Rebirth of a rich family

Chapter 24 The Mysterious Man

A few days later, Xie Xuanye left Fanyang City and did not let Li Jialan see him off. After arriving at the airport, he called Li Jialan and told her that he was about to board the plane.

"Damn it, why don't you tell me in advance so that I can see you off at the airport?" Li Jialan complained on the phone.

"Girls love to cry. They are originally made a job. At that time, they will make it like a farewell, which is unbearable, so let's save it." Xie Xuan joked in the middle of the night.

"Haha, you don't want me to see me off. Don't you know that there are people in the world who are especially good at getting cheap and selling well? Let me tell you, I am. If you don't let me see you off, you have lost a lot. You have offended me. Don't treat me as a friend. When you come back, treat me to a late meal to make amends." Li Jialan said with some scoundrels.

"No problem, not to mention a meal, it's a lifetime meal. As long as you are willing, I will treat you." Xie Xuanye still didn't forget to add a trace of ambiguity to her words, which made Li Jialan a little uncomfortable. She always thought that Xie Xuanye was her blue confidant. She was his confidant, and everything only stayed on the status of a confidant.

"Oc's it, don't be poor, have a safe journey. I'm going to go shopping. Hang up the phone. Goodbye." Li Jialan found an excuse to hang up the phone.

It seems that it was all the fault of Ye Dong of the Sunrise Group that day. If he hadn't said that to Xie Xuanye that day, "It's a pity that such a good girl is just a confidant. Why don't you work harder to chase her as a girlfriend?" She and Xie Xuanye may still be a better confidant of the opposite sex. That's all, Xie Xuanye won't think much else. Li Jialan blamed all the mistakes on the talkative Ye Xuri.

Her new home has been decorated for a long time, and she was not in a hurry to move there. She knew that those decoration materials would emit formaldehyde and affect her health, so Li Jialan moved in when the taste was not so heavy.

She still remembered who photographed their house. On this day, she went there to have a look. It seems that the person who has bought the house has moved in. Li Jialan can see someone shaking in the house through the iron wall.

I don't know the new owner who moved in, and Li Jialan can't ring the doorbell at will. She just wait outside to see when the new owner will come out.

It didn't wait until noon until someone came out of the house. She is a servant. She should have seen Li Jialan peeping at the house outside, so she came to ask her.

"I'm sorry, miss, why have you been here all the time?" The servant's face was very ugly at first, showing that Li Jialan would call the police if he didn't leave.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this used to be my home. I really want to know who moved into this house now."

The servant heard Li Jialan say this and saw that there was a famous car parked beside Li Jialan, and Li Jialan herself looked like a lady, so he didn't embarrass her much and replied with a smile, "So it is. In fact, I have been working here for a long time, and I have only met the owner of our house once. In fact, it doesn't seem to be taken by the owner, but seems to miss someone.

The more Li Jialan listened, the more he felt that there was a mystery. He immediately took out 500 yuan and gave it to the servant, thinking of finding out more things.

No one will refuse the money**. The servant looked at Li Jialan's generous action and had a little more favor for Li Jialan. After taking the money and stuffing it in his pocket, he approached Li Jialan and said, "It's strange that the owner of this house hasn't lived here for a day, but he wants us to clean up here every day and have to go to the second A bunch of blue roses are inserted in a bedroom in the building every day. There was a picture of a beautiful girl hanging in that bedroom. On the first day, when our master came here, he cried at the photo for a long time. It seemed that it should be our master's daughter or something. When I heard her cry, she seemed to shout 'Blue Blue'..."

Li Jialan was stunned when she heard this, Blue Rose? Blue? Why does this make her feel familiar?

She wanted to ask further, but someone was calling the servant in the house. The servant agreed and said to Li Jialan, "Let's go quickly so that our housekeeper won't call the police." After saying that, he hurried back.

Li Jialan wants to know who has lived in this house. Is she more careful? Blue rose, which used to be her favorite, and blue blue? That's her name.

Is it the mother and Wanru who have been missing for half a year back?

Li Jialan doubted like this, but felt that this idea was a little contradictory to the facts. Not to mention that she had always been a servant of the Nan family before, even after the Nan family was arrested and ran away, she was still providing supplies to He Wanru's life. If she really had so much money to buy this house, Why should I bear such a grievance for so long?

But if the answer to her guess is negative, who will regard this house as a place of nostalgia? I bought money and bought it, not to live here, but to miss something?

It's so doubtful.

Li Jialan still felt that it was necessary to find out who bought the house.

It's just that now that she has been noticed by the people in the house, she really can't stay any longer. She has warned that if she doesn't leave, I'm afraid she will really provoke others to call the police. Li Jialan drove away.

It's already noon. Li Jialan casually found a store on the street, ate something, and then was ready to go home. During this period, she had nothing else to do except stay at home all day and was worried.

In the afternoon, I received a phone call from a lawyer saying that Nan Jingsheng's case could be sentenced in the next few days. The result of the ruling must be innocent, because Nanjing's current mental condition no longer applies to the rules of the law.

Li Jialan has guessed this result for a long time.

On the day of the judgment, Li Jialan arrived at the court scene. Since she sat in, she has been paying attention to the person in the second row on the left. She felt as if she had seen this person somewhere, but she really couldn't remember. It was a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and a young man sitting beside him. When Li Jialan's eyes fell on the young man's face, she suddenly remembered that the young man was the one who disturbed her bidding at the auction? And the middle-aged man wearing sunglasses was the one who took a picture of the Li family's house that day.

If she meets these two people at the auction, Li Jialan will not feel any surprise. No matter who they are, the purpose is to buy the house, live in it, or stay and wait for the house to appreciate. The purpose is very clear. But why did they appear in the courtroom again? If you hadn't met Nanjing Sheng or had any secret personal relationship, how could you have come here?

Do they know Nanjing Sheng?

Li Jialan has been paying attention to the two people. Later, the two seemed to find out and hurriedly left before the court officially pronounced the sentence.

It's a scene, isn't it? Li Jialan sneered. The two people had known her identity for a long time, but they did not communicate with her. Then they must not be relatives or friends of the Nan family. The only identity left is the enemy? It's really not surprising that Nanjingsheng and Hua Yanling were not good birds before and would offend anyone.

What just makes Li Jialan more and more confused is why the middle-aged man she doesn't know buy their house, but still uses blue roses or something. He seems to miss someone? Was her guess really over-minded before? What blue rose? What blue? Is it just a coincidence?

If you can ask those two people face to face, you should be able to get the answer. Unfortunately, the judge has announced that everyone has stood up and is ready to sentence. At this time, she can't chase the two people who left in a hurry and can only give up regretfully.