... Li Jialan sighed and her eyes were full of helplessness.

"Jingsheng, did you hear that? Your good daughter..." Hua Yanling seemed to be really angry. Without finishing the last sentence, she couldn't make a sound.

"No... it's not the second lady, it's me..." and Wanru are still rushing to admit their mistakes.

"Get up, why are you so cheap?" Li Jialan was really angry and unscrupulled. Her current identity is Nan Xinyi, not Li Jialan. She really couldn't figure out why she admitted this mistake for her first. She actually knelt down so humblely and admitted her mistake.

"I..., I..." and Wanru were scolded to a painful place by Li Jialan's words, and he couldn't speak. Looking at Li Jialan's eyes were full of tears.

"Jia Lan, please come into the room and think about it behind closed doors." Nanjingsheng, who had been watching coldly, couldn't hang on his face. After all, he was present today, but the two daughters of the Nan family made trouble like this. No matter who was right or wrong, it was his shame. The son is not the father's father.

Dirty water has been spilled on her body, and continuing to defend is just to let Xie Minghua and his wife see a big joke. Li Jialan smiled bitterly and looked at He Wanru, who seemed to be kindly protecting her, and then turned upstairs.

Probably because of the presence of the distinguished guest, Hua Yanling did not show off her tricky woman's virtues. After Li Jialan went upstairs, there was no excessive noise downstairs.

Lunch was also brought to the room by He Wanru to Li Jialan. She was not abused because she did something wrong. The lunch was still very rich.

"Second Miss..." and Wanru saw Li Jia's blue eyes red, as if tears were about to fall.

Li Jialan smiled, took the food brought by He Ru and put it on the floor. Then she brought two cushions, sat on one by herself, and gave the other to He Wanru.

"Second Miss..." and looked at Li Jialan in a frenze, not knowing what she meant.

"Sit down and eat with me." Li Jialan patted the cushion and patted the middle of the cushion down, so that it would be more comfortable to sit.

and Wanru's lips moved and wanted to say something, but they didn't say anything and sat obediently on the cushion.

Li Jialan reached out and picked up a shrimp, gently kneaded the whole body of the shrimp, removed the shrimp head, and then peeled off the third section of the shrimp shell. He gently kneaded the tail section of the shrimp, pinched the tail end, and pulled it out hard, and a complete shrimp was peeled off. Then, Li Jialan handed the shrimp to He Wanru's mouth and fed her with a smile.

and Wanru have been staring at Li Jialan's skillful peeling of shrimp. I don't know what she thought of, and tears suddenly fell down. Seeing that Li Jialan fed her shrimp, she did not refuse. She chewed slowly in her mouth, but the tears were like a spring, flowing all the time...

Li Jialan did not ask why He Wanru was crying. She stood up and took the paper and handed it to He Wanru. She continued to peel the shrimps with her head down, skillfully and fast.

The peeled shrimps are fed one by one.

When He Wanru shook his head and refused to eat it, Li Jialan pulled out a tissue to wipe his hands, then picked up the bowl with rice, put half a bowl of rice into the plate of red-waisted bean tomato and beef, put down the bowl and finely mix the rice with the plate of dishes, and then handed it to He Wanru, saying with no expression on his face: "Eat it. Eat quickly and have the strength to work later.

and Wanru nodded while taking the plate, or she didn't want to suck her nose hard and blink her eyes to withdraw her tears, but she couldn't do it. Tears kept rolling down from her eyes.

"Such an old man, like a child, eat something good like this. How many days haven't you eaten?" Li Jialan's tone was slightly aggard, but with her gentle hand, she gently wiped her tears and nose, and shouted, "Look, aren't you energetic? Why is it so disgusting to have a meal?" After wiping it, she still looked disgusted, threw the paper towel far away, and then muttered, "Wash your hands quickly, it's disgusting..." After saying that, she stood up and walked into the bathroom.

After Li Jialan closed the door of the bathroom, a face full of tears was reflected in the huge mirror in the bathroom...

But when Li Jialan walked out of the bathroom, the face returned to calm. It's like the quiet water after the storm.

"No matter how hungry you are, find something to eat." Seeing that He Wanru had eaten all the dishes and rice on the plate, Li Jialan sat on the mat and said faintly, picked up the remaining half bowl of rice, and ate white rice dryly without picking up the vegetables.

"I'm full, thank you, Miss Er." He Wanru has eased a lot at this time, and there are still tears on his face, but he is no longer crying so fiercely.

"Then go out and collect the bowls and chopsticks later." Li Jialan lowered her head and pulled the rice into her mouth.

"Yes." He agreed obediently, and then he was about to turn around and go out.

"Wait a minute." The rice was too dry. Li Jialan finally swallowed it, frowned, and stuffed a little dish into her mouth. After eating it slowly, she waited for her to finish her words and said, "Go wash your face and let you have a meal and cry, as if I abused you."

"Yes." And stared deeply at Li Jialan, and then went to wash his face.

When He Wanru came out, Li Jialan also finished the rice and said, "Just take it out."

"Yes." Responding to the tone of a completely standard servant, he knelt on the ground and picked up the rice grains that fell on the floor, and then wiped the oil stains on the floor with a paper towel.

Li Jialan has been watching. When He Wanru finished packing and stood up with the tray, she said coldly, "The reason why the knee can be bent is to help people walk. If she bends her knees easily, then what else should she do with her feet? Isn't it enough to crawl on your knees?"

and Wan looked up consciously, looking at Li Jialan with some dull eyes, and then quickly lowered his head, "Yes, I know."

Don't be so humble, Mom!

People must regret themselves, and then people will regret it. This is the truth you taught me before. Have you forgotten it?

Li Jialan shouted like a hiss in his heart.